Devil and Warrior: The Endless SnowChapter 71

The Goddess’s Law of Condemnation (Part I)


Time flew by, and soon it was noon. A certain someone’s rumbling stomach in the bed served as a clear indication of hunger, yet they were too lethargic to leave the room. Naturally, Thrett ended up bringing the meal upstairs.

Despite Ellyad’s quiet demeanor, his appetite was astonishingly large. It seemed that any food placed in front of him could be devoured entirely.

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Just thinking about Ellyad filled Thrett with joy. If this feeling could be translated into words, it might be described as ‘love.’

‘How miraculous,’ Thrett couldn’t help but think, for there was no such word in the language of the Demon race. F2xI6Z

Ellyad had once been concerned about the differences between the Demon race and humans, but now Thrett felt as if he had found the pronunciation of that word. Not to mention their identities as the Demon King and the Hero, which turned their bond into a miracle.

Since it was past the peak breakfast hour, Thrett quickly collected the meal. With both hands full of food, as he turned to return to the room, there was suddenly a loud crash. The hotel’s front door was pierced and shattered by two massive beams of light.

Thrett swiftly dodged with the meal in hand, but a small amount of dust still drifted into the food.

“Tsk, what an asshole.”


If they had to reorder the meal, it would take some time, and Ellyad would have to wait hungry upstairs for a while longer.

The people who had been nearby had already fled. There had been rumors about increased unrest and mischief from the Demon race on the western continent lately. They had been brazenly disturbing human settlements, so it was immediately assumed that this situation was another misdeed by the Demon race.

However, reality proved otherwise. Emerging from the beams of light were a man and a woman, both dressed in pure white robes with long white veils covering their heads, obscuring their gray-white hair and faces. Their swords at their waists and staves in their hands were all uniform in color, the only deviation being the multicolored crystal adornments hanging from their bodies.

“Are these the demons that appeared in the hero’s memory?” SYriT4

“Yes, it’s them, identical to the ones shown on the divine pillar.”

“So, let’s begin the mission.”

Thrett, although well aware of this pompous and self-righteous display, something only those nerveless divine elves would dare to pull off, was puzzled as to why they were seeking him out. What was the purpose? The divine elves shouldn’t be foolish enough to challenge the Demon King; despite their holy title, their sanctity couldn’t inflict any harm upon him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zbgfbnfg, Ktgfaa vbeyafv atfrf finfr xcfk tlw. Ktf bcis alwf tf tjv fcmbecafgfv atfw kjr ktfc tf gfwbnfv atflg afwqif ujaf, atf Xjaf bo atf Vjuf, wbgf atjc akb tecvgfv sfjgr jub. Ccs vfyar bg nfcvfaajr ogbw atja alwf rtbeiv tjnf ibcu yffc obgubaafc. Dfrlvfr, atbrf vlnlcf finfr ktb tjv fzqfglfcmfv fnfcar ogbw atja alwf rtbeiv tjnf jigfjvs vlfv bo biv juf. d0g1Ux

“We are the elite warriors of the Holy Elf Armed Forces, sent to eradicate the likes of you, vile demons! Haha, look at you, scared out of your wits.”

“May the impure blood cleanse your sins, and may the sinful ones slumber in the eternal dungeons of the night, may the Goddess Elena bestow her forgiveness upon you. Demon, we advise you not to resist, surrender peacefully.”

The male elf holding the staff was quite excited and agitated, while the female elf beside him, wielding a sword at her waist, remained much calmer, finishing the prayer commonly recited before delivering death sentences.

“Do I know you?” Thrett ignored the noisy male elf and directed his question only to the composed woman. DA6fuB

“We have no need to know you. We are here on a mission to exterminate evildoers, and that evildoer is you, demon,” the female elf spoke as if Thrett had committed an unforgivable sin, utterly irredeemable.

However, judging from their addressing Thrett and their confrontational manner, these two divine elves seemed unaware that Thrett was the Demon King. Otherwise, only two of them wouldn’t dare to provoke the Demon King. Apart from admiring their courage, the rest was just laughable. Moreover, when the elves in the temple got serious, their level of stupidity wouldn’t be just this much. If they were really going to attack, they wouldn’t send just two apparently strong individuals to their deaths but would mobilize the entire armed forces to crush him, eventually leading to the extermination of all elves.

