Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh38 - His Majesty the Emperor is a Cross-Dressing Bigshot

After that day, Liu Jun indeed stopped crying. He even controlled himself not to reveal any signs of sadness. Lu Yue couldn’t remember what happened before, he had no worries, no sadness, and no hatred, like an innocent child who didn’t understand the ways of the world, unaware of pain and hurt, living in a transparent world.

Only by wearing the cloak of hypocrisy, covering up the heart that had long been eroded by darkness, and letting those hands that had cruelly harmed the man burn in flames, could he dare to step into the pure and fragile world of the man, and continue greedily gazing at him with a shameful mask. tT 5qL

At first, Lu Yue was still cautious around the people around him, especially Liu Jun. Every time he looked at him, he would feel a sense of repulsion and fear in his heart, but not entirely fear. Because this man was just too good-looking, and he treated him especially well. So even though there was a little discomfort before, it all disappeared now, and he even became more and more attached to him.

One day, Lu Yue woke up early and asked the maid outside the door, “Where’s Ah Jun? Where did Ah Jun go?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Your Highness, … His Majesty went to attend the morning court.”

Lu Yue frowned, “Why does he have to attend the morning court every day?” 9xgHEo

The maid replied, “Because he’s the Emperor!”

Lu Yue pouted, “Then if he’s not the Emperor, will he come and accompany me?”

The maid was shocked to hear this, “Your Highness, you must not say such things, it would be terrible if someone heard!”

Lu Yue became even angrier after hearing the maid’s words. He stomped his foot in frustration, turned around, and walked out, muttering, “I’m going to find Ah Jun and make him send you away!”


While Lu Yue was venting his frustration, he didn’t pay attention to the road ahead and suddenly bumped into a solid wall of a person.

“Who are you trying to send away?”

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From above came a familiar and pleasant voice, Lu Yue looked up in surprise and exclaimed, “Ah Jun, you’re back!” After blurting out those words, he felt that he shouldn’t have said that and quickly put on a look of anger, “Ah Jun, you promised to play with me all day today, but I couldn’t find you early in the morning.”

Ole Aec ibbxfv ja tlw klat jwerfwfca. Ca atlr wbwfca. Ca atlr wbwfca, Oe Tef’r mtffxr kfgf qeoofv eq, jcv tlr gbecv ojmf oiertfv klat j afwqalcu yiert. Snfc tlr fsfr rffwfv ecerejiis ygluta, fnbxlcu jc lwqeirf ab xlrr tlw. KJX0Zd

Liu Jun cleared his throat and finally said, “Shall we go eat first?”

“No!” Lu Yue almost immediately answered decisively, his cheeks puffing up even higher, clearly conveying “I’m angry, come and comfort me right now.”

Before Lu Yue could receive comfort from Liu Jun, he was suddenly hugged tightly. He looked up in panic and then crashed into a pair of dark eyes filled with a smile. “Since you’re not going anywhere, I’ll just carry you over.”

Oe Tef’r ojmf lwwfvljafis aegcfv gfv. Dflcu mjgglfv ilxf atlr ys rbwfbcf sbecufg atjc tlwrfio kjr gfjiis fwyjggjrrlcu. Dea atf kbgvr ‘qea wf vbkc’ lc tlr rabwjmt mbeivc’a yf rqbxfc obg j ibcu alwf. Dfmjerf yflcu ufcais tfiv ys atf wjc ofia rb mbwobgajyif, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea rceuuif mibrfg. Lbkfnfg, atf wjc ktb kjr kjixlcu revvfcis raloofcfv, jr lo tf tjv yffc rtbmxfv, tlr ybvs afcrfv eq. KyMRdG

“What’s wrong with you?” Lu Yue was curious, leaning his head to look at Liu Jun, but the other person didn’t dare to meet his gaze.

“It’s nothing,” Liu Jun pretended to be calm and said, then quickened his pace. But the palpitations from just now were like bursts of flames, immediately igniting his whole body.

Feeling the warmth of the person in his arms, the images of their intimate moments flashed through his mind, and his breath suddenly became rapid.

As soon as they arrived at the dining hall, Liu Jun immediately put Lu Yue down and hurriedly sat down, afraid that Lu Yue would notice his ugly inner turmoil. 7x4e3U

But Lu Yue thought he was just being cold and ignoring him on purpose, so he pouted and leaned closer, “Ah Jun, I still want you to feed me!”

