Escape From the LibraryCh316.5 - Extra 13 Xin – Ke 05

The experience in the Library was thrilling. After coming out of the Library, Ke Shaobin often had nightmares, but fortunately, in every dream, his teammates would appear by his side, making him safer.

The one who appeared the most was Xin Yan. 0VMi4a

He always dreamed of the scene where Xin Yan helped him block the knife.

At the Faculty of Computer Science, Xiao Tu suddenly attacked him. Xin Yan decisively blocked him, and Xiao Tu’s knife instantly stabbed through his shoulder. Blood continued to gush out like an unscrewed faucet.

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Blood and Xin Yan’s deep gaze as he looked at him filled his dream.

Ke Shaobin had often woken up from nightmares, logging into the game in the middle of the night, only to find that [Dark Night Guardian] was also online. The other party saw him log in and initiated a private chat message. “Staying up this late?” nsVNcl

Ke Shaobin rubbed his eyes and typed: “I’m having a nightmare.”

Dark Night Guardian: “What? In a bad mood?”

Ke Shaobin hesitated for a moment before he said, “Didn’t I tell you before that I was going to participate in a game test? Many memorable things happened during the test. Now that it’s over, I always have nightmares about those bits and pieces. I haven’t been able to sleep well for the past few days.”

Xin Yan frowned slightly and said, “Since it’s already in the past, don’t think about it anymore. Thinking about it during the day and dreaming at night, you always remember those bad things. Of course, those moments will reappear in your dreams.”


Ke Shaobin took a deep breath, drove away the chaotic thoughts in his head, and asked with a smile, “You’re not sleeping this late. What are you doing?”

Dark Night Guardian: “I was too busy some time ago. I just finished my experiments these days, and I’m researching materials to write my thesis.”

Ke Shaobin said curiously, “Why do you have to open the game when you check the materials ah?”

Dark Night Guardian didn’t answer. 4ODX6m

Ke Shaobin joked. “You’re not waiting for me, right?”

The other party was silent for a long time before replying. “Your garden has not been harvested in a long time, I’m going to stay up late tonight to write my thesis, and I’m opening the game to help you take care of it.”

Ke Shaobin reacted. He immediately rode the little white horse in the game to the home to harvest his garden. After harvesting, he went to the home kitchen to make several dishes. The dishes in the online game could be given to the character to increase some attributes such as attack power, defense, and so on.

Ke Shaobin generously mailed dozens of delicious dishes to the Dark Night Guardian and said, “Here you go.” sFAb3o

The corners of Xin Yan’s lips rose slightly. “It’s not like you can taste the dishes in the game.”

Ke Shaobin said, “I can cook in reality. My cooking skills are average, but my theoretical knowledge is very rich!” Speaking of this, he suddenly asked cautiously, “By the way, we’ve known each other for three years now. Do you want to meet in reality?”

In the Internet era, many people like to make friends online. After being familiar to a certain extent, they would meet face to face and have a party. In the game they were in, even the game couples were getting married.

Ke Shaobin didn’t suddenly make this ‘meeting’ request. He had known Dark Night Guardian for three years. As long as it was not exam week, they would do a dungeon and play in the arena at a fixed time almost every night. D57OB4

Although they had never met, he felt this person was more cordial than his classmates were . If he had any worries or troubles that he couldn’t say to his family, he would think of telling the other party as soon as possible.

However, Dark Night Guardian attached great importance to privacy. In addition to the ‘goodwill’ in the game having reached the maximum level, the other party did not leave the contact information, including Q number, WeChat ID, and mobile phone number.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ke Shaobin was afraid that one day this netizen would not play the game anymore, and they could no longer contact each other.

Unfortunately, Ke Shaobin mustered up the courage to ask for a meeting but was politely rejected by the other party. “I’m sorry. I’ve been too busy lately. There are arrangements for this year’s holiday. Let’s talk about the meeting later. RAGV4p

Ke Shaobin felt a little lost, and then said cheekily, “Can you give me a contact information? I’m afraid that if stop playing the game like them, I won’t be able to find you!”

The other party did not refuse this time and left him a Q number.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Bf Vtjbylc lwwfvljafis jvvfv j oglfcv.

Olaaif vlv tf xcbk atja Wlc Tjc tjv rqfmlolmjiis jqqilfv obg atlr cewyfg. Ycis Bf Vtjbylc jqqfjgfv bc atf oglfcv ilra, klat atf cbaf ‘Zs ilaaif rec’. RmEQ2k

Geglcu atf klcafg njmjalbc bo atflg peclbg sfjg, Bf Vtjbylc jcv Wlc Tjc tjv atflg jggjcufwfcar jcv vlvc’a rff fjmt batfg.

They were also very busy in their senior year. Xin Yan was preparing for the graduation defense, and Ke Shaobin also had to write a graduation thesis, but every time he wrote a thesis, Ke Shaobin would complain to Dark Night Guardian on Q.

