Director of a Suspense FilmChapter 4

**”Suspect Zong Qi, male, 22 years old, a student at Jiangzhou University, delayed graduation by one year due to insufficient credits. Currently works as a ghost-hunting streamer on the XX platform and temporarily resides at Building 3, Unit 202 of Fuqiang Community, Shanxi Road, Old South District. Two direct relatives: one missing fifteen years ago, the other passed away earlier this year.”

“At noon on the 21st, the suspect entered Jiangzhou City Zao Hua Ren Xin Mental Hospital for a ghost-hunting live stream. This is the live playback we captured from the platform’s backend.” qD3 Pm

Outside, night had fallen, and the policemen in the meeting room sat solemnly, watching the projection on the screen in front of them.

The severity of this case, compounded by an unknown leak, had drawn immense media attention within just half a day. Under significant pressure from various sources, a special investigation team was formed, with a National Security Special Agent assigned to assist in the dismemberment case investigation.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In terms of rank, the National Security Special Agent took over the entire investigation team as the primary lead.

The black-haired young man in the projection was speaking eloquently: “A mysterious fire occurred here twenty years ago.” Ec Was

The agent and team leader hosting the meeting paused the video, his expression grave.

“This is the earliest video of the suspect at the crime scene.”

“However, from the evidence we collected at the scene, it’s clear this was merely a diversion by the suspect. If there are no issues with this, we will proceed further.”

All members of the special investigation team were solemn, their pens moving swiftly across paper.


Gao Mu sat in the foremost position, documents spread in front of her, holding a pen with her brows furrowed deeply, her gaze glued to the photos of the crime scene, lingering especially long on the ouroboros symbol on the back of the door.

This case was under high scrutiny, forcing them to work overtime. Despite the late hour, they continued their work under the moonlight.

Based on clues from the scene and the forensic autopsy results, the special investigation team finally reconstructed the entire case by 10 PM.

Unexpectedly, DNA testing confirmed the identities, revealing that the two victims were not entirely innocent. One had a record of molesting young girls and had recently been released from prison, while the other’s DNA linked him to an unsolved wife-murder case. h3bYWM

“Fallen Angel or Ripper?”

Serial killers are typically categorized; common types include “Cannibals,” “Black Widows,” “Angels of Death,” etc. Fallen Angels and Rippers are among them.

Fallen Angels often believe they have a mission, targeting specific groups, acting as “cleansers.” Rippers, however, enjoy mutilating bodies, treating it as an art.

Given that the suspect provided no information, this lead was temporarily set aside as the team continued to review the case. Bp1sWx

Soon, the special investigation team working overtime reconstructed the basic sequence of events.

The killer used extremely brutal means to murder the two victims, then crudely dismembered them, placing the parts in black bags, dragging them to the long-abandoned Zao Hua Ren Xin Mental Hospital, and completing their “work” in the last stall of the first-floor bathroom.

After completing this, the killer left the bathroom, returned to the entrance, started a live stream, and re-entered the mental hospital, creating an alibi. They misled the live audience, cut the connection at a critical moment, fabricated a non-existent suspect, then brazenly came to the police station to give a statement, mocking the authorities.

‘Who would have thought, such a clean-looking young man is the killer.’ 3IjvoA

‘He seemed like a blank sheet of paper, yet he’s a ruthless criminal.’

While reviewing, the attending officers were secretly shocked.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Had it not been for the forensic expert’s accidental discovery of crucial evidence, this case might have remained unsolved. The killer’s methodical approach and meticulous planning were chilling.

Even the accidents Zong Qi encountered during previous ghost hunts were reclassified by the team as the killer’s cunning tricks to lower his own suspicion. XY3rdP

The agent summarized and made the final decision, “If there are no issues, these materials and evidence can be submitted to the court.”

At this moment, Gao Mu finally spoke up.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ktfgf jgf wjcs lggjalbcji qblcar lc atf gfnlfk, lcmievlcu bynlber ibulmji mbcoilmar jcv alwfilcf lrrefr, ktlmt mjccba yf fzqijlcfv. P mjccba jmmfqa remt j tjras mbcmierlbc.”

Ktf jufca rajcvlcu yfobgf atf rmgffc ujnf tfg j mbiv uijcmf, “Snlvfcmf vbfrc’a ilf.” 79A2O5

Pgbcmijv fnlvfcmf.

Qlat remt fnlvfcmf, jcs lwqgbyjylilas yfmbwfr qbrrlyif.

Others in the meeting room remained silent but listened intently.

Gao Mu had been transferred from the National Security Special Bureau, and Agent Liu, who now leads the case, is also from the same bureau. Everyone was curious about Captain Gao’s demotion, and now, faced with a former colleague, curiosity piqued. gq p3k

Agent Liu’s tone was mocking, “Captain Gao, don’t forget why you were transferred out of the National Security Special Bureau. Even with clear evidence, do you still need to play Sherlock Holmes?”

Gao Mu gripped her pen tightly, speaking sternly, “As the previous case lead, I have the right to personally interrogate the suspect to ensure no mistakes.”

“Go ahead then.”

