Escape From the LibraryCh255 - Depth of the Starry Sky 07

Time passed minute by minute, and it was not until half an hour later that the spaceship bypassed the black hole far away according to the set trajectory, and the stone in everyone’s heart finally fell to the ground.

Yue Xingwen looked back at everyone. “Go ahead and eat.” 0BQypV

The four girls picked up the scattered cans and put them back on the table, Ke Shaobin actively ran over, opened a few cans, and commented while tasting them, “The rat meat is a bit salty, maybe too much salt was added; The snake meat is very smooth and tender, and the taste is the best, but there is more snake blood and a slightly fishy smell; The insect meath ssi crunchy, and I can see that there are wings inside.”

Xin Yan was expressionless as he said, “You can stop talking in such detail.”

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Several girls showed difficulty in swallowing expressions.

Xu Yishen looked around and found that everyone else except Ke Shaobin didn’t dare to eat it, so he smiled and picked up a canned snake meat and said, “I’ll try this.” ZEhi4W

Liu Zhaoqing followed up and picked up the insect-flavored canned food, chewing it with relish and said, “The protein content of insects is really high, this canned food is nutritious, won’t you guys try it?”

Driven by these ‘no taboo’ trio, others also slowly overcame psychological barriers and began to eat canned lunches with a sense of urgency.

Yue Xingwen was worried that the library would create another crisis for them, so he remained on duty in the command room with Jiang Pingce. Hearing the conversation coming from the dining room, he turned his head to look at Jiang Pingce, only to unexpectedly find that—— Jiang Pingce’s forehead, which was covered by his bangs, actually oozed a trace of dazzling blood!

Yue Xingwen’s heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, “Why is your forehead injured?”


Jiang Pingce’s attention had been on the navigation map just now, so he didn’t feel any pain. Hearing this, he subconsciously reached out to touch his forehead, and sure enough, he touched a handful of blood.

Jiang Pingce’s voice was calm and said, “Maybe I accidentally bumped into something just now. It’s okay, it’s not serious.”

Yue Xingwen recalled that when the spaceship shook violently for the first time just now, he leaned forward and Jiang Pingce went to pull him. Both of them were thrown out and he heard a ‘bang’ sound, which seemed to be Jiang Pingce’s head hitting something—— It must have been the injury he suffered at that time.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and the location of Pingce’s injury was covered by bangs, so he didn’t notice it. 48rspM

Although Yue Xingwen knew that senior brother Liu’s gauze could deal with external injuries, he couldn’t help but feel distressed when he saw the blood flowing from Pingce’s forehead.

Yue Xingwen took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Pingce. “Don’t touch it with your hands, I’ll go get some gauze from senior brother Liu.”

As he walked briskly to the dining room, the other classmates were eating canned food with relish.

Seeing Yue Xingwen coming, Ke Shaobin actively asked, “Xingwen, are you hungry? Why don’t you and Pingce come and eat quickly, I’ll finish up in a minute and then I’ll go and switch shifts with you.” EPYKj2

Yue Xingwen was in no mood to eat at all, so he walked directly to Liu Zhaoqing. “Senior brother, give me a roll of gauze.”

Liu Zhaoqing was unsure, but still stretched out his right hand and turned out a roll of white gauze and handed it to him. “What’s the matter? Is anyone injured?”

Yue Xingwen took the gauze and said, “Pingce is injured, I’ll take care of it.” With that, he hurriedly turned around and left. When he walked back to Jiang Pingce with the gauze, the blood on Jiang Pingce’s forehead had already flowed down his cheeks, drawing a winding red mark on the side of his face.

Yue Xingwen said softly, “Sit down, I’ll take a look at the wound.” 0cLABd

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jiang Pingce sat down cooperatively, and Yue Xingwen gently brushed away his bangs—— Only on the right side of the forehead there was a scar about 5 cm long, the wound was very deep, it should be cut by a sharp object.

Ktf tlvfber kbecv wjvf Tef Wlcukfc’r tfjga offi ilxf la tjv yffc rajyyfv ys j cffvif, jcv atf vlragfrr tf tjv cfnfg fzqfglfcmfv delmxis rqgfjv ogbw tlr mtfra. Lf ogbkcfv jr tf qgfrrfv vbkc bc Aljcu Ulcumf jcv abgf atf ujehf lc tjio, tjio bo la ufcais klqfv atf kbecv jcv tlr mtffx ab mifjc boo atf yibbv atja tjv aglmxifv vbkc; Ktf batfg tjio kjr alfv ab atf kbecv ab tfiq la tfji delmxis.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His movements were gentle and slow, cautious, as if he were touching a priceless treasure, for fear that he would break it with a little force.

