Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh9 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

When Yan Bin carried the young man back, the young man didn’t say a word. He remained quiet, with his eyelids gently lowered, curled up there with his eyes closed, completely different from the person who had splashed water on him fiercely that day.

Yan Bin looked at him, feeling his heart tighten. da0LP

“Brother, where are we going now?”

Thinking of Zuo Sheng’s ruthlessness, Yan Bin said in a deep voice, “We’re going back to the North District with my men, then we’ll immediately contact a doctor.” If Zuo Sheng didn’t want this man, then he will.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You don’t need to be afraid, Xiao Ze. I’ll protect you.”

[Ding! Favorability +10, current favorability 70!] gJz8NQ

001: [Host, the male lead is looking for you right now! His level of corruption just dropped by 50!]

Lu Yue: [That’s normal. I’ll just wait for him to come find me.]

Originally the plan is to have Zuo Sheng’s men rescue him, now he was saved by Yan Bin instead. But it didn’t matter. Let Zuo Sheng worry for a few days first. Maybe the effect would be even better by then.

With his decision made, Lu Yue was brought to the North District by Yan Bin with great ease.

IrRF y

When Yan Bin called the doctor over, Lu Yue quickly said to 001: [Quickly adjust my body data to make me look more miserable.]

001: [Alright! Data modification successful!]

“How is he?” Yan Bin asked from the side.

The doctor replied, “The injuries on his face are quite severe and will take a few days to heal. Also, the patient’s mental state is not very good right now. He seems to be overwhelmed with sadness, possibly due to significant emotional stress. But don’t worry, some encouragement should help.” UdpA6N

Yan Bin asked seriously, “Then why did he faint?”

“It’s probably due to exhaustion, coupled with not eating anything. Fainting is quite normal under those circumstances. I’ve given him a nutrient injection, and once he wakes up and eats something, he should be fine.”

“Okay, go and see the doctor off,” Yan Bin instructed the few black-clothed men behind him.

“Yes, boss.” SPcVDz

After the doctor left, another person said to Yan Bin, “Boss, I heard that Zuo Sheng’s side is looking for this man. Shouldn’t we send him over?”

“No need.”

“But he’ll come looking for him in a few days.”

“We’ll deal with it when the time comes. You can leave now.” zm8uk


Yan Bin looked at the person on the hospital bed, so pale and fragile, it can make people feel sorry for him. Damn Xu Shao, actually letting someone hit Xiao Ze! And Zuo Sheng, isn’t he supposed to be on their side? Why would he treat people as bait and send them out?

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Could it be that what he said “He belongs to me” was just an illusion to confuse Xu Shao from the beginning?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fine, if Zuo Sheng doesn’t love him, then Yan Bin will. kfMYe4

Qtfc Oe Tef tfjgv atf ubbv lwqgfrrlbc rmbgf lcmgfjrf jujlc, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea aklamt atf mbgcfg bo tlr wbeat.

Lu Yue: [When will Zuo Sheng find me?]

001: [Conservatively, it should be tomorrow.]

Lu Yue: [So, I have to spend the night with this guy?] GMBNZr

001: [Yep!]

Lu Yue: [I miss my man…]

001: [Host, be good. You still have me by your side.]

Oe Tef ofia ilxf fnfc 001 mbeiv yf delaf oilgajalber ja alwfr. 1h0YjR

Pc atf fnfclcu, ab jnblv Tjc Dlc, tf aglfv jmalcu ilxf j mbgqrf, yea atfc tf olcjiis bqfcfv tlr fsfr.

“You’re awake?” Yan Bin walked in and saw the young man on the bed had opened his eyes, feeling a little relieved.

Lu Yue looked surprised to see him. “How come you’re here?”

Yan Bin smiled bitterly. “I’m the one who rescued you, don’t you remember?” XzeYPt

Only then did Lu Yue remember. He was indeed kidnapped by Xu Shao, and in the end, it was indeed Yan Bin who saved him.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Yan Bin looked at his cracked lips and handed him a glass of water. “Have some water first, I’ll have someone bring the food.”

“Was the person who kidnapped me finally caught?” Lu Yue asked carefully as he sipped water. GZw 9x

Yan Bin noticed the flicker in his eyes and said, “Of course he was caught, don’t worry, Zuo Sheng won’t let him off.”

Lu Yue’s eyes dimmed. It was really arranged by him.

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Seeing Lu Yue’s self-pity, Yan Bin felt annoyed. “Are you still thinking about Zuo Sheng?”

Lu Yue whispered, “No.” jdDLBZ

The youth clearly couldn’t lie, twisting the bedsheet in his hands, his gaze unconsciously darting away.

“Do you still love him now?” Yan Bin pressed tightly.

Lu Yue replied, “That’s none of your business.” The youth’s tone was somewhat cold, completely like how one would speak to a stranger.

Yan Bin chuckled with frustration, “I’m the one who saved you, and this is how you talk to me?” Rsvo3T

Lu Yue stubbornly looked at him, “I didn’t ask you to save me.”

Lu Yue didn’t want to talk to Yan Bin like this either, but he couldn’t control himself. It felt like there was a fire-breathing monster inside him, ready to erupt at any moment.

He knew it was wrong to feel this way, but he didn’t know how to control his emotions. Thinking about his deeply loved man abandoning him, he wanted to let out all his frustrations. He wanted to cry, but he couldn’t cry in front of Yan Bin.

