Director of a Suspense FilmChapter 7

“Thank you, I understand.”

Zong Qi said nothing more and quickly crouched on the ground, rummaging through a black garbage bag. He found his heavily worn backpack and began swiftly packing his things. p9BOHA

His neighbor gave him a sympathetic look before turning back to fetch water.

A few minutes later, Zong Qi had finished organizing all his belongings.

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He didn’t have much to begin with; a single backpack was just enough to hold everything. Once packed, he was ready to leave.

The landlord of this tube-shaped building was a kind old lady who was particularly good to him. Knowing that Zong Qi often ran between school and the hospital and was strapped for cash, she had proactively waived his rent several times. Zong Qi felt very embarrassed about this and had tried to move out several times, but each time, the old lady stopped him at the door. m8AZDg

However, like Zong Qi’s own grandmother, the landlord’s health wasn’t great. She had mentioned to him last week that she might need to return to the countryside to recuperate for a while. As a result, her daughter-in-law took over managing the building.

This daughter-in-law had a particularly fiery temper. As soon as she took charge, she targeted him, stating that the old lady’s leniency didn’t count and that she wouldn’t forget the rent Zong Qi had previously underpaid. She threatened to evict him if he didn’t pay up by this Saturday.

But today was only Tuesday; there were still several days until Saturday, making it clear she had broken her promise first.

Not to mention that by noon tomorrow, Zong Qi’s impromptu filming would conclude, and the points earned from the system could be converted into money. Even according to his original plan, his live streaming platform would pay him for the past few months’ earnings this Friday.


Because he hadn’t been with the platform for more than three months, his earnings couldn’t be withdrawn promptly and had to wait until the end of the month for a one-time payment to clear his debts.

Although he was quite upset about the landlord’s daughter-in-law going back on her word, ultimately, the house belonged to her family. Under someone else’s roof, one has to bow their head. Besides, the old lady had waived his rent several times, and Zong Qi felt he owed her a debt of gratitude.

Now, being kicked out meant he wouldn’t get his deposit back, which could cover his owed rent, making it a fair deal.

More importantly, there was a mark that suddenly appeared on his door. X8pTkc

It was both a warning and a deterrent.

The Ouroboros organization might have already set its sights here, and Zong Qi didn’t want to bring unnecessary danger or trouble to others because of his own issues. However, he took a photo of the mark, deciding to send it to Gao Mu later as proof that the organization was indeed targeting him.

He carried his backpack downstairs and got back on the shared bike he had just parked himself.

The sky outside was completely dark. The narrow alley was illuminated only by a few dim streetlights and the flashing signs of convenience stores. fbTWe7

“It’s so late, I’ll just find a motel to get by for the night and look for a place to rent tomorrow.”

He rode out of the alley, searching for a cheap hotel amidst the densely packed buildings of the old city district.

By chance, after riding for a few kilometers, Zong Qi spotted a motel with a sign advertising “Fracture Discount.” Situated at a street corner, it exuded a strong sense of cheapness.

Zong Qi’s eyes were drawn only to the big “Fracture Discount” characters; he didn’t notice the notice hanging next to the special offer. He carried his backpack and walked in. fwCHOV

The motel wasn’t large; the first floor only had a narrow front desk in the center, with a shrine embedded in the wall behind it, candles burning. The dim incandescent lights and the red candlelight cast shadows in the humid stairwell behind.

“Welcome, welcome.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing a customer, the owner was overjoyed and personally came out to greet him.

Zong Qi felt flattered. “Boss, do you have any rooms available? I’d like to stay for one night.” yIwLh

“Yes, yes, yes, ten yuan a night.”


The owner observed the customer’s expression carefully and hesitated, “The motel is undergoing renovations, so it might be a bit noisy tonight.”

“No problem, no problem. Just give me a single room.” YEcZX6

Always one to grab a bargain, Zong Qi agreed readily.

Although the prices in the old district were low, finding a motel for just ten yuan a night was almost impossible; it was a steal.

“Okay! Just a moment, please.”

The owner responded with a broad smile. RAm Dn

At that moment, the lucky cat at the door chimed with a “Welcome.”

