Escape From the LibraryCh263 - Depth of the Starry Sky 15

The other students standing nearby soon found that Yue Xingwen’s right hand was injured, and the blood stains on his palms were shocking. Liu Zhaoqing hurriedly came to Yue Xingwen, raised his hand and asked, “How did it hurt?”

Yue Xingwen said, “I was hit by a rock when I escaped from the cave just now.” eS9pWC

Liu Zhaoqing took out a roll of gauze and quickly cleaned off the blood in Yue Xingwen’s palm. He didn’t rush to bandage it but carefully observed the wound and said, “Try moving your wrist.”

Yue Xingwen tried to move his wrist under Liu Zhaoqing’s guidance, and instantly, a heartbreaking pain came from the wrist area, as if the bones were separated from the flesh. He let out a breath of cold air, and his brow wrinkled tightly in pain.

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Jiang Pingce was even more distressed when he saw the cold sweat flowing down Xingwen’s forehead, he turned his head to look at Liu Zhaoqing, and asked worriedly, “Senior brother, is Xingwen seriously injured?”

If it was just a simple injury, Liu Zhaoqing would not check in this way, he would bandage it with gauze, and it would be healed within 10 minutes. But now… Jiang Pingce had a very bad premonition. wmV k4

Sure enough, the next moment, he heard Liu Zhaoqing say in a deep voice, “It’s not just a skin injury, Xingwen was hit by a rock on the wrist just now, and in my experience, it’s likely to be a comminuted fracture of the wrist bone.”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding classmates all looked at Yue Xingwen worriedly.

Yue Xingwen had actually expected this. He was also naughty when he was a child, and had gotten his hands and feet hit by bricks, but it had never hurt this much. The pain was not even on the same level as a superficial skin injury and a bone injury.

The moment he was hit by a rock on his wrist just now, he even felt that his hand was already wasted, completely losing its senses. Later, he was so busy running away that he didn’t care about the injuries on his hands. Now that they were all safe and sound, it was as if that heartbreaking pain had finally been awakened, and it quickly traveled throughout the body along the pain nerves.


Although he endured it and didn’t say anything, the cold sweat on his back had already soaked through his clothes.

Ke Shaobin said nervously, “Fracture? What to do! Can senior brother Liu cure it?”

Liu Zhaoqing smiled bitterly and shook his head. “The difficulty is here. If it’s a skin injury, my gauze will take care of it. If it’s internal injuries, it can be recovered by lying on my Surgical Bed for half a day. The only thing I can’t really heal straight away is this kind of subtle comminuted fracture!”

Lin Manluo asked nervously, “To suffer an injury for a hundred days, not to mention a comminuted fracture, it must be very painful! Senior brother, can you find a way to relieve his pain ah?” ltbwuB

Zhang Xiaonian whispered, “I had a fracture when I was a child, and was in a plaster cast for over a month. Senior brother Xingwen’s hands, do we need to find a way to fix them with plaster cast to get better faster? Otherwise, if he touches his hand again when he is active, it will hurt even more, and it will aggravate the injury!”

“Junior brother is right, of course it’s best to have plaster. The problem is that we don’t!” Liu Zhaoqing scratched the back of his head depressedly, “When I first chose the surgical tools, I chose gauze, not plaster!”

“You can try using wooden boards.” Qin Miao suddenly said calmly, “In ancient times, when there were no plasters yet, they were all made of wood into splints, and then tied with grass rope to give a fixed effect.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“That’s right! Senior sister Manluo’s trees and vines can be put to good use!” Ke Shaobin said excitedly. nd0VfP

“P jiwbra obguba jybea atja.” Ole Itjbdlcu’r ojmf lcrajcais lwqgbnfv, ibbxlcu ja Olc Zjcieb jcv rjlv, “Zjcieb, rewwbc j agff jcv j nlcf, P’ii vb la bc atf rqba klat j mtjlcrjk.”

Ktf mbcmfgc ogbw atf mijrrwjafr wjvf Tef Wlcukfc’r tfjga kjgw.

