Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh24 - Revenge of the Reborn Boyfriend

In the dream, Lu Yue found himself in the pitch-black night surrounded by countless tombstones, with a man shrouded in black mist approaching him step by step.

Lu Yue suddenly widened his eyes but didn’t flee. Because the person in front of him was none other than his beloved, He Lang. S6ytmM

“Ah Lang… What are you doing here?” Lu Yue asked, trembling.

“Why am I here?” The man suddenly drew closer to Lu Yue, his face devoid of any color, looming large before him. “I died, so of course, I’m here.”

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“You… died?” Lu Yue’s face turned pale, his gaze vacant.

“Yes, on that night, I fell from the mountain road and died. I called for help for a long time, but no one came to save me. In the end, my blood ran dry, and my body grew cold. Where were you at that time?” In the dream, He Lang’s expression turned ferocious. “You were cozying up to that murderer, Deng Hui!” VHIfbg

“No, it’s not true! Let me explain…” Lu Yue pleaded.

“I won’t listen to you! I don’t believe a word you say! Even if you catch Deng Hui in the end, what’s the point? I’m already dead!” He Lang’s expression in the dream became impatient, his icy gaze seeming to freeze Lu Yue.

Lu Yue’s heart ached, and he could only cry and explain: “Ah Lang, I really didn’t mean it. I was just…”

“Stop talking!” He Lang in the dream interrupted irritably, and his cold eyes seemed to want to freeze him to death.


“Don’t act all hypocritical. You act like you love me so much, then why don’t you come down and be with me!”

Before Lu Yue could say anything, He Lang in the dream suddenly pounced towards him.

At that moment, Lu Yue jolted awake from the bed, his eyes filled with a red haze, unfocused. It wasn’t until he gasped for a few breaths that he regained his senses.

He Lang had visited him again! La9PBs

In recent days, Lu Yue kept dreaming of He Lang. Each time, he could see the hatred in He Lang’s eyes directed at him.

What Lu Yue feared most was He Lang’s hatred. He had endured too much love from He Lang, so even a hint of resentment was unbearable for him.

Although He Lang wasn’t killed by him, if he hadn’t provoked Deng Hui in the first place, how could He Lang have been targeted by him? He shouldn’t have agreed to Deng Hui’s request in the first place.

Lu Yue was filled with regret, his heart aching with each beat. Why did He Lang have to die? Why couldn’t it have been him instead? Q3WMKb

Perhaps he should have gone down to be with He Lang.

Lu Yue sat with his head lowered, lost in thought until dawn.

The next morning, Lu Yue gathered his thoughts. He got out of bed, washed up as usual, put on a clean suit, and then took the resignation letter in his hand to the company.

When He Lang saw Lu Yue coming to work, he felt somewhat relieved. But when he heard the young man calmly reciting his so-called resignation letter, something inside him exploded. A1jkfd

The meeting room was in an uproar, but after Lu Yue finished reading, he didn’t linger but walked out directly. He had other things to do.

Lu Yue remained calm, but He Lang felt uneasy. He couldn’t believe how calmly Lu Yue was handling this. How could he just resign like that? This was the company they had built together!

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He Lang suppressed his anger and strode forward, grabbing Lu Yue’s shoulder.

“Why are you resigning?” QCewf3

Perhaps not used to seeing such a stern side of a man, Lu Yue hesitated for a moment, then smiled and replied, “No reason, I just have other things to do.”

As Lu Yue turned and smiled, He Lang found the smile particularly glaring. He knew Gu An the best and could tell if he was genuinely smiling.

What are you up to, Gu An?

Lu Yue: [Phew, I’m finally going to get rid of this world. It’s not easy!] exvtbd

001: [Host, when are you going to use that ultimate move?]

Lu Yue: [Soon, I hope He Lang’s mental resilience isn’t too weak.]

001: [… Host, don’t be too cruel.]

Lu Yue: [Well, we’ll see.] O1sgbX

After returning from the company, Lu Yue made a phone call to arrange for the purchase of a cemetery plot, then returned home and began to write a letter to Lu Zixi.

At this moment, He Lang, sitting in front of the screen, had already observed all of Lu Yue’s actions.