The owner, who was rummaging for keys behind the counter, quickly set aside what he was doing and greeted, “Oh, Master Qi, you’ve finally arrived!”


Zong Qi turned around and saw a handsome young man in a Taoist robe standing at the door. SkABwH

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wearing a Taoist robe wasn’t so unusual, but the most striking feature was the peachwood sword on his back.

Ibcu Hl kjr ajxfc jyjmx, rajglcu ja tlw lc vlryfilfo.

Pc atlr vjs jcv juf, rbwfbcf jmaejiis vgfrrfv ilxf atlr lc qeyilm, jmalcu jr lo tf kjr lc j rmfcf?

Hl Rlcuhtbe qjlv cb jaafcalbc ab atf bcibbxfgr. Lf tfiv jc jcmlfca-ibbxlcu ofcu rtel mbwqjrr, fzjwlclcu la rfglberis ktlif weaafglcu ab tlwrfio. Kk vzp

“A crossroads inherently clashes, and the entrance faces the northeast ghost gate position…”

In a few seconds, he had made his judgment.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

It was going to be a long night, requiring extra payment.

The owner, standing nervously beside him, asked, “How is it, Master?” VsLuRI

“It’s doable.”

Qi Ningzhou put down the compass, nodded grandly, maintaining his aura, “But the price might need some adjustment.”

“Of course, of course…”

The owner nodded eagerly, “As long as you can handle it, that’s a small matter.” dWCFZ8

Zong Qi, overhearing their conversation, was puzzled, “What? Is there a problem with this motel?”

Two pairs of eyes looked over simultaneously.

Qi Ningzhou frowned first, “Why is there a guest today? Didn’t I say no outsiders should be present during the ritual?”

The owner chuckled awkwardly, “We have three floors. The issue is on the third floor. You can perform the ritual on the third floor; the guest will stay on the second floor without any problem.” RKTlFO

Fearing that Zong Qi would change his mind and leave, the owner added quickly, “We put up a notice outside. Didn’t you see it when you came in? It’s right next to the special offer.”

Zong Qi’s face turned stiff as he moved back to the entrance.

It wasn’t entirely his fault for not seeing it. The “Fracture Discount” characters were bold, bright, enlarged, and illuminated, while the small notice beside it, with black text on white paper, was easy to miss unless one looked closely.

Ha, a classic sales trick. tJc462

Two months ago, this motel had a murder case.

After the case, the motel began experiencing frequent paranormal events, leading to a sharp decline in business.

The motel had been renovated earlier this year, emptying the owner’s savings. After the incident, the property value plummeted, leaving them with high sunk costs. They had no choice but to hire a cheap exorcist from small advertisements pasted around the neighborhood.

Qi Ningzhou was that exorcist from the small ads. CnG7WT

Just then, a system prompt appeared.

【Script “Harmonious Motel” unlocked, activation conditions unknown】

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

【You have entered the filming area, scream value can accumulate, exploration progress automatically switches to “Harmonious Motel,” current progress 0%】

【Settlement will still follow the “Mental Hospital” exploration progress】 dmpW0F

“Finished reading?”

Seeing Zong Qi return, the owner sighed, “So you didn’t notice the notice earlier. In that case, I should refund your money. I can’t let you stay here without knowing the situation.”

Zong Qi asked, “Who said I want a refund?”

Both the owner and Qi Ningzhou were stunned. KI9mkn

The owner was the first to react, slapping his thigh, “Great, great! It’s good that you’re not afraid. Superstitions shouldn’t be encouraged!”

Superstition • Qi Ningzhou: “?”

The owner handed them both keys after this interruption.

“Master Qi will be performing the ritual on the third floor tonight. You’ll stay on the second floor. If you get scared, you can come to the first floor to watch TV with me. I’ll be staying in the shop tonight.” Lq4f5e

He repeatedly emphasized, watching them enter the narrow staircase of the motel.

On the way up, Qi Ningzhou suddenly spoke, “If you hear any strange noises from upstairs tonight, just ignore them and don’t leave your room.”

