Escape From the LibraryCh63 - The Mystery of the Construction Site 02

As a group of people surrounded several leaders inspecting the construction site, Zhang Xiaonian and his three teammates sneaked behind them and slipped into the two-story office building located in the northwest corner of the site.

This building was temporarily built, the interior was neat and orderly. On both sides of the wide corridor were the offices of different departments, with labels on the door, such as the Finance Department, the Design Department, Personnel Office, and Director’s Office. Ln5J1O

A crack was opened at the door of the Finance Department, and a conversation between a few girls came from inside the room. The four looked at each other and quickly walked around the Finance Department and walked lightly to the door of the Design Department’s office.

Xin Yan whispered, “You guys go in and copy the materials, I’ll stand guard here.”

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Ke Shaobin and Zhang Xiaonian pushed the door in. Qin Lu and Xin Yan guarded the door.

The two computers in the room were both on at the moment, and there were many drawings piled up on the table. Zhang Xiaonian rummaged through the drawings and soon found a construction design book. There was a photocopy printer next to it. Zhang Xiaonian took the book and said, “Such a thick book, it’s too much trouble to copy it. See if there’s an electronic version, and directly copy it!” LuD HI

Ke Shaobin also unlocked the computer at this time, and searched for ‘Construction Blueprint’ directly in the computer. Soon, he found a folder in the D drive, which contained hundreds of pages of pictures. He opened it and asked Zhang Xiaonian. “Is this it?”

Zhang Xiaonian nodded. “That’s right, the electronic version!”

Ke Shaobin opened his laptop and used the wireless data transfer function to copy all the information in the computer. There was dozens of data, in addition to detailed construction blueprints, there were shopping plaza design renderings, interior decoration renderings, pedestrian street design plan, and more.

The Computer Department’s laptops had extremely fast transfer speeds. In less than five minutes, the entire project information was copied by Ke Shaobin. Both of them restored the computer to standby and quickly walked out of the office.


Just then, a message from Yue Xingwen appeared on the chat channel, “Xiao Nian, if it’s convenient for you guys, drop by the Personnel Department and copy down the entire site’s personnel information as well.”

Seeing this, Xin Yan walked quickly to the door of the Personnel Department’s office and knocked gently on the door. There was no sound in the room, so he gestured ‘no one’ at everyone, pushed the door open, and said, “Hurry up.”

Ke Shaobin and Zhang Xiaoniann trotted all the way into the Personnel Department’s office and closed the door with their hand.

The computer of the Personnel Department had a list and detailed information of all construction workers, skilled workers and managers on the construction site. With this list in hand, it would be of great help to them to investigate the case next. YQUzkB

After copying the personnel information, Xin Yan suggested. “There is no one in the Director’s office, and copied the engineering and bidding plan.”

Ke Shaobin and Zhang Xiaonian walked into the office to connect to the computer, both of them were copying information, when suddenly, a footsteps sound came from the distant corridor, and there were conversations of several people. Xin Yan immediately perked up his ears to listen carefully——

“Director Zhang, your project is progressing smoothly ah, the topping out ceremony is half a month earlier than expected! At this rate, we should be able to officially open in July next year, right?” A middle-aged man asked with a smile.

“Don’t worry Secretary Qin, I’ve already spoken to the workers. Hurry up and catch up with the work so that we can open next summer.” A mid-tone male voice replied, “It will certainly not delay the city’s publicity. Our square will definitely be ready to welcome visitors from all over the country before the official opening of the tourism festival next year.” M nQ6s

A female voice added. “Secretary Qin, I just asked the Marketing Department. The major brands, the cinema and fitness center on the seventh floor that have been contacted by them have been successfully signed. The food court on the sixth floor is stocked with many national chain markets, and the street is dominated by local specialties and snacks. So, on the completion of the bidding, Xinyue Plaza and Xinyue Pedestrian Street will open at the same time.”

“That’s good.” Someone smiled and praised, “The Xinyue Plaza project will definitely become a landmark building in our city A!”

Ke Shaobin and Zhang Xiaonian felt nervous in the office, the data transfer on the computer had reached 80%. At the moment when several people turned at the corner of the corridor, Xin Yan gently knocked on the office door as a signal. Ke Shaobin’s data transfer reached exactly 100%, he immediately closed the computer, and the next moment, Qin Lu took out the globe.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Switch Places!” Qin Lu’s finger gently tapped on the globe, and the scene in front of the four shifted, appearing simultaneously in an unoccupied corner of the Southwest of the construction site. ltxbZv

Vfflcu Bf Vtjbylc’r cfgnber ojmf, Wlc Tjc jrxfv lc j ibk nblmf, “Ljnf sbe mbqlfv jii atf lcobgwjalbc?”

Bf Vtjbylc cbvvfv, “Sc, P mbqlfv jii atf lcobgwjalbc ogbw atflg mbwqeafg tjgv vglnf.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Wlc Tjc rjlv, “Lbk ijguf lr sbeg ijqabq’r tjgv vglnf?”

