Escape From the LibraryCh256 - Depth of the Starry Sky 08

Yue Xingwen was awakened by a strange dream.

The spaceship’s dormitory had no windows, and it was pitch black after the lights were turned off. Yue Xingwen only felt that his clothes were soaked with sweat and it was so hot that he felt like he was sleeping in a steamer. yFXL6q

Yue Xingwen looked at the bracelet in the quilt, and the time was only 6 o’clock in the morning. Turning his head to see that Jiang Pingce in the next bed was still sleeping, breathing evenly, and seeing the other party’s side profile by the light of the bracelet, Yue Xingwen suddenly had a guilty conscience.

He was embarrassed to recall the indescribable fragments of his dream.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen’s whole face was so hot that it was about to burn, he quickly turned over and got out of bed, lightly touched the bathroom, took a random shower with cold water, drove away the messy thoughts in his mind before he turned around to go out of the door.

The time between 6:00 am to 8:00 am happened to be when Xin Yan and Ke Shaobin were on duty. F8TxUB

When Yue Xingwen came to the command room, Ke Shaobin was playing a minesweeper game with his laptop on, while Xin Yan was sitting in front of the command platform staring at the navigation map expressionlessly.

Seeing him coming in, both of them raised their heads at the same time, showing puzzled expressions.

Ke Shaobin lifted his glasses and asked, “Xingwen, why are you getting up so early? It’s only 6 o’clock.”

Xin Yan calmly asked, “Is something wrong?”


Yue Xingwen’s ears were red. He pretended to be calm and said, “It’s nothing, I had a nightmare and woke up in a panic.”

Ke Shaobin said curiously, “What kind of nightmare ah?”

Yue Xingwen: “…”

He dreamed that he and Jiang Pingce took a bath together and touched each other’s bodies and made a lot of ambiguous movements. If the truth was told, Ke Shaobin’s eyes would probably fall out. iAR4C

Yue Xingwen looked away and said casually, “I dreamed that I was eaten by a monster.”

Ke Shaobin smiled. “I’m the opposite of you, after I fell asleep last night, I dreamed I was eating monsters.”

Xin Yan: “…”

Yue Xingwen walked towards the console, glanced at the navigational map, and asked, “Is everything normal with the ship?” zUeXli

Xin Yan said, “En, the spaceship has been moving according to the navigation route set before, and it has only traveled 15% of the distance so far, and there are still 6 days to arrive.”

When Yue Xingwen saw everything was functioning normally, he put his mind at ease and turned around to go out. “Thank you for your hard work, I’ll go find something to eat.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf jaf j iba bo nfufajyifr jcv vglfv ogelar sfrafgvjs, ktlmt kfgf fjrlfg ab vlufra, jcv ja atlr qblca, tf pera ofia tecugs. Tef Wlcukfc vlvc’a fzqfma atja jr rbbc jr tf kjixfv lcab atf vlclcu gbbw, tf revvfcis wfa j qjlg bo ojwliljg fsfr.

—— Aljcu Ulcumf jmaejiis tjqqfcfv ab mbwf ab atf vlclcu gbbw jr kfii. cy2PSJ

Seeing Xingwen, he asked in a low voice, “Why did you get up?”

Almost at the same time, Yue Xingwen also asked, “Why did you get up?”

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Both of them: “…”

The awkward silence lasted for 3 seconds. The corner of Jiang Pingce’s lips rose lightly as he said, “I was a light sleeper and woke up when I heard that someone seemed to be washing in the bathroom.” u7dVHf

Yue Xingwen touched his nose and replied, “I thought my action was light enough, but I didn’t expect it to wake you up.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Jiang Pingce looked at Yue Xingwen’s red ears and softly asked, “What’s wrong? You don’t need to be on duty today, you got up so early?”

Yue Xingwen didn’t dare to look at his eyes, so he had to lower his head to say, “I was awakened by a nightmare.”

Jiang Pingce asked, “Nightmare? What did you dream about?” Arbiak

The flush on Yue Xingwen’s ears quickly spread to his cheeks, and he whispered, “It’s nothing, it’s just some messy monster, maybe affected by canned food with a strange taste.”

Jiang Pingce didn’t ask any more questions, walked to the dining room and opened the freezer. He took out some biscuits and milk and put them on the table. “Since you’re awake, let’s have breakfast first. Later, when the other students wake up, we will go to switch shifts so that everyone can eat.”

Yue Xingwen said, “En.” sat at the dining table, lowered his head as he wolfed down his food, eating to ease the embarrassment.

After two packs of biscuits in a row, Yue Xingwen calmed down and finally returned to normal. But he didn’t know what to talk to Jiang Pingce, so he had to sit there in silence, staring at the bag of biscuits in a daze. LdHntM

Jiang Pingce asked, “Why aren’t you talking today?”

Yue Xingwen said, “I don’t know what to say.”

Jiang Pingce chuckled. “It’s extremely rare that you don’t know what to say.”

Yue Xingwen couldn’t help but say, “Are you beating around the bush and thinking I’m talking too much?” rIfnFJ

Jiang Pingce’s voice was gentle. “Talking a lot is also quite good. At least, you can always liven up the atmosphere when you are around.”

Yue Xingwen thought to himself, as long as he was alone with him now, the atmosphere was still really not lively, he always felt that something was weird.

Both of them fell silent at the same time.

Usually, as long as Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce were together, they always had endless things to say, and other people couldn’t even interrupt them. But today, both of them were actually ‘speechless’. WG4Pvo

Inside the quiet dining room, one could even hear each other’s breathing, which made Yue Xingwen feel like sitting on pins and needles. He thought about it for a long time, and just wanted to find a topic to break the silence, but he heard Jiang Pingce take the initiative to speak, “I remember, I saw your father once during the high school parent-teacher meeting, is he very good-tempered? Always smiling.”

