Escape From the LibraryCh234 - Chemical Reaction 09

Today is my birthday, so extra chapter for all of you :blobsnuggle:

Being called out by a stranger, Chen Xiumei obviously had a panic in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down and pretended to be calm. “Who are you? Can I help you?” oLfXp6

Xu Yishen smiled and said, “I’m new here, just call me Xiao Xu.”

Chen Xiumei’s hand that gripped the box tightened slightly, and her gaze was dodging. “I have something to do, I have to go home.”

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At the same time, Ke Shaobin was quickly checking the information inside the factory, and in the broad daylight, they could not force Chen Xiumei to stay in the factory. They must find out Chen Xiumei’s heart knot as quickly as possible.

Judging from Chen Xiumei’s conversation with Lin Yusen on the rooftop last night, she had always suspected that the first three people who resigned were ‘retaliated’ because of ‘that incident’, which proved that at least Chen Xiumei, Lin Yusen and the three missing people participated in ‘that incident’ that year, which was a secret that they knew each other. njeUJv

From 25 years ago, when they entered the factory in the same batch, to the three people who resigned and disappeared some time ago, a full 25-year time span, when exactly ‘that incident’ happened, it was difficult to pinpoint. Yue Xingwen reminded in the chat channel: “Focus on checking for people who have inexplicably disappeared from the factory over the past 25 years, or if there have been any homicides such as falling from buildings or suicides during that time.”

Ke Shaobin said: “I know, I’m retrieving news from 25 years, and I’ll bother senior brother Xu to delay her!”

When Xu Yishen saw the news of the chat channel, he quickly typed ‘received’ with his right hand, and said with a smile, “Aunt Chen, I have often heard colleagues mention you before, but I’ve never seen you before. I didn’t expect to meet you so coincidentally today.”

Chen Xiumei coughed and said, “I have something to do, I’m leaving first…”


Xu Yishen stopped her and said, “Wait a minute, I always have a question I want to ask you.”

Chen Xiumei was obviously a bit anxious, looked down at her watch and said patiently, “What problem?”

Xu Yishen said, “You have been in this factory for more than 20 years, right?”

Chen Xiumei: “…Right.” 1jrihQ

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We Tlrtfc rwlifv jcv rjlv, “Fcmif Ufcu, ktb gfrlucfv j ofk vjsr jub, rffwr ab tjnf mbwf ab atf ojmabgs lc atf rjwf yjamt jr sbe.”

Jtfc Wlewfl’r ojmf raloofcfv rilutais. “Tbe xcbk Yiv Ufcu?”

We Tlrtfc cbvvfv. “Fcmif Ufcu lr lc atf rjwf kbgxrtbq jr wf, tf lr mbcrlvfgfv tjio bo ws wjrafg jcv tjr ajeuta wf j iba. Cijr, P vlvc’a fzqfma tlw ab revvfcis gfrluc. Ds atf kjs, jgf sbe ralii lc abemt klat tlw?”

Xu Yishen made up an excuse. Hearing Old Peng’s name, Chen Xiumei’s face was already a little pale, when she heard Xu Yishen ask ‘Are you still in touch with him?’ Her body obviously trembled, and her voice was not very natural. “Can’t be contacted, probably went abroad and changed the number. You can go busy, I have to go first!” Ky2xEC

She turned around and hastily tried to escape. At this moment, the information that Ke Shaobin checked popped up in the chat channel: “20 years ago, that is, 5 years after these people entered the Chemical Factory, there had been a fire at the Chemical Factory, and a woman named Zhou Jianan was burned alive in the fire. The information showed that Zhou Jianan was only 30 years old at the time of her death.”

Yue Xingwen immediately asked: “What about the relatives of the deceased?”

Ke Shaobin said: “The relatives are not employees of the Chemical Factory, and there is no information about her in the database inside the factory, so it should have been deleted. The information about that fire, which I scoured from news reports, wasn’t comprehensive.”

It was not easy to search for news from 18 years ago, Yue Xingwen intuited that the ‘thing’ in Chen Xiumei’s mouth might be related to this fire. He gave a reminder in the chat channel: “Senior brother Xu, ask Chen Xiumei if she knew Zhou Jianan or not.” ivHtUS

Xu Yishen nodded, so as not to be overheard by people around, he stepped forward, leaned into Chen Xiumei’s ear, and asked softly in a volume that only the two of them could her, “Aunt Chen, do you know someone named Zhou Jianan?”

In an instant, Chen Xiumei’s whole body stiffened, her face was as pale as a ghost. She looked at Xu Yishen in disbelief, and her lips trembled. “You, you… who the hell are you?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then, as if she had seen a ghost, Chen Xiumei picked up the box and ran out quickly. Xu Yishen wanted to stop it but it was already too late. Aunt Chen Xiumei, who was in her fifties, using the speed of a 100-meter sprint at that moment, like being chased by a wolf, disappeared at the end of the street in an instant.

Xu Yishen rubbed the corner of his forehead helplessly and typed in the chat channel: “Sorry, I couldn’t stop her. But after I mentioned Zhou Jianan, Chen Xiumei’s expression was as if she had seen a ghost, so there is clearly something wrong.” 76ZQi9

Yue Xingwen said: “Chen Xiumei is a clue character, she will definitely leave the factory today. Our identities are all factory employees now, so it’s not good to use coercion to lock her up. Trying to find out if she had anything to do with Zhou Jianan’s death is enough.”

Jiang Pingce said: “It seems that Zhou Jianan’s death may have been the result of this group of people joining forces?”

