Cub Care AssociationCh1 - First Day as a Caregiver

“Ah Luan, there’s going to be a meteor shower tonight, and it’s one of those once-in-a-century kinds. I’ve already arranged with a few old classmates to go to the outskirts. Why don’t you come along?” A slightly excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

The young man sitting at the computer desk was holding the phone between his head and shoulder, with both hands on the digital screen. His right hand, holding a pen, continued drawing as he responded, “It’s too cold outside. I won’t go.” KY3FRj

“Lazy Xie, why don’t you just be lazy to death…” As the young man’s childhood friend, and having a relationship that was no different from that of real brothers even after growing up, Lu Yuan wasn’t discouraged by the young man’s refusal. He just said, “Alright then, I’ll take some photos for you later.”

Xie Luan responded a few times in succession. After the person on the other end hung up first, he raised one hand to take the phone from his ear and put it back on the phone base.

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At this moment, Xie Luan was still thinking about continuing to work for a while. However, just as his fingers touched the edge of the drawing board again, a streak of light flashed past the corner of his eye, and in the next second—

A loud “bang” reverberated through Xie Luan’s eardrums, and in that instant, Xie Luan even felt his floor shake. 6V7zmJ

What the heck.

Did a meteor just crash into his yard…?

Xie Luan stood still for a second, holding his precious drawing board, then turned his head to look out at the yard and finally decided to go out and take a look.

As soon as he stepped into the small yard outside, Xie Luan saw that most of the potted plants he had carefully tended to fell over, but there was no time to feel distressed. Xie Luan saw a pit emitting a faint golden light on the ground not far away.


It was already getting late, and glowing objects were very conspicuous in dim environments. As Xie Luan pondered whether to approach, he saw an extremely conspicuous golden light orb suddenly float up from the pit, the depth of which was unknown.

“…” Xie Luan silently twitched the corner of his mouth, and his body instinctively took a step back.

Stay calm. As a qualified citizen of the 21st century, he should believe in science…

However, the power of science was clearly not going to save Xie Luan now. The floating golden light orb almost immediately locked onto its target. lFJwDY

It was like a bullet shooting towards him, moving so fast that Xie Luan had no way to dodge. In the reflection of his pupils, the golden light orb grew larger and larger, and in a flash, it struck him.

There was no pain, but Xie Luan’s vision immediately darkened, plunging him into complete darkness. When he regained consciousness, he found that his surroundings had turned into an endless white space.

—Science, from belief to abandonment.

This space looked very unstable. In the distance, within Xie Luan’s line of sight, part of the space was even collapsing and distorting. ZIHxFX

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

His first thought was that he had encountered something very troublesome.

Lbkfnfg, bcmf tf jmmfqafv atlr ecrmlfcalolm gfjilas, Wlf Oejc mbeiv rajga vfjilcu klat atf meggfca rlaejalbc. Lf obmerfv tlr ujhf bc atf ubivfc iluta bgy atja ygbeuta tlw ab atlr rqjmf.

Lf vlvc’a xcbk lo atlr iluta bgy kjr j mbcrmlber fcalas, yea la kjr atf bcis wbnlcu bypfma tf mbeiv lcafgjma klat lc atlr rqjmf. Wlf Oejc mbeiv bcis ags ab mbwweclmjaf: “Tbe…”

“I am Xia Zuo. I apologize for pulling you into this space without any notice, but only here can I communicate with you.” The voice that directly sounded in Xie Luan’s mind interrupted what he was about to say. The voice sounded very weak and, after saying the first sentence, continued without any pause, “In my world, all world lines lead to the same ending. Even if I go back to the past and make different choices, or even try to kill the root cause of the world’s destruction in advance… the ending still doesn’t change.” lwRFpt

Regardless of whether the young man could understand, the limited time forced the other party to quickly explain all the necessary things, “Ultimately, it was determined that external help was needed, so I came to this dimension and found you.”

“This light orb is my remaining consciousness. When you reach that world, it will guide you for the last time.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Without any chance to interject, after listening to these several sentences, Xie Luan’s eyelid twitched. He knew he had been pushed into this situation without any choice.

Putting science aside for now, Xie Luan actually understood what the other party was trying to convey. xBpN78

In simple terms, the other party wanted to prevent the destruction of their world, but after exhausting all methods, they couldn’t change the ending. So, they placed their last hope on someone from another dimension.

It was like trying to get 0 from 4 minus 3, which was impossible. The equation needed an additional “1” to work. Xie Luan now essentially became that “1”.

“Then, I’ll just say ‘yes’.” Xie Luan’s easygoing and laid-back nature made him sigh briefly at this moment, and he casually raised his hand to press down a rebellious strand of hair sticking up on his head.

Indeed, he had encountered a very troublesome situation, and it was one where he had no right to refuse. 1pSZ2j

“It’s just establishing a link, don’t worry. And thank you very much. Regardless of the final outcome, you will be safe, and it won’t have much impact on your real life.” With no time to explain further, the voice in Xie Luan’s mind only said this last sentence.

Not much impact on real life… Real life? Catching the key information in that sentence, Xie Luan was just about to ponder its meaning when his consciousness drifted away again.

Link established.

“Hiss…” As soon as he opened his eyes, Xie Luan took a sharp breath, not from pain, but purely from the cold. Because when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the ground, wearing rather thin clothes, with his back pressed against the cold winter ground. It was no wonder he felt cold. DRyxI5

His first reaction was to stand up. Only then did Xie Luan have the time to observe his surroundings, which, unsurprisingly, were completely unfamiliar to him.