Bf Vtjbylc jvperafv tlr uijrrfr jcv rjlv klat j rwlif, “Ktf tjgv vglnf mjqjmlas bo atf ijqabq rfca ys atf ilygjgs lr 10K. Ktlr ijqabq jirb tjr j klgfifrr vjaj agjcrofg oecmalbc atja mjc agjcrwla vjaj lc atf jlg, ktlmt lr nfgs fjrs ab erf.” 9HTZSv

His eyes lit up every time he mentioned computers. Xin Yan glanced at him and casually praised.  “Not bad.”

Qin Lu asked curiously, “How large is 10T? My computer’s hard drive is 500G, which I think is large enough.”

Ke Shaobin explained. “1T is equal to 1024G, and 10T is more than 10,000G, which is 20 times the size of your computer.”

Qin Lu: “…” bu4yh5

It really could hold as much information as it could…

Xin Yan said, “Let’s go, the team leader told us to come over.”

The Research Group’s chat channel did pop up with a message from Yue Xingwen telling everyone to meet in the middle of the construction site.

When the four people arrived at the meeting point, everyone had arrived. GsgFUc

Yue Xingwen took out a piece of paper and spread it out in front of everyone, “We’ve been around the construction site, and the situation at this construction site is somewhat complicated. Xinyue Plaza is the 7-story shopping plaza building in front of us; At the back of this plaza, there was a 2-story, intersecting into a ‘十’ shaped Food Pedestrian Street, and in the middle of the cross is a musical fountain.”

He pointed his finger toward the southwest corner of the site, “This area is the workers’ rest area, including the construction workers’ dormitory and canteen; Further up, the 2-story building, is the office area.” Yue Xingwen looked up at Zhang Xiaonan, “I only drew a rough floor plan, I still need Xiao Nian to measure the specific data.”

Zhang Xiaonian immediately took out his laser theodolite. “No problem, I’ll use theodolite to measure the data quickly.”

Yue Xingwen looked at Zhuo Feng. “What else did everyone find?” zErsm3

Zhuo Feng reported, “I have seen at the construction site, there are many electricians sorting out the electrical circuit in the square, and the main electric gate is closed during the construction period for safety. The lights used for night time are light bulbs that are connected from the outside.”

Lin Manluo said, “The building has been topped out, the external walls are being repainted with cement, the cranes hanging on the upper floor are used by cement workers, and many female workers have been spotted at the construction site.”

Qin Lu added. “We just heard a conversation between a few leaders in the office, mentioning that City A is going to hold a tourism festival next year. This Xinyue Plaza project is being rushed to open before the opening of the festival next July to attract tourists.”

Xin Yan said, “The interior design of the square, the 7th floor is a cinema and fitness center, the 6th floor is a chain of gourmet food, the 1st to 5th floors should be shopping stores such as clothing and toys, and the food street is a local specialty snack. It’s similar to the design of many urban shopping plazas.” nIMTbQ

Ke Shaobin said, “I have copied all the construction blueprints, project design plans, personnel department lists and project planning documents in my laptop. I can view them at any time if needed.”

Yue Xingwen nodded, carefully jotted down the information summarized by his teammates, and said, “You each go back to your dormitories and settle in first, while Pingce and I take Xiao Nian around the site one more time to draw a more accurate site plan.” The others went back to the dormitory together, while Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce took Zhang Xiaonian around the site from end to end, using a laser theodolite to measure data, including the area of the dormitory area, the exact location of the office area, the size of the warehouse, and so on—— These temporary structure on the site were not reflected in the construction blueprint.

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After measuring a lap, Zhang Xiaonian drew a more accurate floor plan.

The entire construction site was more than two acres in size, and the Xinyue Plaza, the cross-shaped Pedestrian Street, and the musical fountain were all part of the construction site, and were separated by a green protective fence. The west site of the construction site is a functional area, including dormitories, canteens, offices, etc,. And there is a large warehouse in the southeast corner of the construction site, which contains a large number of construction materials. Gy zZq

Just after measuring the data, they saw several leaders wearing white hats coming out of the office area and leaving the gate of the construction site surrounded by a group of people. Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce glanced at each other and followed them from a distance.

The leaders’ cars were parked in the wide parking lot next to the construction site. Once they walked out of the site, they took off their helmets and chatted as they walked in the direction of the parking lot.

Jiang Pingce’s gaze quickly swept through the group.

Three men and one woman, one of them was a man with a fat body, over 40 years old, and he looked energetic, he was known as ‘Secretary Qin’. The other was a good-looking man with gold-rimmed glasses, known as ‘Manufacturer Zhao’; The last one was dark-skinned, had a strong body, with a distinctive black mole on his cheek, looked smart and capable, known as ‘Director Zhang’. The woman wore a professional suit, and her long hair tied a ponytail, wearing a pair of red earrings. She was supposed to be a secretary. oqeaMk

Jiang Pingce was keenly observant and never forgot, no matter whether these four people were related to the case or not, the next time they met, he would definitely be able to recognize them.

