Escape From the LibraryCh245 - Chemical Reaction 20

Others did not dare to touch the dangerous chemicals, but Xin Yan quickly walked into the basement, found  a pair of plastic gloves from the drawer and put them on, opened one of the bottles and inspected it before nodding towards everyone, confirming that the liquid was none other than hydrofluoric acid.

Liu Zhaoqing glanced over the basement and said, “Xiao Wenhui’s chemical laboratory is quite professionally transformed, which reminds me of the biochemical weapons processing factory in a horror movie…” qBKvcz

Xu Yishen said, “How did he get the raw materials needed to make so much hydrofluoric acid?”

Xin Yan walked around the laboratory and found some unused materials in the cabinet, which looked very much like crystal materials. He wore gloves and picked them up for a moment to carefully observe, and soon came to a conclusion. “These should be fluorite, which is often called ‘soft crystal’, the main chemical component is calcium fluoride, which can make hydrofluoric acid.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ke Shaobin asked curiously, “Is this kind of thing easy to buy?”

Xin Yan said, “It’s very easy to buy, more than twenty yuan for a catty. If you buy it in bulk, you can buy a ton for a few thousand yuan.” M5eg0r

Yue Xingwen walked to Xin Yan’s side and looked at the stone in his hand and said, “So, Xiao Wenhui doesn’t need to take raw materials from the Chemical Factory? Can he buy directly from the Internet?”

Xin Yan nodded. “En. As long as you know chemistry and know how to prepare, the materials can be taken without getting them from the factory. I Think the police will definitely find out when they check his purchase records.”

Ke Shaobin opened his laptop and turned out the case data of Qin Ru and Xiao Nianru that had just been copied and said, “Judging from the case, Xiao Wenhui’s wife and daughter were accidentally hospitalized five years ago, and they were discharged after two months of treatment, which was in September, about to start the school year. He said to the school teacher that his wife and daughter drowned and after that Xiao Nianru didn’t go to school again.”

He paused and looked at Liu Zhaoqing to ask, “Senior brother, I can’t understand these things written by the doctor. In your opinion, after the mother and daughter are discharged from the hospital, do they still need to go back to the hospital for follow-up visits?”

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Liu Zhaoqing carefully looked at the case and said, “Judging from the laboratory test sheet, the indicators and examination data of the discharge record have returned to normal, proving that the infection has been completely controlled. Their injury is limited to their faces, and with the infection under control, their condition shouldn’t suddenly worsen as long as they are careful with their daily medication.”

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses and looked at everyone with some doubt. “So, after Qin Ru and Xiao Nianru were discharged from the hospital, they could no longer go to work and school because their appearance was completely damaged, and Xiao Wenhui said they drowned and let them completely disappear from public view, out of protection of their self esteem? Xiao Wenhui wanted to get the two of them here and take care of them secretly?”

Yue Xingwen said, “That’s right. He had good intentions and wanted to hide his wife and daughter to take care of them secretly, so that they would not be pointed at when they showed up. Unfortunately, they died later. Is that why Xiao Wenhui suddenly launched his revenge?”

Jiang Pingce calmly said, “Senior brother Liu just said that when the two were discharged from the hospital, the infection was already under control and their condition shouldn’t have suddenly worsened. Disfigurement does not develop and spread like cancer, so how did they die?” NBCfLd

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Liu Zhaoqing didn’t quite understand, he scratched his head and said, “Could it be that they got sick later? However, the mother and daughter were sick at the same time and they were serious to the point of death, which did not make sense ah.”

