Dressed as a Shady Villain’s Marriage PartnerCh107 - Wedding Follow-Up

The two lingered by the beach as the afternoon sun grew warmer.

Lu Huan, still in his formal attire, returned to the hotel to change into something casual. vV5zdD

When he emerged, Yu Baihan had already dived back into the water.

Seeing Lu Huan in casual clothes, Qi Jue and the others waved enthusiastically, “Brother Lu, come join us! Let’s swim together!”

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Lu Huan was about to decline, hands in his pockets, when he noticed Yu Baihan gesturing at them, clearly trying to protect his modesty, “Don’t insist. He’s shy about getting his clothes wet.”

“……” NMdIqy

Lu Huan chuckled and joined them in the water.

There was a splash as he entered.

Yu Baihan was lifted by a hand, and Lu Huan’s palm found its way to his face, covering his mouth.

Under the sunlight, Lu Huan’s long eyelashes cast gentle shadows.


“Who said he’s shy?”

The group of friends erupted with excitement, “Finally, Lu Huan is in the water! Totally worth it!”

Amidst the cheers, Wen Lou leaned in, teasing, “Lu Huan, do you really not know how to blush? Show us again!”

Lu Huan pinched his fingers with a smirk. eaflbv

Yu Baihan’s eyes widened in surprise.

All eyes turned to Wen Lou, who seemed to realize he might have pushed too far.

After a moment, Lu Huan calmly called out to Wen Lou.

Wen Lou leaned over, curious. Lu Huan subtly shifted his footing, and suddenly, Wen Lou plunged into the water with a loud splash! Water flew everywhere, soaking Yu Baihan completely. f0L5VO

Yu Baihan: …

Without warning, Wen Lou had also dragged Sun Yiqing, who had been spectating, into the water.

Emerging from the splash, Sun Yiqing wiped his face and squinted without his glasses. A moment later, a faint smile appeared.

Yu Baihan, on alert, immediately slipped behind Lu Huan. QT42fm

What followed was a lively melee play in the water.

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After a lengthy splash-filled argument, not only had Yu Baihan’s clothes became thoroughly soaked, but his hair drooped down as well. His face, now bright and flushed as if freshly washed, bore tiny droplets of water.

Exhausted, he gestured towards Lu Huan. “I can’t play anymore. They all doused me with water…” spPGh2

Lu Huan, equally drenched, wore a casual T-shirt that clung snugly to his frame. Yu Baihan deftly leaned against him, immediately feeling the warmth radiating through the fabric.

Unable to resist, he nuzzled against Lu Huan’s shoulder, his legs underwater wrapping around Lu Huan’s waist. Lu Huan’s midsection tightened instinctively, his gaze dropping momentarily, before he reached out to steady Yu Baihan. “Don’t…”

A few of their friends chimed in teasingly, “Don’t what? We didn’t see a thing! Keep hugging like that!”

The two exchanged a glance… rSGLQ

Yu Baihan blushed deeply:

Their mischievous friends, always ready with comments!

Lu Huan remained silent but held Yu Baihan’s hand firmly.

In the intimacy of their embrace, hearts raced erratically. 31Q hD

Just as Yu Baihan adjusted his position to climb up, a splash echoed nearby. Lu Huan steadied him and turned, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Let’s head back first.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mffilcu atf reyaif kjgwat jcv kfluta yfcfjat tlw, Te Djltjc yiertfv oeglberis jcv rajsfv qea.

Vb rfcrlalnf, Olaaif Gffg Oe.

Qjr la pera j teu? “Lfs, sbe—” Qfc Obe’r nblmf ygbxf lc ogbw yftlcv, weooifv obg j wbwfca. UwdmBu

Ktflg oglfcvr tertfv tlw egufcais, “Vtttt!”

“…” Qfc Obe cbvvfv delmxis, “Zwwww!”

Coafg atflg gfaegc ab atf tbafi, Oe Lejc’r cfmx kjr mbwqifafis oiertfv. r8Kl3f

Yu Baihan sprawled on the bed and glanced at Lu Huan, playfully brushing his calf with his foot, “Are you coming?”

Lu Huan tugged at his damp clothes, “…not right now.”

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He turned to look out the window at the sky, “Change your clothes, let’s eat first.”

Yu Baihan teased, “Are you gearing up for something?” MraHzo

Lu Huan’s gaze returned to him, a hint of blush and determination in his expression, “Didn’t you say I lack energy?”

Yu Baihan immediately sat up, contrite.

