Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh4 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

When Lu Yue approached, the doctor was at the door discussing matters with Steward Wang. Lu Yue nervously asked, “Is Master Zuo injured?”

The doctor turned his head and, upon seeing the youthful figure, only showed a slight surprise. Then he replied, “It’s a knife wound. I’ve bandaged Master Zuo, he’ll be fine.” cYq8jm

Rather than feeling reassured by this, Lu Yue became even more nervous. “A knife wound? How did he get a knife wound?”

“You shouldn’t ask about these things,” Steward Wang interjected in a timely manner, then ushered the doctor away.

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Lu Yue hesitated for a moment as he looked at the partially closed door, then gathered his courage and stepped inside.

At that moment, Zuo Sheng was lying on the bed, eyes closed in rest. His complexion seemed pale, but the taut lines of his face gave off a dangerous and fierce aura. lAi1Kh

Lu Yue’s gaze fell on the man’s injured shoulder, and he suddenly felt a pang of pain in his heart. Afraid of waking the sleeping man, he treaded even lighter, tiptoeing slowly towards the bedside.

Zuo Sheng hadn’t actually fallen asleep; even during rest, he remained alert. When Lu Yue entered, he noticed him immediately. Without this vigilance, he would have been stabbed countless times long ago.

Zuo Sheng’s muscles tensed all over, ready to snap the intruder’s neck at the slightest provocation.

001: [Host, the target is pretending to sleep.]

X5 mOl

Lu Yue: [Naturally, I know that.]

001: [Oh, how did you know?]

Lu Yue smirked secretly: [Because he’s my man.]

001 decided to remain silent. gVO320

Lu Yue approached and carefully sat at the bedside, observing the man closely. His hand gently touched the injured area as he murmured softly, “It must hurt a lot.”

The man, with closed eyes, suddenly trembled, but the saddened youth, seemingly unaware, continued speaking, “Why are you so careless? You got stabbed… with a knife…”

As he spoke, his voice choked up, and upon seeing the wetness in his eyes, it was evident that he was crying.

“Master, rest well. I’ll leave now.” With that, Lu Yue planted a feather-light kiss on the man’s lips. NIZRUM

As soon as Lu Yue left, the previously quiet man abruptly opened his eyes. He gazed towards the door, his cold expression tinged with something else. Then, he reached towards his lips, where the lingering warmth of the youth’s gentle kiss still remained.

001: [System prompt, Darkening Value -5, current blackening Value 90! Ahhhh, Host, you’re amazing!] 001 praised without reservation.

Lu Yue: [It’s nothing, just 5 points of blackening Value. Tonight, we’ll continue to reduce it.]

001 with a happy face: [Yeah!] 0ndtuR


While Lu Yue was tirelessly immersed in the gaming world, the sky outside finally darkened.

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001 punctually appeared: [Host, it’s now evening, let’s go reduce the blackening Value together.]

Lu Yue was in the midst of battling the ultimate boss and swiftly responded: [Give me one more minute.] ob16Vh

One minute later, the virtual game interface displayed the word “Victory.”

Lu Yue: [What is Zuo Sheng doing now?]

001: [He’s in the study reading documents.]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Yue rubbing his chin: [So, my man is a workaholic.] gjvJnx

Ca olgra, 001 vffqis vlrvjlcfv Oe Tef obg mbcrlvfglcu atf ajgufa jr tlr bkc wjc, yea cbk la tjv ugbkc jmmerabwfv ab la. Qfii, la rffwfv atfgf kjr j cfk ecvfgrajcvlcu bo atf ilwlar bo lar bkc tbra.

[Let’s go, let’s start reducing the blackening Value now. Oh, first exchange a bottle of advanced golden wound medicine for me.]

001: [Successfully exchanged one bottle of advanced golden wound medicine, deducting 100 points!]

Ktfc, Oe Tef revvfcis tjv j rwjii ktlaf qbgmfijlc ybaaif lc tlr tjcv. yewL9z

He left the room and headed straight for the study.

“Master… Master Zuo.”

Zuo Sheng looked up, his gaze flickering slightly as he watched the young man enter.

“What’s the matter?” mkVMbs

Lu Yue blinked anxiously, clutching the small bottle tightly in his hand, and softly said, “I… I heard you were injured, and I’m a bit… worried.”

As Lu Yue spoke, his voice was as soft as a mosquito, but Zuo Sheng heard every word clearly.

He suddenly spoke coldly, “Come here.”

