Escape From the LibraryCh280 - Poetry Maze 04

After Yue Xingwen successfully wrote the answer box on the wall, two more forks appeared in front of him, just like just now, each fork in the road had an arrow sign. The fork on the right was marked with [Border] and the left road was [Idyllic Scenery].

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Yue Xingwen one after another. “Which side to choose this time?” 37t5jv

Yue Xingwen thought for a while and said, “Let’s go to the right first. If I’m not mistaken, the path of the Border Scenery is likely that there will be a well-known poet of the Tang Dynasty.”

Lan Yarong said, “I remember that the four poets of frontier border are Gao Shi, Wang Changling, Cen Shen, Wang Zhihuan.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen nodded and said, “That’s right, Gao Shi and Cen Shen are both friends of Du Fu, so if we take the road of Border Scenery, it’s very likely that these two poets will be introduced.”

Jiang Pingce drew the map markers on the paper, and everyone continued to walk to the right. tWLxUf

Following Du Fu for some distance, a spectacular scene suddenly appeared in front of them—— In the evening, when the sun sets, the clouds on the horizon were dyed with fiery red color, and the border soldiers returned from grazing, the endless grassland was vast and desolate, and the white sheep had become the most beautiful embellishment on the green grassland. Gradually, the sky darkened, the bright moon hung high, and the melodious sound of the Qiang flute* sounded in their ears.

As the scene slowly unfolded before their eyes like a picture scroll, the hovering answer box also appeared in front of them: “Xuejing Hu Tian and herd horses returned, 口口口口口口口. If you ask where the plum blossoms fall, 口口口口口口口”

The previous sentence gave a hint and asked them to flip the dictionary to fill in the following sentence.

Yue Xingwen said, “This is Gao Shi’s poem <Listening to the Flute on the Border>, and the blank space should be filled with ‘Yueming Qiang flute guarded the building’ ‘The wind blows all over Guanshan overnight’.”


The catchy verses really depicted the spectacular border scene in front of them.

Ke Shaobin said, “In order, each person finds a word!”

Everyone immediately opened the dictionary, each person wrote a word, and quickly filled in the answer.

A familiar prompt appeared in front of their eyes—— BaZxPm

New Character Unlock: Gao Shi.

The courtesy name, Dafu, was a famous border poet of the Tang Dynasty.

Please continue to explore the maze by following Gao Shi’s footsteps.

Exploration 15%. SRWfbc

Du Fu’s figure disappeared in front of everyone, followed closely by Gao Shi, who appeared, leading his horse and continuing on, with the wind and sand blowing in the border, the scene around them constantly changing, and the answer box kept popping up on the wall.

This time, the prompts for the upper que were given and the lower que needed to be filled by them.

Thousands of miles, yellow clouds and white sun, the north wind blew wild geese and snow.

Yue Xingwen said, “Don’t worry about the road ahead with no confidant, who in the world does not know the Monarch?” 1 zhcj

This was Gao Shi’s most famous poem, which was written when he said goodbye to his friend Dong Tinglan, and Yue Xingwen certainly memorized it without difficulty.

Continuing to walk forward, Gao Shi’s figure gradually disappeared, but he saw that the surrounding weather suddenly changed, and the desolate grassland was covered with goose feather snow. A person stood alone in the middle of the blankets of snow, writing quickly on the snow with the brush in his hand.

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“The north wind blows the ground and the white grass folds, and Hu Tian flies snow in August.

Vevvfcis, ilxf j cluta bo rqglcu ygffhf, atberjcvr bo agffr jcv qfjgr yibrrbw yibbw.” gp8FWj

When Ke Shaobin saw these two prompts, he immediately said excitedly, “I still remember this poem, I learned it in high school. Is it Cen Shen’s <Bai Xue Ge Sends the Military Judge to Beijing>?”

Wlc Tjc uijcmfv yjmx ja tlw jcv rjlv ilutais, “Gb sbe gfwfwyfg atf mbcafca?”

Bf Vtjbylc mbeutfv ilutais, wblrafcfv tlr atgbja, jcv gfmlafv jibev, “Vmjaafgfv lcab atf yfjv megajlc jcv kfa megajlc, atf obz oeg lr cba kjgw jcv atf ygbmjvf lr atlc… Ktf wbecajlc aegcr jgbecv jcv sbe mjc’a rff sbe, ifjnlcu j qijmf obg tbgrfr ab agjnfi bnfg atf rcbk.”

