Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh11 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

Next, Lu Yue quietly stayed at Zuo Residence for another two weeks. During these two weeks, he and Zuo Sheng acted out a loving relationship, and his blackening value dropped by 3 points, leaving the final two points. Lu Yue felt that he shouldn’t just sit around and wait for death.

001: [Dear esteemed host, I have tracked down Xu Shao’s latest location.] 9D3 8a

Lu Yue: [Oh, where is he now?]

001: [He’s currently hiding in an abandoned warehouse. Zuo Sheng’s men have been searching for his whereabouts, so he dares not come out. Do you think he’ll choose to escape?]

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Lu Yue: [He won’t. If he wanted to escape, he would have left already. Besides, I doubt he even has a chance to leave. He probably wants to find an opportunity to get revenge against Zuo Sheng.]

001: [He’s alone now. Can he really find an opportunity?] Z0Td2

Lu Yue smirks: [He must be tortured terribly by Zuo Sheng’s hands. I just pity him and want to give him a chance.]

001: […Are you sure it’s wise to be so reckless behind the scenes?]

Lu Yue: [Sigh! It’s all for the mission. Even if I have to sacrifice a bit, it’s nothing.]

001 with a cold face: […]


A few days later, Lu Yue finally received news of Xu Shao’s activities nearby.

So, Lu Yue, ready to go out happily, but suddenly the steward stop him, “Young Master Lin, are you going out?”

Lu Yue replied, “Yes, I’m going out to buy something.”

The steward said, “If you need anything, just let us know. Master Zuo instructed you to stay indoors as much as possible.” Al5Zxt

“But… I want to go out in person.”

Seeing the rare insistence from the young man, the steward said, “Let me make a call to Master Zuo to confirm, please wait.”

One minute later, the steward returned and said stiffly, “Master Zuo said for your safety, you can only move around here. Of course, we’ll send someone to accompany you.”

Lu Yue nodded, “Okay.” hPjTfL

Lu Yue: [I didn’t expect my man to be so worried about me. If he knew I would disappear later, he would definitely regret it.]

001: [Then why are you going out to court death?]

Lu Yue: [Anyway, I will die after the final mission is completed, so might as well leave him with a deep impression.]

001: [Aren’t you afraid he’ll be miserable for the rest of his life?] 5FDmI6

Lu Yue: [I don’t want him to be sad either, but you know I came here to complete the mission.]

001: [Suit yourself.]

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Lu Yue left the house and slowly wandered around the area where Xu Shao had been detected before.

In order to allow Xu Shao to successfully kidnap him, he even instructed 001 to trap the group of bodyguards in the elevator, while he wandered around randomly, specifically heading towards places with fewer people. z8xKiv

Finally, when his legs were sore from walking, a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of him, covering his mouth and nose with a cloth soaked in a sedative.

Smelling the familiar scent, Lu Yue finally could close his eyes.

Lu Yue: [I’ll take a nap first, remember to wake me up when we get there.]

Seeing the host fall asleep like this, 001 didn’t know what to say. S15pbz

When they arrived, 001 dutifully woke up Lu Yue.

001: [Host, you are now in a warehouse. You are tied to a chair. Oh, by the way, while you were sleeping, Xu Shao implanted a tiny bomb inside your body.]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Yue: [A bomb? Why didn’t you remind me earlier?]

001: [You only mentioned waking you up when we get here.] fUoE9u

Lu Yue: […Well, let’s deal with the bomb then. I originally wanted to die in Master Zuo’s arms at the end. I didn’t expect that I would be be blown up by a bomb. It’s not romantic at all.]

Ktlr ues lr ralii atlcxlcu jybea ktfatfg tlr vfjat lr gbwjcalm bg cba? 001 ofia atja tlr tbra’r kjs bo atlcxlcu kjr delaf ecereji.

Ktf vlw kjgftberf kjr qjgalmeijgis rqjmlber, klat rfnfgji jyjcvbcfv qlfmfr bo fdelqwfca rmjaafgfv jgbecv. Oe Tef uijcmfv jgbecv yea vlvc’a rqba jcs oluegfr.

Lu Yue: [Where’s Xu Shao?] PEKJfx

001: [He’s calling Zuo Sheng, saying if he wants to spare your life he should personally come over.]

Lu Yue: [This is such a cliché plot, but I ended up being foolishly tied up here. By the way, quickly help me check how I look now. Even if I die in the end, I want to leave a good impression on Zuo Sheng.]

001: [Give it up. No matter how you look, you’re still going to die in the end, right?]