Aera ktfc fnfgsbcf kjr qehhifv, We Tlrtfc revvfcis rjlv, “P atbeuta bo rbwfatlcu, ktfc P kfca ab Wljb Qfctel’r gfrlvfcmf ab lcnfralujaf yfobgf, P tjqqfcfv ab yewq lcab tlw kjamtlcu j tbggbg wbnlf! Ktf ofwjif utbra lc atf wbnlf kjr jirb vlroluegfv, tfg ojmf kjr oeii bo gbaalcu oifrt, jcv kjr qjgalmeijgis vlrueralcu yea Wljb Qfctel ibbxfv mjiw…”

Ke Shaobin remembered the picture described by senior brother Xu, and couldn’t help shaking his goosebumps. “Could it be that in Xiao Wenhui’s eyes, the disfigured wife and daughter are as disgusting as the female ghost?”

Jiang Pingce said coldly, “His wife and daughter, maybe he killed them.” fadjhs

Everyone: “…”

This speculation made everyone’s spines feel a chill.

Yue Xingwen looked at Jiang Pingce and asked with a frown, “What do you mean is that Xiao Wenhui initially wanted to take care of his wife and daughter, but after a long time, he would be impatient and even disgusted every day in the face of such two faces that were corroded into rotten flesh. Over time, anyway, they were already socially dead, so no one would notice if he really killed them?”

Jiang Pingce nodded. “The so-called ‘no filial son in front of sick bed’, if he really loved his wife and daughter, he shouldn’t have let them die socially at that time. If someone I like is injured, I will take care of that person, encourage that person, and walk that person out of the darkness, not hide that person in a dark corner and live like a rat.” xWjAl

It always felt like Jiang Pingce was speaking this paragraph to himself. Yue Xingwen’s ears were hot, coughed lightly, quickly looked away, and pretended to be calm. “So, Xiao Wenhui actually doesn’t love his wife and daughter, he loves his face more, right?”

Ke Shaobin carefully brushed Pingce’s words, and finally straightened out his thoughts. “Yes! If the wife and the child are disfigured and he really loves them, he should find ways to treat them, not hide them!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but curse. “This beast! On the surface, he is human-like, but in fact, his psychology has long been distorted! He took care of his wife and child for five years, gradually couldn’t stand their disfigured faces, killed them ruthlessly, and then took his revenge on the people who disfigured them in the first place?”

Jiang Pingce said, “In this way, the logic will make sense. Otherwise, how could his wife and child suddenly die together after being successfully discharged from the hospital five years ago?” I9wsdj

Xin Yan frowned and said, “From the information investigated by the police, there is no record of Qin Ru and Xiao Nianru being cremated in the local crematorium, so the bodies of the mother and daughter…”

Ke Shaobin’s whole body froze. “It can’t be in this basement, right?!”

Everyone only felt that their scalps were numb.

Xu Yishen acted quickly and immediately sent four replicas with ‘mitosis’ to search. Splitting bodies was efficient, and within 5 minutes, he searched the laboratory and found a freezer in the corner. r7de2Y

Xu Yishen looked back at everyone. “Be mentally prepared.”

Yue Xingwen said, “Open it. Anyway, with the experience of fishing corpses in a waste water tank, I’m not afraid of any more disgusting corpses.”

Although he said so on his lips, the moment Xu Yishen opened the freezer and saw the picture in the freezer, everyone was still as cold as a pot of cold water poured over their heads in the wintry month. They were doused with cold feet.

——In the freezer, there was a whole bunch of frozen human bones. PM5Q26

There was no flesh and blood, only bones, and they were sorted in categories.

Ke Shaobin retched twice and quickly turned his head. Liu Zhaoqing stepped forward with a calm expression and said, “Judging from the pelvis, it’s an adult woman and a little girl under the age of 10.”

Xin Yan’s face turned pale, and his eyes were cold to the freezing point. “So, it was his wife and daughter who were corroded with hydrofluoric acid at the beginning? This pervert simply did a chemical experiment with his wife and daughter?”

Ke Shaobin shuddered and said, “It’s terrible! This kind of highly educated, scientifically literate murderer is really worse than a psychopathic demon in a horror movie!” 9 e4na

Jiang Pingce said coldly, “Xiao Wenhui first took his wife and daughter to this secret place to take care of them. After a long time, he gradually became impatient, and became more and more disgusted with the mother and daughter. He would think that if only the two people were directly corroded to death, there was not so much trouble. So, he began to renovate the laboratory, and purchased materials, made highly corrosive agents, and solved these two ‘troubles’.”

