Escape From the LibraryCh316.6 - Extra 14 Xin – Ke 06

As a graduate student, Xin Yan became very busy, often staying in the chemistry lab for a whole day. After experimenting and returning to the dormitory, he would look up information and write his thesis.

Xin Yan’s goal was to enter a large pharmaceutical company after graduation from the doctoral program, researching drugs that could overcome human incurable diseases. Chemistry was the basis of all kinds of drug experiments, and many domestic pharmaceutical companies were short of high-end talents in chemistry. s7YAeE

Ke Shaobin was also very busy. Artificial intelligence was still in the stage of rapid development. The research content of his research group was the direction of household artificial intelligence. Ke Shaobin also had the ideaβ€”β€” to reproduce Xiao Tu.

The Xiao Tu he had met in the Library was virtual. He wanted to turn it into an entity that existed in reality as well. So, when he returned home later, a robot would say clearly, β€œMaster, welcome home.”

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To realize this dream, Ke Shaobin studied hard and spent significantly less time in the game.

The number of times Dark Night Guardian logged in to the game was also much less than before. They communicated more on Q, and Ke Shaobil still chatted with Dark Night Guardian every day to talk about his dreams and plans. OQMZ3h

Ke Shaobin felt his blood boiling every time he chatted with Dark Night Guardian. This feeling of working together for their dream was quite good. Although they were in different fields, they had a lot of common topics.

Dark Night Guardian said, β€œIt’s better if I come to you.”

Ke Shaobin: β€œThat’s fine. I’m in Hua’an.”

Dark Night Guardian: β€œWhat a coincidence? I’m also in Hua’an.”


Ke Shaobin said excitedly, β€œReally? What school are you from ah?”

Dark Night Guardian: β€œLet’s talk about it when we meet. How about we meet in the central square on National Day? There’s a great revolving restaurant on the 8th floor over there. I’ll book a spot in advance.”

Ke Shaobin: β€œOkay! It’s scheduled for the evening of October 1st.”

The National Day holiday was coming soon. On September 30th, after Ke Shaobin returned to the dormitory, he opened the wardrobe and rummaged through it, taking out the clothes one by one and comparing them in front of the mirror. gT1wzm

Xin Yan looked at him seriously and asked, β€œWhat do you do? Are you going on a date?”

Ke Shaobin’s ears turned red. β€œIt’s not a date. I’m going to meet a netizen tomorrow.”

Xin Yan walked over and said, β€œI thought you were going on a date. Is it necessary to pay so much attention just to meet a netizen?”

Ke Shaobin said, β€œOf course, that’s my best netizen! I need to make a good impression to him.” x SGvp

Hearing this, Xin Yan smiled slightly. From a large pile of clothes in Ke Shaobin’s wardrobe, he picked out a set of white casual clothes and handed it to him. β€œWear this set.”

Ke Shaobin took a closer look and also thought this outfit was good. This classic combination of light blue jeans and a casual T-shirt looked like an energetic university student, fresh and natural.

The following night, Ke Shaobin cleaned himself up and excitedly took a taxi to the central square.

The buffet restaurant on the 8th floor was overcrowded. Luckily, Dark Night Guardian sent him the private room number in advance. Ke Shaobin took a deep breath, walked into the private room, and sat down, taking out his mobile phone to send a message quickly. β€œHave you arrived?” 6hZ5BL

Dark Night Guardian: β€œDownstairs. I’m coming right up.”

Ke Shaobin put down his mobile phone. This was the first time he met a netizen, and β€Œhe suddenly felt nervous.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

A moment later, a man pushed the door open and entered.

Ke Shaobin immediately stood up and extended his hand with a big smile. β€œDark Night… Xin–Xin Yan?!” His hand froze in the air, the smile on his face froze, and his wide-eyed look looked a little funny. PeNJ18

Xin Yan pretended to be surprised and raised his eyebrows. β€œWhy is it you?”

Ke Shaobin: β€œ……”

Xin Yan looked around and said lightly, β€œI’m here to meet a netizen. You didn’t go to the wrong room, right?”

Ke Shaobin blushed. β€œNo, no. Are you Dark Night Guardian?” IFo02K

Xin Yan: β€œEn. Are you Refined and Courteous?”

