Escape From the LibraryCh240 - Chemical Reaction 15

Xin Yan’s words opened up a new way of thinking for everyone.

In fact, linking the murderer with the ‘Zhou Jianan fire death case’ 20 years ago was all their subjective inference, because this was the only murder that had occurred in the Chemical Factory in the past 25 years, and it was reasonable to assume that Zhou Jianan’s relatives came to take revenge by killing those who were involved in Zhou Jianan’s dearth in that year one after the other. CGx8Oh

But what if the murderer had nothing to do with Zhou Jianan’s case at all? Then, the suspicion of Zhou Qiqi(Zhou Jianan’s daughter) and Yu Chenming (who may be Zhou Jianan’s husband) that everyone suspected before would be reduced.

On the contrary, Xiao Wenhui, who did not come to work in the factory all day under the pretext of ‘accompanying his daughter to see a doctor’, his suspicions skyrocketed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen sorted out his thoughts and said, “I think, this serial murder case is committed by the same murderer, the modus operandi is exactly the same, both use ‘resignation’ to confuse the public, so that the other colleagues don’t track down the whereabouts of these people, and then use hydrofluoric acid to corrode the human body, throw the body in the wastewater tank, and chop the body to vent the hatred in the murderer’s heart.”

“Therefore, as long as we find the murderer of Chen Xiumei, we also find the murderer of the other three ‘resigned employees’.” He looked back at Xu Yishen and asked, “Senior brother, around 11 o’clock this morning, you are sure you saw Chen Xiumei leave the Chemical Factory with your own eyes, right?” SplTYc

Xu Yishen was very certain and said, “Yes. At that time, I was still trying to stop her, but as a result, she was running fast with her suitcase, and my mitosis skill had cooldown, so I couldn’t stop her.”

Yue Xingwen said, “Then it can be determined that she was killed after 11 o’clock today, outside the Chemical Factory.”

Jiang Pingce agreed. “All employees who are not in the Chemical Factory after 11 o’clock must be re-checked except for Xiao Wenhui and Yu Chenming, who are confirmed to be away from the factory. On the personnel side, are there any other people who have taken a leave of absence today?”

Lin Manluo and Lan Yarong looked at each other and said, “We didn’t receive any leave of absence on our side.”


Ke Shaobin said, “The attendance of this Chemical Factory is not very strict, and when I checked the information, I found that every month, each department directly handed in the attendance sheet, and no work card to clock in, face detection and other digital attendance system.”

Xiao Wenhui skipped work today, did not write a leave slip, and also called Yue Xingwen to let them cooperate with the acting.

Yue Xingwen looked up at the roof and frowned. “Unfortunately, the fire outside has not been extinguished, and it’s not good for us to investigate before the casualties are counted… I don’t know when the firefighters will arrive.”

They stayed underground, and in the confined space with fresh air created by senior sister Manluo. 06GmBg

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But outside, now it had turned into a sea of fire, and there were constantly heart-rending screams. Yue Xingwen couldn’t bear it in his heart, but he couldn’t do anything to help those employees.

Ktf Jtfwlmji Mjmabgs kjr bc olgf, atfgf kfgf abb wjcs vjcufgber ujrrfr lc atf jlg, jcv atfs mbeivc’a vlgfmais erf kjafg ab fzalcuelrt atf olgf. Ktfs wera kjla obg qgbofrrlbcji olgfolutafgr, yea lo atf olgf frmjqf ifjvlcu ab atf wjlc ujaf bo atf Jtfwlmji Mjmabgs kjr yibmxfv, atfc atfs mbeiv bcis gfrluc atfwrfinfr ab ojaf.

Everyone fell silent.

Soon, everyone felt that the temperature in the room was rising. Although they were located underground, the fire on the ground was getting bigger and bigger, which would cause heat conduction. It was like they were in a closed oven, although there was enough fresh air, once the temperature of the air exceeded the human body’s limit of tolerance, they would also be roasted alive. BcySUz

Yue XIngwen made a quick decision and said, “Xiao Nian, separate a room out and leave a door open.”

Zhang Xiaonian nodded, and immediately raised his hand to separate a room of about 10 square meters with the earthquake-proof wall of the Faculty of Architecture.

Yue Xingwen opened his Idiom Dictionary and directly used the skill ‘The Flooding of Jinshan Temple’, flooding the room instantly, and he immediately followed by looking at Qin Lu. “Release the Cold Current!”

Qin Lu understood and quickly raised her right hand. “Siberian Cold Current!” iJ6kIX

With the cold air blowing through Qin Lu’s hands, the water that Yue Xingwen had poured into the room instantly froze into ice, and the slightest chill came from the air. Everyone who was about to be roasted immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Ke Shaobin exclaimed, “Sure enough, knowledge is power, you three actually built an ice cellar!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen smiled helplessly and said, “It can’t be helped. We can’t stay here and be roasted alive. With such a large volume of ice, at least we can ensure that we hold out until the fire in the Chemical Factory is extinguished.”

Everyone came to the next room, leaned near the ice, and Xin Yan also filled a bottle with some ice and handed it to everyone to cool down. bwA4dr

Lin Manluo’s green tree air purification could be used once in 1 hour, plus the physical cooling of ice, surviving was not a problem, but everyone’s mood was still a little anxious, after all, the screams outside were getting louder and louder, obviously, the fire had been completely out of control.

They didn’t know how long it took when the piercing siren of a fire truck came from outside.

