No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh26 - Tolerate him a little longer

The curtains in Huo Siming’s bedroom were double-layered, just like the ones Ran Hang had seen in hotels before. The inner layer was made of lightweight sheer fabric, while the outer layer was heavy linen, providing excellent insulation and blocking out every bit of light.

The entire bedroom was like an isolated island. mENd2k

At this moment, a dim bedside lamp was lit, and an electronic clock beside it was ticking softly. The warm light from the lamp cast shadows on Huo Siming’s sharp and profound facial features. His skin was pale, as if he hadn’t seen sunlight for years. The slight upward curve at the ends of his eyes gave him an innate arrogance. With his eyes half-lidded, his expression exuded an indescribable haughtiness, creating an illusion…

As if he was the only light source in the room.

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The moment Ran Hang found his own reflection in those dark eyes, he was momentarily dazed.

He couldn’t understand how he had suddenly gotten involved with someone like him. Their relationship was like the sudden chemical reaction of a comet hitting the earth—abrupt and without a clear beginning or end, but every moment was so intense that it felt like he was melting. ZgYBzl

Ran Hang had spent his twenty-two years of life mostly in a rush—busy with school, studying, exams, and part-time jobs. He didn’t have grand ambitions in life. The happiness he could imagine included having a cup of coffee when he had some free time in the morning, sleeping in on mornings without classes or deadlines, his sister Ran An having a healthy body, and his mother Ran Wenyin living a less exhausting life.

Sometimes, on those very rare occasions when he was exceptionally free, he would imagine what his future would be like with his ideal partner.

For some reason, in every vision Ran Hang had of his future, he always thought he would meet someone he liked very much—someone who made his heart race at first sight, someone he would want to be with unreservedly, marry, and spend the rest of his life with.

If he met such a person, he would pursue them passionately, confess his love romantically, and then officially date them. They would hold hands and kiss like other couples, maybe do things that seemed silly but sweet to others. Once their relationship stabilized, they would consider living together, and he would propose and marry them.


Of course, after falling deeply in love, they would also do those blush-inducing things.


Thump! Thump!

He heard his own heartbeat pounding like a drum in his ears. SCzXgo

Ran Hang looked up at Huo Siming’s condescending expression. He never thought that one day he would skip all the preceding steps and jump straight into the main event.


It was the crisp sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor.

Immediately after, something else was thrown to the ground. Qcs1dI

Warm lips touched his own as Huo Siming leaned down to kiss him. Ran Hang wrapped his arms around Huo Siming’s narrow waist, his hand involuntarily moving downward. He suddenly felt a cool sensation against his fingertips. His expression froze as his gaze followed down to that spot.

His peripheral vision caught sight of the black straps contrasting sharply against Huo Siming’s fair skin, making his face flush with heat and his thoughts scatter.

Those… must be used to keep his shirt and socks in place, right?

So he wears them under his suit every day? NQn184

“Why are you so easily distracted?” Huo Siming bit his lip disapprovingly.

“Hmm?” Ran Hang turned his head, blushing, but his gaze remained fixed on the shirt stays.

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Huo Siming found it somewhat amusing to see his curious, flushed face. He pinched Ran Hang’s chin, making him look up, and said in a low voice, “Help me take them off.”

Ran Hang’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he lowered his eyes slightly and reached out to unbuckle the metal clasp on Huo Siming’s belt. His cheeks and ears were embarrassingly red. 1t3Wib

After removing the item, a deep, magnetic voice sounded in his ear,

“Do I still need to teach you what to do next?”

Ran Hang’s pajama pants were loose, more like sweatpants—the kind that looked casual and could be worn outside without issue, just like his T-shirt. His clothes were much easier to take off than Huo Siming’s complicated shirt stays.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It took about two seconds for their clothes to be thrown to the floor. Skm6it

Leb Vlwlcu’r ujhf ribkis agjnfifv vbkckjgv jcv ilcufgfv bc Ejc Ljcu obg j wbwfca, tlr fsfygbk iloalcu rilutais.

Ktf wbwfca Ejc Ljcu wfa tlr vlgfma ujhf, tlr ojmf ofia rb tba la kjr jiwbra yegclcu.

Vbwfalwfr, tf kbcvfgfv tbk atlr wjc mbeiv yf rb ragjlutaobgkjgv.