Ke Shaobin was ashamed and wanted to dig a crack in the ground to bury himself, remembering that during this time, he had been complaining about his roommates ignoring him in front of Dark Night Guardian ah… Was this equivalent to complaining about Xin Yan in front of his face?

Seeing Ke Shaobin’s reddened ears, Xin Yan smiled slightly as he pretended to be calm and said, β€œSit down.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Bf Vtjbylc rja vbkc byfvlfcais, tecu tlr tfjv, jcv kjr fwyjggjrrfv ab ibbx ja tlw. β€œP–P vlvc’a fzqfma sbe ab qijs bcilcf ujwfr.” nqzEeT

Wlc Tjc rjlv, β€œP’w ybgfv. P vbc’a kjca ab qjgalmlqjaf lc wfrrs jmalnlalfr, rb P qijs ujwfr ab qjrr atf alwf.”

Bf Vtjbylc weaafgfv lc j ibk nblmf, β€œKtja’r delaf j mblcmlvfcmf. Qf mjc jmaejiis wffa lc atf ujwf.”

Xin Yan smiled. β€œI guess it’s fate.”

It was Xin Yan who once saw a screenshot of Ke Shaobin’s moments. He downloaded the game from the screenshot, looked for it, and added himself to Ke Shaobin’s guild. MTms3k

Sometimes, fate also had to be artificially made.

Xin Yan stood up and said, β€œThis is a seafood buffet. You can take whatever you want to eat.”

Mentioning food, Ke Shaobin’s embarrassment eased a lot. He hurriedly got up to follow Xin Yan.

This was the city’s most upscale revolving restaurant. Ke Shaobin was usually reluctant to come here because it was expensive. But when he looked at it today, it really deserved its name. 7DXydp

Abalone, sea cucumber, spicy lobster, garlic scallops, grilled oysters… All were available in unlimited quantities!

Ke Shaobin’s eyes lit up. He picked up the plate and took a lot of food.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xin Yan also took a large plate, and then they returned to the private room. Xin Yan put on plastic gloves and peeled the shrimp slowly and methodically. Ke Shaobin was wondering why the other party had peeled a large plate. The next moment, he saw Xin Yan put the peeled shrimp before Ke Shaobin. β€œEat it. Haven’t you been wanting to eat seafood for a long time? Eat enough at one time today.”

Ke Shaobin: β€œ…” vjK5xd

Compared to his shock, Xin Yan seemed too calm.

Ke Shaobin lowered his head to eat the shrimp silently. After eating for a moment, he suddenly reacted, β€œBy the way, when I added you on Q, I used my main account ah! We’ve been friends on my main account, so you should recognize me, right?!” He only had one Q number. The avatar and signature had remained the same for several years.

Xin Yan chuckled. β€œEn. You’re not that stupid.”

Ke Shaobin blushed. β€œThen why didn’t you say so? Are you playing with me?” yE1KXO

Xin Yan shrugged. β€œIt’s interesting to see you complaining about your roommate.”

Ke Shaobin: β€œ…”

You’re the one I’m complaining about!

I can’t believe you pretended to be silent for so long after knowing who the other party was. T jUgD

The feeling of being looked at as a joke was unpleasant. Ke Shaobin glared fiercely at Xin Yan and continued to lower his head to eat.

The next moment, a freshly roasted oyster was handed to him, and a voice carrying a hint of gentleness echoed in his ears. β€œTherefore, I invited you to a big meal today. It should be regarded as an apology.”

Ke Shaobin froze for a moment, raised his head, and met Xin Yan’s deep gaze. β€œDon’t be angry, okay?”

The tone was like coaxing a child. n30Xvz

Ke Shaobin’s cheeks burned, and he quickly averted his eyes. β€œI’m not that petty.”

To be honest, he was really shocked the moment he saw Xin Yan just now, but strangely, there was an indescribable joy in his heartβ€”β€” It turned out that the person who had accompanied him for three years in the game was Xin Yan. It turned out that the netizen who was online every time he played late at night, helped him collect vegetables, patiently listened to his complaints, and gave him advice, was Xin Yan.

Xin Yan had two faces, usually as cold as an instrument in a chemical laboratory, which made people did not dare to touch it easily; But on the Internet, he was so tolerant that no matter what Ke Shaobin told him, he would respond patiently.