Jiang Pingce sat motionless the whole time to cooperate, but the corners of his lips couldn’t help but raise. BQsxiZ

It wasn’t until Yue Xingwen finished bandaging that Jiang Pingce said in a low voice, “Don’t worry, it’s just a little skin injury.”

Yue Xingwen withdrew his hand and advised, “You can’t be careless with a superficial wound, what if it causes an infection? Wear the gauze for a few more minutes, and then take it off when the wound is completely healed, do you hear me?”

Jiang Pingce chuckled and said, “En, listen to you.”

Being gently watched by Jiang Pingce’s gaze with a smile on his face, Yue Xingwen’s cheeks suddenly heated up, and at a loss for words, he averted his gaze. vQtT1g

If it was before, it would have been normal for a good buddy to get hurt and for him to help bandage his wounds.

But now it was different, Jiang Pingce had clearly expressed his feelings to him, and he was still so unconventional as to personally bandage the wound… What was this?

Yue Xingwen regretted a little, he knew that he should let a professional senior brother Liu deal with the wound to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. But at that time, he really didn’t think about it that much, and there was only one thing in his mind—— Pingce was injured.

The more Yue Xingwen thought about it, the more he felt that what he was doing was not appropriate, especially Jiang Pingce, who had been looking at him gently, making his whole face almost burn. He coughed embarrassedly and said, “I’m hungry, go eat something first.” pW5bTa

At this time, Liu Zhaoqing and Xu Yishen came over, the two of them were already full and while they came to change shifts with Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce, they were also concerned about Jiang Pingce’s injuries.

Yue Xingwen almost collided head-on with senior brother Liu. Liu Zhaoqing saw him panicking and thought that Jiang Pingce had been seriously injured, so he hurriedly walked into the command room——

As a result, he saw Jiang Pingce with a piece of gauze wrapped around his forehead, his expression was calm, and there seemed to be a smile hidden in his eyes.

Liu Zhaoqing was puzzled. “What’s the matter? Is the injury serious?” 3Mgw0G

Jiang Pingce got up and said, “It’s okay, I scratched my skin and bled a little.”

Liu Zhaoqing took off the gauze and looked at it, and was speechless for a moment.

Xu Yishen smiled and said, “Looking at Xingwen’s expression just now, I thought you were seriously injured. I came with senior brother Liu to take a look at your injuries, only to find that—— the wound has healed ah!”

Liu Zhaoqing pointed to Jiang Pingce’s smooth forehead and said, “I can’t even see the scar.” 1YfEJi

Jiang Pingce: “……”

The ridicule of the two senior brothers made Jiang Pingce not feel embarrassed at all, but rather happy—— This proved that Xingwen cared about him very much, the so-called ‘care is chaotic’, after seeing him injured, Xingwen’s expression was not as calm as before, giving the senior brothers the illusion that ‘Jiang Pingce is seriously injured’.

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Xingwen was different to him after all.

Jiang Pingce took off the gauze on his forehead and threw it into the trash, looked at the two of them and said, “Trouble the two senior brothers keep an eye on the navigation, I’ll go eat something.” qW tJn

Liu Zhaoqing said briskly, “Go, we are here to change shifts with the two of you.”

Jiang Pingce nodded at him, turned around and walked quickly to the dining room.

There were already a lot of empty cans on the table in the dining room, and it seemed that the students were well receptive to the novelty food. Especially in front of Ke Shaobin, the canned food cans were piled directly into a small mountain, and he ate 6 cans by himself!

Seeing Jiang Pingce coming, the other classmates expressed their concern. “I heard that Pingce is injured, is it serious?” YM5PN

“Where is the wound ah?”

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses and carefully observed his face, “Where’s your wound?”

Jiang Pingce’s expression was calm and said, “It’s already fine.”

Ke Shaobin was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, “Senior brother Liu’s gauze is really awesome!” RkwqEF

Yue Xingwen lowered his head to eat, Jiang Pingce sat beside him, took a few packets of compressed biscuits from the table and unwrapped them.

