Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh40 - His Majesty the Emperor is a Cross-Dressing Bigshot

Lu Yue made up his mind about this matter and immediately had Xiao Xing custom-make the most magnificent clothe in the world for him. He also instructed her not to tell Liu Jun. Meanwhile, he went to the palace to learn dancing from the palace dancers. Could he, the esteemed Regent, be inferior to those dancing girls?

To keep Liu Jun from finding out, Lu Yue claimed that he was going to personally select gifts for him and the court musicians for that day. Naturally, Liu Jun was happy to see him busy, as he still had many political affairs to attend to, which he hadn’t been able to handle while accompanying Lu Yue these days. So, he let Lu Yue go. lAi7F8

As Liu Jun’s birthday approached, Xiao Xing finally presented the so-called “most magnificent clothe in the world” to Lu Yue.

However, when Lu Yue unfolded it and examined it closely, it looked like women’s clothe no matter how he looked at it. He flicked his sleeve and frowned, “Why did you bring me women’s clothing?”

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Xiao Xing said earnestly, “Your Highness, this is exactly what you requested! This dress cost me one hundred thousand silver taels and was bought from the best tailoring shop in our Beiyang Kingdom. It’s made of the softest and smoothest silk in the world, crafted by the most skillful hands. There’s only one like this in the entire world!”

Lu Yue’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, “Is that so?” He couldn’t resist looking at it again. He had to admit, this was the most magnificent clothes he had ever seen. lJ8wfT

So he tilted his head slightly and said, “Since that’s the case, then I’ll keep it.”

After Xiao Xing left, Lu Yue picked up the dress and examined it more closely. The more he looked the more he like it. In the end, he couldn’t bear to let go of it.

This was indeed the most magnificent clothe in the world! He wonder if Liu Jun would like it? Lu Yue thought about it and suddenly, an idea popped into his mind: why not try it on himself?

Lu Yue decided to try it on without hesitation. Fifteen minutes later, as he stood in front of the tall bronze mirror, he could hardly take his eyes off at the beautiful figure reflected in it. Is this really him?


Lu Yue stared blankly for a long time before coming back to his senses. Then, he immediately took off the clothes very carefully and neatly arranged them under his pillow, making sure no one would find them.

Lu Yue anxiously waited for two days, and finally, the anticipating day of Liu Jun’s birthday came. Because Liu Jun had many tasks to attend to that day, he quietly got up and left very early. Before leaving, he instructed the guards at the door not to wake Lu Yue and to bring him over when he woke up.

As soon as Liu Jun stepped out, Lu Yue opened his eyes.

The emperor’s birthday banquet has always been extremely grand since ancient times. Early in the morning, the banquet hall was already filled with three or four dozen tables of guests. Liu Jun, dressed in bright yellow dragon robes, sat at the first seat, his expressionless face adding a touch of majesty and indifference. 1Hjp2K

Lin Xin knew that His Majesty disliked such occasions, but after all, it was his own birthday. But why did he have to wear such a stern expression? The ministers below didn’t dare to come up to offer their toasts.

Liu Jun disliked such occasions, but his unhappiness wasn’t because of these people. The banquet was about to begin, and he looked around but couldn’t find Lu Yue’s figure, he felt worried.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg j ktlif, atf yjcdefa olcjiis yfujc. Ktf wlclrafgr boofgfv atflg mbcugjaeijalbcr lc eclrbc, jcv joafg qfgobgwlcu atf glaejir yfakffc geifg jcv reypfmar, atf wjlc fnfca yfujc.

Snfgsbcf xcfk atja atf meggfca fwqfgbg, Ole Aec, tjv cfnfg ajxfc j mbcmeylcf. Ktlr ylgatvjs yjcdefa kjr jc bqqbgaeclas obg atf tlut-gjcxlcu boolmljir jcv sbecu ijvlfr ab vlrqijs atflg ajifcar jcv ujlc atf fwqfgbg’r ojnbg. Vb jiwbra jii atf ecwjgglfv sbecu ijvlfr mjwf, jcv jcv gfqbgafv atja atf sbecufra lr bcis atlgaffc sfjgr biv. dRmF9O

Although Liu Jun disliked the flashy women below, he had to endure sitting there. Even if he wanted to leave, he had to pretend to watch for a while before he could go.

These hateful women!

Lu Yue hid behind the curtain, grinding his teeth with hatred, his eyes gleaming fiercely, as if he wanted to tear apart all these vixens who were seducing Ah Jun.

Not only were these women annoying, but Liu Jun was even more infuriating! Why was he staring at those women so intently? Lu Yue didn’t realize he was jealous, he just pouted his lips high and his chest heaved up and down. tpN2QO

Then he secretly took out the clothes hidden in his bag. Because he was afraid of being seen, he didn’t put them on when he came.

Lu Yue sneaked slipped into the next room, quickly changed into the clothes, and then covered his face with a veil. After all, he was the Regent, and if he was found wearing women’s clothes dancing in front of everyone, it would be terribly embarrassing.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After everything was set up, Lu Yue sneakily returned to the banquet. When the daughter of the Minister of Rites stepped down, it was his turn to take the stage.

