Escape From the LibraryCh217 - Music Melody 03

Yue Xingwen had never heard the song <Flight of Bumble-Bee> before, and the music he usually listened to was relatively soothing music, and this was the first time he had heard such ‘powerful’ music. As the music played, he felt as if he was in the wilderness, being chased by a swarm of buzzing bees!

The extremely fast rhythm gave people a very strong sense of psychological oppression, not to mention, as the music sounds, dense notes fell from the air. Yue Xingwen stood on the white light pillar, looking up and seeing that the white notes in the air, just like goose feather snow falling from the sky, could not count how many there were at all! E KYeI

The first song took 2~3 seconds before dropping a note, and the second song instantly accelerated several times!

A thin line appeared in front of him, like a translucent silk thread, and Yue Xingwen quickly reacted to it—— The moment the note touched the silk thread was the rhythm point of the music, and they could get points when they pressed it accurately. Once they pressed it fast, or pressed slowly, naturally they couldn’t make combos.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

According to the rules of this game, the total mistakes of the team could not exceed 20, and each of them couldn’t make more than 3 mistakes!

With such dense notes dropping one after another, it was difficult to try to precisely jam the rhythm points to eliminate each note. Moreover, the melody of <Flight of Bumble-Bee> was inherently distracting, so once they were nervous and made mistakes, they were likely to make mistakes in a row, directly missing a whole string of notes, and they would be directly eliminated after more than 20 mistakes! THIu3U

The six students standing on the light pillars were tense, and their faces suddenly became serious.

In the center of the stage, Qi Luoran saw this scene and immediately gave them a reminder, “You don’t need to deliberately hit the rhythm point to get Perfect judgment, as long as the notes fall before they fall across the horizontal line, hit them!”

Xu Yishen also said, “Everyone hold steady, I’ll help according to the situation!”

As soon as the words had just fallen, the first string of notes had fallen near the horizontal line, Yue Xingwen took a deep breath to stabilize his mentality, stretched out his hands and began to shoot down the notes quickly. Other students also used the fastest hand speed in their lives, for a time, the students on the six light pillars were simply like ‘dancing with demons’. In just a few seconds, the words COMBOx180 popped up on the big screen!


In other words, in just a few seconds, each of the 6 of them hit more than 30 notes.

Terrifying speed!

Xu Yishen narrowed his eyes, staring closely at the battle situation on the light pillars——

Jiang Pingce’s side was the most stable, although Jiang Pingce was not proficient in music, but in his eyes, the horizontal line in front of him was like an X-coordinate axis, and the falling notes were like coordinate points in the XY coordinate axis. With a cursory glance, he could roughly judge the distance between those notes and determine the time when the notes fell onto the X-coordinate axis. A7bBKd

Therefore, when he stretched out his two hands to hit the notes, not only could he be fast and accurate, but also to jam all the rhythmic points and almost every note hit on Jiang Pingce’s side was a Perfect judgment, with the black notes continuously hitting in a row, and the golden light effect of continuous Perfect judgment even appeared on the top of his head!

Qi Luoran on the stage was stunned, and Xu Yishen, who was used to Jiang Pingce’s awesomeness, immediately shifted his gaze elsewhere.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf rbbc vlrmbnfgfv atja rfclbg rlrafg Ojc tjv fcmbecafgfv vloolmeialfr bc tfg rlvf.

Dfmjerf rfclbg rlrafg Ojc kjr gfijalnfis rtbga, atf tbglhbcaji ilcf kjr lc atf qbrlalbc jybnf tfg tfjv. Pa kjr jigfjvs j yla ijybglber obg tfg ab ragfamt bea tfg tjcvr ab raglxf vbkc atf cbafr, mbeqifv klat atf revvfc mtjcuf lc atf gtsatw bo atf werlm pera cbk, j rfglfr bo cbafr ofii vbkc nlbifcais. Vfflcu atja rtf kjr jybea ab wlrr, We Tlrtfc vfmlrlnfis erfv tlr wlabrlr, lcrajcais wbnlcu ab atf iluta qliijg ktfgf Ojc Tjgbcu kjr, jcv tfiqlcu tfg ab mbiifma 5 cbafr lc j gbk. 5lVJTO

Lan Yarong breathed a sigh of relief, didn’t have time to say thank you and hurriedly concentrated on continuing to deal with the notes behind.

The melody of the <Flight of Bumble-Bee> became more and more urgent, and at the speed at which the notes fell became faster and faster, and when the combo count on the big screen reached 1,231, it suddenly interrupted and started counting from 1 again.

This means that one of the students missed the note and broke the streak.

The break in the streak was already expected by everyone, and because the notes were too dense, the students standing on the light pillars did not even know if they missed it. They did not have the energy to distract themselves from looking at the counting on the screen, and they were still tapping with their hands quickly. uJ02eK

Only Qi Luoran, who was standing on the stage and watching the screen count, clenched his fists nervously, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

The second count, the combo broke again when it reached 300, 3 missed this time…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qi Luoran raised his head and found that Xu Yishen used his mitosis to help Qin Lu, and the faces of the students on the light pillars were nervous, and Qi Luoran, who was standing in the middle of the stage, was even more nervous—— Because standing in the stage, he could clearly see what was going on with his senior brothers and sisters, the number of notes falling from the sky had increased significantly from just a moment ago, and two hands were simply too busy to do anything about it!

The notes were all dropped in a row, and missing one was likely to miss consecutively. 2OtG F

Such a difficult music game had never been seen before.

At the beginning of the course, the mechanical voice also said ‘The students have worked hard in the previous courses, so the exam for this course is relatively relaxing’ …Relaxing? Sure enough, the library system was nonsense and could not be believed!

