No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh28 - As if he had been waiting there just for him

Around eight o’clock in the morning.

Huo Siming came out of the bedroom while tying his tie. As he walked towards the living room, he vaguely heard a faint noise coming from the kitchen. o r9cA

When he lived by himself, he rarely used the kitchen. Apart from the refrigerator and some appliances, the place was almost just for show. You couldn’t even smell any hint of smoke throughout the year.

But at this moment, the early morning sunlight poured in through the window. A young man, dressed in casual home clothes and wearing an apron, stood at the stove, pouring freshly ground coffee into the filter.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The moment he heard a sound behind him, Ran Hang turned his head and smiled slightly, “Mr. Huo, you’re up?”

“Mhm.” Huo Siming sat down on a chair nearby. He meticulously tied his necktie and watched Ran Hang’s skillful movements. HyhIq1

He had both a fully automatic and a semi-automatic coffee machine at home. The semi-automatic one had a more complicated process. It requires grinding and tamping the coffee grounds. Any slight mistake in the operation could affect the final taste. Huo Siming had never touched that machine.

But Ran Hang was very familiar with it. The coffee he made had a subtle difference in taste compared to the one made by the fully automatic machine. It was no worse than what you could buy outside.

So Huo Siming thought that sometimes he could stay for a cup of coffee in the morning…

And having breakfast as well.


It didn’t seem too bad.

While he was thinking, Ran Hang placed the freshly made coffee on the coaster. “Careful, it’s hot.”

Then he looked up at Huo Siming. “Will Mr. Huo come back for dinner tonight?”

Huo Siming paused in the act of picking up the cup. He almost responded with a “Mhm,” but suddenly remembered he had a social engagement that evening, so he changed his reply to, “…Not sure.” DnWG1i

It was undeniable that Ran Hang’s cooking skills were indeed very good. Even though Huo Siming was not someone who cared much about gourmet food, at some point, he had started coming home for meals more often.

Ran Hang smiled at him. “Then I’ll ask you again this afternoon.”

The warm morning light fell on the young man’s smiling face. Huo Siming lowered his head and took a sip of coffee…

The moment he saw Ran Hang’s smile, he inexplicably found the evening’s social engagement somewhat bothersome. krjHWe



After seeing Huo Siming off to work, Ran Hang tidied up, changed his clothes, and got ready to visit Ran An and the others at the hospital. Of course, he had already informed Chu Yuan in advance.

He usually went to the hospital every Monday and Wednesday morning. Chu Yuan had become familiar with his routine, so it was now quite simple for Ran Hang to go out—he just needed to inform Chu Yuan. qjz7vX

Though every time he got into the car arranged by the driver, Ran Hang still felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, as if he were a prisoner being escorted.

The hospital was very crowded in the morning. Ran Hang made his way through the bustling crowd to the top floor’s inpatient department.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When he first signed the contract with Huo Siming, he was worried that the “medical experiment volunteer recruitment” might seem too coincidental—that Ran Wenyin might suspect something. However, Lu Xiangtian’s ability to persuade people was more impressive than he had imagined. If it weren’t for Ran Hang knowing the whole story, he might have believed him too when the other party led his medical team to deceive them, given that Lu Xiangtian came with the “Friend of Omegas” aura, especially with older women. So, Ran Wenyin had never suspected him.

But as for Ran Hang, Ran Wenyin felt that his behavior was odd several times and asked him what he had been doing lately. LDnZjV

Ran Hang had no choice but to vaguely say he was working part-time.

When Ran Wenyin asked further, he didn’t say more, fearing he would reveal the truth if he talked too much.

Today, after arriving at the top floor of the hospital, Ran Hang first went to the restroom. He carefully sniffed his sleeves and only came out after repeatedly confirming that the pheromone blocker had completely masked any lingering smell.

After living together with Huo Siming, he almost always got some of Huo Siming’s scent on him… lXyxAv

The sandalwood scent was too distinctive.

Thinking about this made Ran Hang blush a little.

He washed his face with cold water and, after confirming that he looked fine in the mirror, headed towards Ran An’s ward.

Ran An was now staying in a single room, which was spacious and had an extra bed for a caregiver. azioH4

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc Ejc Ljcu fcafgfv, rtf kjr delfais gfjvlcu j ybbx jcv ifjclcu jujlcra atf tfjvybjgv.

“Dgbatfg.” Cr rbbc jr rtf rjk Ejc Ljcu, rtf fzmlafvis qea vbkc tfg ybbx.