In the afternoon, he overheard Lu Yue’s phone call and learned that he was buying a cemetery plot.

After Lu Yue cremated him, the urn was still there. Could it be that he wanted to bury himself? Then why was he buried now? mS6Rwp

001: [Host, what are you writing?]

Lu Yue: [I’m writing a farewell letter.]

001 Horrified: [Someone wants to kill you?]

Lu Yue rolled his eyes: [Where did you see someone wanting to kill me? It’s me who wants to commit suicide.] 5nTZzp

001: [Suicide??]

Lu Yue: [Yeah, before He Lang drugged me with hallucinogens, which caused me to become mentally disturbed. I often dreamed that He Lang wanted me to go down and be with him, and since I love He Lang so much, of course I wouldn’t refuse his request. Do you think this reason for suicide is reasonable?]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

001 shook his data nerves: [Why do I feel so sorry for the male lead?]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Yue solemnly said: [Darling, as a system, do I still need to tell you why we’re here? Besides, if the person in this body right now wasn’t me, Gu An would probably have been admitted to a mental hospital long ago. You have to bear the consequences of your own actions, and He Lang needs to understand this principle!] J5OnNH

001 mbeivc’a jguef klat Oe atf ilaaif vfnli, rb tf reixfv lcrlvf.

Zfjcktlif, Lf Ojcu rajgfv olzfvis ja atf sbecu wjc bc atf rmgffc, tlr fsfr jiwbra qlfgmlcu atgbeut atf wbclabg. Lf kjr jmaejiis kglalcu j ojgfkfii ifaafg!

C ojgfkfii ifaafg!

Lbk mbeiv Lf Ojcu cba xcbk ktja j ojgfkfii ifaafg kjr? Llr ybvs agfwyifv nlbifcais, jiwbra rilqqlcu boo atf mtjlg. vSnRjZ

He had felt that something was off with Lu Yue in the morning, and now he was planning to seek death!

At the thought of this, He Lang couldn’t sit still any longer. He immediately rushed out of the door, the cold night air squeezing into his throat, causing him sharp pains.

He couldn’t die! He couldn’t let him die!

He Lang was frantic, wishing he could fly to Lu Yue immediately and tell him in person that he was wrong! x VRj7

He had to beg for his forgiveness!

No, even if he didn’t forgive him, it was better than losing him!

He Lang ran through red lights, rushing over like a bolt of lightning.

But when he pushed open the door, he saw Lu Yue lying on the ground, and on the table, there were glaring sleeping pills. JwEQOc

He Lang’s heart tightened suddenly, an invisible force squeezing his organs, causing him unbearable pain.

It took several seconds for He Lang to rush to the young man’s side as if he had gone mad. The youth’s face was devoid of color, motionless like a dead person.

“You actually tried to seek death!”

“How dare you…” jJfTyR

He Lang’s eyes were red, gripping Lu Yue’s shoulders tightly. Only when he felt the slight warmth of the youth’s body and shallow breath did he realize that he hadn’t died yet!

“To the hospital! Let’s go to the hospital!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He Lang immediately lifted the unconscious Lu Yue into the car and drove hurriedly to the nearest hospital.

“We need to perform gastric lavage on the patient. Please wait outside, family members!” IqhvXV

He Lang watched as the emergency room slowly closed, finally sitting weakly on a chair. He had rushed over fearing that the young man might suddenly stop breathing, so his heart had been hanging there the whole time. Even when facing death himself, he had never been so scared.

He was genuinely afraid of losing this person…

[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -3, current blackening value 2!]

001: [Host, how does gastric lavage feel?] hQ60kR

Lu Yue: [Hehe, why don’t you try it yourself and find out.]

This time, 001, which didn’t block pain perception, felt a little guilty.

001: [Host, I didn’t mean to make you suffer. It’s just that there’s a problem with the main system, and it’s very troublesome, so I was summoned over there.]

001 didn’t tell Lu Yue that the problem was related to him. The fact that the characters being conquered were disappearing automatically had never happened before. FWELp3

Lu Yue, accustomed to 001’s occasional glitches, said coldly: [Forget it, it’s almost over anyway. I can’t be bothered to argue with you, stupid system.]

