Escape From the LibraryCh248 - Skill Upgrade Complete

After Lin Manluo finished displaying her skills, she turned her gaze to Lan Yarong, who was standing beside her, and said with a smile, “Senior sister Lan, I remember that you have learned the skills related to <Criminal Law> and <Marriage Law> before, what did you learn this time?”

“I learned the first skill of the <Economic Law>, Anti Unfair Competition. This skill can’t be demonstrated to you, the practical effect is that when the difference in the number of enemies and ours is more than 1,5 times, this ‘Anti Unfair Competition Law’ comes to effect, and you can force the enemy to stop attacking.” Lan Yarong said. islq0R

“In other words, when surrounded by more than 1,5 times the enemy, we can forcibly stop the battle and quickly run for our life?” Ke Shaobin looked up from behind his laptop and said excitedly, “If necessary, can we even deliberately create an ‘unfair competition’ situation to trigger a truce?”

“That’s right.” Lan Yarong said, “Unfortunately, the truce was only 10 seconds.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“10 seconds is enough for us to make a run for it. Qin Lu’s Plate Movement, Pingce’s Coordinate System, and my Golden Cicada Shell can send everyone a long way away in less than 10 seconds.”

“En, I raised it to full level, the cooldown is 4 hours, Xiao Ke can record it.” Lan Yarong said. c8w4PQ

“Okay. Who will come next?” Ke Shaobin quickly filled in the form with senior sister Lan’s new skills, looked around, and just met Xin Yan’s gaze, who said lightly, “I’ll come.”

Xin Yan, who was currently mastered four skills from the Chemistry Department, one was a Spirit Lamp necessary for students in the Faculty of Chemistry, which could illuminate and make fire; The second was Corrosive Acid, which could be thrown out to quickly corrode a person into a puddle of blood; The third was the Distillation Equipment, where all the glass instruments could be reproduced indefinitely and resized at will; The fourth, White Phosphorus, a flammable substance, could be sprinkled into the air and detonated.

Ke Shaobin looked at him expectantly.

They saw Xin Yan raise his right hand, and a complicated table suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes——


Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen…

Ke Shaobin was also a science student, and this familiar table immediately reminded him of being urged to memorize his books everyday by his chemistry teacher in his middle school days. Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but widen his eyes. “Periodic Table?!”

Xin Yan looked calm. “This new skill was unlocked after passing through the Faculty of Chemistry, and it required a lot of points to exchange. I spent all the points in exchange for this <Periodic Table>. After obtaining this table, I can freely use these more than 100 chemical elements to produce the substances I need.”

After Yue Xingwen understood his description, his eyes immediately lit up. “That is to say, all materials that can be combined with chemical elements can be made and synthesized with elements on the <Periodic Table>?” 3nkmXW

Xin Yan nodded and said, “Yes. For example, Hydrogen and Oxygen can synthesize water. Potassium, Carbon and Nitrogen can form the highly toxic substance Potassium Cyanide… The Periodic Table is the basis of chemistry, and these elements are quite complex to use. In the future, I can produce the necessary chemicals as needed.”

Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but give thumbs up, “Xin Yan is awesome! All kind of acids, alkalis, salts, and even direct poisons can be made on site!”

Xin Yan obviously liked this new skill. He loved chemical experiments, he thought this skill was the one that suited him best, and in his spare time, he could also study rare elements that were rarely seen in school laboratories.

After Xin Yan, the sisters Qin Lu and Qin Miao also showed their new skills. oSdTZ2

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qin Lu raised his right hand and summoned the globe and said, “I learned the basic skills, Rotation and Orbital Revolution. Rotation, when my globe turns, there is a cycle of day and night, and rotation for one week, that is, one day and one night. Orbital Revolution, on the other hand, is the division of seasons that occurs when earth rotates around the sun. I can change the surrounding season and day and night according to the frequency of Rotation and Orbital Revolution.”

Cr Bf Vtjbylc gfmbgvfv, tf jrxfv, “Ycmf sbe mtjcuf atlr vjs jcv cluta, mjc beg rxlii mbbivbkcr mtjcuf?”

Hlc Oe rwlifv yglutais, “Ktf wbra lwqbgajca atlcu lr tfgf! Zjcs bo er tjnf ylu wbnfr klat j mbbivbkc alwf bo 24 tbegr kglaafc bc atfw. Lbkfnfg, ktfc ws uibyf gbajafr bcmf, atf alwf cfjg wf fdejafr ab 24 tbegr, jcv fnfgsbcf’r rxliir klii gfogfrt.”