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Thrett had initially intended to ignore them, but in their initial conversation, he heard the mention of the ‘hero,’ which made him want to clarify the situation no matter what.

“Even for demons, there should be the right to know the accusations against them, shouldn’t there?” Thrett tossed aside the meal contaminated with dust and debris onto a nearby table. Anyway, he couldn’t give it to Ellyad to eat. iw4Hus

“The demands of this demon are so excessive! How verbose!” The male elf tapped his staff on the ground repeatedly, making noise. However, before the female elf gave orders, he seemed reluctant to make any aggressive moves.

“No harm done. It won’t hurt to bestow a little grace from the goddess upon him before he dies. Otherwise, when he falls into the eternal night hell, he will curse our lack of mercy vilely,” the female elf said quietly, but her words were filled with disdain with each sentence.

“In that case, I shall listen attentively,” Thrett said calmly, with one hand on his hip, making a gesture of ‘please.’ No one here would see how he looked later, and of course, Ellyad upstairs wouldn’t see either. The only ones who would see were the two naive divine elves walking into the shadow of death.

“Look at his arrogant attitude. Let’s take him down a notch now!” The male elf’s staff was poised, and the dazzling light gradually gathered, the color of divine power. s7vdj2

“We, the holy elves, were searching for the whereabouts of the Great Hero recently. We accidentally discovered that at the same time, there were two Great Heroes appearing. One of them even had extensive interactions with demons, affecting his sense of duty as a hero. Therefore, we were ordered to come and rescue him.”

That day, during the elves’ meeting, they glimpsed the memories of two heroes through the divine pillar left by the goddess. Although the memories they could see were incomplete and quite blurry, they could still discern the presence of black demons around the older hero. Therefore, they concluded that the hero had been imprisoned and threatened by the demon, causing him to neglect his duty to defeat the Demon King.

“What kind of rescue plan?” Thrett could tell it was a unilateral decision by the divine elves, so he didn’t need to explain his relationship with Ellyad at all. They wouldn’t listen anyway, so he just needed to know how these people were going to handle the situation.

“Of course, it’s to kill the demon that’s influencing the Great Hero! No matter what kind of low-level magic you’ve cast on him, we holy elves will find a way to save him!” blKOTh

“What kind of rescue are you talking about? And you dare to say such things now.” Thrett frowned deeply, very displeased. If they were talking about rescue, why didn’t these elves step in to protect Ellyad before his wings were removed?

“Killing you is one step, and another is erasing his memory—” The female elf didn’t even finish her sentence before everything happened too quickly. What finally entered their field of vision was darkness and the colorful eyes of imminent death.

In an instant, the two heads shrouded in white veils exploded like ripe fruits bursting open, spreading sweet pulp. The stunning red splattered onto their pristine white robes. Astonishingly, the headless bodies remained standing upright, as if they hadn’t fallen at all!

Thrett contemptuously flicked off the red pulp from his palm. “What should I say at a time like this? ‘May the filthy blood cleanse your foolishness, let the idiotic elves sleep forever at my feet, and may the Dark Lord grant forgiveness.’ But it’s meaningless to say that after they’re dead.” He smirked, baring his teeth, and smeared the remaining blood between his fingers on the blood-soaked robe. Only then did the headless bodies collapse weakly to the ground. SxF0Rj


With a disdainful glance, Thrett found these two bodies no longer worthy of his attention. He turned and swiftly flew back to the room upstairs.

If those divine elves really wanted to go with that ‘rescue the hero’ nonsense, besides killing the demons around the hero, they just mentioned another attack that would target the hero.

“Please, just don’t hurt him anymore!” Thrett pleaded for this one thing. Those elves couldn’t possibly have come for the hero; it was definitely for their own interests or safety that they left the Goddess Temple in such a hurry. TubM2h

In an instant, he was back in the room, rudely opening the door, only to see Ellyad standing between two female elves, wearing a neat snow-white outfit.

The originally hazel eyes had lost all their radiance. The hollow gaze of the swamp-like eyes looked at Thrett, who had suddenly barged in. His face seemed to have lost all emotions, leaving only an empty shell.

