Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh64 - Entering the Shelter

The patrol soldier explained the situation to the guard at the third checkpoint. The guard did not stop them but sent a team to escort them instead.

They appeared to be escorts but were more like guards in reality. No one knew if they were really Young Master Hua and Mrs. Hua. They could only send them to the commander to verify in person. If they were imposters, the outcome could be imagined. 8KrzD6

Nowadays, the standard weapons for soldiers were no longer firearms but handheld weapons. As the military, they had plenty of weapons. Even if they could only wield handheld weapons, they were definitely a group with amazing combat effectiveness.

Everyone carried a saber on their backs, and a military dagger and type 81 bayonet inserted into the sides of each leg. Most contenders were probably no match for these weapons and the fighting skills of these soldiers.

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Nowadays, many survivors even use bricks to fight zombies to survive, so the military’s weapon setup was something to be envied.

Although it was true that one could get weapon crystal cards by killing zombies, how many people could actually get one? How many people could kill zombies with their bare hands? cChH0j

Xun Yi had probably killed thousands of zombies so far but looted less than a handful of weapon crystal cards, and that was the result of his great luck. Looking at the odds, others would have a lesser chance of getting one.

So far, the weapons used by most people were items that existed on the market before Doomsday, found by survivors for self-defense. Their quality was no match to the weapons of the military, and even less so to crystal card weapons, but having one was better than nothing.

The soldier escorting them took them to a row of bicycles and said, “It’s faster to ride there on a bicycle.”

Xun Yi and the others looked at these bicycles and fell silent.


The escort soldiers looked at their reactions and asked, “Can you ride a bicycle?”

He added, “We can’t drive a car now, and it’s a bit far to walk there. It’s faster to ride a bicycle. You don’t need a badge to ride a bicycle. We have tested it.”

The people in Xun Yi’s group were either big stars, big bosses, or executive assistants. It had been such a long time since they had ridden a bicycle that they probably didn’t even remember it, not to mention if they could ride one or not.

Hua Cheng stared at the bicycle for a beat before looking at Xun Yi. In Yu Xiao’s situation, it was impossible to ride a bicycle, but they couldn’t take anyone on these bicycles. It was absolutely impossible to go there by bicycle. Xun Yi couldn’t imagine a team of soldiers traveling on bicycles. Just thinking about it made him uneasy. d4cqWh

“Do you have a car? Why don’t we drive there?” Xun Yi said, looking at Yin Fuchuan beside him.

Yin Fuchuan nodded in agreement.

The escort soldier was surprised. “Do you have a driver’s badge? How lucky.”

Now that someone could drive, they could forget about the bicycles. wNMVQ6

There were plenty of abandoned vehicles left unmanned outside, so many that the roads were blocked. They had cleared all the abandoned vehicles and zombies in Qingyang District, leaving the roads smooth to travel.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The people walking inside were survivors in varying states of misery. It was difficult to even survive in this era, so no one paid attention to appearance anymore. Everyone was dirty, glum, and sluggish, full of despair about the future.

Snfc Wec Tl’r pjmxfa tjv ibra lar mbibg jcv kjr mbwqifafis mbnfgfv lc vjgx, vlgas yibbv. Ycis tlr ojmf kjr mifjc, jcv atja kjr atf gfreia bo glcrlcu klat wlcfgji kjafg fnfgs vjs

C rtbkfg kjr jirb bea bo atf defralbc. Pc ojma, Wec Tl tjv cba fcpbsfv atf mbwobga bo j tba yjat obg wbgf atjc atgff wbcatr. IFga6q

During the three months since he was selected by Supernal Magic Cube, the only thought in his mind was how to survive. Nothing in the outside world could distract him. After his return, although the Supernal Magic Cube restored everything to its original place, and Xun Yi was clean just like when he disappeared, it was true that he had not taken a shower.

Since Doomsday Gaming Field started, he no longer had the conditions to take a shower.

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Xun Yi felt himself blushing when he thought of being hugged by Yin Fuchuan while being stinky. Was he smelly?

Did he turn Yin Fuchuan off? PavQkd

In hindsight, the air was full of the rotting smell of zombies. How could they discern other scents?

Due to the large number of people, Yin Weijiang could only drive a minibus again. The ability to drive in the shelter attracted a lot of attention. It indicated that the other person was a professional, which was a symbol of status.

The minibus drove all the way to the central area of the shelter, where the temporary headquarters was located. The minibus stopped in front of the headquarters building, and the guard immediately stepped forward to greet them.

The escort soldier told the guard about the situation, and the guard asked them to wait while he went upstairs to report. uCKzAl

Xun Yi and his group could only wait outside.

The headquarters building was guarded like an iron fortress by guards, and its security level was probably the highest in the whole shelter.

The guard returned very quickly. “The commander wants you to go up.”