The other party would patiently comfort him.

Ke Shaobin then realized that [Dark Night Guardian] was in the same grade as him. He was also graduating this year. He was a little surprised. “I thought you were a graduate student. I didn’t expect to be the same age as me ah!” MC0vQU

Dark Night Guardian: “What? Do I look old when chatting?”

Ke Shaobin said with a smile. “No. I just think you speak calmly, a lot of university students’ catchphrases such as shit, fuck, damn, you never said it. Hahahaha, you’re too polite.”

Dark Night Guardian: “…”

Ke Shaobin asked, “If you are also a senior, what are your plans for graduation?” LBZ7Oh

Dark Night Guardian: “I got a guaranteed spot in graduate school. I will continue to study for graduate school until I get a PhD.”

Ke Shaobin: “What’s your major ah? To get a PhD.”

Dark Night Guardian: “Chemistry.”

Ke Shaobin froze. A familiar face inexplicably appeared in his mind—— Xin Yan also majored in chemistry. Are all chemistry students so calm? He smiled and said, “What a coincidence. I have a friend who is also a chemistry major.” wIhAeu

Dark Night Guardian: “Oh? Do you have a good relationship with him?”


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Ke Shaobin reflected on it and complained. “I don’t know how to define it. We were high school classmates. I wanted to make friends with him when I was a freshman in high school, but he told me to stay away from him. I was embarrassed to get any closer to him. But later, he lent me notes, and I always felt that he wasn’t such an indifferent person as he appeared to be.”

Dark Night Guardian: “What do you think of him?” 8qeiX9

Ke Shaobin said, “Cold on the outside and warm on the inside, right? He’s a very attentive person, but he’s not very approachable. He helped me a lot during the previous game test, and I’m quite grateful. I always thought that I was not familiar with him, let alone friends. However, at the critical moment, he stepped forward and got injured because of me. I’ve never been able to get over it.”

Thinking of Xin Yan’s bloody appearance, ‌Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but sigh lightly and said, “I actually admire him. I always regarded him as a role model for learning in high school. If it wasn’t for the encouragement he gave me, I would not have been able to be admitted to such a good university. I was very bad at studying.”

Dark Night Guardian: “…”

Is that so? Am I your role model? xjsIDk

The corners of Xin Yan’s mouth curved slightly. His fingers rested on the keyboard, but he didn’t know what to say.

How would you feel if, for example, the role model kept treating you as the object of love in his dreams, often pinning you to a desk in a high school classroom in his dream world and repeatedly violating you until you cried?

I guess you’ll be scared off.

Or just stared with widened eyes and couldn’t run? nRej3V

Xin Yan retracted his thoughts and replied by typing quickly. “Your grades should also be able to guarantee a graduate school, right?”

Ke Shaobin said, “En. Our school is a key university. The rate of graduate school is very high. As long as I haven’t failed the subject and my grades are in the top 50% of the class, I can get a guaranteed graduate school.”

Dark Night Guardian: “Then, let’s get into graduate school.”

Ke Shaobin: “What did you say?” 3n4WyC

Dark Night Guardian: “The meeting thing.”

Ke Shaobin froze for a moment. After reacting to the other party’s willingness to meet, he immediately typed down a large row of exclamation marks excitedly, “Great!!! I’ll treat you something delicious when the time comes!! I’ve tried all kinds of private restaurants and small food stalls over the past few years. I’ve made a special food guide, so I can find whatever flavors you want to eat.”

Xin Yan looked at his excited words and said in his heart, I’m afraid you won’t be in the mood to treat me to a meal by then.

On the day of graduate student registration, Ke Shaobin met Xin Yan at the graduate school of Hua’an University. nb3kmu

Xin Yan’s grades in the Faculty of Chemistry had always been among the best. In his undergraduate years, he followed his teachers to do experiments and published several valuable papers. He had heard that it was a certain well-known professor in the Faculty of Chemistry who had named him to be his student.

Ke Shaobin was delighted for Xin Yan. “Xin Yan, we are schoolmates again!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xin Yan dragged a simple suitcase and asked lightly, “Which dormitory do you live in?”

Ke Shaobin picked up the dormitory card after registration, looked at it, and said, “Graduate school building 7, number 301.” w1ZpzD

Xin Yan hummed. They walked side by side to the graduate school.

The graduate student dormitories at Hua’an University were much better than the undergraduate dormitories. All of them were double rooms. There was a living room and a kitchen. They could cook their food in the dormitory.

Ke Shaobin kept thinking about who his new roommate would be along the way.

As a result, when he came to the door of 301 with his luggage, he found Xin Yan taking out a door card. With a ‘click’, the dormitory door opened, and Ke Shaobin watched in disbelief as Xin Yan stepped inside. a1yMsE

Xin Yan took his luggage into the dormitory and looked back at him. “Why are you in a daze?”