She gently waved the globe with her finger and let the globe rotate for one week, and everyone found that the library, which was originally daytime, actually experienced day and night in an instant! gSEkWe

Yue Xingwen said, “This skill is too strong, directly skipping 24 hours a day, changing the surrounding time. What are the scope and specific limitations? It certainly can’t be used without restraint.”

Qin Lu nodded and said, “Yes, because the skill involves jumping in time and change of seasons, it’s a limited skill that can only be used once, per course. It needs to be used in critical moments.” Qin Miao followed, “I learned the ‘Rule of Wen and Jing’ of Han Dynasty this time, because, during the time of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, they adopted the policy of light labor to reduce the burden of the people, and when I use the skill, we can reduce the damage taken by the whole team for 10 minutes. To put it simply, it’s a team damage reduction skill.”

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“In addition, there is also a big move, ‘Fire Burning Battalion’ of the Three Kingdoms period, which can inflict continuous fire damage to connected targets within a range of 800 meters.”

Qin Miao’s skills, including the Qin Dynasty’s ‘Sweeping Liuhe’, the Song Dynasty ‘Cup of Wine’, the Tang Dynasty’s ‘Wencheng and Marriage’, the Han Dynasty’s ‘Rule of Wen and Jing’ plus the ‘Fire Burning Battalion’ of the Three Kingdoms period, the skills of the History Department were all related to well-known allusions in history, and they were all big moves with a very long cooldown. qHj7Jt

But now, Qin Lu learned Rotation and Orbital Revolution. After the globe rotated, day and night changed, Qin Miao’s skills could be instantly refreshed and be used, which meant that twin sisters could cooperate and could put two rounds of big moves in a row!

Yue Xingwen found that the attack skills and life-saving skills of the Research Group 183 were getting stronger and stronger. Did this mean that there would be a super difficult survival class later on? He had a vague premonition in his heart, but he still didn’t dare to say it.

Yue Xingwen looked at Zhang Xiaonian and said with a smile, “Junior brother, it’s your turn!”

Zhang Xiaonian scratched the back of his head and said, “My skills are nothing special, I learned underground fortress construction before, and this time I learned above ground building construction. I can build a 33-story high-rise building in 10 minutes.” XMz7hR

The junior brother looked up at the roof of the training room, coughed lightly and said, “This training room can’t squeeze my tall building, so I’ll give a demonstration later when we are in an open area.”

Liu Zhaoqing said with a smile, “Not bad, in the future, we don’t have to hide in the basement every time. The scenery and vision of the high-rise buildings are better.”

Zhang Xiaonian paused and said, “Also, I have some points left, and I bought the bridge building skill book as well, so when we encounter a river within 100 meters, we can build a bridge, and we can cut the bridge at any time to block the pursuers.”

Yue Xingwen praised. “Not bad, the skills of the Architecture Department have always been practical.” kplg91

Whether it was a transform excavator, bulldozer or laser theodolite, building walls, basements, and high-rise buildings, with Zhang Xianian, their Research Group 183 were equivalent to a ‘moveable house’, and they did not need to sleep or eat in the windy outdoor.

Among the 12 teammates, 10 had already demonstrated their upgraded skills, and in the end, only Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce remained.

Yue Xingwen turned his head to look at Jiang Pingce and realized that the latter was looking at him.

The moment his eyes were facing each other, a strange tingling sensation suddenly rose up in his spine, remembering that he had just seriously said ‘Xingwen is worth waiting for’. Yue Xingwen’s ears heated up, quickly averting her gaze, and pretending to be calm, he said, “Pingce, you can come first, I’ll be the last one.” wVduJr

Jiang Pingce withdrew his gaze from Yue Xingwen and said lightly, “I learned two skills this time, one is a skill book that extends out of the branch of Mathematics called <Graph Theory>, which allows you to instantly break down all objects into graphics through calculation.”

Hearing this, Liu Zhaoqig couldn’t help but widen his eyes. “All objects, including people?”

Jiang Pingce said, “That’s right.”

Liu Zhaoqing held his forehead helplessly. “… Are you not ‘dividing the corpse’? Cut a person into a whole bunch of circles, triangles, rectangles in an instant?” VCJ1zD

Everyone imagined the picture of Jiang Pingce directly cutting people with graphics and they all felt that it was very in line with the style of a top student.

