Escape From the LibraryCh252 - Depth of the Starry Sky 04

Yue Xingwen took his teammates to count the supplies on the ship. The supplies prepared on this Thorn spaceship were enough for them to live comfortably for a month. In particular, there were more than 500 canned foods in the freezer, and the water resources were also very sufficient for daily drinking, not to mention, for daily bathing.

Such a good treatment made everyone feel uneasy, and they always felt that the library had no good intentions. wf2kYL

Ke Shaobin said, “I have to see what kind of meat these cans are made of, giving us 500 at a time, the library is too generous this time, right?”

He casually took out a few cans of different colors and put them on the dining table, carefully looked at the small words on it, and after a while, Ke Shaobin’s eyes widened and said in a trembling voice, “Three-headed snake flavor, insect flavor, and rat flavor?”

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Everyone: “…”

Yue Xingwen’s face changed, and he picked up the can to take a closer look. jlxs7N

Snake meat, snake blood, snake entrails, rat meat, rat entrails, insect meat, insect wings…

Yue Xingwen put the can back as if it was a hot potato, and said with a wry smile, “Dark cuisine.”

Liu Zhaoqing took a look and said with a smile, “Human beings have left the Earth, the recipe must be different from the Earth era ah, where did we get chickens, ducks, cows and sheep in the alien planet, it’s reasonable to eat some strange animals.”

Xu Yishen raised his eyebrows. “It seems that senior brother Liu still has an appetite for these strange canned foods?”


Liu Zhaoqing said, “The library is already polite for not making us eat flies, the protein content of insects is actually very high, and snake meat is also very nourishing.”

Everyone: “…”

Everyone looked at him indescribably, sure enough, were all medical students so heavy-minded?

Liu Zhaoqing comforted everyone, “Anyway, it’s okay if it’s not poisoned, everyone can only eat it when we’re really hungry, ignore these strange recipes. At least it’s canned meat right, the nutrition is still very sufficient.” G53dcU

Qin Lu swallowed his saliva with difficulty. “I- I can’t really eat the insect– insect flavor.”

Lin Manluo held her forehead. “I can’t eat rat meat either…”

Ke Shaobin looked excited, “I really want to try it, after leaving this exam room, I won’t have the opportunity to eat this kind of novel canned food in the future.”

Everyone: “…” ekJor2

Yue Xingwen helplessly looked away from the can and looked down at the floor plan drawn by Zhang Xiaonian.

The interior of the Thorn spaceship was not complicated, consisting of five parts: a command room, a living area, a dining area, an armory, and the escape pod. The entire spaceship was 50 meters long and 20 meters wide, so if they wanted to escape in an emergency, they could reach the stern of the ship in a few seconds with a 100-meter sprint.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tef Wlcukfc qblcafv ab atf ilnlcu jgfj jcv rjlv, “Ofa’r jiibmjaf jmmbwwbvjalbcr, bcf gbbw obg akb qfbqif, fnfgsbcf mtbbrfr obg atfwrfinfr.”

Yo mbegrf, Hlc Oe jcv Hlc Zljb ilnfv abufatfg, jcv atf gfwjlclcu akb ulgir ilnfv lc bcf gbbw, Bf Vtjbylc jcv Wlc Tjc tjv jikjsr yffc gbbwwjafr, Ole Itjbdlcu jcv We Tlrtfc kfgf lc atf rjwf gbbw, Itjcu Wljbcljc mbcrmlberis kjixfv cfza ab rfclbg ygbatfg Iteb Mfcu, jcv atf gfwjlclcu cb. 1 bc atf gluta rlvf kjr ifoa ab Tef Wlcukfc jcv Aljcu Ulcumf. LR45yq

Jiang Pingce was very satisfied with this result.

Yue Xingwen couldn’t be bothered to switch with anyone else, so he pretended to continue the next topic as if nothing had happened. “There’s still a day of preparation before the official departure, so let’s see, what else do we need to buy?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qin Lu said, “I just looked at the dormitory and there were no toiletries. Only food is prepared on the spaceship, and we’ll probably have to bring our own daily necessities?”