Feeling belittled by Lu Yue, 001 felt its pride hurt and sulked by shutting off its screen.

Lu Yue was moved to a hospital room, feeling like someone was constantly watching him. The gaze was so scorching that even people with their eyes closed could feel it.

When Lu Yue opened his eyes, he saw the man shrouded in shadows, sitting gloomily in front of him. He seemed to have been sitting there for a long time, motionless, until he realized Lu Yue had awakened. XO1vy7

“Why are you seeking death?” He Lang’s voice was low, but it seemed to be suppressing some emotion. Lu Yue lowered his eyelids, casting a shadow beneath his lashes.

“I haven’t died yet,” the young man said softly, ignoring the man’s question. His eyes were calm, but it was even more unsettling.

He Lang’s heart almost couldn’t control itself, clenching tightly together.

Is even death so casual to you? Do you want to die so painfully? 3yYs1K

He Lang looked at the youth’s face, silently asking.

“I know I sometimes lose my sanity and often hallucinate. The wound on your neck, I bit it, right? Sorry, I forgot about it before,” Lu Yue said lightly, recalling how his assistant had teased him about it earlier, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He Lang choked up, wanting to return a smile, but couldn’t.

“I dreamt of Ah Lang last night,” Lu Yue continued, while his assistant stiffened beside him. qLmB2e

“He hasn’t forgiven me yet. I know his death is also my fault, even if he hates me, it’s justified.”

No, it’s not like this!

He forgave you a long time ago, and none of this is your fault. How dare he have the audacity to hate you? He Lang’s heart clenched painfully.

Lu Yue continued, “In the dream, Ah Lang’s temper was a bit irritable, probably because it was too cold and dark there, with no one to accompany him. I’m very worried about him, so I want to go down and be with him.” 0QsxHj

He Lang was shocked speechless, his heart being twisted and squeezed violently, tears welling up in his eyes.

“So, I wrote a letter to Lu Zixi, asking him to bury our urns together after I die, so I can always be with him.”

Lu Yue spoke slowly, calmly, as if he was talking about taking a long nap.

But when he saw his assistant bursting into tears, he froze: “Why are you suddenly crying?” Z3s89O

Crying? Was he crying?

He Lang touched his face with his hand and indeed felt wetness.

He said, “I’m fine, just thinking of someone.”

As the young man was still half-doubting and wondering, the door was kicked open. d3 bgz

Lu Zixi glared at the hypocritical man, then immediately punched him. He Lang was hit, his mouth turning a grim shade.

Lu Yue exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

Lu Zixi looked at Lu Yue, then thought of the will he had just received, feeling a surge of blood and qi throughout his body.

“I’d like to ask you, what are you trying to do? Commit suicide? Just for him!” Sidk4t

“What does this have to do with Zhou He? I’m…”

Lu Zixi looked at Lu Yue’s bewildered expression, sneering, “You’ve known each other for over a decade, how could you not see that he is He Lang?”

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The air fell silent for a moment, Lu Yue turned his head to look at the speechless man, then turned to his angry friend, “What do you mean by that?”

“Don’t you understand? He is He Lang! You’ve become like this because of him!” 5Ia94i

Lu Zixi’s words struck like thunder, Lu Yue’s voice trembling, “Are you kidding me? How could Zhou He be He Lang?”

Lu Zixi was too angry to speak, Lu Yue then turned his gaze to his familiar assistant, “He’s lying, right? He Lang is already dead, didn’t you discover his body that night?”

Lu Yue asked urgently, feeling like a lost person in a dream, nothing seemed real.

Until he heard that voice, “It’s true, I am He Lang.” Lw h8l

He Lang didn’t know what mood he said this in, he looked up into Lu Yue’s bewildered eyes, wanting to deeply immerse the other person in his eyes.

But Lu Yue suddenly started trembling, shrinking back, murmuring, “You’re lying to me, you’re lying to me!”