The surrounding classmates listened carefully. The whole poem consisted of 18 lines, and he actually memorized it in one breath without the slightest pause, so obviously he was very impressed by the poem. suJ2yx

Yue Xingwen smiled and gave a thumbs up. “That’s right, not bad.”

Ke Shaobin lifted his glasses and said seriously, “In the three years of university, a lot of knowledge from high school has been returned to the teacher. But I remember this poem very clearly, because I was called up by the Literature teacher, recited it in front of the whole class, and I was asked to lead everyone to recite it.”

Xin Yan said lightly, “You can memorize the whole text fluently, and the teacher praised you for being smart.”

Ke Shaobin smiled brightly. “The teacher wasn’t wrong to praise me either.” yCzV2G

Xin Yan: “…”

This guy never knew how to write modesty, Xin Yan turned his head and ignored him, consciously flipping through the dictionary.

Everyone found one sentence each and quickly filled in the answers.

The misty area ahead became clear and a familiar prompt popped up—— vM0SHi

New Character Unlock: Cen Shen.

The famous border poet of the Tang Dynasty, known as ‘Gao Cen’ together with Gao Shi.

Please continue to explore the maze by following Cen Shen’s footsteps.

Exploration 20%. G154HY

Walking further, the heavy snow gradually stopped, Cen Shen stopped, looked back and muttered a poem in his mouth: “The road to the east of the hometown is long, and the two-sleeved dragon bell quits tears.”

There was no answer box in front of them, since the NPC directly read the poem, perhaps, the way to answer the question was also to directly read the second half of the sentence?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Thinking of this, Yue Xingwen immediately responded, “Immediately meet without pen and paper, and report peace with your words.”

Cen Shen nodded at Yue Xingwen, and his figure disappeared into the snow in an instant. V5phlv

Everyone looked at each other. Liu Zhaoqing looked around for a long time and complained, “Why is this not according to common sense? The NPC suddenly disappeared and didn’t show us the way?”

Ke Shaobin said, “There is still a road ahead, should we continue to walk, or return?”

Yue Xingwen was silent for a moment and said, “Since there’s a way, let’s continue.”

The road ahead was deserted, but the whole road was wide and straight, without any obstacles, and the surroundings were becoming more and more desolate, not to mention people, not even the grass and trees could be seen. Everyone continued to walk forward for 10 minutes in an apprehensive mood, and a border suddenly appeared in the distance. 1n9dr6

The dilapidated border gate was guarded by only a few soldiers, and a group of troops was marching out in a neat line.

Next to it, a poet picked up a branch and wrote a line of poetry on the earthen wall of the border gate: “The bright moon in the Qin Dynasty and the gate in the Han Dynasty.”

Yue Xingwen saw him stop, so he took a step forward, picked up the branch next to him, and finished the next sentence: “But the flying generals of Dragon City are here, don’t teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountains!”

Lan Yarong said in surprise, “This person is Wang Changling> Who wrote <Out of the Border>?” M2VOq5

Yue Xingwen nodded. “En, there are two poems in his <Out of the Border>, and this is one of them.”

As soon as the words fell, a familiar hover box appeared in front of them——

New Character Unlock: Wang Changling.

The courtesy name was Shaobo, a famous border poet in the Tang Dynasty. s02rFN

Please continue to explore the maze by following Wang Changling’s footsteps.

Exploration 25%.

The prompt flashed, Wang Changling began to write on the mud wall with a branch, only to see him wave his brush and continue to write the poem: “Qinghai Changyun dark snow mountain, isolated city looking at the Yumen Pass,”

Yue Xingwen wrote next to him. “Huangsha hundred battles wear golden armor, do not break the Loulan and eventually do not return.” XCkTLd

Wang Changling’s brush was like flying: “Yumen Mountain ridge has thousands of weights, and the north of the mountain is always a beacon.”

Yue Xingwen calmly finished writing the next line: “People have to look at the fire from afar, and horses step deep into the mountains and disappear!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After writing three poems in a row, all the handwriting on the wall flashed with a soft light effect, and immediately after, Wang Changling also disappeared, and the closed gate at the border slowly opened toward everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and continued to walk forward. CKuL8O

After walking for about 10 minutes, another poet appeared in front of him. He turned and raised his head, as if looking in the direction of his hometown, and sure enough, a prompt appeared in the answer box next to him.