Ejc Ljcu rwlifv, “Vb raevlber?”

“P cfnfg rjk sbe raevs rb tjgv lc rmtbbi yfobgf.” UQM4hz

Ejc Cc qbeafv, “P gfjiis kjca ab ub yjmx ab rmtbbi cbk… P klii cfnfg mbwqijlc jybea rmtbbi jujlc. P’v gjatfg ufa eq ja rlz fnfgs wbgclcu atjc ilf tfgf ajxlcu wfvlmlcf fnfgs vjs.”

The atmosphere grew silent for a moment.

Ran Hang placed the things he brought on top of the cabinet. “In a while, you’ll be able to go back… Getting up at six, you said it yourself. Don’t set ten alarms every morning and still…”

“Who sets ten alarms?” Ran An interrupted him, dissatisfied. She glanced at Ran Hang, who had sat down on a chair nearby, and suddenly asked, “Brother, what’s with your neck?” 9vo5L7

Ran Hang instinctively covered his neck with his hand, “W–What?”

Ran An pointed to a spot near the collar at the back of her neck. “Right there…”

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“A red mark.”

Ran Hang’s expression froze. His dull thoughts gradually recalled some fragmented memories. His ears started to burn uncontrollably. He quickly turned his head away. “It must be… a mosquito bite.” rKPqYz

“Really?” Ran An found his reaction suspicious and raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been acting a bit strange lately, haven’t you?”

Ran Hang: “How… strange?”

Ran An propped her chin with her hand and pursed her lips. “The way you’re talking is strange, and why do you always spray so much pheromone blocker whenever you come to the hospital lately? The smell is overwhelming. You never used to spray it before.”

Generally, Alphas and Omegas don’t uncontrollably release their pheromones unless they’re in a susceptible period, heat, or influenced by another’s pheromones. Unless someone has glandular issues, there’s no need to use pheromone blockers. rV9MkE

And besides, pheromone blockers can only mask residual smells. They can’t completely block the influence of pheromones. Unless… unless…

A shocking thought suddenly flashed through Ran An’s mind, her eyes widening.

“Brother, are you in a relationship?”

The door to the ward was open, and she said this so loudly that even passersby glanced curiously into their room. tXvl1s

Ran Hang’s face turned red with embarrassment. He even wanted to reach out and cover her mouth. “No.”

Ran An became even more skeptical. She craned her neck to look at him. “Really? Then why are you using pheromone blockers? And… look at you, you can’t even look me in the eye when you talk. Are you feeling guilty?”

“Well…” Ran Hang raised his head, desperately trying to think of an excuse. “It’s because my susceptible period is coming soon.”

Ran An clicked her tongue. “You were using pheromone blockers two weeks ago when you came to the hospital. Does your susceptible period last that long?” dKRxpj

Ran Hang’s temple throbbed. “I…”

Ran An: “Preparing in advance? Really?”

“Knock, knock, knock!”

The knocking from outside the room saved Ran Hang from the conversation. 4rV5Ad

Ran An glanced at the person standing by the door. “Doctor Lu.”

Lu Xiangtian walked in holding a booklet and smiled at them.

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He stood by the bedside and opened the booklet in his hand.

Ran Hang, somewhat distracted, kept his eyes half-lowered. 0pkN1m


He wondered how much the other had heard.

The next second,

Lu Xiangtian suddenly turned around and looked at him meaningfully. “What brand of pheromone blocker are you using?” hWdYnQ

Ran Hang: “Huh?”

Lu Xiangtian pressed his lips together, “It seems to be the same one my friend uses.”


In the high-end banquet hall. O6S7Xz

Huo Siming stood in a corner holding a glass of wine.

At that moment, his phone in his coat pocket suddenly vibrated.

He took it out and saw it was a message from Ran Hang, asking if he would be home for dinner.

Huo Siming was about to type a reply when a familiar voice drifted over from not far away, “Oh, who is President Huo hiding here to message?” 92prjW

He looked up and met Lu Xiangtian’s teasing gaze, “Could it be that sunny boy hiding at home?”

Huo Siming abruptly put away his phone and shot him a cold glance.

Lu Xiangtian took a few steps closer and caught a whiff of the pungent pheromone blocker. He frowned, “Have you become addicted to pheromones lately?”

He hadn’t seen Huo Siming smoking much, but recently, every time he saw him, Huo Siming always carried the smell of pheromone blockers. mYibFu

Huo Siming looked at him expressionlessly. “Are you addicted to meddling in other people’s business?”

