Escape From the LibraryCh249 - Depth of the Starry Sky 01

After Ke Shaobin counted the skills of his teammates, he sent the form to everyone’s tablet, which also facilitated the students to learn more about each other’s skills.

Yue Xingwen asked everyone to sit down in the rest area  nearby and began to discuss the next arrangement. nTz4Wu

At present, all members of the C-183 Research Group had obtained 74 credits from compulsory courses, 2 credits from Sports Meeting, and 2 credits from elective courses, a total of 78 credits. Since Lan Yarong and Zhang Xiaonian did not participate in the first week of the Public Elective Course, they were 2 credits behind the others.

Yue Xingwen, of course, had to take all his teammates into account, assuming that, when the time came for the others to pass with 100 credits.

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After careful consideration, Yue Xingwen suggested, “Why don’t senior sister Lan and Xiao Nian join the other Research Group as X-team member and pick a time to pass an elective course?”

Lan Yarong agreed. “This is a good way. Even if we fail an elective course, it doesn’t affect the credits, not to mention that we won’t be knocked back to the 1st floor to retake it. I’ll go find Chen Muyun, their team is just going to pass the elective course of the Faculty of Law, and I will join them to add 2 credits.” dg10Zo

Zhang Xiaonian scratched the back of his head and said, “Then I’ll go to the Faculty of Architecture on the 3rd floor to see if there’s a team that want to go to an elective course, the 2-credit class shouldn’t be too difficult, and the average team can also pass it.”

Yue Xingwen said, “En. You only need 2 credits, go and do an elective, and you can keep up with everyone.”

Both Lan Yarong and Zhang Xiaonian nodded in understanding. Most of the exam time for elective courses was in the afternoon or evening, which did not conflict with compulsory courses, and they only needed to find a team and pass through a 2-credit elective. The later compulsory courses, of course, were still more guaranteed to spend with teammates of the Research Group 183.

Yue Xingwen reminded them. “With this skill upgrade and the appearance of so many life-saving and offensive skills, the next faculty is likely to encounter a survival class. Everyone can recuperate first, and meet in front of the canteen at 7:30 am tomorrow morning.”


When they returned to the dormitory, they fell asleep.

Continuous exams were a test of both physical strength and mentality, and it was important to take the time to refresh themselves.

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in the canteen on time, and after eating, they walked into the elevator in two groups.

Sure enough, the button of the elevator showed a new floor. NbSxVZ

1st floor – Faculty of Medicine

2nd floor – Faculty of Mathematics

3rd floor – Faculty of Architecture

4th floor – Faculty of Biological Science dEcjuI

5th floor – Public Election Course Center

6th floor – Faculty of Law

7th floor – Faculty of Environment

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

8at oibbg – Mjmeias bo Xfbugjqts C0TtPQ

9at oibbg – Mjmeias bo Cgar

10at oibbg – Mjmeias bo Jtfwlrags, Mjmeias bo Mbgfluc Ojcuejufr, Mjmeias bo Derlcfrr

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11at oibbg – Fcxcbkc RSQ~

Ktf ojwliljg kbgv ‘ecxcbkc’ wjvf Tef Wlcukfc ygfjatf j rlut bo gfilfo. “Ktf 11at oibbg lr ralii lc atf wbvf bo rfio-rfifmafv ojmeias.” 4WKL6g

Jiang Pingce said, “The probability is Science and Engineering or Literature and History.”

Those faculties hadn’t appeared yet, and when everyone waited for the elevator to stop at the 11th floor and walked out quickly, they saw a large LCD screen in front of them with a row of notices written in red letters——

[Welcome to the 11th floor of the Library]

[The 11th floor includes two main faculties: Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Engineering] 8lvUwG

[The Faculty of Physics is involved in three major categories: applied physics, atmospheric physics and astrophysics; The Faculty of Engineering is involved in these majors: Hydraulic Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material Engineering, etc. You can choose one of these faculties and pass its compulsory courses.]

[After choosing a faculty, you will be taken to the course center for that faculty. As long as you complete the courses of the faculty, it will be considered as your clearance on the 11th floor]

There were two options, the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Engineering. There were no students majoring in engineering in the Research Group 183, so of course everyone chose Physics without any doubt.

Yue Xingwen looked at Zhuo Feng and said, “Senior brother, let’s go to the Faculty of Physics.” 3Bbo2W

“Of course.” Zhuo Feng paused, and said, “Before choosing the faculty, I deliberately listed so many majors, I suspect that the content of the exams may involve multiple aspects of knowledge?”

“What major did senior brother Zhuo study?” Qin Lu asked curiously.\

“I’m a major in Applied Physics, and I need to study mechanics, optics, electromagnetism, atomic physics, quantum physics and other courses, but I don’t know much about Atmospheric Physics and Astrophysics.” Zhuo Feng said helplessly.

“…” Qin Lu had never passed physics in high school, and it was a headache just listening to these professional words, so she smiled and said, “Senior brother has at least learned a lot of physics-related courses, which is better than us laymen.” kfSABg

“That is, don’t be too stressed.” Liu Zhaoqing patted Zhuo Feng’s shoulder and said, “You are not fighting alone, there are so many people in our team, maybe you can help.”

“Right.” Zhuo Feng looked at Yue Xingwen and simply said, “Let’s go, go to the Faculty of Physics!”

Yue Xingwen pressed the former in the selection box of [Faculty of Physics] [Faculty of Engineering].

The screen in front of him slowly opened, revealing a door. As soon as everyone walked in, the floor under their feet suddenly shattered and before the 12 people could react, they began to fall freely and fell into a bottomless black hole! The feeling of their body losing weight and falling from a great height was much more exciting than riding a roller coaster! pwlsi3

Many of the surrounding students couldn’t help but gasp out in shock.