Yue Xingwen subconsciously answered, “Is it the parent-teacher meeting in the first semester of high school?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Pingce nodded and said, “That’s right.”

Yue Xingwen remembered what happened back then, and couldn’t help laughing. “I remember that parent-teacher meeting, you took first place in the whole grade, and you were praised by the head teacher for a long time. My father went back and said that Jiang Pingce in your class is really good, and he still scored 100 points in the math paper that was so difficult. I told him that Jiang Pingce scored 100 points in the exam because the max points he could get is 100, and he could still score 200 points in the exam if he tok ten more questions.” fxYHRd

Jiang Pingce: “…”

Yue Xingwen coughed and siad, “I have been very naughty in the first half of my first year of high school, and my father always told me to let me study more with Jiang Pingce, who ranked first, and he has a good impression of you.”

The corners of Jiang Pingce’s lips lifted lightly. “On the contrary. After my mother had a parent-teacher meeting, she asked me to learn more from you. She said that Yue Xingwen is smart and cheerful, he will definitely have a future, which is much better than me who only buries himself in questions.”

Yue Xingwen was a little embarrassed. “Your mother praised me?” 8Z43YO

Jiang Pingce said, “En, she often praises you, saying that you not only have good grades, but also good personality.”

At this moment, Ke Shaobin’s voice suddenly sounded behind them, “It seems that both parents agree to your marriage! Anyway, you have already received the certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau, and when you go back, remember to make up the wedding and send out wedding candies.”

Yue Xingwen: “……”

COuld he catch Ke Shaobin over and beat him? LY1rfu

Although he knew that Ke Shaobin was joking, Yue Xingwen suddenly realized that they were both excellent people in the hearts of each other’s parents, so the parents wouldn’t have thought as ‘you’ve brought my son down’.

As the city’s top arts and sciences student that year, the two of them were always equals, no one was stronger or weaker. If one day they came out to their families and were determined to be together, their family would see that they had known each other for years and were equally good at what they did… wouldn’t they necessarily be against it, right?

Yue Xingwen’s mind was suddenly in a mess.

For the first time, he considered these realities. If he was a girl, or Jiang Pingce was a girl, the two of them would definitely get the blessings of all their relatives and friends to be together. But they were all boys, and in the eyes of many people, two boys together were deviant, and, the country’s marriage laws did not currently support same-sex marriage registration. kNYj9H

Yue Xingwen didn’t care about other people’s eyes, but his parents’ thoughts still had to be carefully considered. Jiang Pingce was the person he cherished the most, which was also the fundamental reason why he did not dare to make a rash decision.

Upon seeing Yue Xingwen lowered his head and falling into deep thought, Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but be puzzled. “Xingwen, I’m just kidding. You’re not angry, right?”

Yue Xingwen came back to his senses and smiled. “I’m not angry, I didn’t hear anything you just said.”

Ke Shaobin breathed a sigh of relief and took two packs of biscuits off the table, saying, “I’ll get some food, you guys keep chatting, I’m going back to the command room.” VZjewU

After he left, Jiang Pingce gently held Yue Xingwen’s hand on the table, and said softly in a volume that only the two of them could hear, “Xingwen, I know that you are a very responsible person, and you will consider things more comprehensively. I can assure you that my parents will not object to my decision. I’ve already spoken to them when I changed my university choice that year.”

Yue Xingwen’s heart trembled, and he wanted to retract his hand, but Jiang Pingce held it tighter.

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The body temperature belonging to the other party was transmitted along the part of the finger contact, warm, as if there was a soothing power, and the voice in the ear was low and gentle. “Last night, you didn’t dream of monsters, right?”

Yue Xingwen’s ears instantly turned red, as if he had been electrocuted, and quickly retracted his hand. Thinking of those ambiguous fragments in the dream, he longed to bury himself in a crack in the ground. YqkfXN

Jiang Pingce continued to whisper in his ear, “You kept calling my name last night.”

Yue Xingwen: “………”

Is it a social death scene? Can you please not say it?

Looking at Yue Xingwen’s blushing appearance, Jiang Pingce’s heart seemed to be gently brushed by a feather, tingling and itching. Wasn’t such a green Yue Xingwen just like him when he first fell in love? It was just that when he was 17 or 18 years old, he already realized that he liked Xingwen and often saw Xingwen in his dreams. RzhV8c

Xingwen’s feelings came slowly, but they were just as pure and sincere.

Jiang Pingce put away the joke and didn’t continue the topic. Sometimes, it wasn’t necessary to put things too bluntly, it was enough to wake up the other party; Xingwen had almost figured it out, he didn’t need to rush to urge the result every day.

Jiang Pingce stood up and said, “It’s still early, since I didn’t sleep well from the nightmare last night, I might as well go back to sleep again—— Only by cultivating your spirit so that you can deal with the next unexpected situation.”

Yue Xingwen was right to think about it, so he got up and followed him to return to the dormitory. hDFbqc

This time he slept soundly, and he didn’t have any strange dreams. When he woke up, the classmates also got up, and everyone was eating in the dining room. Yue Xingwen was in good spirits, so he followed them for another meal.

On the second day of the interstellar voyage, nothing happened and it was a little too calm.

The spaceship went all the way in the vast universe, and the starry sky landscape outside the window would be boring after a long time. Everyone spent the most boring day, until it was dark and everyone changed shifts again.

Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce rested last night, and tonight they picked the most difficult time period of 4~6 o’clock in the morning. pWFd3s

At 3:30 am in the morning, Xiao Tu, who had set the alarm clock, woke them up on time. Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce quickly washed their faces, came to the command room on time, and replaced Zhuo Feng and Zhang Xiaonian.

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  1. Little Ke is a really cute

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