Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh42 - Illegal Imprisonment


Lu Yue originally planned to stay in this world for two or three years before preparing to enter the next world, but unexpectedly he stayed there for six years.

When he left the world, he saw Liu Jun tightly gripping his hand with his eyes bloodshot and he suddenly felt somewhat reluctant. If 001 knew about this, it would never believe it. yGldWJ

[Entering the next world, please prepare, host!]

001’s voice rang out, and Lu Yue’s eyes flashed before the darkness once again.

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The male lead of this world is Shen Yanzhi. He’s an orphan since childhood, with an extremely solitary personality. He was often isolated by other children in the orphanage. From elementary school to middle school, he was bullied by many.

No one ever wanted to be friends with him except Lu Sheng. Although Lu Sheng was also an orphan, he was completely different from Shen Yanzhi. He was warm, outgoing, and radiated with brightness, like a little sun. Almost no one disliked such a child. 704NPQ

This kind of person is also the one Shen Yanzhi hated the most.

However, unexpectedly, Lu Sheng actually said he wanted to be friends with him. Shen Yanzhi hadn’t even had time to avoid him, how could they be friends? But Lu Sheng ignored his indifference and followed him like a shadow. Wherever he went, Lu Sheng followed, and Shen Yanzhi was annoyed.

The turning point in their relationship came one day after school when Shen Yanzhi was surrounded by some bullies. This wasn’t the first time it had happened, and Shen Yanzhi usually tried to endure it as much as possible.

He gritted his teeth, and remained silent, allowing them to hit and kick him while protecting his head. These people just wanted to vent their anger, and the more he struggled, the harder they hit him. Shen Yanzhi understood this better than anyone.


However, what he hadn’t expected was that Lu Sheng suddenly would show up. Seeing Shen Yanzhi being beaten, his eyes reddened with anger. He grabbed a nearby stick and rushed over, but unfortunately, there were too many people on the other side, and Lu Sheng was no match for them. In the end, he was beaten bloody.

That time, Shen Yanzhi couldn’t contain his inner anger as he looked at the severely injured Lu Sheng.

After that, Lu Sheng stayed in the hospital for more than a month before getting out of bed. After recovering from his injuries, he was still full of energy. And Shen Yanzhi no longer rejected Lu Sheng’s approach.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dfmjerf atf qfgrbc ktb yfja atfw atja vjs kjr Tjcu Jtfc, atf rbc bo j tlut-gjcxlcu boolmlji lc atf ibmji qbilmf vfqjgawfca, atfs tjv cb kjs ab gfqbga tlw jcv mbeiv bcis rlifcais fcvegf la. CNcRdK

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, took it lightly. He smiled at Shen Yanzhi, who had no expression on his face, and said, “It’s just getting beaten up once. I’m fine now. People like them will eventually get what they deserve.”

Shen Yanzhi gave him a dark and mysterious look at the time. “They will get what they deserve.”

Vlcmf atfc, la rffwfv ilxf atja lcmlvfca tjv qjrrfv, yea ktja cb bcf xcfk kjr atja Vtfc Tjchtl’r ujhf yfmjwf wbgf rlclrafg ogbw atfc bc.

Shen Yanzhi had a cold and unfriendly personality and was not good at socializing. But once he recognized someone, he would treat them as his most important person and wouldn’t let them suffer any harm. So, when he saw Lu Sheng covered in blood on the ground, he already harbored murderous intent towards Yang Chen. XI7cSR

He carefully planned a murder. And he prepared for it for nearly a year. A year was enough time for people to forget many things and for hatred to boil even more.

Finally, when everything was ready, Shen Yanzhi lured Yang Chen out alone and mercilessly killed him. Shen Yanzhi, who had killed someone, did not show any panic, but calmly dealt with the scene, erased his traces, and then quietly left.

Shen Yanzhi was an extremely intelligent person, and his talent for crime was obviously terrifying. However, this was his first crime after all, and even if he was very smart, he still left behind some evidence.

After more than a month of searching, the police finally found a tiny clue. They quickly targeted Shen Yanzhi and Lu Sheng. 80G2wu

At that time, it happened to be Lu Sheng’s birthday. Shen Yanzhi had carefully prepared a birthday cake for him and nervously expressed his feelings to Lu Sheng.

But Lu Sheng suddenly showed him a very ugly smile and said, “The game of being good friends is over, Shen Yanzhi.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What are you talking about?” Shen Yanzhi’s expression froze in place.

“I said you’re disgusting. How could I be friends with someone like you?” 6gardM

Shen Yanzhi’s heart turned colder than ever, his pair of fierce eyes staring at Lu Sheng’s mocking smile, then fiercely smashing the carefully made cake on the ground.

At that moment, Shen Yanzhi thought his heart shattered as well.

The next day, Lu Sheng was gone. Shen Yanzhi went crazy looking for him after staying calm for the third day. The orphanage director said he was taken away by someone, but refused to reveal who it was.

