Escape From the LibraryCh270 - Depth of the Starry Sky 22

Yue Xingwen opened a straight road to the underground, and without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Pingce immediately stretched out his blood-drenched right hand, wrote down a formula, and took Zhuo Feng and Xu Yishen up into the air.

With a distance of more than 400 meters and a height of hundreds of floors, it always took a certain amount of time to leap out. RfvDAH

Seeing them fleeing, the surrounding worms hurriedly rushed over from all directions. Zhuo Feng’s face sank, and the golden electricity in his hand burst out like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the nearby worms were electrified into coke!

Xu Yishen’s DNA helix always surrounded the three of them, forming a protective electrical grid.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen saw a beam of light rising rapidly from the bottom of the dark pit from a distance, and the next moment, the three of them finally landed firmly in front of Yue Xingwen. He hurriedly caught up, looked at Jiang Pingce and his voice trembled slightly, “Are you okay?”

Jiang Pingce’s face was covered with black scorched soil, his body was covered with scars, and the color of his originally handsome camouflage suit was no longer clear, and there were spots of blood everywhere… He had never seen such a wretched Jiang Pingce. XK8Ryt

Yue Xingwen’s nose was sour, and he didn’t know what to say. Jiang Pingce gently shook his hand and said in a  low voice, “It’s okay, it’s just a skin injury. Get out of here!”

As soon as the words fell, the soil under his feet suddenly began to shake, as if something was about to break through the soil——

Obviously, the swarm had caught up and was about to crawl out of the ground!

Jiang Pingce hurriedly took the three of them and flew towards the location of his teammates.


Ke Shaobin clearly saw the video transmitted by Xiao Tu from his laptop—— The worms surging underground were like rolling waves, chased after Jiang Pingce and the other three. Wherever the worms passed, the soil began to collapse rapidly, even faster than the Faculty of Architecture’s <City Collapse>!

Liu Zhaoqing glanced at the scene on the screen and scolded. “Holy shit! The underground structure has been completely destroyed by them, and we must get out of this area quickly, or we will sink into the pit and be bitten alive by these worms!”

Qin Lu took out the globe and shouted loudly, “I’m going to switch places, come to my side quickly!”

Jiang Pingce and the other three were moving with mathematical formulas, and their speed was fast enough, but, the speed of the worms churning in the ground was even faster, and they had arrived nearby in a blink of an eye. 1fwSdg

At the moment when Jiang Pingce and the three of them landed in front of her, Qin Lu’s fingers immediately touched the globe to activate the ‘Plate Movement’ skill, and the surrounding teammates collectively teleported to a position 500 meters away!

A single teleportation of 500 meters temporarily left the worms behind.

However, the swarms operated underground, and the entire planet’s underground might be their domain. As long as they couldn’t run away from the planet, an endless stream of worms would always leave them with nowhere to hide!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yue Xingwen forcibly maintained his composure, and said in a deep voice, “We must find a way as soon as possible. After Qin Lu’s Plate Movement is used up, we won’t be able to outrun the speed of the worms.” wFHbCu

Itjcu Wljbcljc rjlv klat j qjif ojmf, “Ktf rbli obecvjalbc tfgf lr ecrajyif, jcv atf yelivlcu klii mbiijqrf rbbc. Delivlcu jc ecvfgugbecv yjrf klii jirb yf reggbecvfv ys kbgwr…”

Pc atf qjra, lo atfs fcmbecafgfv jcs qgbyifwr, atfs mbeiv tjnf Itjcu Wljbcljc veu j yjrf jcv tlv. Dea cbk, atlr wfatbv cb ibcufg kbgxfv, jcv bcmf atf rbli mbiijqrfv, atflg yjrf mbeiv cba yf rerqfcvfv lc atf jlg.

Xu Yishen said, “These things are very similar to annelids, even if they are cut off, they can immediately grow a second head, continue to split, and become more and more. If you want to destroy them, at present, Zhuo Feng’s electricity is still effective. Xin Yan’s strong acids should theoretically melt them as well.”

Xin Yan proposed, “The old way, use Torrential Rain to strengthen acid?” d6cC9p

Yue Xingwen was just about to speak, when suddenly, Jiang Pingce said calmly, “Don’t forget, our mission Ore Collection is still at 99%, and the last piece of ore has not been found.”

This sentence was like a basin of cold water poured on the head, making everyone sober up instantly.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

That was right, the mission was 99%, even if they wiped out the entire worms, so what? They still could not pass the exam.

Liu Zhaoqing gritted his teeth. “I’ve seen more than enough BOSS fight dropping treasures, what’s the point of arranging so many worms for us? It can’t be that we should kill all the worms to get the last ore, right?” tdNrwW

Ke Shaobin asked suspiciously, “Did you not see tha ore when you dug more than 400 meters deep just now?”

Zhuo Feng frowned and said, “I used a magnet to sense, but there is nothing there. Could it be that the location is wrong?”

Xu Yishen said, “I think the location is right. The ore was successfully found in the first four places, and the difficulty suddenly increased when we encountered so many worms in the final location, doesn’t it mean that we have found the right place?”

Jiang Pingce said, “I think so too. It’s likely that we’re close to the core, and the ore is in the same deep pit we were just in. Senior brother Zhuo’s magnet didn’t sense the ore, which does not mean that it doesn’t exist.” 0Kc Nf

Zhuo Feng was stunned, and quickly came back to his senses. “You mean, these worms turned over the soil underground and hid the ore, that’s why my magnet couldn’t suck it away?”

Jiang Pingce nodded. “It’s likely the case. The ore seems to have a special meaning to the worms.”

Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but say, “Do we have to go back to the position we were just now and look for it all over again?”

There was silence all around them at the same time. A0thzO

The thrilling scene just now was still lingering in their mind, and everyone finally escaped from the encirclement of the worms, and those worms were chasing after them…

Returning to their gathering place was a self-defeating one!

But if they didn’t go back, they were going to be stuck at 99% of their progress, and all of their work before would be wasted.

Jiang Pingce looked at Yue Xingwen and asked for his opinion with his eyes, “What do you say?” tcnW G

Yue Xingwen gritted his teeth and simply said, “Go back and look for it!” He took a deep breath and swept his gaze over his teammates. “But we must think of a way to solve the worms before going back. We can’t recklessly go back to die.”

Xin Yan suggested, “I can enlarge the glass bottle and put everyone inside. Although the teeth of these worms are sharp, the body of the annelids is soft, and they can’t directly break the glass, so sitting in the glass bottle, at least everyone doesn’t have to worry about being bitten by them.”

Lin Manluo followed closely and said, “I use vines to connect all the bottles tightly, so that everyone will not be scattered. My vines are as thick as my arm, and it takes time for the worms to bite through. And after connecting everyone, Pingce can control everyone to fly together.”

Yue Xingwen said, “Xin Yan’s strong acid combined with my Torrential Rain, directly pour the acid rain into the ground to melt the worms, and then we go back underground to search for the ore.” Yue Xingwen looked at the time carefully and said, “There are still 5 minutes until 0 o’clock, all the skills will be refreshed, and when it’s time, we will move again. Qin Lu’s skills will be kept for escape. After finding the ore, let’s go to the building where the aircraft is parked and leave the planet with it!” 1OFHxj

Xin Yan hurriedly made 12 giant glass bottles and put everyone inside, and at the same time filled the bottles with enough oxygen. Lin Manluo used 5 vines to connect all the bottles.

The worms chased behind them were close at hand, and the soil beneath his feet constantly began to cave in as if it had been hollowed out from the inside! Jiang Pingce raised his right hand decisively, and the 12 bottles immediately soared into the air.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They began to fly in the opposite direction.

The further they went, the more worms were on the ground, and it was clear that the pit that had just been dug was the nest of the worms. They had to return to the most dangerous place if they wanted to get the last ore. 8OlTjA

Time passed minute by minute, and 5 minutes later, at 00:00 in the morning, all the skills were refreshed. Jiang Pingce suddenly let everyone hover in the air.

Everyone was shocked by the sight in front of them and broke out in a cold sweat——

They saw that a large pit had appeared again in the position that had been filled in by the scorched soil just now, which was deeper than the 400-meter pit they had dug. The dark pit was bottomless, as if it had dug through the entire planet.

At this time, a behemoth grew out of the pit. sIfoG1

It was a monster with three heads, and its body sticking out of the ground was as tall as a few floors, countless times larger than the giant python seen in the documentaries!

Each of its skulls had a pair of scarlet eyes, and as if enraged at the sigh of everyone hovering in the air, it opened its bloody jaws, revealing its sharp fangs and let out a deafening roar.

Ke Shaobin sat in the glass bottle and cried, “The BOSS has appeared. It seems that all the worms we ran into before were its minions!”

Xu Yishen rubbed his temples. “This monster is too big!” AmLCw7

Three heads, so that it had a 360-degree field of vision with no dead angles. The body that could flexibly wriggle and the extreme underground survival ability could allow it to burrow into the ground and disappear without a trace at any time. Moreover, it could also split, causing the severed limbs to split into new life forms instantly…

They had to find a way to solve it all at once.

Yue Xingwen glanced at Xin Yan, and immediately flipped open the dictionary, “Torrential Rain!”

A large cloud appeared above the monster, and Xin Yan tacitly injected strong acid into the clouds, and a very corrosive brown rainstorm poured down. It was about to be poured on the monster body, but the monster seemed to perceive the crisis in advance, and suddenly burrowed into the ground and disappeared! 2nUVlf

The Torrential Rain poured down, and immediately after, there was a sound of soil being turned over in their ears—— Yue Xingwen turned his head to see that the monster actually came out from behind them in an instant, opened its mount, and pounced on everyone angrily!

Although Xin Yan protected everyone with 12 glass bottles, the monster’s big mouth was comparable to the gate of a shopping mall, and could devour all 12 of them into its belly!

Who knew what kind of solution this monster would secrete in its belly?

Once they were eaten, it was over. Perhaps its gastric juices would melt them into a puree of meat in an instant. rH95bI

Jiang Pingce hurriedly revised the formula, maneuvered everyone to fly higher into the air, thrillingly avoiding the monster’s bite!

However, what shocked everyone was that the monster’s body was like a crazy growing green plant, extending outward from the bottomless pit, getting higher and higher, and chasing after them closely!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Jiang Pingce controlled everyone to fly to a height of more than 200 meters, and this monster actually caught up. And its dark brown body, sunk into the ground, still had no end in sight.

Looking at the three heads close to his feet, Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingle. “Just how long is this thing’s body? It can’t be wrapped around like intestines and buried in the ground of the planet, right?!” 3o95QD

Xin Yan’s expression stiffened, “Its sense of smell, sight, and hearing are very keen. Acid rain can’t deal with it at all.”

Underground creatures, no wonder the drones sent by Major General Karen to reconnoiter did not detect them.

Although Jiang Pingce’s coordinate system could control everyone to continue to rise, this was never a solution. Yue Xingwen’s brows furrowed—— How should they deal with this horrible alien creature?


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  1. Hm, magnet worm

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