No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh4 - To get the Alpha to mark him?

The next moment, the driver hurriedly got out of the car, opened a black umbrella, and held it over Huo Siming’s head, “Mr. Huo…”

As he began to speak, he caught a glimpse of the bike sprawled on the side and Ran Hang sitting on the ground. Xmjc1r

The driver was stunned for a moment, “Mister, are you seriously injured?”

Ran Hang moved his limbs and felt a sharp stabbing pain in his left arm, causing him to furrow his eyebrows. Through his rain-soaked shirt, one could faintly see blood dripping down.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fortunately, his bones were fine; it was just a cut on his arm.

“I’m fine,” Ran Hang said, getting up from the ground with the help of his bike and pushing the rain-drenched hair away from his forehead. 2EWOId

He didn’t need to see himself to know how he looked quite embarrassing right now.

Huo Siming’s gaze fell on Ran Hang’s rain-soaked long eyelashes. It was the Alpha he encountered at the club that day…

And now, amidst the damp asphalt and rain, there was a hint of cool sweetness.

Huo Siming’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, but his stern face remained expressionless.


He smelled that scent again.

The scent that troubled his heart.

“Mr. Huo… may I address you like this?”

Ran Hang’s voice brought Huo Siming back to his senses. xEC5oG

Seeing the other person’s silence, the Alpha’s expression seemed a bit helpless. “Then I’ll call you that, Mr. Huo, after all, you didn’t tell me your name.”

He glanced at the chipped paint on the car door, “I’m very sorry for scratching your car, but the situation just now was quite sudden…”

Huo Siming half-lowered his eyelashes, his gaze coldly assessing the person in front of him.

The Alpha’s pants were splattered with mud, his bangs swept back, revealing a smooth and prominent forehead. His rain-soaked shirt clung to his skin, faintly revealing the toned muscles of his abdomen, which slightly undulated with the rhythm of his speech. zJxpi

His figure was quite eye-catching even among Alphas, clearly showing signs of regular exercise.

The early autumn rain was chilly, and the dampness was like maggots clinging and seeping into the bones and pores. Huo Siming felt that his glands were throbbing faintly again.

Ran Hang’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he continued speaking, but Huo Siming didn’t hear a word at all.

He inexplicably remembered that night when the other person pressed him down. His chest was burning hot, and the force made it impossible for him to break free… AovIgc

“…Anyway, I’ll compensate for your loss, but it might take some time. I can’t come up with that much money right now…”

The Alpha’s lips pressed together, his two sharp canine teeth loomed as he bit down on his gland, bringing with it a moist, sticky heat…

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Mr. Huo?”

Ran Hang still hadn’t received any response from Huo Siming. He didn’t know if the other person had heard it, so he had to ask, “What do you think of this solution?” ikR9WI

Snapping out of the chaotic and out-of-control memories from that night, Huo Siming refocused his gaze on Ran Hang. The atmosphere froze for a moment, then Huo Siming wordlessly walked back to the car and slammed the door shut with a “bang!”.

Stunned on the spot and suddenly getting a nose full of dust, Ran Hang: “?”

He rubbed his eyebrows in confusion…

Did he say something wrong just now? OF78tv

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He had no intention to flee or shirk responsibility.

Qts vlv atlr qfgrbc revvfcis ufa jcugs?

Dea atf vglnfg, xlcv-tfjgafv, mjwf bnfg ab fzqijlc ab tlw, “Zg. Leb qgbyjyis vlvc’a wfjc obg sbe ab mbwqfcrjaf.”

“Tbe jirb rffwfv ab tjnf ojiifc delaf tjgv pera cbk. Tbe rtbeiv teggs ab atf tbrqlaji obg j mtfmx-eq.” yiU3B1

“P’w olcf.” Ejc Ljcu rwlifv vlrwlrrlnfis. Lf vgjuufv tlr ylxf bcab atf rlvfkjix, uijcmlcu ja atf vjgxfcfv mjg klcvbkr, “Cgf sbe regf fnfgsatlcu’r bxjs klat atf mjg… ilxf atlr?”

The driver nodded. He understood Huo Siming’s temper. If he had wanted compensation, he wouldn’t have remained silent until now.

He advised Ran Hang once again to “better go to the hospital for a check-up after the collision” before hastily returning to the driver’s seat.