Yue Xingwen said, “Generally, the serial murderers, after successfully killing their first victim, develop a sense of superiority that ‘they can dominate other people’s lives at will’. After solving his wife and daughter and mastering the art of killing, he bega a plan for revenge.”

Jiang Pingce said, “Since he has worked in the Chemical Factory for many years and knows the habits of those people very well. I guess he must have used some excuse to trick those people to go outside the factory to kill them, and then forged their resignation letters to create  an illusion that they had resigned.”

Peng Yong, the reason for his resignation was to go abroad to take care of his newborn twin granddaughters; Yu Jianqiang, the reason for his resignation was to emigrate abroad with his children; Cheng De, quitted his job and went home to take care of his partner… qbpGF1

The three employees who resigned before, on closer inspection, all had one thing in common—— It was difficult to be found by colleagues after resigning.

It was the same as Xiao Wenhui’s usual ‘socialized death’!

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He let his wife and daughter die socially and disappear from the eyes of colleagues and classmates back then, and now, he could do the same to let these few people disappear from the eyes of the public quietly.

Chen Xiumei sensed a problem by herself and took the initiative to resign to seek refuge. As a result, after she left the Chemical Factory, she was intercepted halfway by Xiao Wenhui, who had long been waiting outside. After Xiao Wenhui threw Chen Xiumei’s body into the waste water tank, he simply destroyed the corpse with a fire, burning the last participant, Lin Yusen. OdgIKB

Thinking of the first day he came to the Chemistry Factory, this Director Xiao greeted himself with a smile, and when he called, he pretended to be a father who loved his daughter, and his tone was full of worry about his daughter ‘breaking her leg’…

Yue Xingwen only felt goosebumps on his spine.

Some people were no longer worthy of the title of ‘human’.

On the third day of the exam, C-183 Research Group successfully solved the case. h6nwF5

Because they flew all over the city overnight using Jiang Pingce’s Coordinate System, found out the entire context of the case, and met the conditions of the library ‘solving the case before the police’, they naturally cleared this course smoothly.

After dawn, the police would definitely find the secret laboratory, and Xiao Wenhui, this pervert, would definitely be brought to justice, but it was a pity for his wife, daughter and dozens of employees of the Chemical Factory who died innocently in his crazy revenge.

After returning to the base, everyone was informed of the results of Xingwen’s and their investigations, and they all had mixed feelings.

Chemistry was a very important subject, and the reaction and recombination of various chemicals was as complex and interesting as magic. Those who really loved chemistry had been using their professional knowledge to study and solve various problems encountered by human beings in the fields of medicine, industry and manufacturing. I5EtC

Instead of harming others with the expertise they had learned.

Xin Yan was very clear that such a highly knowledgeable evil like Xiao Wenhui was only a rare case. In reality, there were countless scientific researchers who were engaged in chemical experiments, which deserved people’s admiration and respect.

This is his most favorite subject. He will also continue on the path of chemistry with determination.

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  1. Chemistry has always been my worst subject so I’m surprised to say this was my favorite lesson so far, I’m glad it didn’t turn into some horror escape room where Xiao Wenhui came after them.Also I’m expecting to see a much more active Xin Yan from now on!!!

    Thank you for the translation!

  2. On the one hand, I am glad that readers are always given a positive note at the end, which calms down after a hard case, but on the other hand, I am a little annoyed by this propaganda maximalist note at the end of faculty classes. I have heard and hear a lot of such propaganda of the “socialist” type and it is, of course, utopian and unattainable

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

  3. I remembered my chem lab prof said (in our language) “if you want, you could easily do not so good things …” then proceed to lecture us to be a good citizen.😆