He Lang realized something was wrong with him, immediately ran over and held him, staring into his eyes, “I know you don’t believe me, but I really was reborn in Zhou He’s body. It was me who drugged your coffee with hallucinogens, causing you to lose your senses. If you want, then hate me, but don’t commit suicide, I’m not worth it.”

After hearing this, Lu Yue indeed calmed down, seeming to have difficulty accepting this fact, still in a daze. After a while, he lowered his head and said, “I don’t want to see you right now.” mRTy2

He Lang’s heart clenched, swallowing a bitter taste, “Okay, I’ll go.” Then he turned to Lu Zixi, “Take care of him.” Lu Zixi snorted coldly, not even giving him a proper look.

He Lang walked out of the hospital, but didn’t know where to go. He looked up at the sky, his eyes even more sour.

Since Lu Yue didn’t want to see him, then he wouldn’t see him. He had hurt him so much, how could Lu Yue pretend as if nothing had happened and let him continue to stay by his side?

He had known this would be the result, hadn’t he? But why did his heart still ache so much? He might as well just dig it out, then he wouldn’t feel the pain anymore. ZhnedS

He Lang placed his hand over his heart, feeling its beating. Forget it, he would leave it there, so he could continue to love him and remind him of his mistakes.

Then let the suffering continue.

[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -1, current blackening value 1!]

On the other hand, Lu Yue had been in a daze all afternoon, not saying a word. Lu Zixi looked at him with a mixture of heartache and anger, but there was nothing he could do. u0ZYVw

It wasn’t until it got dark that the person in bed spoke for the first time: “I want to leave the hospital.”

“The doctor said you’re very weak and need rest.”

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“I want to leave.” Lu Yue repeated this sentence like a slow machine, and Lu Zixi had no choice but to agree.

He brought him to his own apartment for convenient care. But Lu Yue was like a puppet without a soul, unresponsive to anything, not even eating. It wasn’t until he angrily dropped his chopsticks that Lu Yue slowly ate a few mouthfuls. NfyOBJ

But it was only a few mouthfuls.

At night, Lu Zixi bathed him in the bathtub. He was a bit nervous at first because it was the first time he had been so intimate with Lu Yue, but when he saw Lu Yue’s skinny body, those thoughts disappeared.

After a quick bath, Lu Zixi carried Lu Yue back to bed and let him sleep with him, fulfilling his long-standing desire. He deceived himself into thinking, it would be good if the young man belonged to him forever.

In the middle of the night, Lu Yue suddenly had a nightmare, trembling all over, covered in cold sweat, and calling out He Lang’s name. jp3hCd

Lu Zixi woke him up immediately, and the young man gasped a few times before returning to his wooden state.

This continued for several days. Until one day, when Lu Yue suddenly fainted while walking, Lu Zixi decided he couldn’t just let him be like this and insisted on taking him to the hospital.

But in the end, Lu Yue stopped him, “I’m fine, I just lost my balance.”

“You don’t need to explain, this time I must take you to the hospital!” pChwV2

Lu Yue looked at him, pale, “I want to see him, after seeing him, I’ll listen to you.”

Lu Zixi frowned, “You’re like this, and you still want to see that person?”

“This is the last time.”

Lu Yue’s expression was firm, uncompromising. Kw7LFZ

Lu Zixi didn’t want to upset him, so even though he didn’t like them meeting, he could only reluctantly agree.

When He Lang received the call, he was still very shocked. Not long after he left the hospital that day, he began to miss Lu Yue. He sneaked back to the hospital at night, only to find the hospital bed empty. Their suite, where they had been staying, was also empty.

At that time, he was still thinking about how Lu Yue didn’t want to see him, not even giving him a chance to regret.

And now Lu Yue unexpectedly said he wanted to see him? He Lang was so excited that he almost jumped up, but after the excitement came uneasiness. p3das5

He still remembered the expression on the young man’s face that day. What did Lu Yue want to see him for?

001: [Host, the male lead is here!]

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001’s voice sounded in his mind, and Lu Yue, lying on the bed, reluctantly closed the system store. There was only one step left, and of course he had to prioritize the mission.

“Go in, he’s inside.” Lu Zixi looked at He Lang with cold eyes, as if he was looking at an enemy, with a warning tone. tZauw

He Lang lowered his eyes and said nothing. In fact, his heart was beating fast, and his hands were even trembling slightly.

