Escape From the LibraryCh265 - Depth of the Starry Sky 17

Ke Shaobin stared nervously at the fast moving dots of light in the laptop screen and said, “Could it be a flying monster? Be careful everyone!”

As the dots of light got closer and closer, Xiao Tu’s detection became more accurate. Ke Shaobin was surprised to find that the red light dots on the screen actually turned into three, and there were red and green images that clearly represented heat. wyd8zl

Yue Xingwen frowned and looked at the sky, and actually saw an obvious beam of light, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately said, “Something’s not quite right. Xiao Nian, put away the base first!”

Zhang Xiaonian immediately did so and put away all the walls.

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Jiang Pingce looked at the image that was gradually becoming clear on the laptop screen and said, “It’s like a human being.”

Xiao Tu could detect the location of the target and depict the shape of the other party. W9bMta

At this time, the target image on the screen had a head and limbs, much like a human. Ke Shaobin thought that it was an airborne monster launching a surprise attack, and thought that he could eat meat after hunting them, but it turned out that it was actually three people?!

This conclusion surprised everyone, and Yue Xingwen guessed, “Maybe it’s the rescue force? Knowing that our ship Thorn was shipwrecked, they came to a nearby planet to look for us. Otherwise, this planet is not suitable for human life at all, how could three humans suddenly land?”

Jiang Pingce nodded. “It’s possible. After all, the mission assigned to us by Major General Karen has not yet been completed.”

Yue Xingwen’s gaze swept around quickly. These days, everyone only relied on oranges, leaves and amino acids made by Xin Yan to sustain their body’s consumption, at this moment, they were all famished.


It was not at all like a team that had lost contact for nearly a week.

Yue Xingwen immediately said, “Get some dust on your body, don’t let anyone know about our abilities.”

The students began to dress up one after another, Ke Shaobin simply held a handful of ash and smeared it on his face, and Jiang Pingce, who had always had a habit of cleanliness, also rubbed his clothes on the ground a few times, pretending to be full of hardship.

Yue Xingwen looked at Zhuo Feng. “Turn off the lights.” MszqPH

Zhuo Feng immediately put away the Light Ball, and the surroundings were plunged into darkness.

After about 3 minutes, a huge flying machine landed nearby, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Three heavily armed soldiers stepped down from the aircraft, guns slung over their backs and searchlights in their caps on their heads. The three of them searched forward and whispered, “The wreckage of the Thorn spaceship was found in no man’s land, and the escape pods all popped out, this is the closest planet to the place where the accident occurred, and they are likely to land here.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“However, the environment of this planet is not suitable for human survival at all, and the oxygen content is extremely low. If they were really on this planet, they may have died long ago.” tBPEJN

“Zjpbg Xfcfgji Bjgfc tjr rjlv atja fnfc lo atfs mjc’a yf gfrmefv lc alwf, atflg ybcfr wera yf ygbeuta yjmx obg yeglji.”

Tef Wlcukfc: “…”

Pa rffwfv atja atfrf atgff kfgf rfca ys atflg reqfglbgr ab mbiifma atflg ybvlfr, jcv atfs mfgajlcis vlvc’a fzqfma atfw ab yf jilnf.

Ktf cfza wbwfca, j ygluta iluta revvfcis rtbcf bnfg, Tef Wlcukfc reymbcrmlberis mbnfgfv tlr fsfr klat tlr tjcvr, jcv lwwfvljafis joafg, fnfgsbcf tfjgv j sbecu wjc’r rtbmxfv nblmf, “Yt ws Xbv, atfs jgf ralii jilnf!” 0zbHcq

Under the illumination of the light, 12 people were gathered together, all of them were gray-faced and ragged, and they looked like they had suffered a lot. Especially the one with glasses, his face was covered with dust, and he couldn’t even see his face clearly.

The three of them immediately stepped forward and saluted at Yue Xingwen. “Captain Yue, I’m sorry, our rescue team is late! Are you all alright?”

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Yue Xingwen coughed and said, “Still alive.”

The three of them were puzzled, how did the Action Team 183 survive in such an environment? It had been a week since the accident of the Thorn spaceship, had they only relied on oxygen tanks and the water in the escape pod to hold on until now? AUuwT

The three of them were in awe of Yue Xingwen and hurriedly said, “Please come with us to board the rescue ship, General Major Karen is waiting for you in a nearby star field.”

The camouflage suits on these three people were the same as theirs, and they should be comrades in the same war group. Since Major General Karen, who originally issued the mission, had come here in person, it meant that their mission had to continue to be completed.

Yue Xingwen had no choice but to nod at the three of them and motioned for everyone to follow.

Ke Shaobin walked slowly at the end, and whispered to Xin Yan, “The NPC is here again, I know that we can’t complete the mission he assigned, and we will not be easily passed.” OkQxhr

Xin yan said lightly, “The NPC is afraid that you will starve to death, so they have brought you takeaway from afar.”

Ke Shaobin couldn’t cry or laugh and said, “First, let us land on this planet where birds don’t fly, starve us for a week and now send someone to rescue? Is this a slap in the face, a sweet date, and then an even harder slap?”

Xin Yan: “…”

Ke Shaobin’s description was indeed quite appropriate. Starve them for a week, send a rescue team to find them, although it would solve the problem of food, but in the future, there would definitely be more difficult missions waiting for them. Wasn’t this just a slap in the face, a sweet date, and then an even harder slap? nWmtk1

Unfortunately, they could only accept the arrangement.