Ke Shaobin thought wildly while eating. 7RpGYy

It wasn’t until the evening, when he was full, that he took the initiative to get up. β€œThat, I’ll treat you today.” This buffet was definitely not cheap. Ke Shaobin wanted to take the initiative to pay, only for Xin Yan to say, β€œNo need. I’ve already paid the bill.”

Ke Shaobin was a little embarrassed. β€œIt’s too much to treat me to eat such an expensive meal.”

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Xin Yan said, β€œIt’s okay. There is a scholarship. I also deposited the money I was rewarded for passing the game before.” He paused and looked at Ke Shaobin. β€œThis store tastes okay, right?”

Ke Shaobin nodded vigorously, rubbing his stomach and saying, β€œIt’s so delicious! This is the most satisfying seafood buffet I’ve ever had!” mAaHeg

He finished off 10 oysters in one go. He had to eat enough for the money he’d spent.

Xin Yan said, β€œLet’s go. Take a walk to go back to digest the food.”

They went out together and walked side by side in the direction of the school.

It was not close to the university, and it took half an hour to walk back. YZudyl

It was getting late, and the street was not too stuffy. They walked along the river and Xin Yan suddenly asked in a low voice, β€œDo you think that I’m a very difficult person to get along with?”

Thinking of the previous Q, β€˜My roommate is difficult to get along with’, Ke Shaobin’s cheeks flushed, and he hurriedly said, β€œNo, no. I’m talking nonsense. It’s just… I don’t know what to talk to you about. I don’t know anything about chemistry.”

Xin Yan said, β€œI don’t know anything about artificial intelligence, either.”

Ke Shaobin froze for a moment. β€œThat’s right. It’s not like we are writing a thesis together. There’s no need to talk about academic things.” zhEW5c

Xin Yan said lightly, β€œJust like on the Internet. You can tell me if you have something on your mind in the future”

Ke Shaobin was silent for a moment before he stopped and said seriously, β€œXin Yan, I still want to thank you for the past three years.”

Xin Yan turned his head to look at him. β€œThank you for what?”

Ke Shaobin scratched his head and said, β€œActually, I don’t have many friends at school, because I like to stay in the dormitory and play games. I rarely participate in club activities and the like… However, these three years have been very fulfilling.” Z2 d60

His gaze was sincere as he looked at Xin Yan earnestly. β€œEvery night, you accompany me to play dungeons and arena. No matter how tired I’m during the day, I’ll be in a better mood if I play a few games with you at night.”

Xin Yan met his serious gaze and only felt a warmth in his heart.

I’m the one who should say thank you, right?

If it weren’t for you, I would have been living a life with no one to accompany me and no one to pay attention to since high school. 8Q2O0A

Like being a lone wolf, traveling alone in the night.

Xin Yan sighed lightly and said, β€œNow then, will you consider me as one of your friends?”

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Ke Shaobin nodded his head vigorously, β€œOf course ah!”

Xin Yan joked. β€œIt’s no longer a β€˜chemistry classmate who doesn’t get along well’?” D4cYFL

Ke Shaobin blushed and said, β€œForget the black history. You’re not allowed to mention it again in the future.”

Xin Yan made a promise. β€œOkay. I won’t mention it again.”

They slowly walked back to the dormitory. Ke Shaobin went to take a shower first, then turned on the computer, and greeted. β€œCome. I haven’t been to the arena for a long time! I don’t have to watch you type this time. I’ll call you directly later!”

Xin Yan also logged in to the account. They went to the two-player arena to play a few games. CKXtbp

Unsurprisingly, they won all.

After all, they knew each other very well, having been online friends for three years.

Ke Shaobin happily took a shower and went to bed to sleep.

In the middle of the night when he slept, he suddenly had a stomachache. The kind of pain that drilled into his heart made Ke Shaobin’s forehead break out in a cold sweat. He wanted to get up and drink some water, but in the end, as he got out of bed, the pain caused him to fall to the ground. HxiV9h

Xin Yan heard the movement, hurriedly walked over to support him, and asked in a low voice, β€œWhat’s wrong?”

Ke Shaobin’s face turned pale. β€œMy stomach hurts…”

Xin Yan stretched out his hand to test his body temperature. His face changed, and he immediately picked Ke Shaobin up horizontally. He rushed to the Affiliated Hospital of Hua’an University.