“Far up the Yellow River where white clouds part, ……, Why must a shepherd’s flute blame the Willow, ……”

Yue Xingwen immediately read: “Exists a lonely isolated city among ten thousand towering peaks. Where Spring’s warm breeze never reaches Yumen Pass.”

Lan Yarong said, “Wang Zhihuan <Beyond the Border>?” 5rjSNK

Yue Xingwen nodded. “I didn’t expect that the four poets of Border had actually been assembled.”

A familiar prompt popped up in front of them——

New Character Unlock: Wang Zhihuan.

The courtesy name was Ji Ling, a famous border poet during the Tang Dynasty. t3AcBp

Please continue to explore the maze by following Wang Zhihuan’s footsteps.

Exploration 30%.

Note: If you have collected all the ‘Four Poets of the Border’, you will get the maze prop ‘Hint Brush’. After using the prop, the brush will automatically fill in a word in the answer box, and the prop can be used up to 14 times.

Yue Xingwen was overjoyed and said, “This prop is very practical. I can’t guarantee that I know all the poems, and if I don’t I can use this Hint Brush.” PIyVgF

Jiang Pingce looked at him. “I think that until the maze is cleared, this brush won’t be used.”

Yue Xingwen coughed lightly. “You have so much confidence in me?”

Jiang Pingce said, “En, at least until now, all the masterpieces that have appeared are well-known poets, and they are all within the scope of your research. Your memory has always been outstanding, and you basically remember all the poems you have looked up. So, I believe that the next topic won’t be hard for you either.”

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses and whispered, “When Pingce compliments people, he is really reasonable, and you can’t hear the smell of rainbow farts at all, it’s like he’s stating the facts.” riOcjI

Jiang Pingce looked back at him. “I’m just stating the facts.”

Ke Shaobin: “…”

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So righteous? He had finally learned the best rainbow fart method in history!

Xu Yishen smiled and said, “Of course, it’s best if you don’t use this brush, but with it in hand, we have double insurance.” touqd

Liu Zhaoqing looked at the countdown of the hover box and said, “1 hour has passed, and the requirement is 8 hours to clear the maze, that should be enough time, right?”

Lan Yarong said, “At present, we have met Li Bai, Du Fu, Gao Shi, Cen Shen, Wang Changling, Wang Zhihuan, six poets, with 30% exploration. It seems that Xingwen’s initial speculation is right, a poet increases the exploration by 5%, and if we want to leave the maze, we must unlock at least 20 poets.”

Ke Shaobin suddenly said, “Look, Wang Zhihuan has disappeared!”

Everyone turned their heads in unison—— They saw a white mist in front of him, Wang Zhihuan walked into the mist, and his back quickly disappeared, but the mist did not dissipate. d VGJp

Yue Xingwen hurriedly led everyone to follow Wang Zhihuan, but as a result, they could only walk to the edge of the mist, but they couldn’t take a step forward, as if a transparent wall of air was blocking them.

Liu Zhaoqing was puzzled. “We can’t get through the mist, does this mean that we encountered a dead end?”

Ke Shaobin said, “For each of the previous poets, after we answered the questions correctly, the mist ahead of us would disperse and a new road would appear. There is no new road here, and we can’t continue to move forward, which should mean ‘this road is not possible’.”

Yue Xingwen looked at Jiang Pingce. “How is your map drawing going?” lmiN8f

Jiang Pingce unfolded the map in front of Xingwen and said, “LI Bai has a fork in the road, Du Fu has a fork in the road, and at each fork in the road, we’ve gone to the right. In other words, we’ve been exploring the area to the right of the maze for now. Since this is not the right exit, go back to the previous fork in the road and try to the left.”

Yue Xingwen asked, “Go back to Li Bai directly, or go back to the fork on the Border Scenery and Idyllic Scenery?”

Jiang Pingce thought for a while and said, “Go back to the Idyllic Scenery, it’s convenient for me to draw.”

Yue Xingwen simply said, “Everyone hold on tight, Qin Lu use your Plate Movement to go back directly!” pFfc8m

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  1. I like this arc it’s light and fun

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