End of CenturyCh18 - The Discovery of Nuclei

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The arrival of Ji Yao, Wang Hehe, and Su Fenghe brought outside news to the blocked team.

With Gongsun Jing’s healing ability, the drugs on the three people’s system were quickly solved. 04ydWM

Wang Hehe woke up and burst into tears with Hou Ying, and Meng Hanghai, who is closely following Hou Ying, kept looking at him curiously. In fact, when they first met Wang Hehe, Jiang Tao and others were very surprised—because Hou Ying worried about him like taking care of a child without self-care ability, which made them think that his nephew was about the same age as Meng Hanghai. Unexpectedly, he was a few years younger than Hou Ying.

But watching him crying loudly at this moment, they somewhat understood why Hou Ying was like this.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This is clearly a “giant baby”.

Knowing more about the situation, Ji Yao, after Su Fenghe talked about his escape experience in Kangcheng and the basic situation of Yecheng Refuge, added, “The inner city of Yecheng has been maintaining basic radio communication, so I know something about the outside news. The zombie virus has spread all over the world, before Xiaohe and I were caught, China had been fully infected. The capital’s response is the fastest, and a rescue base for survivors was established, named the Yellow River base. At that time, there were about three million survivors.” PtnO29

“The abilities the Yellow River base had issued are speed and strength abilities; auditory and visual; the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and natural abilities such as wind, thunder, and lightning. In addition, there is a very special mental ability, although you can’t kill zombies that have no thoughts, you can control the ability users for your own use. There are also some very rare abilities, for example, the Yellow River base has discovered an ability user that can dissolve anything they touch. There should be other abilities that haven’t been discovered or that I didn’t have time to know.”

“They also made a numerical ranking of ability users. Currently, there are level 1 and a small number of level 2 ability users that made a breakthrough. Judging from the inevitable evolution of the abilities, there are bound to be a lot of level 2 ability users in the future, and then there will be third level abilities, which will continue to progress.”

The most common is the five-element ability, there are many ability users like Su Fenghe’s strength ability, and Ji Yao himself is a rare wind ability.

They are currently the most common level 1 ability users.


When asked about what Yecheng’s management wanted to do to them, Ji Yao said with a gloomy face, “I’m not sure. It was Xiaohe who dreamed that they were experimenting with the ability users, even taking out their blood for transfusion, even going so far as eating their flesh and blood like food.”

Later, he found that the death rate of some ability users in the city was too high when they killed zombies, so he went to inquire about the situation with a hearing ability user he got closer to after the end of the world, and found out the ugly truth!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“At first, some ability users who went out of the city to clean up zombies discovered that after the zombies eat the ability users’ flesh and blood, their abilities would skyrocket, but eating ordinary people’s has no such effect. You may not know, most of Yecheng’s managers only rely on the grain in their hands to get managerial powers, all of them and their relatives don’t have abilities. So when they heard the news, they took evil actions against the ability users and wanted to study the zombies’ method of seizing their abilities for themselves…”

Everyone, even Su Fenghe, who almost became a victim, was so shocked by the truth they couldn’t speak. He just discovered that those abilities users never came back after going out so he was wary and concealed his abilities. He didn’t expect the truth to be like this. KIkvhN

But there was no condemnation, no cynical criticism, only chilled by this, but they’re not surprised by their actions at all.

This is a deep-rooted bad nature of human beings, in this apocalypse where a social system of ability users is about to be formed, they can do cruel things for their lives or for their rights. Now in this world, isn’t human lives the most worthless?

Ji Yao slowed down then continued, “They did try blood transfusion, raw… and eat, but it didn’t work. So they caught single-line ability users, such as fire and earth type which had more attack powers, to experiment on.”

“Then the management began to recruit talents in the name of the various forces. I didn’t want to be arrested but I was still caught. Later, in order to save his life, the person with hearing ability revealed to the people above that Xiaohe had a special ability… Those people are more interested in Xiaohe’s clairvoyance ability, so they caught Xiaohe too.” Ecq9QG

Wang Hehe was obviously frightened, he didn’t want to recall what happened in those few days, and hugged Hou Ying tightly to gain a sense of security.

Hou Ying comforted him sadly.

This child is usually very arrogant, but because he is a genius child, he skipped grades too much when he was studying so he was much younger than his classmates. After graduation, he went to graduate school for further studies. The environment is simple so he is very simple. Furthermore, although his sister, brother-in-law, and his parents died in the accident together, with his dedicated care over the years, Wang Hehe has not suffered much and does not understand the world. How can he not be frightened when he suddenly encounters such a thing?

Hearing such bad things, everyone felt a little heavy. The original excitement of sharing a major discovery also returned to calm. i2aPcK

Liu Zhan opened a high-end tea packaging box, revealing many crystalline round objects with high transparency, bright colors, uniformed shapes, and different sizes. Before Jiang Tao could explain, Hou Ying, who had been busy pacifying Wang Hehe, abruptly stood up and wondered, “There is energy in these things?! Where did it come from? Is it because of this that the zombies’ abilities evolved?”

Jiang Tao was surprised, “How did you know?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Liu Zhan narrowed his eyes, “Can Brother Hou feel the energy contained in them?”

Hou Ying looked around. Li Xuanyuan and Ji Yao, who were in contact with it for the first time, had doubts in their eyes. It’s obvious that they didn’t find out what’s unusual with these things. And listening to Liu Zhan’s tone, they can’t feel the energy in the crystal even if they already know its mystery, he was the only one who discovered it. u4hwxO

Now Hou Ying can’t figure it out, “No, I just feel that they have what I need and they’re very attractive to me. Are you not?”