He was in a secluded alley rarely visited by people. It was very narrow, barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side.

Suddenly, a shadow was cast from the sky. Xie Luan looked up and saw a huge silver-gray starship with a cold metallic texture.

He had really traveled through time—and this world seemed to be in a high-tech interstellar future. However, the buildings looked quite similar to those in his own world. j3cMtf

Xie Luan stared at the sky in a slight daze for a moment, but he quickly adjusted his mindset and shifted his gaze to the golden light orb floating in front of him.

Upon meeting the young man’s gaze, the floating golden light orb moved forward a short distance, then stopped and swayed slightly, as if signaling for the young man to follow.

Easily understanding the meaning of the light orb’s actions, Xie Luan did not hesitate and stepped forward to follow it.

The planet Xie Luan was currently on was a famous trade planet, so the sky was always filled with starships and airships coming and going. The commercial streets were numerous, and there were many tourists. It could be said that this was a very bustling planet. y851rW

However, even in the most bustling places, there were always relatively old areas.

After being led by the light orb for about ten minutes, Xie Luan was brought to a place that also seemed rarely visited. In front of an old, rusty iron door, the guiding golden light orb stopped.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They had arrived.

Understanding the signal, Xie Luan looked up and was stunned. qdUK8X

A cub care branch?

For a moment, Xie Luan even doubted whether the light orb had led him to the wrong place. Wasn’t it previously mentioned that this was a “save the world” hero script, which sounded like a nightmare-level difficulty? Could the script be changed at the last minute—??

But the golden light orb that had brought him here showed no intention of changing course. As a remnant consciousness, it couldn’t understand the complex expression on the young man’s face.

The golden light orb circled around a piece of paper that seemed about to be blown away by the cold wind, which was stuck to the old iron door. It was obvious that it wanted the young man to take the paper down. k2zBdP

The bottom of the paper wasn’t stuck firmly, so Xie Luan easily removed the entire sheet from the iron door. It was a job advertisement, slightly wrinkled but still readable, and it clearly stated—

【Our cub care branch is hiring caregivers】

Xie Luan: “…”

So… saving the world starts with being a caregiver? YRIn4B

He looked down at the job advertisement in his hand, then looked up at the cub care branch in front of him, with its various facilities appearing quite old and simple. Xie Luan was once again stunned.

The so-called Cub Care Association here had a slightly different definition from the ordinary associations in Xie Luan’s original world; its nature was somewhat special.

The Cub Care Association was a general term for an organization, and the one in front of Xie Luan, like others scattered across various planets, was a branch.

The Cub Care Association was roughly equivalent to a combination of a welfare home and a kindergarten for cubs. Besides adopting cubs who had no one to care for them, it also accepted cubs for a fee, taking responsibility for their care and education. EOmg7W

For some well-known branches, countless parents go to great lengths to secure a spot for their cubs, even those from prestigious families were no exception.

This was because the top-ranked branches of the Cub Care Association in the interstellar rankings invariably employ the best gold-medal caregivers who received an S-level rating from the Star Alliance, and the conditions for caring for the cubs were also very favorable.

Such gold-medal caregivers were not easily hired, no matter how much money was offered. Each caregiver with an S-level rating from the Star Alliance was incredibly valuable, and currently, there were only six in the entire interstellar space, with all countries vying for them.

The reason for their value was simple: the core reason was that an S-level rating signified that they possessed the special ability to guide and stimulate cubs to successfully develop their own superpowers. Cdmnuh

For example, a cub that could only develop a single-type superpower on its own might be able to uncover a potential second superpower under the guidance of an S-level caregiver. This kind of potential talent development was only effective during the cub stage. By the time they reach adulthood, the already hidden potential would be further weakened and buried deeper.

Similarly, a cub that could originally only develop low-level superpowers might, after receiving guidance, have a certain probability of developing high-level superpowers.

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Although these enhancements only increased the probability and didn’t guarantee a 100% success, what normal parent wouldn’t want their cub to have an advantage from the start?

None! Pjhnd

So, there was now a phenomenon where the top-ranked branches of the Cub Care Association received countless parents rushing to give money every year, and each gold-medal caregiver with an S-level rating from the Star Alliance was almost worshiped. Parents who had high hopes for their cubs were just short of actually setting up an offering table and burning incense to pray.

However, Xie Luan, who was still holding the job advertisement and standing in a daze, was currently unaware of these things. These incredibly glamorous opportunities were temporarily unrelated to him—after all, the branch in front of him, with its old and simple facilities, clearly couldn’t rank among the many branches of the Cub Care Association.

Retracting his gaze, Xie Luan held the job advertisement in his hand and walked in through the open part of the iron door.



T/n: Translator here. This is already a done chapter and I just wanted to post this in order to… get a head start hehehe…. Cubs, cubs, cubs… BABIES! Cute. This is healing me :blobhearteyes: Updates will resume on Tuesday… or maybe Wednesday. I learned now… I need to establish schedules instead of updating every day 🙏 See you!

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  1. Aahhhhh thank you for translating this 😆😆😆 I used to read this book a long time ago by another translator but the translation is not finished and the MTL is too hard to read 🫠🫠

    You don’t know how obsessed I am with the cubs 😫😫 Thank you thank you thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. i love this story so much!!! can’t wait to read your interpretation of this text! this story heals my heart! thank you so much for translating this!