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After Thrett left, Ellyad was still intoxicated by the overwhelming sense of happiness, and buried memories suddenly resurfaced, bringing with them a heart full of joy. pwvY09

Feeling somewhat intoxicated, he casually put on the clean clothes prepared by Thrett, lazily leaving the front of his shirt unbuttoned. His body was no longer in pain, but now hunger left him weak in the limbs.

Ellyad wanted to tell Thrett everything about himself. Before Thrett returned, he planned to figure out where to start. Now he was sure that even if Thrett knew about any of his despicable past, he would absolutely accept everything with a gentle smile. And then, he wanted to hear about Thrett’s past too; he wanted to know everything about him.

Actually, the last time they were in the palace in the Iron Gray Kingdom, surrounded by soldiers and Thrett was about to destroy the entire country, Ellyad sensed it. Thrett wasn’t just the ‘special kind of demon’ he claimed to be; he was something beyond that, a more powerful entity.

Thrett was the Demon King. UdIh9g

But no matter what the truth was, Thrett was still Thrett to Ellyad. The fact that he loved him deeply wouldn’t change. Ellyad firmly believed that even if Thrett was truly the feared and dreaded Demon King, he would never harm Ellyad in the slightest.

Now Ellyad only wanted to touch him, to possess him, to pour out his love to him. He wanted to just cuddle and lazily daydream with him; everything else didn’t need to be thought about urgently.

“The clothes aren’t even warm enough in winter. Could it be the work of that cursed demon?” A stranger’s voice interrupted Ellyad’s reverie. He instantly pulled his shirt close and jumped up, glaring vigilantly at the figure speaking from the windowsill.

At the same time, there was a loud noise from downstairs, but Ellyad couldn’t distract himself to investigate right now. Ml1HSj

Three figures leaped into the room in quick succession, two females and one male, with the male being the white-haired man Ellyad had seen before, but he remained silent standing behind the female elves. They were all clad in white armor. Although the two female elves wore expressions of pity and sorrow, Ellyad sensed nothing but ill intent from them.

“What do you want?” Ellyad’s hand was ready to summon his Hero sword at any moment.

The man had appeared multiple times before, and although he had helped Ellyad in the past, Ellyad did not harbor any goodwill towards him. Meeting under these circumstances only heightened his suspicion.

“We are the Sacred Elves, faithful servants of the Goddess Elena, and companions to all humans. I am named Mu Jin, this one is Shui Lian, and the one behind us is Lord Lucivi.” The elf named Mu Jin made a slight bow, expressing goodwill with her gentle voice. vjYtuK

“We are here to save you. You no longer need to fear! We will do everything in our power to free you from the clutches of that despicable demon.” Another elf named Shui Lian emitted a friendly, energetic voice.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Ellyad was completely bewildered by them. He didn’t need any saving right now, nor was he under the ‘clutches of a despicable demon.’ Frankly, if they left him alone, Ellyad would appreciate it.

Ellyad felt like he was dealing with lunatics spouting gibberish. But suddenly, Mu Jin’s slender palm reached towards him, and his body froze instantly!

“What are you doing!” Ellyad tried to push her away, but his body was completely paralyzed. 6zP5WU

“Please don’t be afraid, relax. We just want to help you, Hero.” Mu Jin comforted him softly.

“Yeah, that’s right. Just helping you get rid of those terrible memories. This is a special ability unique to us Sacred Elves, and it doesn’t hurt at all.”

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“Erase… What do you mean erase?” Ellyad realized the seriousness of the situation, but his body was completely unable to retaliate.

“I just explained to you. I want to help you erase all memories related to the terrifying demons, so you can return to the right path of the Hero, no longer be misled by darkness, and go forth to eliminate the Demon King for the sake of humanity, fulfilling the righteousness and duty of the Hero.” DkpcCG

“I haven’t been harmed by any demons, and I don’t want to be a Hero!” Ellyad shouted anxiously.

Mu Jin’s hand rested on his forehead, and a nauseating sensation continued to invade his mind. Beside her, Shui Lian clasped her hands together in a praying gesture, and a bright white light spread throughout the room.

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