Ke Shaobin stammered, “You–do you also live in 301? You–aren’t you from the Faculty of Chemistry? Why would you live in the same dormitory as me?”

Xin Yan shrugged. “The school arranged it. I don’t know. It may be that the male classmates in the Faculty of Chemistry and your Faculty of Computer Science have an odd number, so the two of us are extra and grouped.”

Ke Shaobin scratched his head. “Is that so?” MzlqYu

Xin Yan raised an eyebrow. “What? Don’t you want to live with me?”

Ke Shaobin coughed lightly. “Of course it’s not…”

Xin Yan said, “In the Library, haven’t we been roommates for a long time?”

Ke Shaobin walked stiffly into the dormitory. t8On5D

During that time in the Library, he and Xin Yan became a roommate for two months. To be honest, Xin Yan was a good roommate. He didn’t smoke and had other bad habits. He also didn’t snore when sleeping, the sleep time was stable, and didn’t talk much…

But because he didn’t talk much, Ke Shaobin felt awkward. After all, he was a chatterbox ah! He often babbled a lot and Xin Yan only replied with ‘hmmm’. It was uncomfortable.

When he was in the Library, he still had Xiao Tu to accompany him. Now, they are staring at each other all day…

How can he live for the next three years? RzIKYk

Ke Shaobin picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the netizen [Dark Night Guardian]: “It’s over. I’ve been assigned to a dormitory with that classmate of mine from the Faculty of Chemistry [crying.jpg]”

Not far away, Xin Yan looked down at his phone. He looked at the large row of crying emojis in the message, slightly smiled, and replied, “What? Are you afraid that he will eat you?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ke Shaobin sent a row of frightened emojis. “No, no, no. He prefers to be quiet, and I’m a chatterbox. I’m just embarrassed to annoy him…”

Dark Night Guardian: “Maybe he never found you annoying?” yvSZb7

Ke Shaobin: “Really?”

Dark Night Guardian: “Did he say anything like ‘You’re annoying, please shut up’?”

Ke Shaobin scratched his head and said, “No, he didn’t. He responds to me every time I talk to him.”

At this moment, Xin Yan, who was packing his luggage in front, suddenly turned around and said, “Ke Shaobin.” AC4Nml

Ke Shaobin immediately put away his mobile phone with a guilty conscience. “What’s wrong?”

Xin Yan walked up to him and handed him a box.

Ke Shaobin took it and saw that it was actually a glasses case. Inside was a brand new pair of black-framed glasses, but the frame of this pair of glasses was thinner. Compared to his previous glasses, it was much thinner and better-looking.

Ke Shaobin was surprised. “Is this?” cvVhra

Xin Yan: “For you. Put it on and see.”

Ke Shaobin looked at Xin Yan with doubt, as if asking, why did you give me glasses?

The next moment, Xin Yan took the initiative to reach out and remove his glasses. He put the new glasses on the bridge of Ke Shaobin’s nose under his surprised gaze. Taking a closer look, a smile rose slightly on his lips. “It looks much better.”

Xin Yan’s fingertips gently slid across his cheeks, and Ke Shaobin’s ears instantly turned red. The intimate action of helping to put on glasses froze him in place for a moment, as if someone had cast a confinement spell on him. jcCVE8

After hearing Xin Yan’s words, Ke Shaobin was at a loss for words for a moment. “You–why are you giving me glasses?”

Xin Yan said, “The one before is old and looks silly. This one looks better.”

Ke Shaobin was about to say that I could buy it myself, but Xin Yan suddenly interrupted him. “I should apologize to you for the inappropriate words I said back in high school.”

Ke Shaobin was stunned. aROcX7

Xin Yan looked at him. There was a trace of imperceptible gentleness in his gaze as he said, “I asked you to stay away from me because I don’t want to implicate you. Those guys love to tail me after school. You’ll probably get hurt if you walk with me.”

His voice was very cold, but Ke Shaobin’s heart suddenly warmed.

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Sure enough, Xin Yan didn’t hate him. He was afraid of implicating him!

Xin Yan paused slightly, and his voice became gentle. “I know that you’ve been secretly helping me.” ydeVlU

Ke Shaobin’s cheeks reddened. He whispered, “I’m just pulling out a knife to help when I see injustice.”

It was your righteousness that helped Xin Yan’s teenage years, not just darkness, but also warmth.

A smile appeared on his lips as Xin Yan looked at the lovely guy with a reddened cheek before him.

In the future, it’s my turn to protect you. KHUAJ8

As for why they were grouped in the dormitory, I have to thank the teacher of the Faculty of Chemistry. Of course, Xin Yan would not tell Ke Shaobin what he had done in secret.

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  1. Foxy boyfriend, but I should say he’s good in planning))))

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