Escape From the LibraryCh262 - Depth of the Starry Sky 14

With the help of Jiang Pingce’s coordinate system, the two soon arrived near the three-way intersection. Yue Xingwen saw the Light Ball in Zhuo Feng’s hand not far away and immediately broke away from Jiang Pingce’s hand holding him.

Jiang Pingce didn’t say anything, and consciously withdrew his hand back. UGRJCN

After all, it was not easy to explain when two boys showed up in front of their classmates holding hands.

Seeing Jiang Pingce and Yue Xingwen flying from the air, Ke Shaobin excitedly stepped forward. “Great, Xingwen has indeed found Pingce! We were worried about what to do if Pingce wasn’t here?”

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Jiang Pingce took Yue Xingwen and landed steadily in front of everyone.

Zhuo Feng said with concern, “Is Pingce okay?” uvsfHc

Jiang Pingce said, “I’m fine. The escape pod landed in mid-air and it was pitch black all around. I couldn’t use the formula to act, so I waited until now. Fortunately, Xingwen brough you guys to me.”

Xu Yishen smiled and said, “The teammates have finally been found, let’s go back and join everyone quickly.”

Ke Shaobin opened the three-dimensional image in his laptop and said, “After entering the cave just now, Xiao Tu scanned all the way and a complete map of the cave was automatically established in my laptop, so let’s just return the same way.”

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from the depth of the cave!


In the empty cavern, the high-decibel sound had an earth-shattering reverberation, and even the surrounding rocks were shaken slightly. Everyone stumbled under their feet and almost fell. Yue Xingwen hurriedly held onto the stone pillar next to him and asked, “What’s that sound?”

Ke Shaobin hesitated. “Why do I feel this is very similar to the roar of a monster?”

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly, Zhuo Feng’s face changed. He looked at Xu Yishen and said, “It can’t be that there’s a monster hiding inside that abyss, right?!”

When the others heard this, they all looked back at Zhuo Feng. “Abyss?” dSRpEM

Xu Yishen’s face was also a little ugly. Just now, he and Zhuo Feng went to the left road to find Jiang Pingce and encountered a deep abyss on the way. Zhuo Feng threw a magnet down to explore the depths of the abyss, but the result was that they could not hear the ringing sound at all, as if it was swallowed by the bottomless dark abyss.

The two of them illuminated the surroundings with Light, and found that there was no other way, so they immediately returned.

Xu Yishen’s voice sank as he said, “Perhaps, it was the two of us who startled the monsters sleeping in the abyss?”

Zhuo Feng frowned. “Listening to this roar, the size of the monster should not be small!” 5vkqua

The beasts of the Earth, they had seen a lot of them in the Geography Department’s <Ice Age> course, even the largest size of the ancient giant bears, everyone could easily hunt with the cooperation of skills.

But now, the planet they were on, α-71, was completely uncharted territory. Who knew what the monsters here looked like? They didn’t know how important it was to hunt alien monsters, and it would be bad if they were devoured instead!

Yue Xingwen looked at Qin Lu and said without hesitation, “Plate Movement, go now!”

Qin Lu held the globe tightly in her hand and immediately switched positions in a straight line towards 500 meters. Qy8OFH

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The premise of the Plate Movement was that the ground under the feet and another designated ground switch position, which was the fastest escape method for their Research Group 183, which could run 500 meters in 1 second.

Lbkfnfg, cb bcf fzqfmafv atja atf wbwfca Hlc Oe rklamtfv fnfgsbcf’r qijmfr ab j vlrajcmf bo 500 wfafgr, atf ugbecv ecvfg atflg offa revvfcis yfujc ab mbiijqrf!

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Tef Wlcukfc ofii olgra, jcv Aljcu Ulcumf tegglfvis gfjmtfv bea ab ugjy tlw.

Ktf ugbecv jgbecv atfw vlgfmais mbiijqrfv bea lcab j teuf mgjafg. fbTyvV

Yue Xingwen’s body hung in the air, and Jiang Pingce’s right hand grabbed him hard, pulling him upwards.

A strong force came along Jiang Pingce’s palm, Yue Xingwen immediately used his other hand to climb the rock next to him, using Jiang Pingce’s strength to climb up quickly.

Looking back, he saw a huge abyss had formed in the position where it had just collapsed, and the pitch-black pit was bottomless, and if he fell down, he would definitely be crushed!

