Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh37 - His Majesty the Emperor is a Cross-Dressing Bigshot

There was no antidote for the Heartbreak Grass. Lin Xin dragged Huan Yuan into the torture chamber for a full three days without extracting any information about the antidote, so he had to give up.

Meanwhile, in the Imperial Medical Academy, Liu Jun uttered only one sentence: “If he dies, all of you will lose your heads.” PAQm1E

As a result, the physicians at the academy were restless all day long, running back and forth to the Qingyue Palace, purchasing various precious herbs, fearing that if the person inside accidentally passed away, their heads would also be at risk.

However, everyone knew that no one who was poisoned with this toxin could survive. Even if their lives were barely sustained with medicine, the toxins in Lu Yue’s body would eventually overwhelm them, leading to certain death!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Therefore, the physicians at the Imperial Medical Academy wore gloomy expressions all day long, and some even began to prepare for their own funerals in advance.

At night, inside the Qingyue Palace. TKVctH

Lin Xin entered the room and saw Liu Jun sitting at the bedside, gazing directly at the man lying on the bed. He had been sitting there for a long time, his pitch-black eyes filled with deep love and pain. His slightly bowed back looked like a lonely and stubborn wolf, guarding his beloved and staring deeply at him.

Lin Xin sighed. His Majesty had been running to the Qingyue Palace every day for the past few days. He would be there for the entire day, and even stay by Lu Yue’s side at night. Although he knew that Liu Jun was full of remorse, he was still the ruler of two nations. If he continued like this, he might fall ill before Lu Yue woke up.

Approaching, Lin Xin said, “Your Majesty, you haven’t attended court for three consecutive days. Many ministers have begun to talk behind your back.”

“They can say whatever they want, I don’t care,” Liu Jun replied coldly, his gaze still fixed on the man.



“Liu Xin,” Liu Jun suddenly interrupted, his voice trembling slightly. “He hasn’t woken up yet. I can’t leave.”

Lin Xin looked at the broad back of the young emperor. Although he seemed stern, his eyes were involuntarily turning red. Lin Xin knew best how Liu Jun had spent these past three years. He trained so fiercely and went to battlefields because of his hatred. But when he realized that he had hated the wrong person, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that his heart also collapsed.

Now he said this again, it’s obvious how deeply in love is he with this person. To destroy the person he loves with his own hands, and now to know this cruel truth, this is the most tragic. d5lAMy

“God really knows how to play tricks on people!”

Lin Xin muttered softly, then quietly walked out.

Lu Yue: [It’s not that God is playing tricks on him, it’s just that he became my target.]

001: [Sob… This is so heartbreaking. Didn’t we agreed to get along well with the male lead?] iz5doS

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Yue: [Why are you, a machine, crying? Besides, if I don’t treat him like this, would my blackening value drop so much?]

001 vlvc’a kjca ab vfji klat atlr mbiv-tfjgafv tewjc jcv jeabwjalmjiis aegcfv boo atf rmgffc, gfagfjalcu ab atf rlvf ab offi rjv.

Oe Tef ijs bc atf yfv obg rfnfc vjsr, rtbklcu cb rlucr bo lwqgbnfwfca. Ole Aec rajgfv ja atf wjc’r lcmgfjrlcuis vjgxfcfv mbwqifzlbc, vffq recxfc fsf rbmxfar, jcv atf geuufv tjcvrbwfcfrr cbk oliifv ys ecwlrajxjyif ojaluef.

Even though Lu Yue lay with his eyes closed, he could still feel Liu Jun’s gentle and pitiful touch, as well as the almost desperate aura of sorrow emanating from him. vpLdJV

Lu Yue sighed inwardly. He hadn’t even died yet, and Liu Jun was already so heartbroken. This made him reluctant to increase his blackening value.

If 001 knew what Lu Yue was thinking at this moment, it would definitely silently comment: Little troublemaker Lu, still has moments of reluctance? This kind of cold-hearted human doesn’t have a heart at all!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

By the seventh day, Lu Yue still felt reluctant, but by the tenth day, he had become unbearable.

A grown man staring at him like this all the time, constantly touching his face, and repeatedly confessing his remorse in his ear, no one could bear it for long. f0kTjy

So, Lu Yue called for 001.

Lu Yue: [Does the system store have an antidote for this “Heartbreak Grass”?]

001 instantly responded: [Welcome to the System Store! System 001 is at your service! May I help you with anything, host?]

Lu Yue repeated with a shiver: [I want the antidote for Heartbreak Grass.] pxbt W

001: [Antidote for Heartbreak Grass successfully exchanged, deducting 300 points!]

Lu Yue cursed the unscrupulous merchant under his breath, and then swallowed the antidote.

That day, when the physicians from the imperial hospital were taking Lu Yue’s pulse as usual, they suddenly noticed that the person lying on the bed had actually opened his eyes!