Yue Xingwen had never had such an experience, the surroundings were dark, he did not know how deep the hole under his feet was. If he fell down like this, would not all of them fall into mush?!

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He tried to find a point to stop him from falling, and in his nervousness, he grabbed his fingers wildly, only to catch a slender, warm hand. The other party immediately held him gently, and the familiar body temperature came from the contact part. Although he couldn’t see anything, Yue Xingwen still judged it instantly—— it was Jiang Pingce.

He actually caught Jiang Pingce indiscriminately, but it was really evil! 8k0 rL

Jiang Pingce’s voice sounded in his ear, “Don’t panic everyone, the exam hasn’t started yet, this is just a warm up, the library won’t do anything to us.”

Ke Shaobin agreed. “That’s right. Although the library doesn’t talk about ethics, it still has some principles. We haven’t even started the exams yet, so it’s nuts to drop us straight to our deaths! I guess it’s a welcoming ceremony, right?”

Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but curse, “The welcoming ceremony of the Faculty of Physics is really fucking perverted! Are we going to keep falling?”

As soon as the words fell, everyone’s feet suddenly came into contact with strange objects, and then—— h5lrAz

Everyone was flying up in the air as if they had stepped on a trampoline!

Zhuo Feng said helplessly, “There are springs down there.”

Everyone: “……”

Xu Yishen pressed his temples helplessly, “First we fall weightlessly, and then bounce us up with a spring. If we don’t find a way to stop it, will we fall, bounce, fall again, and repeat over and over again until tomorrow?” LaF2ev

Ke Shaobin whispered, “It’s much more exciting than a trampoline.”

Qin Lu resisted the urge to vomit, and said weakly, “How to stop? I’m going to throw up if I play this twice more…”

Zhuo Feng immediately raised his right hand to release a beam of light that illuminated the surroundings.

It was only then that everyone could see that the place they were in was kind of like an elevator patio, the walls around them were smooth and there was no place to borrow. However, there was a door in the middle of the patio, which was open, revealing a corridor leading to the distance. CgaB9E

Jiang Pingce immediately said, “That door, that’s the entrance to the course selection center.”

Liu Zhaoqing asked, “Can Pingce send us in with a parabola?”

Jiang Pingce shook his head. “No, this patio is affected by mechanics. After the spring bounces us up, everyone’s speed has changed, and the trajectory of the parabola will be offset by the force of attraction.”

Zhuo Feng smiled, “Leave it to me! I know how to do it.” LQY8N4

As soon as the words fell, he stretched out his right hand, conjured a huge magnet, and threw the N-level of the magnet into the door, and then, he turned his head to look at Lin Manluo. “Manluo, quickly connect everyone!”

Lin Manluo quickly threw out her vine, causing the green vines to fly in a circle around everyone. The students realized what Zhuo Feng was going to do, and they all cooperated to grasp the vines.

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The next moment, Zhuo Feng took out the Magnet’s S-pole.

Magnets repelled the same poles and attracted the opposite poles, and the function of the magnets issued by the library to the Physics students had been magnified several times—— After receiving the gravitational pull of the N-pole, the S-pole would automatically approach with the person or object connected to it. bLJ5Ye

Just listening to a loud noise of ‘bang’, the two magnets were tightly sucked together, and the people who were connected by the magnets were also instantly sucked into the door!

“Ahhhhh!” There was screaming around, and the speed of being sucked by the magnet was almost like being suddenly swept away by a tornado!

In just half a minute, everyone was weightless, then spring-bounced into the sky, and now teleported into the door under the suction of the magnet, and at this time, most people were dizzy.

Yue Xingwen stabilized his body, he noticed that he actually held Jiang Pingce’s hand tightly, his ears were hot, and he immediately let go of the other party’s hand embarrassedly. Wq3UMn

Jiang Pingce quietly withdrew his hand and looked at his classmates around him. “Are you guys alright?”

Qin Lu coughed and said, “It’s okay, it’s just that my stomach is a little uncomfortable after falling down and bouncing up.”

Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but complain, “There are so many tricks in the Physics Department, and the welcoming ceremony almost cost us half our lives! I have a very bad premonition, the courses in the Faculty of Physics should be so exciting, right?”

Yue Xingwen said with a smile, “I hope there are two courses, which will be better, not just one course like the Faculty of Chemistry. The higher the credit, the more difficult it will be.” 2vnZtT

A beam of light appeared in front of them, and everyone followed the light source and walked a few steps forward, and saw a familiar course selection tablet——

The Faculty of Physics actually only arranged one compulsory course!

The students looked at Yue Xingwen speechlessly: God-level crow’s mouth, what he really said, what came!

Monday to Friday, 8 am and 2 pm, the compulsory course <Depth of the Starry Sky> was repeated, with 7 credits. At other times, there were a large number of elective courses, such as <Nuclear Radiation Town>, <Magnetic Labyrinth> and so on. 4iKaTY

These 7 credits were a bit scary.

Xin Yan frowned. “7 credits, which is the highest credit course we have encountered so far.”

Xu Yishen sighed helplessly, “That’s right, most of the previous courses were around 4 credits. The survival class in the Faculty of Biological Science is 6 credits; The reasoning class in the Faculty of Chemistry is also 6 credits, which is already considered difficult. A 7 credits course comes directly from the Faculty of Physics… I don’t know how hard it will be.”

Zhuo Feng smiled bitterly. “Depth in the Starry Sky, looking at the name of this course, it should be related to Astrophysics.” a9jNmk

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses thoughtfully. “Could it be that human beings are exploring and surviving in the universe?”

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  1. Sounds like headache for every student how studying art, social sciences or humanitarian studies

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