Oh, it was his fault, after all~

They dried off and changed into fresh clothes. 0oHxse

Dinner was served on the beach outside the hotel, featuring a buffet and open-air barbecue.

The hardware wholesaler led a lively bonfire dance around the barbecue pit, inadvertently spinning Wen Lou out of the circle while hand-in-hand.

The crowd applauded in amusement.

Wow, gathers like fire, scatters like stars… d7SfRx

After dinner, Yu Baihan pulled Lu Huan to stroll along the beach for a while. As the sky gradually darkened and the evening breeze stirred the crashing waves, Yu Baihan finally stopped, holding Lu Huan’s hand and turning towards the shore. His eyes gleamed in the dimming night, “Shall we head back?”

Lu Huan nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing, “Yes.”

Back in their hotel room, they both agreed on their plans for the night.

Yu Baihan took a shower first and then settled on the bed, waiting for Lu Huan to finish in the bathroom. dvkS78

The sound of running water filled the bathroom.

The plush bed beneath him was invitingly soft; after waiting for a while, Yu Baihan couldn’t resist lying back and getting comfortable.

Perhaps from the day’s activities, he found himself dozing off.

In a half-conscious state, he heard the water abruptly stop. Of8BV3

Then, the bathroom door opened quietly.

A rush of warm, humid air swept out, followed by Lu Huan stepping out in a bathrobe. When he looked up, he found Yu Baihan lying beside the bed—

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His fair face rested against the dark quilt, with soft eyelashes casting gentle shadows. Legs hanging off the edge of the bed, hands resting in front, he appeared serene and peaceful.

At that moment, Lu Huan was reminded of their wedding night, seeing Yu Baihan for the first time. BVNcel

After a brief pause, Lu Huan walked over to him.

Yu Baihan, half asleep, shifted on the bed, causing it to creak. Immediately, a deep voice rumbled from above, “Who said you could go to bed?”

Blinking his eyelashes, Yu Baihan opened his eyes.

Lu Huan stood over him, gazing down softly. His eyes held a depth of emotion. Kcordm

Yu Baihan recognized the familiar tone after a moment, then burst into laughter. He wrapped his arms around Lu Huan’s neck, raising his brows mischievously, “Oh~ don’t like the bed, do you? How about the sofa or the bathtub?”

Lu Huan lowered his lashes, smiling warmly.

His deep eyes reflected Yu Baihan’s bright, pure expression, as always.

Leaning closer, he pressed a kiss to Yu Baihan’s lips, murmuring, “Just teasing.” ACPD6Y

“Hmm…” Yu Baihan hugged Lu Huan tightly, heart racing, as Lu Huan gently nibbled his earlobe, whispering, “Go on the bed.”

When morning light filtered into the room, Yu Baihan struggled under the covers for a while, unable to muster the energy to get up. He shot a pleading look at Lu Huan, who hesitated briefly before calling Zhong Bingqi with a hint of guilt.

Zhong Bingqi entered the room, dressed neatly with a medical kit slung over his shoulder, looking every bit prepared for duty. 1XWL4t

Surprised, Yu Baihan raised his head from the bed, “Brother Zhong, did you bring your gear?”

Zhong Bingqi offered a wry smile, “Always prepared.” He glanced pointedly at Yu Baihan and Lu Huan, “I knew special guests couldn’t escape the traditional festivities.”

Yu Baihan and Lu Huan both looked down awkwardly.

After adjusting his demeanor, Zhong Bingqi resignedly approached Yu Baihan’s bedside and asked, “So, what seems to be the issue this time?” N1y0gA

Yu Baihan wrapped himself tighter in the quilt, propping himself up, “It’s not serious… just, can you fix me up quickly?”

“…” Zhong Bingqi raised an eyebrow. “A medical miracle?”

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Yu Baihan sheepishly glanced at Lu Huan for support.

Lu Huan stepped in, explaining, “He needs a quick recovery.” T4WDNH

Nodding in agreement with him, Yu Baihan muttered, “With so many people around today, I can’t afford to stay bedridden.”

Trying to empathize with Zhong Bingqi, he added, “You understand, Brother Zhong?”

Zhong Bingqi’s expression remained stoic: …

Why did he suddenly feel like he was the one in need of sympathy? qd8E9r

Despite Yu Baihan’s earnest plea, Zhong Bingqi administered some treatment, discussed massage techniques with Lu Huan, and then departed with a substantial fee.

Benefiting from both the treatment and Lu Huan’s care, Yu Baihan received massages and soaked in a hot bath.