Ke Shaobin stood up excitedly and said, “The firefighting has finally arrived!”

XIn Yan said calmly, “However, a big fire like the Chemical Factory, even if a professional firefighting arrives, it will take a long time to extinguish it. Many of the people in this factory, even if they are rescued, will suffer burns all over their bodies… life is worse than death.” v9qOfj

Liu Zhaoqing remembered the patients he saw during his internship in the hospital’s burn department, his face immediately became ugly. “Burns caused by such a fire are usually severe burns, not only the skin tissue is completely burned, the deep internal organs will also have inhalation burns, and limbs that are seriously damaged will also need to be amputated.”

He paused, frowned and whispered, “Even if they are resuscitated and survive, the patient will still face the torment of infections, post-operative skin grafts and other problems, and the recovery period will take at least a few years. In severe cases, they may have to lie in bed for the rest of their lives.”

Listening to senior brother Liu’s words, they really had palpitations.

Just now, if they hadn;t run in time, they might have been burned to black charcoal at this point as well. The library’s courses were getting more perverted, and this murderer of the Chemical Factory was the most terrifying demon they had encountered so far! ZmHxYT

The firefighters’ rescue lasted all night.

It was almost dawn that the fire was finally extinguished.

The sound of the ambulance whistled away, Yue Xingwen and his party did not dare to suddenly run out to attract suspicion. They waited patiently for several hours before Ke Shaobin released Xiao Tu to secretly scout the surrounding area.

Xiao Tu transmitted the scanned scene to Ke Shaobin’s laptop, and everyone came over to take a look and couldn’t help but gasp in a cold air—— They saw that the entire Chemical Factory had been burned to rubble, there were ruins everywhere, and there were many charred bodies scattered on the ground, and the firefighters were carrying those bodies outside the door with a stretcher. eTRlHd

Heart-rending cries came from outside the Chemical Factory, apparently from family members who had arrived at the scene.

Yue Xingwen couldn’t bear to look at it anymore and turned his head away.

Jiang Pingce gently placed his hand on his shoulder and said nothing.

It was not until noon that the body was moved. mDkOT1

Since the firefighters found several strange broken bodies and were unable to determine whether the bodies had been burned by the fire or died of some other cause, they called the police again to ask a professional criminal police to make a determination.

After the police car arrived at the scene, the medical examiner identified the bodies and concluded that the people did not die in the fire and that their bones showed signs of having been severed by sharp instruments. This Chemical Factory explosion case with serious deaths and injuries, coupled with the discovery of strange corpses, in order to avoid the public opinion of society completely out of control, the police temporarily did not publicize to the outside world the news of the four broken bodies, but launched a secret investigation.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

At around 4 pm, the Chemical Factory was blocked, firefighters, criminal police, medical rescue teams and others all evacuated. The family members were also uniformly resettled, the original lively Chemical Factory was instantly turned into a ruin.

A familiar mechanical voice sounded in everyone’s ears: “In the second stage of the exam, the restrictions on the examination room have been lifted, and now, you can leave the Chemical Factory.” ktxV1d

Before everyone could rejoice, the mechanical voice followed: “Attention, you are all employees of the Chemical Factory, yet you were unscathed in the fire, and if you appear in the public eye and arouse the suspicion of the police, and are detained for investigation, you will fail the exam; In addition, the use of special abilities in front of the public and being considered a monster, you will be dragged off and failed your exam as well.”

“Please pay attention to your whereabouts, so that you can take care of yourself.”

Everyone: “……”

Could it get any pitted? XCNYH1

Yue Xingwen said helplessly, “This means that we have to secretly avoid being discovered by the police, and we must also avoid the crowd when using skills. Will we be just like a thief in the rest of the investigation?”

Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but curse, “Fuck, judging from the image that Xiao Tu just scouted, the firefighters pulled out more than sixty corpses, and the ambulance sent dozens of people to the hospital to be rescue, the numbers won’t add up, right? The total number of employees in the Chemical Factory must be recorded, how are we going to explain the absence of 12 of us!”

Zhuo Feng said helplessly, “Therefore, we must not show our faces, otherwise, the police will mistakenly think that we are murderers, that we’re the ones who detonated the Chemical Factory and arrest us.”

Lan Yarong spread her hand helplessly. “So the next thing is, we are hiding from the police while investigating the real murderer of the serial murder case in the Chemical Factory… Do you really think we’re Spider-Man and can fly around?” PRSJID

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses and said with a smile, “This is a puzzle solving plus escape class, and now we’re starting the session of finding out the truth while playing hide and seek. My suggestion is… we will hide in the day and come out at night, we’ll act at night!”

Yue Xingwen agreed. “It can only be like this. During the day, there are too many pedestrians on the streets to use our skills, and late at night, we’ll find a way to sneak into the police station and access their case records.”

Jiang Pingce said, “By the way, find out where Xiao Wenhui lives, as well as his family, whether he has ever been injured.”

Ke Shaobin quickly opened his laptop. “Fortunately, my Xiao Tu can crack the nearby wireless network. We can go online to look up some information even if we stay in the basement during the day. Let me check the news about this first!” jnkTWz

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  1. Omg part 2!! This arc is really becoming more exciting!! I can’t wait + I love how Xingwen is slowly melting from his panic 😂

  2. Now it’s so complicated, but I’m not complaining!

    Thank you for your translation ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  3. The library always makes us so aware to situations we try not to think about and the reality of such situations, the story is genuinely so well written imo