Yue Xingwen nodded, looked at Jiang Pingce and said: “In this way, the direction of our investigation can be clearer, if Zhou Jianan’s relatives come to take revenge, the murderer has sufficient motive to commit the crime. It’s just that it has already been 20 years since the incident, and there must not be many people who knew about it back then. Who is the person related to Zhou Jianan in the Chemical Factory in these hundreds of employees?”

“Let the girls pull up all the information from the personnel department and check them one by one.” Jiang Pingce paused and said, “In addition, the clues on the warehouse manager’s side must also be followed up.” eOSdA2

“Okay, I’ll arrange the work.” Yue Xingwen quickly assigned tasks in the chat channel, and everyone immediately took action and began to check the employee information of the Chemical Factory one by one.

With such a deep hatred coming to take  revenge, and serial killing, it must be Zhou Jianan’s closest relative.

Her husband and children were the most suspected.

Zhou Jianan was 30 years old when she died, and due to the lack of information at that time, it was not known whether she was married and had children or not. Therefore, men close to her age(who should be around 50 years old at this time) and the younger generation(her children) should be investigated. e6sRcJ

Qin Lu and Qin Miao were responsible for sorting out the information of men around 50 years old, while Lan Yarong and Lin Manluo went through the resumes of all young people, and the family members in the data sheet needed to be focused on.

Soon, they singled out several suspect profiles.

Lan Yarong quickly took photos and posted them in the group: “Yu Chenming, 51 years old, the column of the spouse of the family member is written as widowed, no children; Zhou Qiqi, the parents column of the family members are empty, and it seems that she is an orphan.”

Lin Manluo analyzed: “Yu Chenming is the director of Workshop no.2, responsible for the synthesis part of drug manufacturing, with easy access to raw materials. He came to this Chemical Factory 10 years ago, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, and knows a lot about chemicals. When Zhou Jianan died 20 years ago, he was 31 years old. Widowed in the profile, it’s likely that his spouse was Ms. Zhou, who died in the fire.” Naf6Cm

Lan Yarong followed closely: “Zhou Qiqi, 27 years old this year, with the same surname as the deceased. If Zhou Jianan is her mother, she took her mother’s surname, her mother died and her father also died for some reason. As an orphan, she came to the Chemical Factory to take revenge, the motive can be established. She’s a graduate student in the Department of Materials Chemistry in the Faculty of Chemistry. She came to the Chemical Factory three years ago, and is currently in charge of material approval at the warehouse.”

Jiang Pingce frowned slightly, looked at Yue Xingwen, and asked in a low voice, “Do you still have an impression of this Zhou Qiqi?”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “The girl who knocked on the door last night to borrow a kettle.”

After Lan Yarong and three girls checked the information of all the employees of the factory, the two who were selected were indeed very suspicious, a widowed middle-aged man avenging his wife, and the other was an orphaned with great ability avenging her mother. Age, motivation, access to highly poisonous chemicals, knowledge of chemistry, these were the conditions that they all agreed on. ViAseS

When Zhou Qiqi went to borrow the kettle last night, she appeared in Yue Xingwen’s sight. He suspected at that time whether it was a coincidence or this girl had another purpose for borrowing the kettle? Now, it seems that it’s not a coincidence.

Could it be that the murderer was among these two?

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Yue Xingwen always felt that something was wrong, he calmed down and thought carefully, and said: “Check the duty schedule of these two people to see if they have time to commit crimes.”

Jiang Pingce followed closely and added: “Among the three people who were missing previously, Old Peng did not show up when he submitted his resignation letter on August 17th, but someone helped him to forward his resignation letter. What did the person who helped him forward the resignation letter say?” xVJ8yL

Qin Lu said: “I asked brother Liu about this. Old Peng sent a message to a colleague in their department and asked the colleague to hand over the resignation letter placed on his desk to Mr. Zhang, that colleague didn’t know the specifics and forwarded it for him.”

Jiang Pingce said: “In other words, from the beginning to the end, Older Peng did not show up, nor did he call personally?”

Qin Lu: “Yes.”

Jiang Pingce: “So, Old Peng’s mobile phone was probably controlled by the murderer. The other two resigned on July 20th and August 3rd, have you found out the situation that day?” 0MfLtg

Qin Miao said: “I just asked, the two who resigned on July 20th and August 3rd also did not appear in the factory, they both directly handed the resignation letter to Mr. Zhang, and then did not show up. The salary settlement on the financial side was approved by Mr. Zhang and the salary was paid for half a month’s salary after more than 15 days of work, and the one who resigned on the 3rd was not paid.”

Jiang Pingce and Yue XIngwen looked at each other. Yue Xingwen said, “The time of death of these three people is still uncertain. The last time they appeared in the Chemical Factory was Monday and many colleagues saw them. They suddenly disappeared on Tuesday and told someone to hand over the resignation letter, and then completely disappear. With such an odd resignation process, doesn’t Mr. Zhang doubts it?”

Jiang Pingce said, “Unless the murderer controls their mobile phone and sends a lot of information to Mr. Zhang to explain.”

“En. That makes sense. Mr. Zhang called over, but was rejected by the other party, and then the other party very firmly sent a text message saying that he was going to resign, and Mr. Zhang couldn’t do anything about it.” Yue Xingwen was silent for a moment, looked at him and asked, “Pingce, where do you think the murderer killed people and where did he dispose of the corpse?” AZzef3

“At the Chemical Factory.” Jiang Pingce whispered, “Those three people may never have left. Their bodies, most likely, are hidden somewhere in the Chemical Factory, or…”

“Or was it corroded by chemicals and washed into the waste pool?” Yue Xingwen followed his words.

Both of them looked at each other, and a chill rose in their spines at the same time.

There might actually be three bodies hidden in this Chemical Factory! yb9R6D

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1 comment

  1. It’s really creepy

    Thank you for your translation ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️