Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh65 - Remember to Come Back

Hua Zhenting was not in a hurry at all. He looked at his wife who used to be beautiful and quiet but appeared in such a state now. Her complexion was dark yellow, her eyes were cloudy, her face was covered with large and small dark toxic spots, her clothes were shabby, and her hair which had not been washed for nearly a week was greasy and disheveled. After scrambling around on the run, one could imagine how bad her appearance was.

“Is Xun Yi an alchemist with a profession badge?” Hua Zhenting looked at Yu Xiao for a long time but finally asked this question. izven

“Yes, I got this far thanks to his protection, or I’d have died long ago. Zhenting, we should thank him properly.” Yu Xiao took two steps forward, wanting to get closer to her husband, but stopped at the unfamiliar look in his eyes and didn’t dare to get closer.

Hua Zhenting said softly, “Indeed, we should thank him.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

An alchemist was a rare and useful profession.

“Dad, do you have any antiviral potion or not?” Hua Cheng noticed that his father had been avoiding this question, which made him even more anxious. DCV9i4

“No,” Hua Zhenting replied.

“Can you search for it? Maybe someone…”

Hua Zhenting interrupted him, “Hua Cheng, what you should do now is bring your mother back, take a good bath, eat something, and have a rest.”

“But Mom’s condition…”


“Don’t worry about it. Let me take care of it.” Hua Zhenting interrupted Hua Cheng again and called out to the door, “Come in.”

The guard opened the door and walked in. “Commander.”

“Take the young master and madam back, and also arrange a place for the young master’s friends to stay,” Hua Zhenting ordered.

“Yes, sir.” The guard received the order and quickly made arrangements. u3rNcS

Hua Cheng looked at his father for a long time without moving.

Young master? Where did this title come from? In the past, his father would never call him that, nor would he let others call him that. But now, he called him young master on his own accord.

Seeing them motionless, Hua Zhenting urged, “Go on.”

Hua Cheng had no choice but to take Yu Xiao and leave with the guard. 35w6Wj

Hua Zhenting looked at them leaving and said after a while, “Bring Professor Zhang here.”

The guard at the door left.

Soon, an old man with gray hair and a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses walked in quickly.

A young man in his 30s wearing a white lab coat followed the old man. HG2kYD

He was Professor Zhang’s student Tao Jin, very outstanding and highly valued by Hua Zhenting.

“Commander, are you looking for me?” Professor Zhang asked straight to the point.

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Hua Zhenting knew that time was of the essence to researchers like him, so he didn’t waste any time and asked, “How is the research on the antiviral potion going?”

Professor Zhang pushed up his thick glasses and said, “We need more samples. It may be faster if we can get more antiviral potions for research.” Hs6dGX

“After testing, the antiviral potion can indeed kill the virus in the infected person, but the function of that potion is to kill the virus, not to prevent it. After killing the virus in the infected person’s body, the infected person doesn’t produce any antibodies and can get infected anytime and anywhere again. Another antiviral potion will be needed for treatment again.”

Hua Zhenting sat behind his desk, tapping his fingers slowly on the table while thinking. “Did you analyze the ingredients? Can we make it ourselves?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P’w jogjlv cba. Ktf jcalnlgji qbalbc lr atf rjwf jr atf tfjilcu qbalbc. Pa mbcajlcr wjcs ecxcbkc fifwfcar atja mjccba yf fzagjmafv ys tewjcr. Rba ab wfcalbc atf ijmx bo qgfmlrf lcragewfcar, kf’gf jirb reypfma ab njglber gfraglmalbcr veglcu atf gfrfjgmt qgbmfrr. Qf’gf cba atf mbggfrqbcvlcu qgbofrrlbcjir jcv mjccba qfgobgw wjcs atlcur,” Ugbofrrbg Itjcu ijwfcafv.

He had been engaged in drug research all his life, but he found that what he had learned throughout his lifetime was of no use in this era, which made him very frustrated. lG5pEd

Tao Jin said, “Nowadays, various profession badges are appearing one after another. I’m sure something related to this field will appear soon. If we have profession badges in this area, we should be able to overcome some problems in our research.”

Hua Zhenting pondered. “I see. Carry on with your research. I’ll pay attention to this type of profession badges.”

Hua Cheng and Yu Xiao followed the guard down. Li Rui, who had been waiting outside, hurried over to greet them.

“Hua-ge, how’s it going?” LDX7Ss

Hua Cheng was a little surprised to see Li Rui waiting there and couldn’t help but look at the minibus.

“Why are you standing here instead of waiting on the bus?”

Li Rui felt a little uncomfortable, “I don’t know them that well. I came here with you and don’t really want to get close to other people.”