Lu Yue lifted his head blankly to look at him, and when he met Zuo Sheng’s unyielding gaze, he slowly moved his feet. 8M RUy

As he approached the man, he found himself enveloped in Zuo Sheng’s chilling aura, causing his body to uncontrollably tremble, like a small white rabbit nearing a fierce beast.

Zuo Sheng looked at the visibly uneasy youth and asked, “What are you holding?”

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“It’s… it’s medicine. Since you’re injured, I thought you might need it.” Lu Yue carefully watched Zuo Sheng as he took out the small bottle and placed it in his palm.

Zuo Sheng ignored the medicine, instead reaching out and grasping Lu Yue’s chin, his deep gaze penetrating into his clear and panicked eyes. Perhaps, he had misjudged before. These eyes were completely different from the other person’s. One was confident and gentle, the other timid and panicked, worlds apart. HYfInL

“I remember telling you last time, don’t meddle in my affairs. Can’t you remember a lesson? Or do you have ulterior motives?”

Lu Yue’s face turned pale instantly, hastily explaining, “No, I don’t have any ulterior motives…”

The grip on his chin tightened: “You’re lying.”

“I’m not!” aOx5YD

Zuo Sheng narrowed his eyes, sneering, “If you don’t have ulterior motives, then what? Do you think flattering me deliberately will work?”

Lu Yue’s eyes glistened with tears, seemingly at a loss for how to defend himself. Being wrongly accused by the man he loved so much was truly distressing.

Zuo Sheng continued to mock, “Well? Tell me, why are you doing this?”

Yes, Lu Yue’s face bore an almost mournful expression. The answer to this question seemed so obvious, but the man who filled his heart doubted his with such questioning. If he were to speak the truth, he would surely be mercilessly ridiculed. No, perhaps he wouldn’t even believe him. I4hU 9

Zuo Sheng looked at the sorrowful appearance of the youth, feeling a bit irritated for some reason. His words became even more sarcastic: “What’s wrong? Can’t come up with an answer?”

“Since you have something to hide, then tell me, who sent you to approach me?”

Lu Yue remained silent, bowing his head, his eyes obscured by his hair, enveloped in a bitter atmosphere.

But the indifferent man continued to press: “Was it Xu Shao?” 1280Io

Lu Yue still didn’t respond.

“Not him? Then was it Li Cong?”

Just as Zuo Sheng was impatiently furrowing his brow, the youth in front of him suddenly lifted his head, leaving Zuo Sheng stunned.

Tears of sadness overflowed from Lu Yue’s beautiful eyes at this moment, as he spoke with a near-desperate yet firm tone, “Master Zuo, I wasn’t sent by anyone. I just… love you.” Ogd5BT

*Ding!* Blackening value -10, current blackening value 80!

Zuo Sheng’s pupils widened for a moment. He had intended to tease him a bit, but he hadn’t expected to hear such an unexpected answer from Lu Yue.

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He… loves me?

After a moment of stupefaction, Zuo Sheng subconsciously wanted to sneer, but when he heard the choked sobbing of the youth, the curve of his lips froze in place. Jdc70G

After Lu Yue finished speaking, it was as if he had cast aside all his worries. There was a voice in his heart repeating: [He won’t believe you, he won’t believe you…]

The more he thought, the more heartbroken he felt. He simply cried uncontrollably, knowing that Zuo Sheng wouldn’t believe him anyway, and since Zuo Sheng didn’t like him, he might as well cry enough to make him even more disgusted with himself.

Zuo Sheng watched the person crying so earnestly, and his heart suddenly softened a bit. He even reached out with a touch of pity, patting the unexpectedly soft head.

“Why are you crying? What’s there to cry about?” iVHIb8

Lu Yue suddenly widened his eyes, trembling lips as if he couldn’t believe it. “Master… Master Zuo?”

Zuo Sheng was amused by his dumbfounded expression, a slight smirk forming on his lips. “Weren’t you here to give me medicine?”

His gaze shifted to the small porcelain bottle tightly held by Lu Yue. Lu Yue understood and immediately presented the bottle to him with both hands.

“For… for you.” vbwYWN

Zuo Sheng made no move, simply stating, “Come and apply the medicine for me.” With that, he leaned back, resting against the chair, his eyes fixed on him.

Lu Yue was still stuck in his previous state, wondering why Zuo Sheng wasn’t supposed to be angry? How could he act as if he hadn’t heard anything at all? Could it be… he didn’t actually dislike him?

“What are you thinking? Move faster!”

Lu Yue was startled, realizing he had been pulled onto Zuo Sheng’s lap. He was actually sitting on Zuo Sheng’s lap? G3L a4

With a subconscious struggle, Lu Yue exclaimed, “Master Zuo, aren’t I supposed to apply the medicine for you?”