C ogjmaegf kjr cba j ylu vfji, atlr qjlc mbeiv yf abifgjafv fnfc lo sbe uba erfv ab la, yea la kbeiv joofma sbeg wbnfwfca. Lf mbeivc’a wbnf tlr gluta tjcv, jcv la kbeiv yf atf rjwf ab rewwbc atf vlmalbcjgs klat tlr ifoa tjcv ijafg. Lbkfnfg, atf ifoa tjcv kjrc’a jr oifzlyif jr atf gluta tjcv, rb sbe qgbyjyis mbeivc’a erf atf vlmalbcjgs jr j yglmx.

After Lin Manluo summoned the big tree, Liu Zhaoqing quickly cut down a piece of wood with a chainsaw to make a temporary plaster for Yue Xingwen. Next to him, Xin Yan took out the chemical instrument and began to make oxygen on the spot, and stored the made oxygen in everyone’s oxygen tanks. iHezqk

Others had been busy as well.

Due to the high surface temperature on this side of the volcano, even if they had anti-scald shoes given by Xin Yan, it was difficult to stand on the ground for a long time.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhang Xiaonian simply built a house on the spot, the reinforced concrete would not be burned by the surface temperature of about 60 degrees, and it could also block some of the heat transfer, and then the remaining trees were sawn into several planks and spread in the house as beds. A temporary base was quickly built with everyone’s cooperation.

Yue Xingwen wanted to help, Jiang Pingce frowned and pressed him to sit on the wooden pier next to him, “You should take a good rest.” 8EstN0

Liu Zhaoqing also made a wooden plank with himself, and came over to help Yue Xingwen bandage it. He first wrapped a layer of gauze, then clamped the injured wrist with two wooden boards, then pulled a slender vine and tied it to secure it, then tied the other end of the vine around Yue Xingwen’s neck. Senior brother Liu, who studied surgery, was quick and professional in bandaging.

Yue Xingwen hung his arms and smiled at the other party. “Thank you senior brother.”

Liu Zhaoqing advised, “Don’t move your right hand for the next few days, use your left hand if you can, and if you can’t solve the problem with one hand, ask everyone to help you.”

The classmates around him looked at him in unison, as if to say, we’ll keep an eye on you and not let you move. dDUa6C

Yue Xingwen had no choice but to nod honestly, “Got it.”

Next to him, Ke Shaobin suddenly asked, “The monster in the cave didn’t come out after us, so are we going to rest here next?”

Qin Lu said seriously, “Judging from the data, this planet is divided into two parts by a volcano, and on the other side of the volcano is an underground karst cave, which is prone to collapse, and there is a terrifying monster inside.”

Lin Manluo said, “The problem of lack of oxygen has been solved by Xin Yan. With the dryness and heat, we can use some of our skills at intervals to make everyone feel better. For example, Xingwen’s Torrential Rain, Qin Lu’s Siberian Cold Current, and my Purification Lawn.” She paused, looked at her teammates and said, “If there are no other crises, we’ll be here long enough to get through 27 days.” D05BXr

“It’s really not difficult for us to survive in such an environment for 30 days.” Xu Yishen said with a deep smile, “There’s a constant supply of oxygen and water with Xin Yan around; There is Xingwen’s ‘Figure from Behind’ skill, he can also give us an orange rain every day. Even if you only eat oranges, at least you won’t starve to death. If it really doesn’t work, you can also repeat the old trick, steam Manluo’s leaves and eat it, and can also supplement green vitamins.”

Ke Shaobin suddenly missed all kinds of canned meat on the spaceship. At that time, the situation was urgent, and everyone teleported directly to the escape pod, and he didn’t have time to bring a few cans.

It seemed that in the following days, they could only survive on oranges and leaves.

“If it doesn’t work,” Ke Shaobin looked at everyone apprehensively and suggested in a low voice in a tone that asked for advice, “We can also try to kill that monster and grill the meat to eat.” KU2vb4

“……” Everyone collectively made a vomiting gesture.

Anyone who had seen that monster just now had no intention of eating it! Too disgusting!

“Cough, forget I said that.” Ke Shaobin quickly shut his mouth. He just thought that it was not an easy task for them, a group of young men and women in their 20s, who normally required a higher caloric supplement to maintain normal bodily functions than those of the elderly, and it was not easy to live for 27 days purely on leaves and oranges.

And on this planet, the only known living thing was that monster. Qt J8l

“You can’t completely deny Xiao Ke’s suggestion.” Xu Yishen suddenly smiled and said, “When we are really hungry and can’t stand it, we will find a way. That monster is disgusting, maybe, it has less disgusting minions?”