Yue Xingwen looked back at Jiang Pingce with palpitations, the latter held his hand tightly and said calmly, “The terrain here is very unstable, the monster may be chasing us, everyone be careful!” ZcCYn8

As soon as the words were spoken, the rock on which they were standing suddenly made a sound of shattering from the center.

Qin Lu’s face turned pale, and she asked in a trembling voice, “Should we keep switching places forward?” If the ground suddenly collapsed and everyone fell into the abyss collectively, wouldn’t they be instantly submerged by the collapsing rocks?

Jiang Pingce said in a low voice, “Gather around me and go through the air!”

Everyone immediately gathered around Jiang Pingce as he raised his right hand, quickly drew the coordinate system, and wrote two formulas in succession. tl2fuk

The wave-like sine motion was already very familiar to everyone, and they wouldn’t be as dizzy as they were the first time.

However, at this moment they were not moving forward in a stable environment. As the ground collapsed, the surrounding rocks began to crumble and fall downward in a frenzy as if answering a call.

The whole cave seemed to be shaking, as if it had encountered a magnitude 8 earthquake!

Countless rubble fell, and the cave was filled with dust. It was already difficult for Jiang Pingce to control the direction of everyone’s movement in the air, and under the influence of the debris, he couldn’t even see the road ahead. 1yKZJv

THe surrounding ground shook, which was even more terrifying than the <City Collapse> course in the Architecture Department before, and the speed of cave collapse was far faster than the speed of the City Collapse before.

To add insult to injury, in City Collapse, they could fly into the air to avoid it, but when the cave collapsed, there was nowhere to hide—— the rocks at the top were densely packed, and it could easily injure them if all the rocks fell.

Just when Jiang Pingce led everyone around the corner, several sharp rocks fell from the sky unexpectedly, and they were about to hit Jiang Pingce’s head. Yue Xingwen didn’t have time to think about it and shouted, “Be careful!”

He didn’t hesitate to block it with the dictionary, several rocks were knocked out by the thick dictionary and suddenly, a boulder hit his hand. Yue Xingwen felt as if his hand was crushed by a wheel, the sharp pain of broken bones came down his wrist, and his right hand lost consciousness in an instant. aOr to

Jiang Pingce heard the voice, turned his head and asked, “Are you okay?”

Pingce was manipulating the air movement formula, and he must not be distracted.

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Yue Xingwen gritted his teeth and retracted his hand, hiding it behind him. He didn’t care about the blood that kept oozing from his palm and pretended to be calm. “I’m fine. Zhang Xiaonian, build an anti-earthquake wall overhead to block the falling rocks!”

The anti-earthquake wall was not limited to the direction and could be made into a ceiling to block falling rocks overhead. But the anti-earthquake walls couldn’t move with them, and it would stay where it was when it was built. 3VRTKA

All the way forward, building walls along the way, Zhang Xiaonian’s skills were not enough. Moreover, the anti-earthquake wall couldn’t exist in the air, it would still fall. Unless, they could carry a wall and fly forward, so that the anti-earthquake wall could always be overhead to protect everyone from being smashed!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaonian hurriedly said, “Senior brother Zhuo, could you make the anti-earthquake wall lighter?”

Zhuo Feng understood what he meant, and said, “Yes!”

Zhang Xiaonian said, “Give me 3 seconds, I’ll build the wall and we’ll carry the anti-earthquake wall.” l6SpHU

Jiang Pingce paused in the air, Zhang Xiaonian stretched out his right hand, and a 2×3 meters anti-earthquake wall quickly appeared above everyone’s heads. Zhuo Feng immediately reduced its weight, raised his hands with Xu Yishen, and easily lifted this wall.

Zhuo Feng’s ‘Force’ skill could reduce the action force and reaction force, eliminate friction and he didn’t expect the effect to be so good. Xu Yishen sighed. “It’s like carrying a foam board, it’s too light.”

Jiang Pingce siad, “Let’s go, hurry up!”

With this wall as a ‘protective shield’ overhead, falling rocks in the cave would no longer hurt them. K0RtuI

The roar of the monster came from behind him again, almost shattering one’s eardrums!

Judging by the volume, the monster was getting closer and closer to them, as if it was about to catch up with them at once and devour them all. They didn’t know what the monsters that live in the depths of the abyss look like?

Yue Xingwen turned his head to look, and suddenly his whole body stiffened——

It was a huge monster that couldn’t be described in words! UH6fdX

It had dark, thick hair, green eyes, and countless tentacles around its body, and it was unusually large, but it could crawl flexibly and quickly through the cracks of the rock like a liquid.