Yue Xingwen tried to take a few steps forward, and sure enough, he heard a mechanical voice warning in his ears, “You’re about to leave the examination room’s range!”

He paused and said, “Just like last time, this time the exam activity is within the construction site, we can’t get out.”

Jiang Pingce said, “Guess so.” 0LpvnH

Zhang Xiaonian scratched his head and asked, “The library assigned us different identities, and the construction workers on the construction site seem to not be surprised by our appearance? Do they know us?”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “They should know. Otherwise, the presence of 11 unfamiliar faces among them at the construction site would certainly be suspicious. We just went around the site and no one asked us where we were from.” He picked up the ID card hanging on his chest and flipped it to the back and said, “This ID card, it’s a pass to enter the construction site.” Now that they had been assigned an identity, the next thing they could do was stay on site with a straight face.

Three of them returned to the dormitory. The dormitory at the construction site was in very poor condition, with only two beds in the room and no sink, so they had to use a basin to wash their faces with water. There were also no separate bathrooms, only one public bathroom per floor.

Yue Xingwen pushed open the door of the room. After seeing the layout of the room, he could not help but glance at Jiang Pingce, “Can you stand it?” 3tsH5D

Jiang Pingce had an OCD, what he hated the most was dirty, messy, noisy. Yue Xingwen thought he would look disgusted, but to his surprise he looked calm and said lightly, “It doesn’t matter, it’s good to have a place to sleep.”

Sure enough, after coming to the library, Jiang Pingce’s demands plummeted. The place he used to live had to be clean and tidy, and the food must be good. But now—— Just had a bed to sleep in and enough to eat.

Yue Xingwen patted his shoulder and smiled. “Getting better at adapting ah?”

The corners of Jiang Pingce’s mouth lifted lightly, “I learned from you.” UMVlYp

Yue Xingwen sent a message on the chat channel in passing: “The conditions of the construction site are like this, let’s bear with it.”

Everyone replied: “It’s okay, there’s a bed.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“At least it’s more comfortable than sleeping on the cold ground in the wild.”

Liu Zhaoqing continued to complain: “As long as there is no female ghost chasing me tonight, I will be satisfied.” bFuwhB

It was amazing how humble everyone’s demand became under the torture of the library…

Xu Yishen said, “If this construction site used to be a cemetery, it’s also possible to turn into a supernatural instance, right?”

Lin Manluo had a cold chill down her spine and said, “Can you two please stop your crow’s mouth?”

Yue Xingwen turned the topic back: “Young Ke, Xiao Nian, come to room 201 on the 2nd floor. We will go through the blueprints and information.” GudjOh

Ke Shaobin came over with his laptop, and four of them read the information in the room together. Zhang Xiaonian could not fully understand those construction blueprints, but it was good enough to know the general overview. Yue Xingwen focused on the personnel information, going over the names, photos, and profiles of all the workers at the construction site.

The project manager was the general manager of the whole project, underneath, there were also supervisors, designers, draftsmen, budgeters, safety officers, masonry team leader, carpentry team leader, plumbing and electrical team leader, painter team leader…

It made his eyes water to look at it.

The successful completion of a project required the cooperation of technicians and workers of all professions. This was the first time they had come to the construction site in person. After reading the information, Yue Xingwen felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge. 1Mk9xG

It was almost dark and the canteen of the construction site was open. Everyone went to the canteen to have a simple dinner and then went back to the dormitory to sleep.

Yue Xingwen was uncomfortable sleeping on a hard bed, but it was much better than sleeping on the field ground. Since there were either monster or female ghosts in the middle of the night of the previous exam, he had a psychological shadow, and he could not sleep soundly this time.

Dazed and half-awake, a scream suddenly rang out from outside, “Ahhhhhh——”

The scream was piercing and sharp, it was so high in decibel that it could almost shatter eardrums! EZMLmP

Yue Xingwen woke up with a jolt, and Jiang Pingce also woke up. Both of them looked at each other and rushed out the door together——

It was dark and the whole construction site was quiet, so the scream was extremely abrupt. Some students downstairs were also awakened, and everyone followed the direction the voice came from.

At the construction site of Xinyue Plaza, a young man dressed in cement worker’s clothes fell from a high place.

A pile of construction equipment lay just below his fall, and a sharp steel pipe plunged right through his abdomen! bVkuON

The gushing blood stained the ground red, and like a broken doll, he was hung on and stabbed right through that steel pipe. The man’s eyes were wide open and his eyeballs almost bulged out from the eye sockets.

The body skewed on a steel pipe was still swaying lightly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Looking at this bloody scene, Yue Xingwen only felt chill run down his spine.

This exam was actually letting them personally experience a construction site murder? 8NFLgx

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