Their expressions gave Hou Ying a consistent negative answer.

Gongsun Jing said, “Don’t think about it, let’s talk about this first.”

Liu Zhan first discovered these crystal nuclei, so he introduced them to Hou Ying, “Gongsun named them crystal nucleus. First of all, I’ll talk about their origin—they are all crystals dug up from the heads of zombies.” bYi2Tk

“A few days ago, I accidentally discovered that after the zombies were killed by us, nearby zombies would swarm up, scrambling to eat the same kind of corpses and even the bones would not be left, until only these crystal nuclei were left. At this time, the zombies are not looting. Later, I observed that zombies can perceive the energy inside, but only the zombies with the same ability attribute as the crystal nucleus will compete for them and directly swallow them. After swallowing, their abilities will immediately soar, and then stabilize at a stronger level.”

With that said, Liu Zhan looked at Hou Ying somewhat meaningfully.

Everyone can see his doubts, but even Hou Ying doesn’t feel offended. Instead, the keen Wang Hehe immediately jumped up and asked loudly, “What do you mean?! Do you suspect that my old uncle is a zombie?!”

Several people were startled by his sudden outburst, and Liu Zhan was a little stunned—the weeping little tearful man suddenly became a little fiery man, this contrast really caught people off guard. czQdWk

Hou Ying could not laugh or cry consoling him, “Be good, don’t be angry. He just couldn’t figure it out, he didn’t mean anything else.”

Wang Hehe didn’t comply, his voice didn’t decrease at all, and roared, “I hate the way he looks at you, he doesn’t have good intentions! Old uncle, don’t believe him, don’t be friends with him.”

Hou Ying was embarrassed. Several people saw his delicate white face and angry expression, which was similar to Hou Ying but were several times more refined, and they were immediately amused. Gongsun Jing laughed the loudest, Liu Zhan’s crow’s feet were all squeezed out of the corner of his eye, his attitude was still correct, and he said sincerely, “I’m sorry, I’m not targeting Brother Hou, just curious.”

Wang Hehe was forced to sit down by Hou Ying, with a stubborn expression of “baby is not happy, baby does not accept your apology”. JUuD 5

Hou Ying has no choice but to take this precious nephew, so he had to give Liu Zhan an apologetic look.

The latter didn’t care, and continued with a smile, “After discovering this, we figured out how to get a few zombies’ crystal nuclei. By the way, only the heads of zombies with abilities have crystal nuclei. Zombies are more obsessed with crystal nuclei that have the same attributes than humans. We tried several methods and found that only metal products can hide the crystal nuclei from being discovered by zombies. These are the zombie nuclei we’ve dug up in the past two days, a total of 27. Although there are some findings, it is not clear whether we can absorb them, how to absorb them, and whether there is any harm.”

He arranged the crystal nuclei in the iron tea box on the table according to the size, color and quantity.

He explained that these nuclei should be put away soon, otherwise they would be besieged by zombies, so Liu Zhan made a long story short, “The size of the zombie nucleus represents the level of the zombie’s ability. The higher the ability, the larger the level. Now we find that there are three sizes here, referring to the ability division system of the Yellow River Base, which means third-level ability zombies have already appeared.” ykQGgS

The only third-level crystal nucleus is the crystal nucleus of an earth-ability zombie. After accidentally bumping into it, they discovered that they’d completely lose so they exploded with the last grenade to obtain the crystal core.

This is really not good news, but Liu Zhan did not stop, and then said, “What we know is that the transparent color is the five-element ability zombie nucleus, which can be absorbed by the zombies with gold, wood, water, fire, and earth abilities. The orange one is the speed ability zombie, the camel-colored one is the power zombie; the crystal cores of the hearing zombies and olfactory zombies are all eye-catching bright red, this light blue one should now be a wind ability zombie. The remaining two rare pure white and earthy yellow first-order zombie nuclei but we don’t know what attributes they have.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After he said their different functions, Gongsun Jing helped to put it away, put the last two crystal nuclei, and immediately closed the lid.

Hou Ying and Qiao Daye both heard the screaming of the zombies outside immediately decreasing, no longer so frantic. At the same time, Hou Ying no longer felt the energy in the crystal nuclei. He explained the situation and thought about it, “Or, you take out one crystal nucleus of the first-level hearing zombie and let me feel it?” dkXG r

Before Liu Zhan could speak, Gongsun Jing generously took out a red nucleus the size of two knuckles and handed it to Hou Ying.

Hou Ying took it, held it in the palm of his hand, spread his hand, and said what he felt, “I think the closer you get, the stronger your energy perception—!”

The expressions of several people are exactly the same as Hou Ying, astonished!

The red color of the crystal nucleus lying in Hou Ying’s hand suddenly disappeared, the original luster also disappeared, turning into a crystal similar to a fake plastic diamond. Then, Hou Ying said, “…The energy inside has disappeared.” nHJZzo

Translator's Note

 I thought it was caramel-colored but no, it’s really camel-colored and I’m like, what the heck??

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  1. Wang Hehe a “giant baby” aaaah he’s so adorable≧∇≦

    They finally discovered crystal nuclei~ time to level up!

  2. Oh? Maybe Hou Ying can feel the energy of all the nuclei, because of his weird, maybe zombie, condition?