Emerging rejuvenated after his bath, he left the room before lunch.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly. N aofd

He Yue and Jinhua were enjoying themselves on the beach. Spotting Yu Baihan and Lu Huan emerging, they greeted them warmly.

Wen Lou chimed in enthusiastically, “Looking great, Brother Lu! It’s almost eleven o’clock.”

Yu Baihan immediately protested with stubborn determination, “It’s my resilience, not just him.”

Lu Huan glanced at him. JIe0P7

Half-heartedly acknowledging the group in front of him, he muttered, “Yes, yes, of course.”

Yu Baihan grumbled inwardly: What kind of attitude is that? He’s going to sulk!

Today being Sunday, with only one afternoon left before their departure tomorrow, Yu Baihan noticed the perfect weather and gathered everyone for a group photo after lunch. R2iJlp

They chose a spot in front of the beach where they had previously set up a water platform. The backdrop was the sea and the clear blue sky, creating a spacious and picturesque setting.

The hotel manager was enlisted to handle the photography. Given the large number of people, a stage was set up, and dozens stood in rows reminiscent of graduation photos. Yu Baihan and Lu Huan stood in the middle at the front.

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As they posed for the camera, Yu Baihan’s voice carried emotion. “I never realized we already had such a warm extended family.”

Lu Huan murmured in agreement, “Hmm.” VW5Yt8

The atmosphere softened.

Yu Baihan continued, “Like Brother Zhong, always there when we need him most…”

Zhong Bingqi’s expression flickered briefly.

“And the brothers who prepared their gifts early, eagerly awaiting our wedding…” s57O1a

The faces of the thirty brothers subtly changed.


Before he could continue, the manager, coughing lightly, interrupted, “Um, the distinguished guests in the back, please smile naturally.”

Yu Baihan turned to look at Hua Wu, Qin Lun, Zhong Bingxi, and the others, finding forced smiles and stiffness. O1bcKo

Feeling a bit exasperated with their inability to pose naturally, Yu Baihan tried to lift the mood, “Come on, everyone, let’s share a laugh!”

A reluctant chorus of smiles followed.

“3, 2, 1——” Click!

The camera captured the moment with everyone facing forward. g03vdz

After the photo session, they descended from the stage. The manager assured them the photos would be developed soon, and each would receive a copy.

Yu Baihan smiled with relief. “That’s good.”

Their return flight was scheduled after dinner. 9p837V

Currently, Yu Baihan and Lu Huan had returned to the hotel to pack their belongings. After finishing packing, they leaned against the balcony and gazed out at the distant sea. The sun was slowly descending in the west, casting a golden-red ladder of light across the sea, illuminating sparkling waves. As they enjoyed the view, a knock on the door interrupted them.

Lu Huan rose to answer it, returning with a developed photo in hand—the group picture they had taken earlier in the afternoon.

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“The photo has been developed.”

“Quick, let me see~” Yu Baihan eagerly pulled Lu Huan down and peered over his shoulder. 8gyrxY

In the photo, dozens of people gathered against a backdrop of blue sky and sea, smiling warmly at the camera. At the center were Yu Baihan, his smile bright, and Lu Huan, with a calm and soft expression.

Yu Baihan examined it closely, “Except for the brothers’ awkward smiles, the picture is perfect.”

Both of them exclaimed happily, “Look, these are all the family members Baihan has found for you!”

Lu Huan nodded quietly as he studied the photo. mi5sCW

There were many faces in the picture, making it more bustling than those of traditional three-generation families.

Yu Baihan turned to the small tea table beside them, fetched two cups, poured fruit wine into them, and offered one to Lu Huan, “Come on, let’s toast.”

Lu Huan accepted the cup, withdrawing his gaze from the photo, “Cheers, what are we toasting to?”

Yu Baihan looked at him with a playful smile, then lifted his glass, holding the photo towards the sunset outside the window, where the perfect group portrait was bathed in the golden glow of dusk. wYrW8q

Clank! Their glasses clinked together.

Yu Baihan raised his glass, his eyes sparkling, “To celebrate our love and our new family!”

(the end)

Translator’s Note:
That’s it for the main story! I have found the extras. Stay tuned! zLwamX

Pls recommend some stories you want me to pick up next <3

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  1. Awww 🥰💛

    So cute, so happy~

    Thank you for translating this amazing and wonderful story, reading it has made me very happy! ❤️

  2. Thank you for translating this awesome novel! Waiting for updates was the high point of my life these last couple months.