“Okay let’s not talk about that.” Yue Xingwen interrupted the increasingly strange conversation, and said with a smile, “First, give everyone a rain of oranges. After tossing and turning all day, each person should eat a few oranges to quench your thirst.”

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His right hand hung on his chest, and his left hand flexibly summoned the dictionary and anthology, and the familiar ‘Torrential Rain’ made the temperature in the room instantly cool, and then an orange was thrown into the clouds. The dense oranges fell down, which was skillfully caught by Liu Zhaoqing with a gauze net.

The students unceremoniously took oranges to the side to feast on them. 8iBpE9

It had been a full 20 hours since the escape pod landed on an unknown planet after a sudden cosmic sandstorm early this morning, and now the teammates have finally gathered.

In the past 20 hours, everyone had not had a drop of water, and they had been starving for a long time.

They were so busy looking for the teammates earlier that no one mentioned eating. Now, looking at the big and fresh oranges in the house, the gluttonous worms in their stomach started to growl desperately, and there were more than enough of these to go around anyway!

In the blink of an eye, Ke Shaobin devoured four of them, and the others also peeled oranges. NdGZHf

Yue Xingwen’s right hand couldn’t move, and he was struggling to peel the orange with one hand, and he was only halfway through the peel, when suddenly a slender hand reached out in front of him, holding a petal of peeled orange between his thumb and index finger. And even the white orange shreds on it were all removed, looking fresh and tasty.

Yue Xingwen was stunned, raised his head and met Jiang Pingce’s gentle gaze.

The other party said in a low voice, “It’s hard to move, so save yourself some effort. I’ll peel it for you.”

After saying that, the orange petal was directly handed to Yue Xingwen’s lips, and the orange fragrance came to his face. Yue Xingwen subconsciously opened his mouth, and Jiang Pingce quickly fed the orange petal into his mouth. ScPBdt

It was the first time for Yue Xingwen to be fed so intimately, and he was worried about being seen by his classmates, so he hurriedly rolled the orange into his mouth with his tongue, but accidentally licked Jiang Pingce’s finger.

Yue Xingwen’s face turned red instantly, and he hurriedly lowered his head, pretending to chew the food in his mouth as if nothing happened, but he didn’t notice the warmth that flashed in Jiang Pingce’s eyes.

Yue Xingwen swallowed the orange, followed closely by another peeled orange fed to his lips.

“… I-myself… hmm..” Another petal was shoved in, and he didn’t even finish his words. cmhsbv

Jiang Pingce seemed to be keen on feeding him, and he wondered if it was because he was hungry or not. Today’s oranges seemed to be sweeter than in the past? Yue Xingwen’s heartbeat accelerated, for fear that his classmates would see this scene.

But he was obviously overly worried. Everyone was now eating by themselves, Jiang Pingce quietly blocked the eyes of the other students and no one noticed the movement in the corner.

After eating a whole orange, Yue Xingwen blushed, quickly stopped Jiang Pingce, and said in a low voice, “I’ll do it myself, I don’t need you to feed me!”

Jiang Pingce gently grabbed the vine on his right hand, and his gaze was extremely gentle. “Does your hand still hurt?” ROBHci

Yue Xingwen was embarrassed to meet such a gaze and quickly lowered his head. “It’s okay, the gaue can relieve pain, I don’t feel much now.” He paused, and then comforted, “Don’t worry, when this course is over and we return to the library, all of our injuries will be recovered.”

Jiang Pingce was silent for a moment, and asked softly, “Xingwen, if the injured person is me, will you take care of me?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Yue Xingwen answered with almost no hesitation. “Of course!”

Jiang Pingce gently held his left hand. “Me too. So, if you need me anywhere, just tell me, don’t be stubborn. There’s no need to be polite between us, you know?” 2cDGJy

Yue XIngwen said ‘En’, and a trace of warmth rose in his heart. The little pain left in his hand also disappeared under Jiang Pingce’s gentle comfort.

At that moment, he suddenly thought, if one day he was old and couldn’t walk, would Jiang Pingce take care of him as considerately and patiently as he is now?

Can they be like those husbands and wives who love each other dearly, and never leave each other until they grow old?

If so, what difference does it make between a male or female? 52aled

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  1. It’s not easy to be not in majority of all another people, so I appreciate Xingwen’s seriousness

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