At this moment, three sets of white notes actually fell at the same time on Yue Xingwen’s side. His two hands couldn’t press three sets of notes at the same time, and Qi Luoran was so anxious that he couldn’t wait to fly over to help!

Xu Yishen split into two, helping senior sister Lan and Qin Lu at the same time, and he couldn’t care about Xingwen’s side at all… gBmRUF

As a result, the next moment, a thick idiom dictionary suddenly appeared in the air. Yue Xingwen used his left and right hands to shoot down the notes on both sides, and the center set was successfully shattered by the dictionary!

The ‘Perfect’ judgment flashed continuously above his head, and he completed a COMBOx30 at this moment!

At the same time, Jiang Pingce suddenly summoned a large number of triangular rulers, and the transparent rulers flew out like sharp arrows, crackling a few times and poking a large row of notes that fell to the horizontal line!

Qi Luoran: “…” 9hvRma

Skills, he almost forgot about this!

Although the number of notes dropped increased and both hands were busy, they all had skills.

After Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce started this, other students also reacted and followed suit. Lin Manluo directly summoned two vines and the originally busy senior sister Manluo felt it much easier with the help of the vines. Her hands in the air quickly tapping and two vines helpers next to her also poking the notes. It looked like a ‘tentacle monster’ from a distance.

The last wave of heavily dropped notes was shattered by everyone without risk. Jhc6Yb

The music finally ended, the whole space suddenly fell silent. Everyone held their breath to look at the scores on the screen. The golden characters jumped for a moment, soon counting out their scores——

[The total number of notes of the <Flying of Bumble-Bee> song is 3,600, successfully collected 3,589, the highest combo is 1,231 and the final rating: A]

Seeing the result, everyone’s tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

Yue Xingwen exhaled and said with a smile, “11 miss, it’s good to be able to pass the level, everyone works hard!” RXWknp

Xu Yishen said with a bitter face, “I have a psychological shadow for this song.”

Who wasn’t? It didn’t feel like being chased by a bee swarm, it was more like being chased by a wolf pack. Their fingers were about to be cramped from tapping!

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Qin Lu reminded them in a low voice, “There are three songs in the rhythm level, and this is only the second, the third one… won’t it be more perverted?”

Yue Xingwen gently rubbed his temple and said helplessly, “My both hands aren’t enough for this song, and if the third song increases the difficulty, how can we press it! We are not eight-legged spider monsters.” yeoVcJ

Lin Manluo smiled bitterly and said, “It was already difficult for me to control the two vines just now. Although this course in the Conservatory of Music is not very brain-consuming, it’s really physically exhausting, and I feel more tired than running 10,000 meters.”

Xu Yishen shrugged his shoulders, “Who isn’t? I almost get schizophrenia.”

There were still 30 seconds of countdown before the start of the third song. Qi Luoran coughed and said, “I don’t think that the library would pit us twice in the same way. The difficulty of the third song might not be in the number of notes dropped or the speed.”

Yue Xingwen was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the junior brother on the big stage. “You mean, the third note won’t be so much, and it will be enough with both hands?” xJa1it

Qi Luoran said seriously, “I’m just guessing, because the most difficult thing about music games is not actually shooting down the fragmentary notes, the notes are counted as collected as long as you touch them. The kind of rhythm bar that needs to be held down for a long time, and you will lose a lot of points all at once by pressing and releasing at the wrong timing.”

Xu Yishen also reacted, and immediately said alertly, “That’s right, the rhythm bar in the music game, which is also known as the long note. A long note counts for many notes, and it’s also easy to make a mistake, which is even more of a test of the sense of rhythm.”

Just now, because the speed of the note falling was too fast, even if everyone pressed it quickly, it was still counted as being collected. However, slow songs weren’t necessarily easier than fast songs, and long beats were even harder…

Thinking of this, Yue Xingwen immediately decided, “In this way, if the third song is a song that focuses on long tones like you said, junior brother Qi will be on the stage, giving us beats and conducting, so we can judge the beat according to your hand gestures.” 1IgM84

Qi Luran nodded and said, “No problem!”

After the 30-second countdown passed, the soothing melody of the third song rang in their ears.

There were no notes falling in the prelude stage, Qi Luoran closed his eyes and listened carefully, and immediately said, “It’s Strauss’s work <The Blue Danube>, ¾ beat, playing us a solo piano piece. There will be a large number of notes like the flow of the river, the rhythm is not easy to control, everyone pays attention to my hand gestures!”

Although junior brother Qi had a shy personality, when it came to his specialization, the look on the boy’s face immediately became serious and confident. The shy and timid look at first sight had disappeared at this time. 2dJEiZ

He listened carefully for a moment and found the rhythm accurately.

The melody of flowing water slipped quickly in his ears, and the boy standing in the middle of the stage closed his eyes with full attention, like a conductor at a concert scene, gently waving his hands, letting the students around him follow the ups and downs of his hands to judge the rhythm of the music. The melody that originally sounded chaotic, with the conductor, everyone quickly found the beat point.

Qi Luoran closed his eyes, afraid that the six different colored light pillars and notes around him would interfere with him, and only by fully immersing himself in the music could he ensure that his beat was error-free.

At this time, the notes that fell above the six light pillars really changed. Df2sdl

They were no longer the goose-feathers of snow-like fragments before, but noodles-like notes, black, white, yellow, blue, red and green, six colors of ‘noodles’ falling from the sky,  the scene was indescribably weird. They could only see the start of some ‘noodles’, but could not see the end, and simply did not know when it would end.

It was really a long note for the third song!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. Noodle time

    Thank you for your translation 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