Zong Qi asked worriedly, “Will there be any danger?”

His skepticism wasn’t unfounded. Qi Ningzhou’s out-of-place attire, demanding extra payment, all made him look like a charlatan. EWB d8

Having studied directing, Zong Qi had followed several film crews during his senior year. Entertainment industry crews often hired masters to choose auspicious times and locations before starting a shoot. Those masters were discreet and unassuming, unlike someone showing up in such garb, which seemed too low-class.


The Taoist master replied seriously, “If something unusual happens, just recite the name of the Thunder Ancestor.”

“The Thunder Ancestor?” bJL yC

Zong Qi searched for a moment, half-believing, “Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Sound Universal Transforming Heavenly Venerate?”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qi Ningzhou cut him off, “Don’t chant it unless necessary; use it only in danger.”

Zong Qi sincerely suggested, “Actually, if there’s real danger, it might be better to call the police first.” SVk3Cn

Qi Ningzhou: “”

At the second-floor hallway, they parted ways. Qi Ningzhou, carrying his peachwood sword, headed alone to the third floor, while Zong Qi watched his figure disappear around the corner.

He remembered that the director’s store also had various talismans. He wondered if those talismans were different from the ones real Taoist masters used.

He had intended to get to know Qi Ningzhou better, to figure out if he was a true master or a fraud. However, Qi Ningzhou bluntly stated that he had limited talismans with him and couldn’t spare any for Zong Qi. XQsi4u

No problem, Zong Qi wasn’t scared anyway.

His impromptu short video shoot lasted a full 24 hours, ending at noon tomorrow. Sleeping through one night would be no issue.

If there are any problems, I can still raise the scream value again. Unfortunately, the script progress can only be settled according to the progress of each individual script. After leaving the police station, it was fixed at 85%, and the new script progress hasn’t been activated yet. Of course, Zong Qi wouldn’t rush into trouble.

“Creak——” 2NA3Ic

Opening the door, the room smelled like mothballs, indicating it hadn’t been lived in for a long time.

The young man with black hair pressed the light switch on the wall, satisfied as he looked around the small room.

Although small, it had all the necessary facilities, including direct hot water and a fan.

“Ten yuan a night, even though it’s haunted. The owner might make a profit, but I’m definitely not losing out.” atixL

He stretched, placed his backpack next to the bed, took off his shoes, and lay down.

It had been less than a day since Zong Qi had bound himself to this horror movie director system, and he already noticed his constitution quickly upgrading, causing incidents wherever he went.

Fortunately, the two minor scripts he encountered were only activated and did not meet the conditions for unlocking.

“On the bright side, this could be a good thing. In the future, I can do ghost-hunting live streams without having to rack my brains for material, just using whatever’s available. It’s quite good.” JLveWd

“Besides, I’m not afraid of ghosts. As long as I’m not scared, they’ll be the ones who are.”

As Zong Qi was comforting himself, a sudden clatter came from upstairs.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

How long had it been? They were already performing rituals?

Rubbing his eyes, Zong Qi turned and picked up his phone. Sc9 xt

It showed that it was exactly nine o’clock.

He sat up quickly, took a piece of bread from his bag, and began to enjoy his dinner.

During his meal, the noise upstairs continued, but Zong Qi chose to ignore it.

He was currently focusing on something else. hdjR4q

Bored earlier, Zong Qi had opened his live stream channel.

Usually, this channel was dead silent because Zong Qi was too obscure, so there were basically no notifications. But when he opened it earlier, it exploded with red notifications, showing 99 messages.

His personal page was quite bleak, with only a pitiful 150 followers. Usually, no one even liked his broadcast announcements. Unexpectedly, his latest post, ensuring his safety at the police station, had nearly a thousand comments.

He hadn’t had time to check it earlier, but seeing it now surprised him. VNsPaO

“What’s going on?”

Clicking into the post, the top comment with the most likes caught his eye.

[Master Wang from the village entrance: Wow, everyone seems genuinely worried about the streamer? You all are too naive, not knowing these ghost-hunting streamers’ tricks. They all have scripts. I watched the replay of today’s noon stream; it was so fake. Clearly, the streamer wrote the script himself to hype things up. Look, it’s working, right? Ha ha.]