Jiang Pingce looked down at the time on the bracelet and proposed, “Let’s go to the supermarket later to buy some daily necessities such as towels and toothbrushes. In addition, this bracelet should be a communication device, you see, there is a button on the side of the bracelet, which can be turned on to communicate with teammates.” O1sX7q

Yue Xingwen opened the bracelet and looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw a small knob on the side. After opening it, a tablet-sized projection screen appeared above the bracelet, which contained options for sending messages, video calls, etc. He tried to press ‘Send Message’, and a list of contacts appeared on the screen, including the contact information of all the students in the Research Group 183.

Ke Shaobin looked at the bracelet curiously. “It’s much more advanced than the smartwatched we usually see. No wonder I searched all over the place and didn’t find my phone; With this bracelet, I don’t need a bulky phone at all.”

Xin Yan said, “This bracelet should be bound to the ID card and bank card, I guess, when we pass through this underground base, we can swipe the bracelet to verify our identity.”

Ke Shaobin said excitedly, “Anyway, we will only leave tomorrow, and there is still an afternoon left. Why don’t we finish up and go around, then make a trip to the supermarket to buy some supplies?” R6CWZx

Yue Xingwen nodded in agreement. “Okay, let’s go back first.”

Everyone left the Thorn spaceship and took the elevator to see around.

There were a total of 108 floors in this underground base, of which the -50th ~ -55th floors in the middle were the equipment floor, with a large number of generators, air purification equipment, water purification equipment, etc. The buttons on these layers were gray and they couldn’t get in.

Above the -50th floors was a restricted area, with a secret weapons research and development center, a spaceship manufacturing factory, a genetic research institute for extraterrestrial creatures, and a huge apron. They could only go to the apron at the moment, and they still didn’t have access to the other floors. BcnvQu

Below -55th floors, there were conference rooms, residential areas, and shopping, dining, medical care, education, and other places with unobstructed access.

When they went to the supermarket, there were no fresh vegetables, fruits and meats at all, almost all of them were canned food. While strolling through the supermarket, Ke Shaobin said, “With limited resources, the farming and transportation costs of fresh fruits and vegetables are too high, so it’s convenient to store canned food.”

In addition to the few they had seen on the spaceship, they had seen other strange canned recipes, bugs, ants, etc, and the lifelike pictures on the top of the packages were prone to cause physical discomfort, and several girls quickie fled the canning section and ran to the daily necessities section to buy towels and toothbrushes.

Lin Manluo’s voice came from the other side of the shelves, “You can swipe your points to buy things, the prices are similar to the library’s supermarket, and daily necessities are very cheap.” mWQoZc

Yue Xingwen said, “If you have any points left, buy some daily necessities, like shampoo and shower gel, buy a small bottle of packaging, and it’s enough for two people to share.”

Everyone quickly bought daily necessities, and then returned to the dormitory to pack their luggage.

There was no sunrise or moonset, and whether it was dark or dawn depended entirely on the system’s time. Yue Xingwen packed up his things, and it didn’t take long for him to hear a soft female voice ringing in his ears: “It’s 8:00 pm in the evening, and the lights will soon be turned off, so please go to sleep as soon as possible, good night.”

Yue Xingwen could also understand that  the lights went out at 8:00 pm in order to save electricity. He was lying on the bed, tossing and turning as he had trouble falling asleep. He had just opened his communication bracelet to find someone to chat with, when he saw Jiang Pingce’s message pop up on it: “Can’t sleep?” YrWEL3

Yue Xingwen replied: “En. It’s only 8:00 pm, I’ve never gone to bed so early.”

Jiang Pingce: “Me too.”

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Yue Xingwen couldn’t sleep because he was bored anyway, so he simply chatted with Jiang Pingce: “Those canned food we saw today must have been made from the meat of alien creatures. This shows that there is a high probability that we will encounter strange alien creatures next. Perhaps, it’s even more powerful than the beasts known on Earth.”

Jiang Pingce was silent for a moment and replied: “Do you remember the elective course <Orienteering>?” JKtg7N

Yue Xingwen said: “Of course I remember, we encountered spiders, wolves, and crocodiles in the wild, but fortunately, you escaped from your coordinates system at that time, and also met Xin Yan, and cooperated with me to dissolve the spider swarm with strong acid, so that we could successfully pass the test.”

