I Have MedicineCh327 - Sorrow


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  1. Big Brother Tianheng seems really happy to be with Ah Zuo once again! 😊

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  2. Mmm.. if he can’t bring his family over, then he can take this family with him to his original world.

    I’d like him to bring his dad cause he might be able to treat him with a miraculous pill.

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  3. Haha! Dog food was spread to all of the onlookers! And finally, Gu Zuo! It took you long enough to start feeling something… as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder!

  4. Ah Zuo… I don’t know what’ll happen in the end but I know you and your big brother will never separate! I will not allow it!!!

  5. Thank you for the chapter!!Ah Zuo is realizing! And it only took – o… over three hundred chapters. Has it been that long? It doesn’t feel like it, ah… Well! Time to see how long it takes for them to get out of the ambiguity and confess!Poor Ah Zuo though – he still has a father to care for… If time is passing back there at the same rate it is here, his father’s probably well into grieving… Or, potentially worse, depending on how bad those stomach problems are and how much assistance he needs;;;

    Going home isn’t such a pleasant concept anymore, huh… But! Maybe Ah Zuo will use that brain of his and refine more than one Void Pill? Enough for himself and his dad to come back with? Even if there isn’t a permanent cure for Ah Zuo’s Dad, there’ll definitely be better options than what he has there! And if nothing else he’ll be very well taken care of!

  6. There’s an arrow in my heart…..

    Thank you for the chapters. Love this so much

    PS: Modern day : After a hard days work, CEO Tianheng feels under weather and on an impulse stops his car and visits a nearby chemist shop for some supplements.

    He opens the door and meets young Gu Zou’s eyes who is arranging some medicines at the counter.

    A moment later, young pharmacist Gu Zou smiles and cheerfully welcomes Tianheng : “Good evening, How may I help you”

    Looking at him smile, Tianheng’s tired heart warms and he thinks to himself….”You have already helped me………………..”

    (lol I couldn’t stop imagining this reading the first half, their love is so warm and soothing)

  7. GZ is finally showing signs of being a real teenager again, he’s going emo!! =P

    Translation note:

    “Big brother, where are we going?” –> where are we now?

  8. [His butt was sitting on warm thighs, his head was resting on a warm chest, and his waist was encircled by a warm arm. His entire body was cocooned in a warm and loving embrace… ]


    *perverted laughter * Guo Zuo~ you have been caught! hehehe ( ͡°ω ͡°)

    ML is so flirting with MC! Just listen to him pampering MC and complementing his cooking!

    I feel like a cat, high on catnip!!! ↀωↀ

    Thanks for the chapter ~♡

  9. Thank you for the translation!!

    Slight spoiler

    There are less than 200 (?) chapters til they get together. And I’m so excited to read their journey fully translated. Mtl has messed with my brain. But I’m always looking forward to ur translation updates! This is one of my faves cultivation danmeis! And it’s the first danmei that I mtl-ed despite it having 1000+ chapters. I just love this pair sosososo much.

  10. omg determined and flirty Tianheng is going to be absolutely lethal. i would like a heart fortification pill right about now.

  11. I guess it took separation for Ah Zuo to realize what his goal of leaving really means. Thanks for the translation!