Liu Zhaoqing happened to be on night duty in the emergency department tonight. When he saw Xin Yan rushing into the emergency room with Ke Shaobin in his arms, his face was ugly. He hurriedly stood up and asked, β€œWhat’s wrong?” 5E8LJ7

Ke Shaobin was breathless as he spoke, β€œSeniorβ€”senior brother Liu, why are you in the emergency department…”

Liu Zhaoqing said, β€œResident doctors have to rotate departments. I ask you what’s wrong? Where does it hurt ah?”

Ke Shaobin pointed to his right lower abdomen. Liu Zhaoqing motioned to Xin Yan to take Ke Shaobin to the treatment room, checked him, and then said seriously, β€œI suspect acute appendicitis. I have to operate as soon as possible.”

Ke Shaobin’s face turned pale with fright. β€œOpe-operation!” yzS0Aw

Liu Zhaoqing said, β€œDon’t be afraid. Appendicitis is the simplest surgical operation. The incision is very small. I’ll ask the teacher on duty to do it for you. In your case, you were taken to the hospital in a relatively timely manner. It shouldn’t have caused a perforated appendix yet, so it’s very easy to deal with.”

Ke Shaobin was afraid of pain, especially afraid. He gritted his teeth and said, β€œCan’t I get an injection to reduce the inflammation?”

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Xin Yan said decisively, β€œLet’s do the operation.”

Liu Zhaoqing said, β€œThe family must sign the informed consent form.” lXuvy0

Xin Yan: β€œI’ll sign. I’m responsible for anything that happens.”

Liu Zhaoqing nodded, turned around, and called the attending doctor.

Ke Shaobin’s face was extremely ugly.

Xin Yan leaned over and said, β€œDon’t be afraid. I’ll accompany you.” I5zidG

Ke Shaobin’s voice was tinged with tears. β€œIt must be because I ate too much today to cause appendicitis.”

The teary-eyed student Ke Shaobin made Xin Yan couldn’t help but feel distressed. Xin Yan gently touched his head and said, β€œIt’s okay. It’s a minor surgery and it will be fine soon.”

Perhaps it was Xin Yan’s comfort that played a role. Ke Shaobin closed his eyes and nodded.

He was pushed into the operating room. MdrSQ5

After the anesthesia, it didn’t hurt at all, and the operation was done quickly.

Half an hour later, he was pushed out with a still slightly confused look on his face. β€œIs it done?”

Liu Zhaoqing was helpless. β€œIt’s just appendicitis. How complicated should it be?”

Ke Shaobin blushed and said, β€œI thought my belly was going to be cut open and then need to be sewn for a long time.” Hs6I5k

Liu Zhaoqing pointed to the wound on his right lower abdomen. β€œDon’t touch water to the wound to avoid infection. I asked over at the Gastroenterology department and there are still beds available. I’ll transfer you over and you can be discharged within a week under normal circumstances.”

Ke Shaobin was transferred to a single room in the gastroenterology department.

After senior brother Liu left, Ke Shaobin whispered, β€œI have to be hospitalized for a week. I have to take a leave of absence from school. Also, call my mom and ask her to come over…”

Xin Yan interrupted him in a low voice, β€œDon’t bother Auntie, let me take care of you. Don’t worry about taking a leave of absence. I’ll go back to school tomorrow and help you with the leave procedures.” f5JYhT

Ke Shaobin said, β€œI’m so sorry to delay your experimental progress…”

Xin Yan said, β€œIt’s okay. I’m not the only one in our experimental team.”

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Ke Shaobin still wanted to say more. Xin Yan gently touched his head. β€œDon’t think too much. Have a good rest.”

Ke Shaobin quickly fell asleep, maybe because he was too tired. YJN9bw

Xin Yan looked at him sleeping quietly and gently held his hand.

Before, I never thought that I would have the patience to take care of someone like this.

But now, looking at Ke Shaobin lying on the hospital bed, Xin Yan couldn’t help but feel distressed.

He sighed softly, leaned over, planted a kiss on Ke Shaobin’s forehead, and whispered, β€œFool. Do you know who the Dark Night Guardian wants to protect?” otQkiM

β€œIt’s always been you.”

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  1. Amazing

    Thank you for your translation πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›