The moment Yue Xingwen turned around, he happened to meet countless pairs of dark green eyes.

The goosebumps on Yue Xingwen’s whole body instantly stood up, a chill ran through his spine and he hurriedly turned around and said, “Hurry up, it’s catching up!”

Jiang Pingce’s face was serious, and his right hand immediately adjusted the formula. sMmCVL

The monster blinked, stretched out a tentacle, and jerked forward—— A stone pillar in front of them was swept away by it in an instant, and the surrounding rocks fell wildly, directly forming a stone wall, blocking their way!

Everyone who was flying in the air almost hit their heads against the stone wall, Jiang Pingce reacted extremely quickly and immediately terminated the movement formula. Yue Xingwen endured the sharp pain in his wrist and quickly read out the idiom from the dictionary, “Golden Cicada Shell!”

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Everyone instantly crossed to the other side of the stone wall, and Jiang Pingce activated the formula again and took everyone out.

“Aooo——” NCMSAr

The roar of the monster was close to my ears, and the cavern had begun to collapse completely. The 7 people flying in the air were like tiny mosquitoes trying to escape from the huge spider web, and every step was extremely difficult!

Such a thrilling escape process made everyone’s back break out in a cold sweat.

Jiang Pingce was under the most pressure, and he had to concentrate on modifying the curve of the movement so that everyone would not hit the stone wall. It was exceptionally difficult to do this in a cave that was littered with falling rocks and constantly collapsing around you. But he did it!

After a thrilling 1 minute, they finally escaped from the cave in a sorry state. EcNdo5

A beam of light appeared in front of him, which was the light of Xin Yan’s spirit lamp. Jiang Pingce’s expression was grim and he quickly revised the formula, so that the 7 people fell directly in front of Xin Yan outside the cave.

Seeing the ugly faces of each of them, Liu Zhaoqing hurriedly greeted them and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“There’s a monster in the cave chasing us from behind.” Yue Xingwen said decisively, “Zhang Xiaonian, build a wall to seal the road and stop it!”

“Understood!” Zhang Xioanian immediately started work, and several walls fell in succession, sealing the entrance to the cave directly. Nsndci

There were deafening crashes and roars coming from inside, the walls that stopped the cavern were shaking from the impacts, and dust was flying everywhere around them, making it a frightening sight to watch.

Yue Xingwen said, “In order to prevent it from crashing through the wall and rushing out, let’s go to the volcano first and then discuss the future plan.”

Qin Lu consciously took out the globe, began to switch positions, taking everyone all the way to the other side of the volcano. The high temperature , which was diametrically opposed to the cave, had made everyone feel much more at ease.

Ke Shaobin breathed a sigh of relief. “The cave completely collapsed, fortunately we ran fast enough, otherwise we would have been buried inside!” Xu Yishen rubbed his temple and said, “That monster has eyes all over its body, it’s so disgusting!” npWMw7

Liu Zhaoqing asked, “None of you guys are hurt, right?”

Everyone said that they were fine, and at this moment, Jiang Pingce suddenly grabbed Yue Xingwen’s right wrist and put his hand in front of his eyes to observe carefully——

The bright red blood had already covered Yue Xingwen’s entire palm, and there were also large bruises on his wrists, the scars were shocking. Jiang Pingce’s breath was suffocated, and his face was suddenly extremely ugly. “You’re injured, why don’t you say it?”

Yue Xingwen’s hand was already numb with pain, but he still smiled optimistically and said, “It’s okay, it’s a skin injury.” Rb2Qhk

Facing Jiang Pingce’s profound gaze, Yue Xingwen lowered his head and said softly, “I just don’t want you to be distracted and affect the calculation of the formula. At that time, the rock almost hit your head…”

Jiang Pingce frowned. “So you used your hand to block it?”

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Yue Xingwen defended. “I used a dictionary to block it, but there were too many falling rocks, and two of them missed before accidentally hitting my hand.” Having said that, he also made a joke. “It’s better to smash my hand than to smash you unconscious, right?”

Ten fingers connected to the heart, Xingwen must have been in pain at the time, but he endured it without saying a word. 5h1Sse

Jiang Pingce’s mood was extremely complicated.

It turned out that just as he had always wanted to protect Xingwen, Xingwen was also protecting him unconsciously.

This was how they should be in a relationship where they depended on each other and protected each other. At critical moments, subconscious reactions would make actions greater than rationality.

Maybe this was also their tacit understanding? d3lJhk

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