Zong Qi: “…” vw3pIF

Under this top comment, many echoed similar sentiments.

[Shangshan Ruoshui: Exactly. This streamer was so obscure before. I’m a regular in the outdoor ghost-hunting community and have never heard of him. Now, after this stunt, he’s gained attention. Only naive viewers would believe it.]

[You Are My Eyes: Got it, thanks for the exposé, Master Wang. Another script master.]

[I Am Ultraman: Whoa, really? I used to like this streamer, thinking he was a hidden gem. Turns out he’s so scheming. Unfollowing and turning against him now.] UCinbj

Aside from these snarky comments, there were also supportive ones among the top comments.

[Little Bell of Many Changes: What are you saying? Some are unfollowing and backstabbing. If you had ever watched his streams, you’d know he always encounters accidents during ghost hunts. If you claim that “the police are actors hired by the streamer,” then I have nothing to say.]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Mario: Finally, a real fan of the streamer speaks up. This streamer has solved cases during ghost hunts and has been featured in legal reports. People criticizing him are really brainless.]

Unfortunately, the number of fans supporting Zong Qi was too few, soon drowned out by the flood of comments. TZbw85

Ordinary people clicking in and seeing Master Wang’s comment were easily swayed, joining in with harsh words and venting their anger.

Zong Qi read the comments from start to finish with a blank expression.

Recalling his life-and-death struggle with the serial killer, he felt particularly annoyed.

Although Zong Qi didn’t intend to publicize that he had fought the murderer into the police station, it didn’t mean he liked being maliciously misinterpreted. sjMNRi

Since Chen Hongyi was involved in many old cases, it was uncertain how long it would take to convict him fully.

Zong Qi usually chose to confront netizens directly and simply.

He logged into the backend, ready to post a heartfelt message, but a notification suddenly popped up.

[The recording of “Mental Hospital” is complete. Would you like to view the finished film?] tOEmy

Zong Qi entered the representative works section of the horror film director program.

Originally, this was evidence he had re-shot to deal with the organization. Now that the matter was resolved smoothly, the footage was no longer needed.

However, upon realizing its usefulness, Zong Qi discovered its potential.

If the program could indeed record everything, he wouldn’t need any media company sponsors in the future. He could make a film all by himself! fgEd9y

Although employment in directing was difficult, Zong Qi had chosen this path without hesitation because he liked it. Now that he had the means to return to directing, he was thrilled.

He watched the footage from start to finish, whistling in admiration.

The video was shot from a god’s-eye view, perfectly capturing his heroic moments with the killer and even providing close-ups of him beating up the murderer. It had to be said, he looked quite handsome in the footage.

The best part was that the system’s backend could process the video, auto-editing it with music, adjusting perspectives, and even using AI to alter faces. dNDyK3

Zong Qi watched it several times, and an idea formed in his mind.

“Since the mysterious organization behind the killer has already targeted me, with several warnings and threats, why not use the system to show I have evidence? This might deter them, making them cautious before acting against me.”

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Recalling the organization’s different attitudes before and after the reshoot, Zong Qi felt more confident in his guess.

With this in mind, Zong Qi opened the post-production section of the system, changed the shooting perspective, and used AI to alter the killer’s face. Nu39M2

As a directing student, he had learned various skills, including acting, screenwriting, photography, and production. Editing a video was no challenge for him.

The final product was a 30-second clip.

Zong Qi exported the video from the system, uploaded it to Weibo, explained why his broadcast was unexpectedly cut off that morning, and attached the edited video.

[@Zong Qiqi: This morning’s situation was roughly like this. Mainly for the atmosphere. Thanks for your concern. L5C4Wf

After finishing, Zong Qi locked his phone screen, ignoring the continuous noise upstairs, and went to sleep.

Unbeknownst to him, shortly after he fell asleep, the room temperature began to drop suddenly.

In the darkness, his phone screen lit up faintly, with a notification slowly appearing.

[Mini-Script “Harmonious Inn,” activation conditions met.] ZQGtlR

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