Captured LifeCh1.5 - Breathing Technique

TL/N: Hello, for today’s update will be the last part of chapter one. Don’t be surprise if the chapter is overall 1k+ words in total. Maybe I’ll update again in Wednesday. Hopefully.🙏🏻

Liviu straightened his eyebrows when he heard voices coming from beyond the door as he roughly tidied up his disheveled clothes and went down to the study. 64q8A

When he opened the door and entered, he saw Tebe, who was alone and excitedly talking to himself.

“It’s better than spending the summer in the… forest. Many people think that the forest maintains a similar climate regardless of whether it’s summer or winter, but the foothills are actually more sensitive to the seasons. The weather is scorching, the air is humid, and the bugs are only the size of a palm… It’s unbearable whether it’s day or night.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.


Glynn, who had been half-listening to Tebe’s words, lowered his head when he saw Liviu and Tebe greeted him awkwardly. e5LV2Q

Liviu gestured for Glynn to leave.

Tebe’s eyes lingered on the longsword that Liviu was holding.

“You don’t need a sword for today’s lesson. Your enthusiasm is impressive.”

It wasn’t a completely ignorant remark.


Tebe thought of Glynn, who had guided him to the study.

He, too, had not let go of the sword collection until Liviu arrived.

Liviu ignored Tebe’s joke and became annoyed.

“Don’t you know that you should always carry your identification wherever you go?” F5bUli

“Of course I know. I forgot to bring it with me.”

“It’s tiresome to keep saying how pathetic you are.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Gbc’a ijeut.” qryIwa

Olnle qeiifv bea akb mtjlgr jcv rja vbkc.

Llr rkbgv bmmeqlfv atf fwqas rfja.

Kfyf, ktb rja jmgbrr ogbw tlw, tjv cbatlcu lc tlr tjcvr.

“Qts jgf sbe fwqas-tjcvfv? Gbc’a sbe tjnf jcs kglalcu abbir?” 56Wzse

“Ktfgf’r cb cffv obg cbafr lc abvjs’r ifrrbc, rb vbc’a kbggs.”

“P tjnf j ragbcu offilcu atja la’r j kjraf bo alwf.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Tebe shrugged his shoulders.

“If you memorize it, it might come in handy unexpectedly.” nrpReK

The lesson Tebe prepared was a method of relaxing the body through meditation.

Liviu did not hide his boredom as he listened to the explanation of the breathing technique for meditation.

“What’s the use of this? I don’t have time for meditation.”

“The horses and workers who come from the stable are famous for not getting tired easily. Before they start work, they drink warm tea and meditate to relax their bodies. They also mix a special herb into their food, which is a secret remedy for them. It’s difficult to bring the tea leaves or herbs they use into the palace, but we can imitate the meditation technique, right?” rK 43z

“What does it matter how those humble wanderers do it? If it’s about adjusting my condition, I can do it well myself. Last time was a mistake.”

“Are you really sure? That there won’t be such a thing again?”


Liviu wanted to say so, but he couldn’t say anything because he knew he was just forcing himself. cw7pSK

“Having time to catch your breath is really important. Especially when you’re in a situation like Liviu, where it’s not easy to relax.”

“Didn’t you say you don’t care about me?”

“Because you can’t live completely closing your eyes and ears.”

“Then you must know that I’m different from the commoners who just do what their masters tell them to do to survive. Rest for me means death.” xQMYAf

“No, that’s not true. The law that says the hasty ones are the first to lose their lives applies to both the battlefield and the palace.”

Tebe’s voice was gentle but firm.

He knew quite a lot of common sense for survival.

He couldn’t teach all of them to Liviu, but he could pass on some. Of course, he hadn’t overlooked the possibility that Ruth might demand Liviu’s life. K7sr4T

If that happened, Tebe would end up selling his own grave.

Liviu was a young beast.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

His learning ability, which quickly absorbed and made everything his own, was truly astonishing.

If he continued to learn at this pace, he would become a formidable inspector even before he reached adulthood, surpassing Tebe and becoming one of the best in Augusste. PftiJO

It wasn’t a smart move for Tebe to show such kindness to someone who should be hated, to borrow Ruth’s words.

But… Tebe didn’t hate Liviu.

Rather, he was closer to sympathizing and empathizing with him.

Unlike Ruth, who eagerly awaited the day he would escape from the Empire’s influence, Liviu was just another name attached to hell called home. K0lVpn

Tebe recalled his childhood.

At that time, he, like other children, tried to inflate his size and use evil to avoid being ignored, but at the same time, he hoped for someone’s help.

He wanted a strong person he could rely on to be by his side.

The training camp commander and even the children he was with said that such feelings of Tebe were the source of weakness. ExClGA

“At first, the process of regulating your breath and entering a trance state may feel long and burdensome, but once you get used to it, you will be able to control your imagination before a drop of water from the tip of a clock falls on the surface.”

“Where and how should I train until I reach that level? I’ll be defenseless.”

“Isn’t that why I’m sitting in front of you, Liviu?”

Liviu smiled coldly. jHAlGM

“Are you telling me to trust you?”

“I didn’t say that. If you’re not interested, you can have someone watch over you while you meditate. Isn’t this an easy business?”

“Like a parrot.”

Liviu scrutinized Tebe’s expression, causing unnecessary trouble. czRJAg

Tebe’s blue eyes were innocent, as if he had never learned enmity.

Those who do not easily reveal their emotions in the face of others’ attacks can be divided into two types: those who are as dull as bears and those who are as cunning as snakes.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

There is no such thing as a free favor.

This was the lesson Liviu had learned while risking his life in Granvald. cGs5mA

How nice would it be if he could see the desires hidden beneath the smiling faces of others?

Suppressing his desire to ask what exactly Tebe wanted, Liviu called for Glynn, who had been waiting outside the study.

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  1. Liviu is like an abandoned stray kitten, so wary, and only knowing how to scratch and brandish his claws… Tebe is just an unknown warmth that’ll take time to get used to </3

    Just reminded me that all of this is only chapter one lol, Thank you for this chapter ❤️

  2. Hey ,I’m a bit confused,so the cover of this novel?? Who is Tebe and who is Liviu? ..who is the blond that looks bigger than the other one?