Jiang Pingce said: “Alien creatures are certainly not as easy to deal with as the Earth creatures we know; they may have hard shells, they may have agile flight abilities that are not easy to catch, or they can regenerate after breaking like earthworms. Our attack skills won’t necessarily work. ANyway, we have to be prepared for a fierce battle this time.”

Yue Xingwen couldn’t cry or laugh: “After spending a lot of time with me, how come you’ve started to crow mouth!”

Jiang Pingce said: “I just analyze it rationally. After all, a 7-credit course will be too simple for us to melt alien creatures with sulfuric acid or electrocute them with senior brother Zhuo’s series circuit.” l9SVBf

Yue Xingwen thought for a while and agreed. “That’s right.”

The canned ‘dark cuisine’ found today, many students focused on ‘eating’, but Yue XIngwen and JIang Pingce tacitly thought of the terrifying alien creatures that might appear on the next journey.

What was in the depths of the starry sky?

Their skills had been improved, but the enemies that threatened their lives had definitely improved their abilities. SQ3iqJ

As Jiang Pingce said—— have to be prepared for a fierce battle this time.

Yue Xingwen sighed and said: “Let’s take one step at a time, and then figure out a way later.”

Jiang Pingce replied: “En. Sleepy now?”

Yue Xingwen was helpless: “I shouldn’t talk to you about alien creatures, the more we talk, the more energetic we become, I don’t feel sleepy at all.” 4ASUtH

Jiang Pingce chuckled and said, “Then, let’s talk about something else.”

“For example, do you have a little good feeling for me?”

Yue Xingwen: “…”

Of course, there were a lot of good feelings. In Yue Xingwen’s heart, Jiang Pingce was the best of all the students around him. In high school, he had won a lot of awards in the Olympic Mathematics Competition, after arriving at university, he became a famous god of the Mathematics Department. Moreover, Jiang Pingce was handsome and had a good personality, and he was infinitely tolerant of him… U1RdYy

It was almost impossible to pick out the flaws.

Such an excellent person just confessed to him not long ago, and said that he wanted to find a lover who would accompany him for a lifetime.

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Yue Xingwen’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little, and he replied stiffly, “There’s a good feeling, but…”

Jiang Pingce finished this sentence for him. “But, you only consider me a good friend?” FhI7nY

Yue Xingwen’s ears burned. “En. I never thought about anything else. Aren’t couples supposed to hug and kiss and do other stuff with you… I always feel strange.”

Jiang Pingce: “It’s not strange if it’s with someone else?”

Yue Xingwen: “…”

It was hard to imagine without experience. Jiang Pingce said softly, “Don’t worry, think slowly, go to sleep if you’re sleepy.” QRYdh7

Yue Xingwen: “En.”

Jiang Pingce: “Good night, have a sweet dream.”

Yue Xingwen did have a ‘sweet dream’ that night. The first half was all about the warm past while getting along with Jiang Pingce, and then suddenly the style changed, alien creatures involved the Earth and attacked their Hua’an University. He and Jiang Pingce went hand in hand to fight the monster together, and also rescued the whole human race, which was just like a Hollywood movie.

It was true that he shouldn’t talk about messy topics in a bedtime chat! UWaedF

Yue Xingwen washed his face and brushed his teeth without knowing whether to laugh or cry, and quickly changed into a camouflage suit that was convenient for movement.

He opened the bracelet and sent a message to the students: “Everyone puts on the camouflage suit in the wardrobe, brings luggage, and gathers at the entrance of the apron on the -10th floor at 8 o’clock.”

The ‘Thorns’ spaceship seemed to indicate that the next mission would be full of thorns.

However, thinking of the scene in the dream where he and Jiang Pingce were killing the monster side by side and hand and hand, Yue Xingwen didn’t feel afraid at all—— No matter what he encountered, there was Jiang Pingce by his side, and there were so many teammates. ZVEXvg

They would definitely save the day.

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  1. Good mood

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