Li Rui expressed his thoughts to Hua Cheng to get into his good books. 0ZpTbx

He just wanted to follow Hua Cheng.

At this time, the door of the minibus was opened, and Xun Yi got out. Others stayed on the bus. Even Xun Ye did not follow.

“How’s it going?” Xun Yi walked over.

Hua Cheng sighed. “My dad doesn’t have any antiviral potion on hand.” kM4QdO

Xun Yi consoled him. “Let’s just keep looking for it. If we don’t let Auntie come into contact with the source of infection for the time being, I’m sure the degree of infection should not worsen.”

“Young master, madam, please come with me. The car is already waiting over there,” the guard reminded them.

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Hua Cheng said, “I’ll take my mother for a rest and look for you later.”

“Sure.” UKPwMd

Yu Xiao took two steps, stopped again, and suddenly asked, “Why are you and Xun Ye not affected?”

Hua Cheng was startled and quickly looked at Xun Yi, who fell silent.

Yu Xiao added, “All of us harvested magic crystals and came into contact with zombie corpses. The zombies you killed are piled up like mountains. Why are you not infected, but my condition is so serious?”

Li Rui’s eyes flashed and he said in surprise, “Xun Yi, did you ask Auntie to dig magic crystals for you? No wonder she took the initiative to dig for magic crystals whenever she saw the zombie corpses. All the magic crystals she found are given to you. Is that your condition for saving her? Auntie is a commoner with a weak constitution. Why didn’t you consider her situation? Hua-ge is very worried now that Auntie is so seriously infected.” bnB9R6

Xun Yi looked at Li Rui who was deliberately distorting the facts. Seeing the taunt in his eyes, Xun Yi’s eyes flashed coldly.

Yu Xiao knew the truth best, and Xun Yi didn’t want to waste time explaining it. Compared with an outsider, Hua Cheng was definitely more inclined to believe his mother, so why should he waste his breath?

Xun Yi said, “It’s not that I’m not infected. It’s just that the degree of infection isn’t enough to show any signs.”

Li Rui sneered disdainfully, obviously not believing a word he said. 5dK61D

Hua Cheng and Yu Xiao were silent, looking at Xun Yi as if waiting for something.

Xun Yi was silent for a long time and suddenly smiled faintly. “Fine, Aunt Yu dug many magic crystals for me along the way, and she also took good care of Xun Ye before that. I’m very grateful. In return, I’ll find an antiviral potion for you.”

“Xun Yi, your luck has always been relatively good. You can get almost anything you want. I beg you to help me. I can’t let anything happen to my mother. Please,” Hua Cheng sincerely requested.

Xun Yi nodded. “I’ll try my best.” bCWYJL

After saying that, he turned around and walked back to the bus.

Hua Cheng watched him get into the bus before leaving with Yu Xiao and Li Rui.

The small Qingyang shelter had to accommodate the survivors of the entire Qing City. The existing intact housing was simply insufficient to allocate to the large population. Only people with status would be allocated a house. Many homeless survivors in the shelter had to live on the streets. Some of them simply picked up some plastic bags and scrap newspapers on the roadside and built a shed to live in.

Yin Weijiang drove the bus along the way and saw the miserable conditions of the survivors. He felt very fortunate to have met someone like Mr. Yin or his survival until now would be a question. 5c2yXl

Thanks to the commander’s arrangement, they were also assigned residences as Hua Cheng’s friends.

A guard took them to a small villa and said, “This is your residence with hot water supply inside. You can take a good bath and have a rest.”

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“Hot water? Is there still hot water at this time?” Lu Di was surprised.

The guard said with pride, “There’s not only hot water but also electricity.” oT2OuZ

“Electricity?” Even Xun Yi was surprised now.

“Yes, someone in our shelter got the profession as a power supply engineer. All the power supply equipment can operate normally in his hands, but in order to save diesel, we won’t supply power all the time. You can use it during the power supply timeframe to do whatever you need.

After the guard finished speaking, he left.

Xun Yi and others entered the villa, which was very clean. Now that there was hot water, they couldn’t wait to take a hot bath. Everyone was sticky and uncomfortable. l8KBaR

The villa had two floors with one bathroom on each floor. Lu Di and Yin Weijiang didn’t rush to take a bath but allowed Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan to wash up first.

Yin Fuchuan entered the bathroom on the first floor without further ado.

Seeing that he had made his choice, Xun Yi took Xun Ye to the second floor.

The father and son took a nice soak in the large bathtub together until their skin wrinkled and the water became a little cold. They left the bathtub, rinsed off under the shower, and got dressed. SE7Ddn

The bathroom was fully equipped with shower gel and shampoo. The two entered dirty and came out clean and refreshed.