Aera jr Oe Tef kjr jybea ab rjs rbwfatlcu, tf tfjgv atf tfjns lgbc vbbg yflcu qertfv bqfc, fwlaalcu j qlfgmlcu rbecv. Ktfc tf tfjgv We Vtjb, ktb tjv alfv tlw eq, jqqgbjmtlcu. vTi17H

The last time Lu Yue saw Xu Shao was over a month ago. He stared around, unable to recognize this person as Xu Shao.

Was this really Xu Shao from over a month ago? This was simply a ghost!

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One of Xu Shao’s eyes had been dug out, and his face was covered with various sizes of wounds, which overlapped and spread across his entire face. It didn’t take much imagination to figure out what he had been through.

At that moment, Xu Shao stared at Lu Yue with his only remaining eye, his gaze dark and cold, reminiscent of a lurking snake in the grass, probing for the weakness of its prey, ready to strike. bdng1t

Lu Yue felt a chill on his neck and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Lu Yue: [Don’t you think he’ll take revenge against me, right?]

001: [He already dared to put something inside you, what wouldn’t he dare to do? But don’t worry, I’ll be accompany you.]

Lu Yue fake a smile: [Well, thank you very much.] zGclVM

001: [You’re welcome.]

Seeing Lu Yue’s frightened eyes, Xu Shao suddenly approached. His terrifying face was projected onto Lu Yue’s retina at close range, causing Lu Yue’s pupils to widen.

“What’s wrong, don’t recognize me?” Xu Shao’s eyes were as venomous as a snake, tightly gripping around Lu Yue’s heart.

“You’re Xu Shao?” Lu Yue looked at the almost disfigured person in astonishment. gi2h9S

“That’s right, you can still recognize me, your eyes are quite sharp. How about I dig them out for you, so you can be like me.”

Facing Xu Shao’s gaze, sharp as a blade, Lu Yue suddenly felt a creeping sensation.

Hey, hey, hey, buddy. I’m not the one who dug out your eyes, so don’t blame the wrong person!

001 mercilessly said: [It was your man who dug out his eyes.] LKZrJc

Seeing the fear in Lu Yue’s eyes, Xu Shao suddenly felt a surge of excitement in his heart. “You think Zuo Sheng would go crazy if he saw his beloved lose his eyes, right?”

Lu Yue looked at his crazy expression and coldly said, “You’re the crazy one. Let me go now, otherwise, when Zuo Sheng comes, he won’t spare you.”

Xu Shao’s expression suddenly became ferocious. “Zuo Sheng? Who does Zuo Sheng think he is! After I kill him, it’ll be your turn next.”

Lu Yue was so frightened that he shut his mouth. kmO8AB

Lu Yue: [Do you think he really wants to gouge out my eyes?]

001: [Based on his current mental state, the probability of this happening is over 80%.]

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Lu Yue: [Then I’m in trouble, aren’t I?]

001: [That’s your choice.] pYfh5L

Lu Yue had to say: [Then don’t forget to block the pain when the time comes…]

Just as Lu Yue was feeling bored and ready to doze off, the system suddenly reminded him that Zuo Sheng was coming.

Lu Yue was delighted. He’s here, he’s finally here! Finally, the last act of this drama has arrived. VNcp3U

Lu Yue barely mustered his spirits before being rudely dragged up by Xu Shao.

“Come with me!”

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Xu Shao exerted brute force, and Lu Yue’s arms felt like they were about to be twisted off. He furrowed his brows and, with Xu Shao’s dragging, walked out of the dark and gloomy warehouse. The first thing he saw when he came out was that man full of anger. 5jbh6E

Zuo Sheng!

The moment he saw Zuo Sheng, Lu Yue almost burst into tears. But then he was filled with fear again. He knew Xu Shao had tied him up to threaten Zuo Sheng. He said he wanted Zuo Sheng dead!

“Master Zuo! Hurry, run! He wants to kill you… Ah!” Before the words could fully leave his mouth, Lu Yue’s stomach was immediately kicked. Lu Yue’s face turned pale, and his entire face wrinkled in pain.

Zuo Sheng’s gaze instantly turned fierce, the sight of the boy enduring pain piercing his eyes. If he had known this would happen, he would never have let the boy out this morning. He had been careless. MGIunE

He said to Xu Shao, “If you dare to touch him, I won’t spare you. Speak up, what do you want?”

Xu Shao laughed heartily. “I didn’t expect the mighty Zuo Sheng to risk his life for a man? I don’t want anything. I just want to settle the score since you, Master Zuo, dug out one of my eyes.”

Zuo Sheng’s heart tightened. “What do you want to do?”