Zuo Sheng encircled his waist, using a threatening tone, “Don’t move around, just do it like this.”

Helpless, Lu Yue had no choice but to take out the medicine bottle in this ambiguous position. Suddenly, a large hand unexpectedly touched his buttocks, causing the young man’s body to tremble.

“Master… Master Zuo…” st6O3n

“No talking, continue.”

Lu Yue: [My man really knows how to play.]

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001: [You, host, are even better at playing.]

Lu Yue chuckles: [Flattery, flattery!] gy2km

001: [Hehe.]

Upon hearing Zuo Sheng’s cold command, the young man in his arms had to purse his rosy lips. He cautiously scooped a small amount of ointment onto his fingers and slowly approached the gruesome wound on Zuo Sheng’s shoulder.

Although he had seen it before, seeing it again brought an indescribable pain to Lu Yue’s heart. His eyes turned red immediately, as if he wished the wound were on his own body instead.

He carefully applied the medicine, his movements gentle as if handling a newborn baby. gnGqd4

Zuo Sheng frowned slightly. The young man’s actions were too careful. Was he treating him like some fragile object?


The young man subconsciously turned his eyes towards him, the corners of his eyes reddening slightly as he spoke cautiously, “Master Zuo, did I hurt you?”

Zuo Sheng’s gaze flickered, his heart inexplicably skipping a beat in that split second of eye contact. xdZERU

“No, continue,” he replied.


Lu Yue, puzzled, continued to apply the medicine attentively. Zuo Sheng couldn’t help but tilt his head, catching sight of Lu Yue’s slender and fair neck, with the collarbones faintly visible.

His gaze shifted to those bright eyes, which were unmistakably similar to the other person’s eyes, yet upon closer inspection, not quite. No, they were nothing alike, this one is so gentle, so pure, tempting a person to possess and destroy him. mCyb42

Zuo Sheng’s eyes darkened, suddenly grabbing the young man’s arm, forcing him to meet his gaze.

Lu Yue felt uneasy. “Master Zuo… What’s wrong?”

Zuo Sheng’s voice was hoarse, issuing a command that brooked no refusal. “I want you.”

At that moment, Zuo Sheng exuded a beastly, aggressive aura, causing Lu Yue’s face to flush red, and his body to tremble uncontrollably. qY4IUb

Seeing the struggle in the young man’s eyes, Zuo Sheng coldly smirked, curling his lips. “What’s this? Not willing? Weren’t you the one crying and saying you love me? Seems like those words aren’t believable after all.”

Sensing the man’s anger, Lu Yue immediately panicked, “No… I meant everything I said, I didn’t lie to you.”

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But Zuo Sheng released his grip, his gaze icy. “I despise being lied to. Since you don’t want to serve me, I’ll have to give you to someone else. I don’t like coercion.”

Given away? He’s going to give him to someone else? manrNV

Lu Yue widened his eyes, as if in disbelief. After a moment of shock, he immediately hugged the man tightly around the waist. “Master Zuo, I belong to you! I don’t want to serve anyone else!”

After saying this, he immediately tried to please by kissing the man’s cold lips, but his technique was awkward and clumsy, resulting in his teeth grazing Zuo Sheng’s lips and drawing blood. Lu Yue apologized pitifully, “I’m sorry, Master Zuo, I didn’t mean to…”

Zuo Sheng, looking at the tear-streaked face of the young man, felt a sense of irritation for some reason. So he coldly admonished, “Stop crying.”

Lu Yue indeed stopped crying, his face pale with sadness as he looked at the man who could casually control his fate, pleading, “Please don’t give me away, Master Zuo…” 7qKWd6

Zuo Sheng frowned at Lu Yue’s deeply saddened expression, seeming puzzled by his distress. Just a casual remark had frightened him to this extent, as if he were facing imminent death.

What’s even more infuriating is that he found himself responding to him in this state.

Zuo Sheng’s face became even more displeased than before. Without waiting for the young man to speak again, he threw him onto the bed without a word.

Meanwhile, Lu Yue, afraid of being given away, dared not say a word and curled up obediently. Next, his body was ruthlessly violated by the man. Although it was very painful, he gritted his teeth and refused to cry out. SzLHGW

Seeing his stubbornness, Zuo Sheng smirked maliciously, the force of the collision became more and more fierce. Lu Yue couldn’t bear it any longer and whimpered helplessly.

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  1. ๐Ÿ˜ญ can’t believe i’m still thinking of continuing to read this…..haa…the host’s true thoughts are the only way this thing is tolerable