Inside the air-conditioned car, sCW8jt

Huo Siming rested his chin on his hand, silently staring at the rain constantly washing over the car window.

The driver started the car and said, “Mr. Huo, I’ll get someone to fix this car later.”

Huo Siming: “Hmm.”

The driver glanced out the window, “A bike just changed lanes earlier. That gentleman probably didn’t mean to crash into us.” uLTlXG

Huo Siming raised his eyes, his cold tone betraying no emotion, “I saw it.”

In the pause after he spoke, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure on the sidewalk out of the corner of his eye.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The other person’s hair was completely soaked, cutting a sorry figure like a dog in the water. While parking his bike, he accidentally knocked over several shared bikes nearby because his left hand was immobile.

Then he crouched down, clumsily setting the bikes upright. vfDu2b

Raindrops trickled down Ran Hang’s prominent nose. Since he couldn’t use his left hand, he slowly used his other hand to right the bikes one by one.

Huo Siming frowned as he looked at the scene before him.

He suddenly felt irritated for no reason…

…… TndmAO

Just as Ran Hang had finished setting the bikes upright, he saw the black car that had already started suddenly stop in front of him.

He froze for a moment…

Did the other person finally come to his senses and intend to ask for compensation?

The rear window slowly rolled down, revealing a pair of deep, dark eyes. SdI9f3

Huo Siming just stared at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Ran Hang was a bit bewildered, staring back at Huo Siming in confusion.

What does he mean by this?

The driver spoke first, “Mr. Huo wants you to get in the car.” G7azJQ

Ran Hang hesitated for a moment, then looked at Huo Siming with uncertainty. After some hesitation, he got into the car.

Maybe the other person wants him to get in to discuss compensation.

He was soaking wet and didn’t want to dirty the car, so he asked the driver for a towel to put on the seat.

However, once inside, Huo Siming just turned his head to look out the other window, leaving Ran Hang with only the sharp lines of his profile and no intention of speaking. 8ZNT V

Ran Hang hugged his backpack and huddled helplessly in a small corner.

He felt like he was not in a car but in prison.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In this silent atmosphere, the car drove several kilometers.

He didn’t know how much time had passed. jKJHI9

Ran Hang stared at the flashing traffic lights ahead and suddenly remembered something. “Oh… right, where are we going?”

Driver: “To the hospital.”

Realizing he should have asked sooner after driving for so long, he was quite laid-back.

Ran Hang leaned towards the front seat. “Ah? You don’t need to specially take me there. I can go by myself, and it was my fault for accidentally crashing.” Tn5CAS

Driver: “It’s nothing special. Mr. Huo was originally going to the hospital.”

Ran Hang was stunned and instinctively blurted out, “Why are you going to the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?”

The man, who had been resting with his eyes closed, frowned and finally spoke, “You seem to have a lot of questions.”

His cold voice carried a hint of impatience. sNlYiE


Ran Hang clamped his mouth shut, almost forgetting that the other person’s temper was not very good to begin with.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

The air conditioning in the car was set high. Huo Siming closed his eyes, and in the quiet atmosphere, he could faintly smell a light… creamy mint scent nearby. 2mgdua

It smells just as pleasant as that night.

Just as he felt his mood becoming less irritable, a loud question suddenly rang in his ears.

“That car… do I really not need to pay for it?”

Huo Siming’s brow furrowed slightly, and his temple twitched… fSEQ48

So many questions.

The driver glanced at the rearview mirror. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Hang responded with an “oh,” hugged his backpack, and said no more.

With no further sounds, the atmosphere in the car gradually quieted down. 61dwJz

When Huo Siming looked up again, he noticed that the Alpha had fallen asleep against the car window. His chestnut hair fell across his forehead, and his head bobbed slightly with the car’s movement, yet he remained fast asleep.

He stared at the Alpha’s peaceful sleeping face for a few seconds, then silently turned his face away.

About half an hour later,

“Mister…” Znz4Nr

In a dazed sleep, Ran Hang vaguely heard someone calling him. He rubbed his stiff neck as the driver’s voice sounded closer.

“Mister, we’re here. The emergency department of the hospital is over there.”

Ran Hang rubbed his eyes, gradually coming back to his senses as he saw the large, prominently red “Emergency” sign outside the car window. “Oh… I can get off here, thank you.”