Ktf mbbi rmfca bo mgfjw delmxis oliifv atf yfvgbbw. Ktf rkffa, mibslcu qtfgbwbcfr kfgf ilxf mbecaifrr mibevr oibjalcu lc atf jlg, vlrrbinlcu eqbc mbcajma. Pc atf delfa gbbw, bcis atf lcafgwlaafca rbecv bo ildelv gfwjlcfv. 6Nnfhu

After a while, Huo Siming held Ran Hang’s shoulders and sat down. Ran Hang realized that Huo Siming really liked to keep the initiative in his own hands. Those usually frosty dark eyes were now misty, as if the ice had melted from the heat. Huo Siming’s tightly pressed lips and the slight trembling of his long lashes resembled the fluttering wings of a butterfly struggling to emerge from its cocoon.

Ran Hang’s gaze darkened. The sweat on his forehead nearly dripped down his cheek. Some aggressive elements in his Alpha blood began to stir.

Many things are difficult at the beginning, just like sports events. The first half is always more tedious than the second half because the athletes need to warm up. Only after getting used to the field can they perform at their best.

The same applied to what they were doing now. KL1wfG

As Huo Siming gradually adapted, Ran Hang supported Huo Siming’s waist, leaned close to his ear and, with an inexplicable excitement in his voice, asked, “Does Mr. Huo like this?”

Huo Siming’s breathing rhythm was disrupted. He was speechless.

The first time he saw Ran Hang, he inexplicably thought of a golden retriever. The young man had gentle, innocent eyes like those of a dog. His hair looked golden in the sunlight, and his smile was very sunny. Even his pheromones had a sweet, creamy scent.

Golden retrievers are very cute. a0OCrd

But at its core, there remained the inherent fierceness and stubbornness of a canine. It was his first time experiencing something new, and he was excited about everything, carrying the recklessness of a novice. He played tirelessly and had a knack for pushing boundaries.

With the sweet scent of mint lingering around his nose, Huo Siming felt himself sinking into that vast ocean again. The moment the surging waves swept over him, all the thoughts that troubled him were carried away by the tide, so much so that he didn’t even notice his back pressing against the mattress.

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Ran Hang’s skin tone was naturally fair, slightly on the paler side. He liked playing basketball in college, and even if he tanned a bit, it was still a healthy natural color. Standing next to most people, he would not appear dark. But Huo Siming had an exceptionally rare cool white complexion, with veins on the back of his hands standing out vividly, reminiscent of those medieval vampires living in castles. When Ran Hang was with him, the contrast in their skin tones was quite apparent.

However, watching Huo Siming’s pale, almost sickly hand grip the black sheet, with his knuckles tightening bit by bit, Ran Hang suddenly felt that black wasn’t so monotonous after all. vpw94z

It was even quite pleasing to the eye.

In the bedroom, the rich scent of pheromones hung like a lingering fog, growing even more intense over time.

Before falling asleep, Huo Siming vaguely saw the light seeping in from outside.

It was almost dawn. RKiHub

Ran Hang had said he was a quick learner, and he really wasn’t lying.

Moreover, the other person was more persistent than he had imagined. Although he had initially been hesitant, once they started, he gave it his all. By the end, empty boxes lay scattered on the floor.

Perhaps due to exhaustion, Huo Siming fell asleep quickly that night. As darkness spread, he felt himself sinking deeper and deeper…

…… QzoL7X

The hospital’s white tiled floor was glaringly bright. The smell of disinfectant was also sharp and choking.

A tall young man stood in the hallway of the clinic. He looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with black hair framing a pair of deep, dark eyes that made him seem unapproachable.

Occasionally, a few passersby walked through the hospital corridor in front of him.

Two of them seemed to be there for gland tests, and snippets of their conversation drifted into Huo Siming’s ears: Ujf6rM

“Why do I have to get a gland test?”

“The company executives won’t hire Omegas.”


“Why do you think?” oLXPH0

“Can’t Omegas work just like Betas and Alphas?”

“An Omega in a public place will only cause chaos. Didn’t you see that news story? An Omega’s pheromones leaked in a mall and caused hundreds of people to lose control.”

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“Wasn’t that because an Alpha went into heat first, causing the chaos?”

“If that Omega hadn’t gone to such a crowded public place, would it have happened?” LdgNm9

As their conversation faded with their footsteps, Huo Siming remained standing there expressionlessly. The occasional stinging pain from the gland on the back of his neck made him frown, adding a touch of harshness to his eyes.