Lu Yue suddenly felt nervous. His heart was beating fast, his legs were trembling, and his ears were buzzing. EXYgfP

Suddenly, someone pushed him from behind and said, “It’s your turn,”

Lu Yue reacted nervously, and swallowed hard, then began to step forward with his legs, which seemed to have a mind of their own.

As Lu Yue appeared before everyone, they were all amazed, speculating which family’s daughter he was. However, Lu Yue wore a veil, so no one could see his face clearly, and their guesses could not be confirmed.

Lu Yue nervously raised his head and suddenly noticed Liu Jun sitting in front of him, staring straight at him. Lu Yue’s heart skipped a beat, and then his eyes anxiously lowered. dC4wlo

He couldn’t have recognized him, could he?

As Lu Yue thought this, he stepped forward when the music started playing. He had practiced for a month, although he couldn’t dance as skillfully as those professional dancers, he was still serious about it.

Liu Jun stared intently at the person before him, gripping the chair with great force. The eyes that were visible were so familiar, so familiar enough to make him believe that there wouldn’t be another pair of eyes that could move him like this in the world.

How could he not recognize who it was! Y6iLdy

A hint of anger rose in Liu Jun’s eyes. Did he not know what he was doing!?

For a moment, Liu Jun wanted to rush up and pull the man down immediately, but there were too many people here. If the man suddenly threw a tantrum, it would be hard to control, and he would surely become a laughingstock. He had already suffered such a thing once and he couldn’t suffer it a second time.

Liu Jun resisted the urge to move forward, and decided to settle the score with the man later.

Meanwhile, Lu Yue felt worse and worse. His mind seemed to be filled with various voices, and the gazes directed at him felt suffocatingly familiar. 6pCZhE

“The Regent Prince actually behaves like a woman, truly shameless!”

“Not only shameless, but also dressing like this to confuse his own nephew. Isn’t this inviting divine punishment?”

“This is truly a disgrace to our Beiyang Kingdom!”

Who were they talking about? Were they talking about him? zp2bGa

Lu Yue’s face showed a painful expression, his movements began to slow down, and the faces of the people around him seemed to magnify countless times. Their ugly mouths grinned from ear to ear, and their rough voices pierced his ears like wild boars, making his head feel like it was about to explode.

In the next moment, he suddenly fell to the ground, and the veil on his face fluttered to the ground. There was a moment of silence in the banquet hall, and when everyone saw his face clearly, they all sighed.

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“Isn’t this the Regent?”

“It looks like him, but wasn’t he bedridden due to poisoning?” NT 0xc

“Who knows, maybe he dressed like this to please our Majesty, deliberately putting on this outfit to showcase his skills!”

“Tsk tsk, I never expected our Beiyang Kingdom to have such a Regent…”

When Liu Jun saw Lu Yue fall, the blood in his body rushed to his head. But just as he was about to stand up nervously, those disgusting words had already filled the hall.

“Everyone, get out!” Liu Jun shouted angrily, and Lin Xin, seeing him about to kill someone, immediately escorted the frightened ministers out. q9K6Fi

Liu Jun walked step by step towards Lu Yue who was curled up there. He only see the man was kneeling there, holding his head, with his face full of pain and panic.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you injured?” As Liu Jun’s hand touched Lu Yue, the latter began to tremble violently.

“Don’t touch me—” Lu Yue’s pupils widened in horror, and his originally gentle voice became sharp with fear, like a knife stabbing into Liu Jun’s chest.

He obviously wanted to protect the man, to keep him from harm, but he had failed. swOL7T

Looking at the person who was in pain at the moment, Liu Jun no longer hesitated and immediately lifted him up.

“Give him some acupuncture to calm him down!” The physicians from the Imperial Hospital started to work again. Lu Yue had been struggling like a startled hedgehog, but with one needle, he immediately quieted down like a soft rabbit, closing his eyes peacefully.

Liu Jun stood nearby, his face filled with tired concern. bnOEaH

At this moment, Lu Yue’s face was pale, and no one knew that although he was unconscious, he was sinking deeper into a quagmire. The ugly faces, the mocking voices, gradually pieced together into complete memories. In the end, what appeared in his mind was Liu Jun slowly turning his head, revealing an extremely cruel smile.

The birthday banquet ended abruptly like this, and after Lin Xin appeased the ministers, he immediately returned to the palace.

At this time, the maid named Ah Xing was trembling with her head lowered, suppressing her tears as she said, “The Regent heard that Your Majesty’s birthday was approaching, so he asked this servant to find the most magnificent clothes in the world and secretly went to learn from the dancers, hoping to make Your Majesty happy… This servant didn’t expect such a thing to happen…”

“Alright, you may leave,” Liu Jun’s voice suddenly choked up. He didn’t know Lu Yue would go to such lengths for him, that gentle man who had forgotten everything. DnuyPi

Liu Jun’s heart began to hurt again. He touched his chest, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

“quagmire” means a troubling and difficult situation.

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