Jiang Pingce could calculate a person’s area and volume in minutes, and after learning the skills of <Graph Theory>, all objects were composed of graphics in his eyes, instantly completing the cut, it was too scary! Of course, if this skill was learned by the underachiever, it might not be possible to calculate the result in half a day, cut it in half, and directly cut the person’s waist…

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Yue Xingwen was curious. “What is the other skill?”

Jiang Pingce said, “Probability.” Eu41Ob

He said and then raised his right hand and the next moment, a golden box appeared in front of him. Jiang Pingce reached in and gently drew, the result was a copy of <Space Vector>, put it back and drew again, it was a copy of <Calculus>.

Yue Xingwen couldn’t cry or laugh and said, “Is it a blind box?”

Jiang Pingce explained, “En. Each time the draw has a 10% probability of drawing the relevant skill books of the Mathematics Department, and a 90% probability of not being able to draw anything.”

Ke Shaobin immediately became interested. “Can other people draw it? I often draw SSR when playing card games!” CKjGw5

Jiang Pingce said, “Yes, you want to try?”

Ke Shaobin immediately ran over, put his hand into the ‘Probability Blind Box’ of the Mathematics Department, and the next moment, a line of big words flashed in front of his eyes. “I’m sorry, you didn’t draw anything!”

Ke Shaobin did not believe in evil and continued to draw, but the results of a dozen consecutive draws were still 9 gains.

He shrugged helplessly. “It seems that the blind box of the Mathematics Department doesn’t recognize people from other majors!” dtLQIV

Yue Xingwen was curious and also put his hand into the blind box. As a result, he pulled out a copy of <Straight Line and Equations>, Yue Xingwen proudly patted Ke Shaobin’s shoulder and said, “It seems that your hand stinks!”

Ke Shaobin: “…”

Xu Yishen smiled and said, “This Probability Blind Box of Pingce is quite fun! When the next course exam begins, will everyone take turns to draw it?”

Jiang Pingce said, “Yes, what books are drawn depends on luck. If you can draw about five books, it will be very profitable.” 1d5XMc

Yue Xingwen agreed. “No wonder you chose <Probability Blind Box>, this skill is indeed the most cost-effective.” The corner of Jiang Pingce’s lips lifted lightly, and he looked at Yue Xingwen and said, “It’s your turn. What skills did you learn this time?”

Yue Xingwen took out two books and said, “I exchanged the <Thirty Six Stratagems> and <Book of Songs>, because there were not enough points, and only some of the skills were unlocked. <Thirty-Six Stratagems> unlocks Darkness of Chengcang and Luring the Tiger Away from the Mountain; Darkness of Chengcang allows of your teammates to become invisible to avoid tracking; Luring the Tiger Away from the Mountain is to lure away the designated enemy.”

The <Thirty-Six Stratagems> were all actually very useful, and the practicality of these two selected by Yue Xingwen was also first-class.

As for the <Book of Songs>, Yue Xingwen was unable to spit it out, and he simply showed the book to everyone—— FIRBGU

  1. “Guan, guan!” go the fish hawks, on an islet in the river. The elegant virtuous maiden – the noble person would love to marry her.

From the <Book of Songs – Songs from Southern Zhou – “Guan, guan!” Go the Fish Hawks>

After using the skill, pairs of water birds are immediately summoned and a sweetheart is chosen for the designated target, and the two designated are immediately in a state of passionate love and cannot be separated.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

  1. Thick grow the rush leaves, their white dew turns to frost, he whom I love, must be somewhere along this stream;

From <Book of Songs – Songs of Qin – The Reeds and Rushes>

After using the skill, a reed field is generated around the area, green reeds flutter in the wind, white dew condenses into frost on the leaves, and in such a beautiful scene, the beloved is seen on the other side of the water, so the designated target stops obsessively and gazes at the beloved, and can’t perform any operation for 5 minutes. 17NGeQ

Teammates: “???”

What the hell was this skill?

After a moment, Ke Shaobin concluded, “Does the library think that there are too many single dogs in our team, so it gave Xingwen a skill book for falling in love?”

Yeu Xingwen: “……” zUZa32

He also did not expect that after changing the <Book of Songs>, all the love skills were unlocked??

Translator's Note

The Thirty-Six Stratagems is a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and civil interaction. Its focus on the use of cunning and deception both on the battlefield and in court have drawn comparisons to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Translator's Note

The Classic of Poetry, also Shijing or Shih-ching, translated variously as the Book of Songs, Book of Odes, or simply known as the Odes or Poetry, is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, comprising 305 works dating from the 11th to 7th centuries BC.

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  1. Power of love 💘

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