When Xun Yi ran out, he only prepared a change of clothes for himself and Xun Ye. The first set of clothes could no longer be worn. They had to take them off and throw them away before putting on the clean ones in the backpack. They didn’t have any change of clothes after that. Xun Ye’s jacket was torn by the poltergeist’s claw, so they had to go out for supplies.

On the way here, they saw many people setting up stalls on the roadside, selling everything from clothes, shoes, daily necessities, and so on. Those items should have been found in the ruins and sold in the shelter, all hot commodities.

“Xun Ye, I have to go out. Can you stay with Mr. Yin for a while?” 3EHMSy

In this era, Xun Yi only trusted Yin Fuchuan. He would always be more or less on guard with other people.

“Can’t I go with you?” Xun Ye asked in puzzlement.

“No, I have some personal stuff to take care of. I’ll buy us some clothes and daily necessities by the way.”

Xun Ye looked at him suspiciously. “You’re not going to have a tryst with Hua-ge, are you? I’m telling you, when you guys stood chatting for such a long time and parted so reluctantly just now, President Yin saw everything. Tell me honestly, who do you love?” NWtLdc

Xun Yi pressed his little head and rubbed it mercilessly, messing up his neatly combed wet hair.

Xun Ye yelled angrily, “Xun Yi, I’m going to tell President Yin that you’re going to have a tryst with another man…”

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Xun Yi smothered Xun Ye’s mouth and threatened, “Don’t talk nonsense, do you understand?”

Xun Ye took his hand away and said, “Then take me with you.” HKxT59

“No.” An outright refusal.

“Then I’ll tell…”

“I’ll stop your fruit supply. I can tell you that I have something you haven’t eaten before. Don’t you want to try it?” Xun Yi coaxed.

Xun Ye was drooling but turned his head away stubbornly. “President Yin gave you whatever you have. If I want it, I can just ask President Yin for it.” CYr1V7

“Fine, go ahead.” Xun Yi crossed his arms, obviously not afraid of him.

“Don’t think I don’t dare,” Xun Ye said, and ran to the door in a huff.

Xun Yi looked at him. According to previous experience, Xun Ye would definitely come back and continue bargaining with him if he didn’t stop him once he reached the door. But this time, Xun Yi was mistaken. Xun Ye opened the door and ran out with no intention of turning back.

Xun Yi was dumbfounded and quickly chased after him, fearing that the boy would talk nonsense in front of Yin Fuchuan. 0TjL1H

When Xun Yi ran to the stairs, he saw Yin Fuchuan sitting on the couch wearing a clean casual outfit. His freshly washed hair was dry, fluffy, and soft, which made Yin Fuchuan’s demeanor a lot gentler.

Xun Ye trotted over, climbed onto the couch, and sat next to Yin Fuchuan. He looked at Xun Yi coming down the stairs while whispering something to Yin Fuchuan, obviously complaining about him.

Xun Yi felt guilty for no reason. He coughed dryly to remind them that he had arrived.

Yin Fuchuan turned around and saw Xun Yi approaching. “Do you want to go out?” LItfMV

Xun Yi, “…”

Damn it, did this brat really sell him out? He wasn’t going to have a tryst with another man at all… Bah, what other man? He really wanted to go out to buy something and… do other things by the way.

“Uh, yeah, I want to buy something. Xun Ye and I don’t have any change of clothes, and I need to stock up on other stuff as well,” Xun Yi explained honestly.

Yin Fuchuan looked at him deeply as if he could see through everything. p20J5d

Xun Yi felt even more guilty when he saw him. He didn’t even have the courage to look at him and had to look away.

Xun Ye covered his mouth and snickered gloatingly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xun Yi glanced at him, gritted his teeth, and decided not to give him golden fruit for three days.

Seeing that Xun Yi didn’t want to talk, Yin Fuchuan didn’t ask any more questions. “Let Yin Weijiang take you there.” cSylAK

“No, it’s okay, I can go there myself.”

No kidding, no one could follow him, or the secret would be exposed. Yin Fuchuan didn’t force it. “Okay, be careful, and remember to come back.”

Xun Yi was startled. “Uh, okay.”

Remember to come back? What did that mean? H4CUPz

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  1. I actually don’t understand yu xiao and hua chengs thoughts. They both survived thanks to xun yi. Just because she dug up magic crystal he has to rapay it. What kind of shameless people are they? 😑

  2. Are the mother and son burning bridges now? 😔 That’s sad but that’s their choice not to hug the thick high 🤣