Xu Shao coldly chuckled as he reached for Lu Yue’s eyes, slowly saying, “I really like his eyes. What do you think if I take them off?” RiMSEQ

Lu Yue shuddered at the thought. Hey, calm down, buddy!

But Zuo Sheng narrowed his eyes, “You’re asking for death.”

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Xu Shao burst into laughter, “Why would I seek death? I just… wish you all were dead!”

After saying this, Lu Yue’s eyes met a gleaming white blade, its tip only a finger’s width away from him. z3BpYm

Lu Yue trembled with fear, [Is he really going to gouge out my eyes?]

001 answered, [Don’t be afraid, I’ll block the pain for you,]

Lu Yue replied, [But it’s still terrifying]

Lu Yue couldn’t bear to imagine the feeling of his eyeballs being forcibly removed. Id5Rq0

At this moment, Zuo Sheng spoke up, “You want the eyes? Fine, I’ll give them to you. Just don’t touch him.”

An eerie excitement flickered in Xu Shao’s eyes, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I’ll give you one eye, and you release him,” Zuo Sheng said casually, his tone as if negotiating a deal.

No, he can’t do this. Lu Yue’s eyes were red. He didn’t want that lofty man to be threatened because of him. b3Y Lz

Zuo Sheng glanced at him, as if comforting him.

Xu Shao’s eyes lit up, “Great! Then I agree. As long as you give me one eye, I’ll give him to you.” After all, you’re both going to die anyway!

When Zuo Sheng took out the knife, Lu Yue panicked.

[Hey, 001, quickly untie the rope on me. Otherwise, I can’t move, and the male lead’s eyes will be gone.] Tpd5jA

001: [Are you here for your mission?]

Lu Yue: [Hehe, isn’t it all the same? Let’s hurry up.]

He couldn’t bear to imagine the scene of Zuo Sheng gouging out his own eyes; it was too bloody.

When the ropes on Lu Yue were untied, he immediately lunged towards Xu Shao beside him. At that moment, someone swiftly pulled out a gun and aimed it at Xu Shao’s head. With a “bang,” Lu Yue’s vision exploded into a shower of blood. 6O9K0V

Lu Yue, witnessing a gunshot scene for the first time, was stunned.

Lu Yue: [001, I’m so scared…]

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001: [Host, I think you should be more concerned about the bomb inside your body. Xu Shao just pressed the button before dying. And now you only have ten minutes left to live.]

Upon receiving this news, Lu Yue was shaken once again. That damn Xu Shao, why did he have to use a bomb? Now he was about to die, and there were still two points of blackening left. NZiIuX

Just as Lu Yue was worrying about this, he was suddenly hugged tightly by someone. Zuo Sheng’s chest was pressed against his, and he could hear the rapid beating of his heart, and he could feel the person holding him trembling. He was scared.

“You scared me to death,” the man said hoarsely, with a feeling of having narrowly escaped disaster.

Lu Yue was held in the man’s arms, and a difficult bitterness surged in his heart. How could he tell this man that there was still a bomb buried inside his body? When Zuo Sheng had aimed the knife at his eyes just now, he had been incredibly nervous and upset.

The fact that the man could go this far for him was something he never dared to imagine. wnNXvx

“Master Zuo, I love you,” tears streamed from the young man’s eyes as he looked at his lover, confessing his deep affection.

001: [The target’s blackening value -2, current corruption value 0. Congratulations on completing the mission, Host!]

Lu Yue was stunned. He had only said three words, and that reduced the corruption value?

Zuo Sheng lifted his head to look at the young man, smiling gently. “I love you too. Let’s go back.” X5nxAk

“Okay, can you wait for me here? I left something in the warehouse, I’ll go get it.”

Zuo Sheng didn’t notice anything unusual and said, “Sure, I’ll wait for you.”

Goodbye, Brother Zuo, when I’m not here anymore, you must take care of yourself.

001: [I thought you wouldn’t be sad.] lf p28

Lu Yue: [At least he’s my man.]

001: […]

With a loud “boom,” a terrifying sound echoed from the warehouse. When Zuo Sheng rushed over, all that remained on the ground was a dark pile of debris. He stared at the scene in disbelief, unable to comprehend how the person he had just been holding in his arms had turned into a pile of wreckage.

Impossible! 7tyPZz


Zuo Sheng’s eyes instantly filled with bloodshot veins, overwhelmed by the rolling despair and intense unwillingness.

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No one saw it, but the man who had been standing there become transparent, gradually disappearing from this world.

T/N n83NH6

Translator's Note

Never expected this kind of ending…

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  1. Can anyone tell if the last sentence about a man becoming transparent is referring to the MC or ML? I can’t quite tell from the context