The driver pulled over to the side. fDmEPM

After getting out and closing the car door, he suddenly remembered something and bent down to peek his head through the car window. “Thank you for giving me a ride, Huo…”


He hadn’t even finished saying “Mr.” when, with a “buzz!” sound, the window was rolled up all the way.

Ran Hang touched his face, which had almost been caught, and the corners of his mouth twitched. 178JdI

He had just thought that he was nice…

So unpredictable.


In the specialist’s office on the top floor of the hospital, M0rBpA

The doctor looked at the sheet in his hand and shook his head repeatedly. “This dose is too high. I can only prescribe half.”

Huo Siming stared at him expressionlessly. “I want the full dose.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Lu Xiangtian frowned in distress. “Next time, don’t come to me, okay? I’m really afraid you’ll get me fired one day.”

Huo Siming raised an eyebrow. “If you don’t prescribe it, you will lose your job right now.” bGcfQh

“Fine, fine.” Lu Xiangtian forced a smile that looked uglier than crying. “Go get a gland check-up first.”

A few minutes later,

Lu Xiangtian looked at the test results, his face showing as much shock as if he had just witnessed an apocalypse. “You… you let an Alpha bite you?”

Huo Siming crossed his arms over his chest and admitted without hesitation, “Yes.” WLGsBk

Lu Xiangtian slapped the table. “It’s not easy, but you finally found an Alpha who is a perfect match for you.”

Huo Siming frowned.

Lu Xiangtian quickly corrected his wording, “I mean, your pheromones are compatible…”

“So why don’t you get him to mark you? It’s better than using so many suppressants, right?” ITa 4q

Huo Siming remained silent, lost in thought.

Lu Xiangtian cautiously observed his expression. “Could it be that he’s unwilling? Which Alpha would dare refuse? If he won’t, Young Master Huo could just send eighteen bodyguards to bring him back, break his legs if needed…”

Huo Siming gave him a cold look, seemingly seriously considering the feasibility of this idea.

Lu Xiangtian was frightened by the other person’s dark gaze. “Just kidding, I was just kidding…” MkFPu1

“But please think seriously about this suggestion.”

He printed out a prescription. “I’ve prescribed the suppressants, but try to use them sparingly. If a mark can solve the issue, don’t rely on medication.”

Huo Siming reached out and took the prescription. He lowered his eyes and glanced at its contents, but his mind instinctively recalled Ran Hang’s blurry face…

To get the Alpha to mark him? Ii7fYW

Translator's Note

The phrase 突然碰了一鼻子灰 (tūrán pèng le yī bízi huī) literally translates to “suddenly got a nose full of dust.” It’s an idiom used to describe a situation where someone experiences unexpected rejection, rebuff, or failure. It implies that the person encountered an unpleasant or embarrassing situation unexpectedly. In the context of this text, it means that Ran Hang was suddenly and unexpectedly rebuffed or snubbed by Huo Siming.

Translator's Note

落水狗 (luòshuǐgǒu) – this phrase can also mean a “person who is down on their luck”

Translator's Note

Quick explanation for this: unlike in English where the term of address usually comes first before the name (ex. Mr. Huo), in Chinese, names usually come first before the term of address. In this case, he was actually about to say Huò xiānsheng (means Mr. Huo) but before he could say “xiānsheng/Mr.” he was also cut off. This might also be applicable in the future chapters, so please take note of this.

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  1. Well well~ these 2 chapters were awesome!

    I’ll start by thanking you for your work, and also for the notes: they’re very useful and super detailed. ☆.☆ you work fast too. Thank you!!


    Is Huo the shy type? He shuts down so quickly… hoping to see him blush 🤞 Ran Hang better jump on the chance to tease him.
    Speaking of which: ML is SO adorable 💋🌷 how precious</3
    Really looking forward to them being more comfortable with each other!!!! ♡
    Ran Hang clutching his backpack was so real ✋️😭 would have done the same LOL.

    => Very clearly, Huo Siming is NOT into the “Mister” title after shutting off the window.. does he already want to move on to the “husband” phase~ ?

  2. Thx for the translation, it’s smooth and nice to read 🙂 I like this novel ^^ It reminds me Boss Bitch Baby, a manwha with a puppy top and a powerful and dangerous seme ^^ I like it when the bottom has the power !

  3. Business

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