Lu Xiangtian: “True, but is President Huo addicted to pheromones…”

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“Or to a person?”

Huo Siming suddenly frowned. EowkCa

After a moment of silence, he lowered his brows and said, “It’s just a six-month contract. You’re overthinking it.”

Lu Xiangtian raised an eyebrow, “Really?”

Huo Siming’s temple throbbed. He was about to retort when Lu Xiangtian said, “I’m just kindly reminding you…”

Lu Xiangtian took a sip of his wine and looked off into the distant crowd, “The old man is always watching you. Even if you want to get rid of him, you should at least put on a bit of a show these years.” BZav3s

Huo Siming sneered, “You don’t need to remind me.”

In the midst of their conversation, Huo Siming’s phone suddenly vibrated.

He glanced at his phone and saw it was a message from Huo Mao.

The other person said: QE31UZ

【Attend the board meeting the day after tomorrow. Prepare well.】

Huo Siming’s dark eyes showed no emotion. He stared at the message for a long time, then downed his drink in one gulp and replied: 【Got it.】


The next second, the screen lit up again. zScGQ2

Huo Mao: 【Clear your schedule for this Saturday. We’ll have a meal with the Lin family, bring Lin Jiamu along.】


In the apartment.

Ran Hang lay on the sofa with a book, skimming the same DNA structure model for the third time before he despairingly placed the book over his face… LCut3Q

As expected, without deadlines and the pressure of papers, he couldn’t focus on reading.

The wall clock ticked away.

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He wondered if Huo Siming would come back for dinner.

Ran Hang thought gloomily. NeuydP

But since he hadn’t replied to his message yet, he was probably busy with something, right?

He most likely wouldn’t come back.


Suddenly, his phone vibrated. wM6Pd9

Ran Hang quickly picked up the phone from the coffee table.

As he unlocked the screen, his lips involuntarily drooped a bit…

It wasn’t a message from Huo Siming.

It was a piece of junk news push notification. VJ4b c

Ran Hang reached out to turn off the screen, but his hand stopped when he glimpsed the words “Huanyu.”

He clicked on the notification and saw a striking headline:

【Huo Siming, eldest grandson of Huo Mao, current chairman of Huanyu Group, is set to be promoted to Director and Deputy General Manager of Huanyu Group】

Below was a photo of Huo Siming taken during a press interview. OA4TCM

Ran Hang quickly skimmed the news summary, his fingers repeatedly swiping over Huo Siming’s photo. He stared at the handsome face of the man in the suit in the picture…

As expected of Mr. Huo, he looked so awesome.

He quietly added in his heart,

And very handsome. sp9I8f


Huo Siming returned home at nearly eleven-thirty at night.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

As he walked into the entrance, he noticed the living room lights were still on.

Huo Siming changed his shoes and walked toward the living room. eaKh8R

A dim floor lamp was on in the living room, and half of a fluffy head was visible over the edge of the sofa’s armrest.

Ran Hang seemed to have fallen asleep there, his long legs awkwardly positioned. A book, with a title related to genetics, covered his face.

Huo Siming paused for a moment before reaching out to remove the book from the other person’s face. His knuckles accidentally brushed against the Alpha’s cheek, which felt warm to the touch.

“Hmm?” Ran Hang’s eyelashes fluttered as he made a mumbling sound. He rubbed his eyes and sleepily looked up at the person standing in front of him. “Mr. Huo… you’re back?” xKanGz

Perhaps because of the lighting, the moment he recognized Huo Siming’s face, his amber eyes seemed even brighter than before.

Huo Siming’s fingers, still holding the book, curled slightly. For a rare moment, his expression was blank. For some reason, seeing the Alpha curled up on the sofa like this made him feel as if…

Ran Hang had been waiting there just for him.

KEIGHTY: Hi, shameless plug again! For those who are interested to read in advance, please consider joining any of my membership tier on ko-fi. Hehe. Thank youuu! 💐 SwUXBA

Translator's Note

from cooking

Translator's Note

Gourmet is a cultural idea associated with the culinary arts of fine food and drink, or haute cuisine, which is characterized by their high level of refined and elaborate food preparation techniques and displays of balanced meals that have an aesthetically pleasing presentation of several contrasting, often quite rich courses.

Translator's Note

might also refer to someone who would attend to the needs of the patient, not necessarily a professional caregiver

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  1. Oh come on 💁 he’s been waiting for like ages for you to say yes and be his wife/husband/omega??!! Anyways thanks for the update ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡(⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠).

  2. Finally developing

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