12 people lined up and boarded the rescue unit’s spaceship in an orderly manner.

The nimble spaceship quickly took off, burst out of the clouds at lightning speed, and into space, landing on the tarmac of a huge aircraft carrier in the blink of an eye.

Major General Karen greeted them excitedly, “Great, you guys are still alive!” dGRuXD

Yue Xingwen’s right hand was hanging on his chest, and he couldn’t salute, so he had to nod to the other party and said, “Major General, I’m sorry, we encountered a sandstorm on our voyage and couldn’t reach the mission site on time.”

Major General Karen gently patted Yue Xingwen on the shoulder and said, “Such a strong sandstorm is rare to see in a hundred years, and it’s just bad luck to run into it by accident, so I can’t blame you guys for… it’s good to be alive.”

His gaze swept over the 12 people with dusty faces and hurriedly said, “Call the team doctor to come over and help everyone check the injuries. In addition, order the kitchen to make dinner for the members of the Action Team 183.”

The adjutant next to him immediately went to make arrangements. WuhY6t

After a while, a young male doctor in a white coat and holding a medicine box came over and helped everyone do some routine examinations, except for Yue Xingwen’s comminuted fracture, which was not completely healed, no one else was injured, it was mild malnutrition. The doctor removed the wooden plank that was attached to Yue Xingwen’s arm and re-secured it with a cast and bandage.

A sumptuous dinner cooked by the back kitchen was also set out on the table, and everyone who had been hungry for a week were brought to the dining room to eat. Although the food here was very simple compared to the delicacies of the Earth, these canned meat dishes were much better than this week’s onslaught on leaves!

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Everyone feasted unceremoniously, and their tongues finally found their normal sense of taste.

After meals, Major General Karen asked everyone to wash and sent them a new set of clothes. Then, he asked with concern. “As far as I know, the planet you landed on is not suitable for human life at all, how did you survive these seven days?” HtGdn0

Yue Xingwen made up a story with a calm demeanor. “We landed in an underground cave, a monster hidden in the abyss was awakened and frantically chased us, the monster was unusually large and it rampaged through the cave, causing the cave to collapse.” He paused, and then said, “We escaped without danger and killed that monster by using the debris that fell from the sky, and we survived by eating the monster’s flesh for the past few days.” He also pointed to his arm in a thoughtful manner. “My wrist was also injured when I escaped.”

What he said was half true and half false, unless Karen sent someone to the planet to personally verify whether the monster was killed, otherwise, there was no way to know that Yue Xingwen was lying.

Other students also cooperated with Yue Xingwen, showing an expression of agreement with a look of ‘the captain is right’.

Karen patted Yue Xingwen on the shoulder and said earnestly, “Good job! To survive in such a harsh environment, the strength of your Action Team 183 is admirable, and I really didn’t misunderstand you!” PvhFtS

Immediately after, he said, “The mission of the β-71 remains in your hands. I will send someone to escort you to the finish line.”

Everyone: “…”

They had long known that the NPC was not a kind takeaway brother who traveled thousands of miles to deliver food to them, but continued to issue a difficult mission and sent them to the execution ground!

Seeing that Yue Xingwen’s expression was serious and seemed reluctant, Major General Karen added. “Since you have an injury to your right hand, you can rest on this mission and let Jiang Pingce lead the team to investigate.” fRduxa

Yue Xingwen hurriedly said, “No need to rest, my injuries are not serious, I’ll go with them.”

Karen laughed. “Very well! You go back and rest for a while, and then set off tomorrow morning.”

Everyone was taken to the rest area of the ship, and when there was no one around, Ke Shaobin sighed lightly and said, “It’s better to stay on that planet for 20 days and eat leaves. I always feel that the next mission will be more terrifying.”

Liu Zhaoqing complained. “How can a 7-credit course allow you to eat leaves for more than 20 days to pass the exam easily?” xcuhpF

Jiang Pingce calmly said, “What should come will always come, and we can’t skip this exploration mission since it’s an exam target. Let’s recharge our batteries and get ready for the next challenge.”

Ke Shaobin actively looked for information about the mission destination and said, “The place we’re going to has a large amount of precious ores. The drone did not detect the presence of alien creatures on the planet, but the results of the drone report are not necessarily accurate, after all, many animals can hide underground, and we still have to be careful.”

Ke Shaobin paused, then looked at Yue Xingwen and said, “This time, let’s bring more food and fill all the backpacks, so that we don’t get so hungry and weak that we won’t have the strength to fight when we encounter danger!”

Yue Xingwen nodded in agreement and said, “En. Bring more supplies and hide them in the base built by Xiao Nian when the time comes.” 5cmi0l

As soon as the words fell, a prompt message popped up in everyone’s hover box at the same time——

[The mission has been updated]

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[Objective: Collect 100 ore resources and bring them back to the human base for research]

[Reward: Final Assessment Score +30] 6MUirT

Collect 100 ore resources? It was just like the collection quest in the game.

The library certainly wouldn’t put the ores out there and let them get it for nothing; Perhaps, they would need to go over the mountains to find it, or, perhaps, they would have to kill the monsters guarding the ores in order to pick it up.

100 was not a small number.

Yue Xingwen took a deep breath and said, “The previous ten days were spent doing multiple choice and fill-in-the-blanks, and the quiz questions, which are worth the most points on this exam, are only really starting now.” zwy7ev

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