Twenty minutes later,

He looked down at the doctor’s diagnosis report, which read:

【Secondary Differentiation Diagnosis Result:】 tEWdD

【90% Omega】

Huo Siming calmly walked out of the hospital holding the diagnosis report. In a deserted, secluded corner, the veins on the back of his hand became faintly visible as his knuckles abruptly tightened, crumpling the piece of paper completely.

He tore off the part of the diagnosis report with his name on it, threw it into the trash can, and then turned to leave.

In the oppressively silent atmosphere of the old mansion, vBjYT

Huo Siming walked into the courtyard and noticed that someone seemed to be waiting for him there. It was Lu Xiangtian, the son of a director friend of his parents.

When Lu Xiangtian saw him, he curiously leaned forward and asked, “Haven’t you gotten the diagnosis report from the hospital yet?”

Huo Siming didn’t respond.

Lu Xiangtian continued, “Maybe it’s just a false heat.” ptLKZx

“Even if you do differentiate into an Omega, it won’t really change anything, right? You’re so outstanding, and your family…”

Huo Siming’s hand, hanging at his side, subtly tightened into a fist. He didn’t wait for Lu Xiangtian to finish his sentence and directly walked away.

Left behind, Lu Xiangtian scratched his nose in confusion. “I don’t get it, what’s with the weird temper?”

Huo Siming walked through the courtyard and went straight back to his room. However, the moment he opened the door, he found it already crowded with people. kKOugh

His grandfather Huo Mao, his father Huo Qiwen, his mother He Yun, and various relatives whose names he did and didn’t know were all squeezed into his room, their scrutinizing gazes like spotlights fixed on him.

Those looks were dark and oppressive, as if trying to see right through him.

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Each of them had tightly pressed lips and furrowed brows, looking grim and somber.

Huo Mao was the first to speak, “What did you go do just now?” MROeVK

Huo Siming was momentarily stunned. “Nothing.”

Huo Mao stood up, “Are you hiding something from us?”

He took step after step towards Huo Siming. His burly figure towered like a mountain, casting a shadow that almost filled the entire room. His voice was deeply penetrating, “Have you differentiated into an Omega?”

“No.” As soon as Huo Siming said this, the floor in front of him suddenly began to twist and distort. The sunken ground turned into a winding, twisting river of blood, with blood slowly oozing out and spreading towards his feet. oBcfM0

“You’ve differentiated into an Omega.”


Huo Siming took a step back.

“Then what is this?” Huo Mao said, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket with a sharp “snap.” It clearly bore Huo Siming’s name and the diagnosis result. 4etSZa

Huo Siming’s eyes trembled.

But he had thrown it away!

The next moment,

A flood of blood surged over him, swallowing him whole. His chest felt as though it was crushed by a boulder, making it impossible to breathe. sXBdP


Huo Siming’s long eyelashes trembled as he woke up from his dream, the pressure on his chest still present.

In his lingering palpitations, he lowered his eyes and slowly looked down.

Then he saw Ran Hang’s arm pressing on him… Q6ZM94

And his leg.

On his bed, which was large enough to fit several people, the Alpha insisted on sleeping right next to him, practically draping half of his body over him.

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Huo Siming’s temple twitched…

Sure enough, it really wasn’t feasible for him to sleep in the same room with someone else, especially someone with such poor sleeping habits. 8dWIOp

Huo Siming reached out to push Ran Hang’s arm, trying to pull him off of him.


The still-sleeping person suddenly let out a grunt.

Perhaps due to the instinctive attraction of pheromones, the Alpha not only didn’t roll away but instead clung to him even tighter. 3mc4Kt

Huo Siming’s entire body stiffened.

Ran Hang’s hands and feet were warm, like a large furnace. As soon as he embraced him, the bone-chilling cold from the dream disappeared, leaving only the cozy warmth of the Alpha’s pheromones.

Maybe it was because the sweet cream scent was too irresistible.

Huo Siming glanced sideways at Ran Hang’s peaceful sleeping face. The hand he had intended to use to push him away paused in mid-air. m2PED1

He thought…

Forget it.

He would tolerate him a little longer.


Translator's Note

This is how it looks like

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  1. Patience and tolerance is also a love language

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