Escape From the LibraryCh247 - Skill Upgrade 01

The sound of ‘click’ rang in their ears. Someone entered the password and opened the door of the training room. Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce turned around at the same time, only to see Ke Shaobin walking in with Xiao Tu, who had grown a few centimeters. He walked quickly to Yue Xingwen and adjusted his glasses suspiciously, “Xingwen, why is your face so red?”

Yue Xingwen coughed lightly, and looked away with a weak heart. “I just learned a new skill and practiced, it’s probably too hot.” QjdSNT

Ke Shaobin said with a smile, “I have also learned new skills, and besides, my Xiao Tu has finally reached full level!”

Yue XIngwen looked at Xiao Tu carefully. When he first saw Ke Shaobin in Faculty of Medicine, Xiao Tu was only the size of a palm, and it was like a child’s toy placed in a corner.

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Yue Xignwen reached out and touched the robot’s head and said, “After the upgrade, has it learned children’s songs again?”

Ke Shaobin looked helpless and said, “Yeah. The Computer Department is really a pit, from <Two Tigers> to <Find Friends> to <Twinkle Twinkle Little Star>, and this time it learned <Let’s Swing The Oars>.” ZUid H

Yue Xingwen immediately raised his interest, “What is the skill effect?”

Ke Shaobin said, “It will become a boat, paddle automatically, and send us across the ocean.”

Yue Xingwen: “…”

Xiao Tu was awesome, and it could actually be morphed after reaching the full level?


The two were discussing, and the sound of ‘clicking’ rang in their ears again, and other students also walked in one after another. Soon, all 12 people arrived, and Yue Xingwen asked everyone, “Let’s summarize the skills first.”

Ke Shaobin took out his laptop and said, “How about I show it first, and then sort out the records after that?”

Yue Xingwen nodded and motioned for him to begin.

Senior sister Lan Yarong walked over to Xiao Tu’s side and compared, realizing that she was actually the same height as Xiao Tu! She couldn’t help but say, “Xiao Ke, can your robot be upgraded again? It won’t grow taller, right?” tZwlcT

Ke Shaobin said, “No, it won’t be, it has already upgraded to full level this time. I’ll show you the newly learned skills.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

With the familiar music and the crisp ‘Let’s Swing The Oars’ song, the six-foot-tall Xiao Tu actually finished the transformation quickly with a few clicks—— It became a boat about 6 meters long and oars appeared on boat sides.

Snfgsbcf: “…”

Bf Vtjbylc qea jkjs Wljb Ke jcv rjlv rfglberis, “P uefrr, atf ojmeias lc atf yjmx wluta tjnf j rfj mbegrf, jcv kf cffv ab erf atf agjcrqbgajalbc bo j ybja, rb atja’r kts atf ilygjgs ujnf Wljb Ke j agjcrobgwjalbc rxlii?” u2vPSC

Hlc Oe rjlv klat j rwlif, “Ktlr rxlii lr delaf erfoei, lo kf fcmbecafg atf rfj, ws Uijaf Zbnfwfca klii ojli, jcv Ulcumf’r Jbbgvlcjaf Vsrafw mjc’a ois obg abb ibcu. Qlat j ybja, ja ifjra kf vbc’a tjnf ab kbggs jybea vgbkclcu.”

Ke Shaobin followed closely and said, “My laptop also has an additional skill called <Trojan Horse Virus>, where I can knock on the keyboard and quickly write a virus code, let the virus lurk in the designated location, spread and propagate towards the surroundings, and explode at a designated time.” In order to facilitate everyone’s understanding, Ke Shaobin thought about it and gave another example, saying, “It’s like planting a time bomb that can keep spreading in some hidden location.”

Liu Zhaoqing said in surprise, “Can you control the time of the virus explosion and its spread?”

Ke Shaobin nodded excitedly, “Yes, the amazing one is here! Trojan Horse Virus, which is considered to be a very strong ranged delayed attack skill, burying the virus in advance can catch the enemy off guard and destroy them but you have to be sure to use it at the right time.” tJcilL

Liu Zhaoqing gave a thumbs up and said, “Awesome.”

After Ke Shaobin demonstrated his skills, he opened his laptop and said, “It’s your turn.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Liu Zhaoqing stepped forward and said with a smile, “I’ll come. Our Medicine Department’s skills are still simple and crude. I got things like scalpels, gauze, sutures, and chainsaws. This time, I simply spent a lot of points to exchange for a surgical bed, which can treat patients with serious injuries.”

He paused and added, “Gauze can only treat external injuries, but this surgical bed can treat internal injuries and resuscitate endangered patients. That means that as long as you’re not dead and there’s still a breath, this surgical bed can bring you back to life.” 6G3wkM

Xu Yishen said with a deep smile, “Senior brother Liu, it seems that you have been promoted to become a professional healer?”

Liu Zhaoqing raised his eyebrows. “How can you go to the dungeon without a healer? Therefore, I didn’t change those offensive skills in the Medicine Department, and directly spent all the points to upgrade my healing. I think our team’s attack and control skills are enough, right?”

“Senior brother is right, this skill is too important.” Yue Xingwen was very pleased, although everyone had only suffered some superficial injuries so far, no one had ever been seriously injured, but the healing skill, it was a kind of protection for the team. Senior brother Liu had obviously made a very correct decision.

“What skills did you learn?” Liu Zhaoqing looked at Xu Yishen and teased, “There won’t be a few more brothers, right?” QvFGod

“No, I won’t be able to control any more replicas.” Xu Yishen smiled and said, “I learned a new skill from the Biology Department, called the genetic code, which uses the laws of genetic inheritance to create an offspring.”