“Let’s go,” Hua Cheng said and was about to bring them in when the guard stopped him. uESfqt

“Only Young Master Hua and Mrs. Hua can go up. The others have to wait here,” the guard said.

Xun Yi said, “You go. We’ll wait here.”

Hua Cheng’s face was devoid of any expression. He was in a very bad mood. This was completely different from what he thought.

“I’ll be back soon,” Hua Cheng said and left with Yu Xiao. RFNDkO

“Hua-ge, what about me?” Li Rui stepped forward and asked.

Hua Cheng looked back and saw that Li Rui and Xun Yi were standing apart, obviously not on good terms.

“Wait here for me. I’ll be down soon,” Hua Cheng said.

Li Rui had no choice. He couldn’t follow Hua Cheng, so he could only stay here and wait. dx1bjh

Of course, Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan wouldn’t stand and wait. They returned to the bus and sat down to wait.

Lu Di and Yin Weijiang were Yin Fuchuan’s followers, but Li Rui was in an awkward position. His relationship with Xun Yi was not good. The person he wanted to follow had always been Hua Cheng. At this time, he couldn’t follow them onto the bus. In the end, he was left standing alone outside, looking a little pitiful.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xun Yi sat on the bus and looked at the saber Li Rui held in his hand, a crystal card weapon. He knew without asking that Hua Cheng must have given it to him. All the crystal card weapons they obtained in the cave were given to Hua Cheng.

With only their people on the bus, Yin Fuchuan could speak his mind. 5afe0t

“This shelter is more than meets the eye. You should watch out.”

Xun Yi asked, “Is there any problem?”

Yin Fuchuan sneered. “I know Yang Yan very well. He’s an upright person, hates injustice, and has a one-tracked mind. If he thinks something is wrong, he won’t change his mind no matter what others say or what methods they use. So, why did he leave this shelter? They said he rebelled. How could a political commissar rebel? Even if he has some cronies, they are civilian soldiers. How can he compete with combat militants?”

Xun Yi frowned. He believed Yin Fuchuan’s judgment. tunoOx

Yin Fuchuan asked Xun Yi, “You know Hua Cheng and his mother, but do you know Hua Zhenting?”

Xun Yi shook his head. “Hua Cheng’s family is my neighbor. Hua Cheng and I know each other, while Xun Ye has more contact with Yu Xiao. We have only met Hua Zhenting a few times and exchanged a few words with him, not enough to know him at all.”

Xun Ye interjected, “He’s a very serious person, with a sullen face, very scary, and also very domineering. He didn’t allow Aunt Yu to continue dancing, so she could only stay at home.”

Yin Fuchuan said mildly, “I can almost guess his mind. Since doomsday started, the order has collapsed. There are people, weapons, and territory. Who doesn’t want to be an independent overlord?” 9QldTf

“Was Political Commissar Yang forced to leave the shelter because he had a disagreement with him?” Xun Yi guessed.

“It’s hard to say for sure, but it has nothing to do with us. When Xun Ye gets enough bullets and finds more guns, we’ll leave if possible. This shelter is not safe.”

Xun Yi nodded. “Okay.”

Upstairs at the headquarters. BXDbOP

Hua Cheng and Yu Xiao followed the guard up the stairs. The guard took them to an office door and stopped. “The commander is inside. Please go in.”

The guard knocked on the door twice and opened the door gently to let them in.

Hua Cheng walked in with his mother.

Hu Zhenting walked over quickly. “You’re finally here.” 5uztAx

When he saw Yu Xiao’s appearance, Hua Zhenting stopped in his tracks.

“Dad,” Hua Cheng greeted him.

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Hua Zhenting returned to his senses and looked at Hua Cheng carefully. He breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Hua Cheng was fine.

“What’s wrong with your mother? How did she get infected?” qMHl5o

Hua Zhenting could tell at a glance that Yu Xiao was definitely infected.

Hua Cheng said, “There are too many sources of infection around. It’s not the time to pursue this issue now. Dad, do you know anything about antiviral potions?”

Hua Zhenting glared at Hua Cheng and said, “Antiviral potion? Who mentioned this to you?”

“You have so much power in the military. Have you ever seen this potion before?” Hua Cheng avoided his question. vf2G0x

“I want to know who told you about this potion,” Hua Zhenting refused to let him avoid the question.

Hua Cheng paused. “Xun Yi guessed that there should be such a potion.”

“Xun Yi? The little celebrity who lives opposite us?” Hua Zhenting was tall and imposing in his military uniform and standing with his hands behind his back.

“Yes.” 2Iq9Ou

“Why is there such a potion just because he said so?” Hua Zhenting asked.

“He’s an alchemist, so his guess must be well-founded. Dad, do you know about this potion? Mom’s condition cannot wait. She needs an antiviral potion now,” Hua Cheng said anxiously.

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  1. Hmmm. Will he have it…will he share it…not sure how he will treat with Xun Yi’s group… Thanks for the update ❤️❤️❤️