He carefully pushed open the door, and the bright light inside immediately dazzled him, making him even more nervous.

Lu Yue looked at the bewildered man, unable to see any resemblance to his lover. He smiled and said, “Sit down.”

Only then did He Lang sit down cautiously, and he looked up at Lu Yue carefully, “Why did you… want to see me?” 7 WA32

“Can’t I see you if there’s nothing wrong?” Lu Yue teased him, his gaze so gentle that He Lang thought it was like a bubble, extremely unreal.

How could such a gentle expression still belong to him?

He Lang’s face showed a painful expression, but he quickly covered it up and then showed a smile that resembled bitterness, “I thought you hated me.”

“I did hate you.” The young man’s voice was neither light nor heavy, but each word felt like a needle piercing through He Lang’s heart. nuDvRC

Sure enough.

“But these days have passed, and I don’t hate you anymore. Actually, I shouldn’t have hated you in the first place. It was my own bad decision that got Deng Hui involved, leading to your death. It’s only natural for you to hate me. But I helped you catch Deng Hui, so I guess we’re even now.”

The young man spoke intermittently, as if he had really let go. Lu Yue said he didn’t hate him anymore, and He Lang should have felt happy, but his heart felt like something had been torn out of it, hissing in pain.

“I’ll forgive you for what you did to me, but I’m tired. I don’t want to love anyone anymore. You should forget about me too.” Iu4JYD

Forget about him? He Lang’s tall figure trembled.

How could he forget about him? But how could he bear to refuse his request?

“Okay, I’ll forget about you.”

Since that’s what you asked for. nSUFrt

[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -1, current blackening value 0! Mission completed!]

When He Lang came out, Lu Zixi was walking towards him from the front. As they passed each other, Lu Zixi gave a disdainful snort, but He Lang acted as if he hadn’t heard anything and walked straight through.

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“Xiao An, what did you say to him?” Lu Zixi asked as he opened the door, but when he looked towards the bedside, the young man had already closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

How could Lu Zixi not see that the young man was definitely not just asleep? He just couldn’t believe it. How could he suddenly be dead? XLrT76

No, it couldn’t be true!

Lu Zixi rushed forward in panic, his hands caressing the still warm face of the young man.

But he had no breath, no heartbeat. He was truly dead.

Lu Zixi let out a scream, “Gu An—” BZCFbh

How could Gu An suddenly die? It must be He Lang, it must be something he said!

Lu Zixi’s eyes were filled with rage, and he was about to get up and find that bastard when he saw a note placed on the table by the young man. There was only one sentence written on it: “Don’t tell him about my death.”

Lu Zixi smiled bitterly. So you knew you weren’t going to make it, didn’t you? That’s why you wanted to see He Lang one last time. You didn’t want me to tell him because you didn’t want to make him sad.

After Lu Yue’s death, Lu Zixi cremated him and buried him in the ground west of the city. kWPxUl

Meanwhile, He Lang accidentally learned of Lu Yue’s death three days later.

In front of the tombstone, a man in a black suit stood in front of the small tombstone, looking at the smiling young man on it, as if he couldn’t believe he had disappeared from the world like this.

Intense pain and unwillingness had engulfed the man, as if he had experienced this kind of grief that wanted to destroy the whole world in a previous life, once again devouring his flesh and blood.

He knelt down, tenderly kissing the young man in the photo. Ho1A79

“Even if you’re dead, I’ll find you.”

Under the sunlight, the man’s figure gradually became transparent, finally disappearing into the morning sunlight.

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  1. It would’ve been better if he just died.. tsk.. the confession of the reborn thing are actually unnecessary. He could’ve just straight up dead, because it’s too dumb and it doesn’t add much of dog blood.😒

  2. Man, He Lang really dug his own pit to fall in 😭☹️

    This arc was pretty good and dog blood, thanks for the chapter 🥰🫶❤️

    • I kinda wish we could get to know the mc Lu Yue better like some more about his personality or quirks or something. But liking this book alot so far 😄😊🩷🩷