“Offspring?” Zhuo Feng looked confused. “How exactly do you do it, do you want to demonstrate it?”

“Ahem, everyone be mentally prepared.” Xu Yishen raised his right hand, followed closely, and a child about 8 years old appeared in front of everyone, with a white and clean face and naturally curly chestnut hair, like a miniature version of Xu Yishen. He touched the head of that offspring and said, “Let me introduce you all to my son, Xiao Xu.”

“……” Everyone was speechless. palm0E

There weren’t a few more brothers this time, but directly becoming a father? Faculty of Biological Science was really worried about the continuation of human genes.

Liu Zhaoqing squatted down and looked at the little boy in front of him carefully, and he couldn’t cry or laugh. “Don’t say, it’s quite similar to you.”

Xu Yishen smiled and said, “He inherited my genes, so of course he is similar to me. How is it? Cute, right?”

Several girls had auntie smiles on their faces, itching to go over and touched Xiao Xu’s head. BUNctj

Liu Zhaoqing held his forehead helplessly. “… So, what’s the point of creating an offspring with your genetic inheritance like that?”

Xu Yishen coughed lightly and said seriously, “He inherited my genes and will inherit all my abilities. When my skills are cooldown, I can let him use them. If I accidentally fail, he can also inherit my credits, points and even memory and consciousness. In simple terms, he’s like my second life.”

Liu Zhaoqing no longer wanted to comment.

The Faculty of Biological Sciences studied life sciences and gave students enough life-class skills, mitosis replicated itself, genetic inheritance created offspring, and DNA Helix to the rescue… Xu Yishen would become an undefeatable cockroach. dSn3Tx

It was Zhuo Feng’s turn next.

Everyone was not curious about his skills because they had already seen other skills from the previous Public Elective Courses and Sports Meeting, but Zhuo Feng demonstrated them to his teammates in turn.

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The Light skill, which he had only learned as a beginner, was mainly used for illumination, and could light up an area of 5×5 meters and briefly blind creatures within its range the moment it was released. If it was upgraded to the full level, the Light skill could be used as an AOE attack, but Zhuo Feng didn’t level up ‘Light’ in order to learn a few more skills and save points.

The Magnet skill, which had two uses. The first was to throw the two stages of the magnet separately, stuck to any position, and used the principles of ‘opposites attraction’ to force the N and S poles to be tightly adsorbed together. The second was to create a magnetic field of 5 cubic meters, which adsorbed iron, nickel, cobalt and other metals in the range. 6K5GYZ

The Force skill, which was currently only learned as Friction, could be also used in two ways, removing friction and making the ground incredibly smooth and impossible to stand on; Or increase friction, so that everyone seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

After Zhuo Feng’s demonstration, he looked at Xingwen and said, “At present, I have upgraded the Electric Current and Gravity to full level, and the Light, Magnet, Friction, all only in beginner level.”

Physics was the foundation of engineering, and the skills of the library’s Physics Department were also the most aggressive, whether it was the Electric Current that instantly scorched people, or used Gravity to make people feel into a meat pie, it was easy to accidentally injure their companion if they didn’t have a good grasp of it.

Zhuo Feng’s skills were very useful in escape classes, and it had been a long time since he used them, if they counted carefully. cpUexq

Yue Xingwen guessed, “The Faculty of Science and Engineering in the back may encounter escape classes, after all, there are just too many attack skills in the Physics Department, and at that time, all these skills of senior brother’s should come in handy.”

Zhuo Feng said, “I also think so, the Chemistry Department has a reasoning class, and the Physics Department most likely won’t let anyone solve the case. Nuclear Radiation, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, etc., it is more likely to be a dangerous escape class when we listen to it… Alas, I hope it’s not too difficult.”

Yue Xingwen was very optimistic. “The course has become harder, but our strength has also been enhanced, so we don’t have to worry too much.”

Zhuo Feng laughed. “That’s true.” Tm0rwB

He turned his head to look at Lin Manluo and asked, “Manluo, what new skills have you learned?”

“Garbage Classification.” Lin Manluo raised her right hand, and four red, green, blue and gray garbage cans actually appeared in front of her eyes. “Garbage Classification is essential for protecting the environment. I can classify the specified objects according to recyclable garbage, hazardous garbage, dry garbage, and food waste.”

Lin Manluo’s gaze looked around and finally fixed on Zhuo Feng and said with a smile, “For example, if I think someone is harmful garbage, I can put him in this red garbage can.”

“…” Zhuo Feng could cry or laugh and asked, “The Faculty of Environment is so great that everyone can classify garbage?” ieuzdb

“En, the library gave me garbage cans for garbage collection with no species restrictions when collecting garbage.” Lin Manluo obviously liked this new skill, she paused and said, “In fact, among these four garbage cans, the best use is ‘recyclable garbage’, which opens the lid and directly sucks in some kind of object designated by me within the range.”

Ke Shaobin asked excitedly, “For example, if you specify a plastic bottle and put the recyclable garbage can there, will the plastic bottles within the range automatically fly into your garbage can?”

“That’s right, automatic recycling.” Lin Manluo said.

“…” Everyone didn’t know what to say. Sure enough, the library’s skills had never been normal! W1pOhS

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  1. I want this skill!!! I spent all my yesterday’s evening to sort my garbage

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

  2. Xu Yishen gets a second life and there’s a bed to heal serious injuries close to death….sounds like people are gonna get hurt!