Ke Shaobin actively recommended, “Pingce, try the insect-flavored canned food, the snake meat one is good too!”

Yue Xingwen said, “Don’t recommend it, he doesn’t like to eat these.”

Jiang Pingce said ‘En’ and said, “You guys eat canned meat, I’m a vegetarian today.” mXddeZ

Ke Shaobin said, “Can you get enough just by eating biscuits?”

Jiang Pingce said, “Of course, the calories of compressed biscuits are enough, and many troops will also carry this convenient food when they go out to fight. What’s more, there are dried vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins, and it’s not necessary to eat meat.”

Ke Shaobin shrugged regretfully. “It’s too bad not to eat something so delicious, right?”

Xin Yan said expressionlessly, “Is there anything you don’t eat?” MFHCa7

Ke Shaobin pretended to think seriously for a moment, and finally came to the conclusion. “I don’t eat human flesh.”

Everyone: “…….”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Library should give Ke Shaobin a ‘devouring’ skill, his stomach was the real ‘black hole’!

After lunch, everyone returned to the command room and chatted while watching the navigation. dGaT4g

The spaceship had returned to its original course, delayed for a while by the appearance of the black hole, and until 11 pm, they had traveled only 10% of the total distance.

Yue Xingwen said, “Everyone can sleep, and come on duty in time slots during the night.”

Jiang Pingce quickly calculated and said, “From 10 o’clock in the evening to 8 o’clock in the morning, a total of 10 hours, 2 hours per group, divided into 5 batches to be on duty.”

Ke Shaobin took the initiative to propose, “Xingwen and Pingce have been guarding the command room for most of the day, so you guys get some rest at night and leave it to us. Exactly 2 people in a group, divided into 5 groups to rotate.” iQAndT

The others agreed. “That’s right, you two have a good night’s sleep tonight.”

Ke Shaobin quickly made a duty schedule on his laptop—— 10:00pm – 00:00am, 00-00m – 2:00am, 2:00am – 4:00am, 4:00am – 6:00am, 6:00am – 8:00am. He looked back at Yue Xingwen. “Is this arrangement okay?”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “En. Everyone pick your own time, you’ll work hard tonight.”

Xu Yishen said, “I’m a night owl, so I can be on duty from 2:00 am to 4:00 am in the middle of the night.” Xin Yan said, “I get up early, between 6:00 am to 8:00 am I think.” Others also choose their time slots in pairs, and those who were not on duty go back to the dormitory to sleep. G 2hbK

After Yue Xingwen walked into the dormitory, in order to alleviate the embarrassment, he went to wash up first, and Jiang Pingce quickly made up the bed. Only when Yue Xingwen finished washing and came out did Jiang Pingce ask, “Did you bring shampoo and shower gel?”

Yue Xingwen said, “En.”

Jiang Pingce looked at him. “Can I use yours?”

Yue Xingwen replied without hesitation, “Of course.” SlT1AK

Because each person would not be able to use up a bottle of shampoo and shower gel, when preparing the supplies, Yue Xingwen also proposed that the two of them buy a bottle, and Jiang Pingce would share it with him, of course he would not have an opinion.

It wasn’t until Jiang Pingce came out of the bath that Yue Xingwen realized that something was wrong——

The two of them smell exactly the same.

The whole room was filled with a faint fragrance of shower gel, and the spaceship’s accommodation was already small, except for the bathroom, there were only 8 square meters of active space, and there were two single beds. 5nxCDd

Those were pretty much bed to bed!

The two of them were lying on the bed, very close to each other, and they could clearly smell each other.

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Yue Xingwen’s heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and the scent of the shower gel that surrounded both of them caused the atmosphere of the entire space to rise in a strange ambiguity.

Yue Xingwen simply stretched out his hand to turn off the light, turned his back to Jiang Pingce and said in a low voice, “Rest early.” Rh2aHd

Jiang Pingce said, “Okay, good night.”

Yue Xingwen closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep.

However, the images in the dream made him feel ashamed—— Probably because the smell of them was exactly the same, this time, he actually dreamed that he was taking a bath with Jiang Pingce?


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  1. Haha xingwen you naughty boy 😂😂 very happy to be spoon fed some dog meat though 🤤 i’ve been waiting for them 🤭

  2. I like how this author writing slowburn!!! Every of this kind of love story is great

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