Liu Jun’s face stiffened, and he moved his tense body to the side, his voice hoarse, “You can eat by yourself, be good.”

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Lu Yue had never seen a man be so cold to him before. They had agreed to play together today, but not only had he not seen him in the morning, now he was actively avoiding him. The more Lu Yue thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt. His eyes turned red, but he stubbornly refused to let the tears fall. All his pent-up frustration surged up inside him.

He walked to the table, and suddenly smashed the wine jug on the ground with a loud ‘crash,’ shattering it into pieces. Still feeling unsatisfied, he threw all the plates of food onto the floor, creating a mess in an instant. X usIv

Liu Jun couldn’t sit still anymore. He hurried over and grabbed the person who was throwing a tantrum, saying, “Stop it, you’ll get hurt!”

But Lu Yue, who was still angry, refused to listen. He struggled against the man’s restraint, saying stubbornly, “I don’t need you to control me!” as he tried to break free. Liu Jun was afraid of hurting Lu Yue, so he didn’t exert too much force, but unexpectedly, Lu Yue managed to break free.

However, Lu Yue’s struggling movements were too vigorous, and he ended up falling backward, right onto the pile of broken porcelain!

Liu Jun’s eyes shrank nervously in an instant. Without thinking, he rushed over, one hand pulling Lu Yue into his arms while the other instinctively support himself from the ground. LIwQWd

Lu Yue, who had just been on the verge of falling, suddenly found himself enveloped in familiar warmth. His heart, which had been racing from the shock, calmed down as if soothed. However, he noticed something wrong with the man holding him.

He looked down and was shocked to see that Liu Jun’s palm was covered in blood, a sharp piece of porcelain had accidentally pierced it.

“Are you hurt?” Lu Yue’s voice trembled. He felt like a child who knew he had done something wrong, and his previous anger dissipating into thin air.

Liu Jun slowly stood up, and with a smile he said, “As long as you’re okay.” xDadmL

He carefully removed the piece of porcelain from his palm, then heard Lu Yue ask, “Do you want to see a doctor?”

“No need.”

“Aren’t you in pain?”

“No pain.” Tsn9qL

“You’re lying.” Lu Yue’s gaze became stubborn. He abruptly rolled up his sleeve, revealing the burn on his arm, and said seriously, “I was burned here before, and it still hurts a bit. How could it not hurt when you’re like this?”

At this moment, Lu Yue’s expression turned stern, as if scolding a disobedient child who was hurt. But he didn’t notice that Liu Jun froze in place, and his eyes turning red. His injured hand clenched tightly, seemingly not feeling any pain, as he stared blankly at the ugly scar on Lu Yue’s arm.

Suddenly, he remembered three years ago when the man brought him back to the Prince Regent’s Mansion. The young him thought the man intended to imprison him and they had a argument. But he didn’t notice the maid behind him, carrying a bowl of fish soup, tripped and fell toward him. At that moment, he never expected the man to rush over, holding him tightly in his arms while his own arm was burned badly.

Back then, the man didn’t make a sound of pain. But now, when Lu Yue, who remembered nothing, stood before him again and seriously said, ‘I was burned here before, and it still hurts a bit,’ Liu Jun felt as if a boulder had crushed his heart, and the pain from deep within overwhelming him instantly. xntqsd

Lu Yue looked at the suddenly pained man, frightened, and stayed there. Then, he cautiously asked, “What’s wrong with you? I told you if it hurts, you should go see the physician. Why do you have to force yourself?” He was about to pull the man to the physician, but he didn’t budge.

Turning around, Lu Yue saw Liu Jun staring at him deeply, with his lips trembling slightly with uncertainty. “Do you want to know how you got the scar on your arm?” Liu Jun’s voice carried an almost imperceptible sob.

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Suddenly, Lu Yue didn’t know how to respond because the man looked so pained at this moment. Although he was curious about the scar on his arm, he knew that the most important thing now was to take Liu Jun to the physician.

So he said firmly, “I don’t want to know now. Tell me after you’ve had your wound treated by the physician.” Lu Yue’s clear eyes revealed a stubbornness and an unmistakable concern, causing Liu Jun’s perfect facade, maintained for days, to finally shatter in this moment. 3Knkp

Trembling, he said, “I’m the one who caused your injury.”

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