Agent Liu smirked, “By noon tomorrow, this evidence will be submitted.” dq7QtG

“Finally, as a former colleague, let me remind you. Since you recognized that symbol, you should understand why I concluded to wrap this case quickly. Even if submitted to higher authorities, the result will be the same.”

Facing a dark organization so deeply embedded that even the National Security Special Bureau struggles to infiltrate or trace, a swift closure was crucial to prevent unexpected turns.

Even with numerous doubts, irrefutable evidence prevails.

Gao Mu pursed her lips, straightened her posture, and left the meeting room. YX3Be2

Night had long fallen, and the police station was quiet. It was after hours, with no guards on this floor. The hallway was silent, with only the fully armed officers standing at the interrogation room door.

Interrogations typically occur within 24 hours post-detention.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

While the special investigation team was reconstructing the case, officers here were continually interrogating the suspect, who stubbornly claimed innocence, leading to a stalemate.

The officer on duty saluted upon seeing Gao Mu, “Captain Gao.” NxDPVu

Gao Mu nodded, “The case is being closed, and it will likely be handed over to the prosecutor’s office tomorrow. I’m here for a routine inquiry.”

Relieved by the case closure, the officers relaxed.

The suspect’s tight-lipped stance and agitation upon seeing the evidence, coupled with the investigative and media pressure, had exhausted everyone.

“Thank you for your hard work. Go have dinner; I’ll take over.” FdDm7q

“Yes, Captain.”

She opened the door and walked into the interrogation room.

The room was eerily quiet.

There was only a glass partition, a few chairs, and the suspect, handcuffed, sitting behind the glass. PRzoB7

After a day of interrogation, the black-haired youth looked visibly weary.

But even so, he showed no sign of calm, his eyes burning with a fire that couldn’t be extinguished.

Upon seeing Gao Mu, the fire in his eyes flared up, bright and angry.

“It wasn’t me.” Hx0Xe7

His voice was hoarse but firm.

Gao Mu stood still, sighing, “All evidence points to you.”

“The forensic results are flawed.”

This was the crux Gao Mu identified. h6rWyH

There were discrepancies between the evidence collected and the forensic results, minor but undeniable.

But these minor doubts were negligible against the solid evidence.

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His fingerprints were found on the bodies and the weapon, among other irrefutable proofs.

Zong Qi clenched his fists, the chains on his handcuffs rattling with the movement. wGKjeV

“The forensic expert forged evidence. I was framed.”

He stared intently at Gao Mu through the glass.

The young man’s gaze was determined, his eyes bloodshot.

Those eyes were strikingly bright, like stars in a dark night, or the midday sun, piercing to the soul, making direct eye contact daunting. rhxHTn

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Even without profiling skills, it was clear these were not the eyes of a heinous criminal.

Gao Mu closed her eyes wearily and reopened them with a more resolute look.

“I believe you.” LAlFG0

Zong Qi’s eyes widened.

Since his arrest, everyone treated him as the suspect.

Despite repeatedly asserting his presence in his apartment the previous day, providing taxi records, and staking his character, it was all in vain.

He had uttered “I’m innocent” countless times. kzwjC6

Everyone advised him to confess for a reduced sentence.

For such a heinous crime, the best he could hope for was a reduction from the death penalty to life imprisonment.

Zong Qi knew this well and tried to communicate with every interrogating officer, but none genuinely listened, only asking about his motive.

Now, someone finally believed him. gm7W94

Zong Qi couldn’t describe his emotions, taking a long moment to utter a dry thank you.

“No need, it’s my duty.”

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With her decision made, Gao Mu didn’t linger.

She glanced at her watch, decisively saying, “The case is set to close by noon tomorrow. I will request an extension and reassign a team for a fresh investigation.” x1jrS2

“What if the new investigation confirms the same results?”

Gao Mu gave him a deep look.

“I will do my best.”

She softly vowed, her tone resolute, “I swear by the badge on my shoulder.” dHKYbc


The interrogation room door closed again.

In the quiet hallway, Gao Mu stood still like a statue, her hands and feet cold, exhaling deeply.

Her eyes showed struggle, pain, and a hint of doubt. RVSdh6

The forensic expert was a professor from the Jiangzhou Institute of Forensic Medicine, also a former lecturer of Gao Mu.

Who would believe that such a distinguished professor would fabricate forensic results?

It seemed absurd.

But Gao Mu knew. j69dv2

She had uncovered a similar incident in another dismemberment case three years ago.

The symbol on the crime scene, commonly called the “ouroboros,” confirmed her suspicions.

Forensics could lie.

To prevent unnecessary sacrifice, the symbol demanded swift case closures and court referrals. OSwepZ

To avoid tipping off the mastermind behind the dark organization.

So Gao Mu had to act faster.

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The moment the case file was closed, Gao Mu would never get another chance.

Once the prosecutor took over, Zong Qi’s life would be sealed. qxRUJp

In this dark hallway, time seemed to stop, only a single ray of moonlight piercing through the high window.

The police station was quiet, the sound of Gao Mu’s boots echoing on the marble floor.

If there were any doubts, even the smallest ones, she could not let this case be hastily concluded.

Gao Mu made up her mind. n1SC0Y

She turned around and headed to the office.

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