The physician staggered on the spot, his excitement causing his beard to stand. They didn’t have to worry about losing their heads anymore! He immediately instructed the guards outside to pass this news to Liu Jun. CAJ9wq

When Liu Jun abandoned the ministers and rushed to the Qingyue Palace, seeing the blurry figure sitting up in bed with his eyes open, his heart was filled with excitement. He had never been so excited before, and he even felt an impulse to cry.

He’s finally awake…

At this moment, Lu Yue’s consciousness was still somewhat hazy. His body appeared extremely thin due to the erosion of the toxins, and almost unrecognizable. He seemed to sense the sudden intrusion and struggled to lift his somewhat stiff neck. Then he saw the man standing at the door, locking eyes on him.

Lu Yue shrank back, fear and paleness in his eyes like a dense web enveloping him, causing a intense pain in Liu Jun’s heart, and even his breath was mingled with the scent of blood. MgEUum

At this moment, the man seemed like a startled rabbit, who subconsciously make a protective gestures upon seeing the dangerous beast.

He was that unforgivable beast!

Liu Jun’s heart bled, suppressing the urge to rush over and embrace the man, his clenched fists bulging with blue veins.

He cleared his throat and took two hesitant steps forward, but the person on the bed trembled even more violently. BWKFHx

Liu Jun froze in place, and finally did not make another step, but he tried to sound as gentle as possible as he said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m just here to check on you, I’ll leave soon.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Yue paused for a few seconds, then secretly raised his head to look at the man standing there. His innocent and clear eyes were like a deer’s, but wary and puzzled, as if asking why he hadn’t left yet.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Liu Jun stiffened. Suddenly, as if he had suddenly realized something, he grabbed Lu Yue’s shoulder abruptly, and his eyes locked onto his as he asked, “Do you remember who I am?”

Lu Yue was startled, fear evident in his eyes as he met the man’s complex yet anxious eyes. In a soft but stubborn voice, he replied, “I don’t know, stay away from me!” 2MnlYj

Lu Yue’s eyes no longer dodged, but he looked at him fiercely, like a fierce beast resisting the man before him instinctively. Although he didn’t remember anything, he instinctively resisted the man in front of him, as if he were some kind of ferocious predator.

Liu Jun felt as if something had collapsed in his mind when he heard this, he froze there like a cold statue. In the past few days, he had imagined countless scenarios of the man waking up. He might be indifference, anger, or mocking… but he had never imagined him forgetting about him.

“What’s going on?” Liu Jun’s face darkened as he looked at the physician beside him, only to hear the trembling reply.

“Your Majesty! The Regent was poisoned with the Heartbreak Grass. Although he’s fortunate enough to have awakened, the toxins in his body haven’t been completely cleared. Perhaps these toxins have affected his memory, causing him… causing him to forget.” ZzQYSO

Forget? How could he forget!

The pain in Liu Jun’s heart was about to overflow, his body almost cramping with pain, and his eyes swollen from tears.

He was filled with regret, and words of repentance but he hadn’t had the chance to say it aloud, but this feelings were needed to suppressed because of the sudden amnesia of the man.

The countless “I’m sorry” he had repeated in his mind meant nothing now. Because he didn’t want Lu Yue to just look at him with suspicion when he poured his heart out. What the point of such repentance hold? cM5A9B

Liu Jun swallowed the bitterness, while tears streaming down on his face.

Lu Yue, who had been somewhat afraid, found it strange to see the man crying. Just a moment ago, he looked so fierce, and now he was crying? He didn’t bullied him.

As Lu Yue thought this, a extremely discomfort flashed through his heart as he looked at the man’s sad expression. He didn’t like seeing the man like this.

Lu Yue quietly moved forward like a small animal, then cautiously reached out and wiped the tears from the handsome face. XsSaMG

“Don’t cry, it’s not a good look.”

Liu Jun’s body tensed. The gentle touch on his face passing by like a feather, yet the faint warmth felt like scorching lava, causing his blood to boil.

He looked up, and unsurprisingly meet the pair of clear, and transparent eyes, along with the tenderness engraved deep within.

This was exactly what he had hoped to see! F36 J9

He saw the man’s smile, but he didn’t dare to greedily claim that smile.

Liu Jun showed a smile-like expression and said, “I won’t cry.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 5!]

001, who had just witnessed this sad drama scene, asked: [Host, why did you suddenly pretend to have amnesia? Is it to torment the male lead and increase his blackening value?] JDcMWs

Lu Yue seriously replied, [Wasn’t it for you?]

[For me?] 001 was puzzled.

Lu Yue: [Yes. Didn’t I promise to try not to let the male lead have regrets? So I decided to forgive him. But if I followed the original plot, how could Liu Jun forgive himself after being treated like this? So I had to pretend to have amnesia first, give the male lead enough time to make amends for his actions, so that I can forgive him later with enough reason. The most important thing is to avoid OOC behavior.]

001 was shocked, when did little troublemaker Lu Yue become so kind? qS2CPH

Lu Yue looked like he saw through it: [Don’t talk behind my back, I have demands.]

001 chuckled: [What demands?]

Lu Yue: [Well, that’s for later.]


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