After a while, Lu Yue said, “I’m sorry, I just want to be alone for a while.” AhL5r

Seeing the youth’s demeanor and recalling the doctor’s advice, Yan Bin softened his tone, “Rest well, I’ll go deal with some things first.”

Zuo Sheng received news about Lu Yue the next morning.

“Where is he?” he asked. B0EGiN

Zhao Xun replied, “His men said they saw Young Master Lin being taken away by Yan Bin.”

“Yan Bin?” Zuo Sheng’s eyes flashed with hidden anger. “Come with me now, let’s go get him.”

Zuo Sheng quickly arrived at the location where Lu Yue was being kept. He didn’t expect Lu Yue to be hidden here by Yan Bin. Thinking back to the scene at the Zuo Residence that day, Zuo Sheng was exceptionally angry.

If Yan Bin dared to do anything, he would not hesitate to forget their past relationship. wq0Ut1

The door was suddenly kicked open, and Yan Bin looked at the imposing man walking in front of him, smiling and saying, “Brother Zuo, what brings you here?”

Zuo Sheng looked at him with cold eyes. “I’m here to take him back.”

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Although he didn’t want to oppose Zuo Sheng, Yan Bin couldn’t help but ask, “He’s inside, but didn’t you use him as bait? If I hadn’t saved him in time yesterday, Xiao Ze would have been dead by now!”

Zuo Sheng’s pupils contracted upon hearing this, but his expression grew even colder. “I know.” ur6aGB

Yan Bin continued, “You know? You know and yet you still did it? If you don’t care about his life that much, why not just give him to me? At least I won’t let him walk into death!”

Zuo Sheng looked at the agitated Yan Bin and said, “He belongs to me and will never be yours. Also, I do care about him.”

Zuo Sheng didn’t want to explain further. His beloved guy was inside, and he couldn’t wait to see him.

001: [Host, your man is already at the door!] AyeQJH

Lu Yue, who had been lying down all day, turned over and said: [Pretty fast! By the way, hurry up and make me look more haggard, the more haggard, the better. Make the palm print on my face clearer.]

001: [Done, Host!]

When Zuo Sheng pushed open the door and saw the figure lying on the bed, his heart suddenly ached.

[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 10!] vsBRh3

At this moment, Lu Yue was leaning against the pillow with his eyes closed. The sunlight outside shone on his face, and the swollen cheeks still bore bruises, giving a clear indication of how cruel the person who did it.

A hint of hostility flashed in Zuo Sheng’s eyes, but then he suddenly noticed the youth’s eyelashes trembling, as if he was about to wake up.

Zuo Sheng’s breath hitched, his heart rate unconsciously quickening as he stared intently at the movements until he met those clear, hazy eyes.

At first, Lu Yue seemed to be focusing on something in front of him. When he saw the man standing backlit by the bedside, his eyes trembled abruptly. ZnJcGB

Is this… Master Zuo?

Impossible, how could Master Zuo be here? He must be seeing things.

The sight of the youth shaking his head with a bitter smile pierced Zuo Sheng’s heart. He walked over gently, crouched down beside the youth, and met his surprised eyes.

“Zuo… Master Zuo? How did you…” StdfMr

Zuo Sheng chuckled softly, “You got lost, so naturally, I came to find you.”

His warm breath sprayed on the youth’s ears, causing him to step back in alarm. “I… I don’t want to go back.”

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Zuo Sheng stopped laughing and asked him seriously, “Oh, why?”

The man asked him like this, and Lu Yue really didn’t know how to answer. He really wanted to ask him why he didn’t come to save him. Did he really treat him as bait? Does he really love him? Zq4g n

But he dared not ask.

Zuo Sheng did not allow him to dodge, staring at his eyes closely, “Do you hate me?”

Zuo Sheng certainly knew that the young man wouldn’t hate him. The reason why he deliberately asked like this was to make him speak out what was in his heart, and not to keep the sadness bottled up inside.

Hate him? rGs86f

Of course, he didn’t hate him anymore, just very sad and feeling very wronged.

Zuo Sheng’s voice was low, as if coaxing gently, making Lu Yue feel like he wanted to rush into his arms and cry.

In fact, Lu Yue’s eyes were already red from holding back tears.

Zuo Sheng slowly said, “Yesterday, before you left, I planted a tracker on you. I already knew about Xu Shao wanting to catch you.” UIPba9

Listening to the man suddenly saying these things, Lu Yue didn’t know how to react for a moment. He looked at him blankly, as if silently accusing him of why he did it.

Zuo Sheng kissed him on the face and continued, “I wanted to test you to see if you really loved me, so I didn’t send someone to rescue you in time, but it wasn’t to use you as bait. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

Saying that, he kissed Lu Yue’s lips again, this time catching the salty tears. Looking at Lu Yue again, he was already trembling as he cried, clutching Zuo Sheng’s clothes.

“Zuo… Master Zuo, I… I thought you didn’t want me, I was very scared…” NBd3EY

Lu Yue’s crying was extremely aggrieved, and Zuo Sheng’s heart also throbbed with regret even more.

“Don’t cry, I won’t let you go.”

Hearing this, Lu Yue leaned into Zuo Sheng’s embrace, tightly wrapping his arms around the man’s waist. “Master Zuo…”

The sound of “Master Zuo” made Zuo Sheng’s body heat up. He patted the person in his arms on the head and said gently, “Let’s go.” dkuLhp

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