Since then, Shen Yanzhi became even more gloomy, his psychology more twisted, and dark emotions breed and spread like weeds. 6VLNeY

His second murder was when he was a sophomore. He killed a hypocritical person who deliberately approached and seduced him in a bar. Since then, he has been hanging around in various bars, bringing home the first person who approached him, offering them a dark cakes made by his own hands. Everyone he encountered would hardly take a second bite, and they all ended up dead.

He never missed, nor left any evidence behind.

He was like a soul-selling demon, only knowing slaughter and blood. and gained a tiny bit of pleasure from those terrified faces.

What he didn’t know was that Lu Sheng had been in prison for eight years. In fact, when Shen Yanzhi committed the murder, Lu Sheng was not far behind him. He saw Shen Yanzhi kill someone with his own eyes but didn’t tell anyone about it. He didn’t want Shen Yanzhi to go to jail, so he kept it to himself. However, every night, he repeated a nightmare where he saw Yang Chen covered in blood, appearing in front of him, strangling his neck… ddxfRK

He concealed the truth about Yang Chen’s death for Shen Yanzh and he lived in endless pain. It was not until the day the police found him first, and he decided to confess and take the blame for Shen Yanzhi.

Because he was a minor, the court only sentenced Lu Sheng to eight years in prison. However, for the fifteen-year-old Lu Sheng, those eight years almost ruined the best years of his life.

Eight years later, Lu Sheng was taken away by someone claiming to be his uncle, who turned out to be Yang Chen’s father, Yang Zhengming.

Lu Sheng was the prime suspect in Yang Chen’s murder. Lu Sheng turned himself in and the case was closed. However, Yang Zhengming’s men later found out that Shen Yanzhi was actually the most suspicious one. However, due to insufficient evidence and the case being closed at the time, Yang Zhengming could only investigate secretly. o3rA0E

But, Shen Yanzhi seemed to have no suspicion whatsoever, appearing perfect to an unbelievable extent. The more perfect he seemed, the more suspicious Yang Zhengming felt. It was only because he kept a close eye on people that he discovered a slight connection between Shen Yanzhi and several recent gruesome murder victims. This made him even more suspicious that Shen Yanzhi was the one who killed his son.

So, he brought Lu Sheng, who had just been released from prison, back with him. Wanted to use him to get close to Shen Yanzhi and dig out the truth.

Lu Sheng only knew that Yang Chen’s father was a powerful figure in the police department, but he didn’t know his name was Yang Zhengming. Perhaps because Yang Zhengming was too convincing in his disguise, Lu Sheng never doubted his identity, so he followed Yang Zhengming’s arrangements to approach Shen Yanzhi that have an pseudonym, Shen Qiu.

Lu Sheng commented after reading: [Could it be that I’m Lu Sheng?] aZLijy

001: [Host, you got it right!]

Lu Sheng had an “I knew it” expression, quickly digesting this information, and then slowly opened his eyes to the new world.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the mirror, reflected a particularly slender young man, about 1.7 meters tall, which could be considered “short” for most men, as if he had poor development. Only his eyes had a bit of vitality.

Just as Lu Sheng finished speaking, a servant knocked on the door from outside. NDiLB2

“Master Lu, Mr. Yang asked you to go to the study.”

Mr. Yang? Lu Sheng immediately realized she was referring to Yang Zhengming, the one who pretended to be the original owner’s uncle.

“I got it, I’ll be right there.” Lu Sheng shouted to the door, then adjusted his expression before leaving the room.

In the study, Yang Zhengming looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes filled with fake smiles. “Ah Sheng, Uncle has something wanted to ask you.” GTvUc9

Lu Sheng inwardly mocked his acting skills while meekly replying, “What is it, uncle?”

“We suspect someone is involved in a serial murder case, but we haven’t found any evidence against him, so I want you to get close to him and find evidence.”

Lu Sheng’s eyes showed a hint of panic. “Uncle, how can I do that? What if I mess things up?”

“Ah Sheng, you have to believe in yourself. That person has a keen sense of smell; as soon as our police officers appear, he’ll immediately know. If it weren’t for the lack of other options, Uncle wouldn’t risk sending you out!” LuUX3l

Seeing Yang Zhengming’s hypocritical demeanor, Lu Sheng felt nauseous, but still restrained himself and said, “Since that’s the case, I’ll listen to Uncle.”

Yang Zhengming looked at Lu Sheng nodding in agreement and smiled, “I appreciate it. By the way, here’s a photo of that person. Later, I’ll give you more detailed information about him.”

Lu Sheng took the photo, which showed a very tall and handsome man with golden-rimmed glasses. Behind the glasses were a pair of narrow eyes, giving off a cold and sharp feeling. Lu Sheng looked left and right, unexpectedly feeling a strange sense of familiarity with the man.

He turned over the photo, and on the back were the words “Shen Qiu.” AeQnZX

Translator's Note

There’s more!

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  1. And my feelings have taken a turn once again! Why do I always feel anxious for the characters when they don’t even feel anxious themselves 😭😭