They are Chasing Me!Ch157 - His Flower of Gaoling (15) — Affectionate

“But,” Shi Su’an smiled, “I have already obtained a marriage certificate with him.”

Father Shi was stunned, “You didn’t tell me.” wXUy2

“Dad, this is my decision,” Shi Su’an said solemnly, “Being with him is also the result of my careful consideration.”

He glanced out the window nonchalantly, “You don’t have to worry.”

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Father Shi was surprised, “You like him?”

Su An thought: Stop talking. If you keep talking, the dog man with a fragile heart outside will start to collapse the world again. ebPdhf

“There are indeed things I don’t like about him,” Shi Su’an paused and said quickly, “But there are also things I like about him. For the things I don’t like, I can slowly make him change.”

“You have made up your mind to be with him,” Father Shi felt a little melancholy, and then quickly laughed, “Forget it, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, let it be as you wish.”

Outside the window.

Li Yuechi savored Shi Su’an’s two words in a daze. After a long time, he exhaled a breath, relaxed and leaned against the wall, covered his face and laughed softly.


A thought of heaven and a thought of hell, he instantly came to life. The snowflakes fell denser and denser, Li Yuechi felt the coldness again. He wiped his face, stood up and quietly walked outside.

Without thinking too much, he knew what Su An didn’t like about him.

His desire for control.

If Su An discovers that he secretly came to country C, he would only annoy the other party even more. wy I7C

Li Yuechi was so cold that his whole body was frozen. Just as he was about to climb over the fence with one leg, he heard someone coming out of the small foreign-style building. Li Yuechi immediately hid back and looked out sideways.

Su An was wearing a sweater, and on his hands were a knee-length down jacket and a red scarf. He carefully placed these two things on the fence.

Father Shi shouted from the inside of the house: “An-An, what are you doing?”

“Dad, it snowed suddenly.” Su An smiled vaguely and turned back, “Some homeless people may not have time to prepare winter clothes. I will put one set there to keep them warm.” MpwSQm

Father Shi said dotingly: “Good boy, come and eat.”

Li Yuechi waited for a while, and when there was no sound, he cautiously stepped forward, took the clothes and scarf and put them on.

Warmth hit him instantly, bringing with it a quiet fragrance unique to Shi Su’an, elegant and light. The cold wind and white snow were blocked by the down jacket, Li Yuechi was buried in the scarf, and his mood was indescribably wonderful.

As soon as he smelled it, he knew it was the clothes Shi Su’an had worn. o3eU9Y

My wife is really kind-hearted and has good aesthetics. Li Yuechi likes this festive red color.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ifoa tlr ojatfg-lc-ijk’r tberf tjqqlis, jcv joafg kjixlcu ab j gfwbaf mbgcfg, tf abbx bea tlr mfii qtbcf jcv mjiifv Vtl Ve’jc.

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Vtl Ve’jc jcrkfgfv delmxis, jcv atf rbecv bo milcxlcu meqr jcv ybkir gjcu atgbeut atf qtbcf. Pa yfmjwf delfa joafg j wbwfca: “Ol Tefmtl?”

Vtl Ve’jc kjixfv ab atf yjimbcs. Quy8wa

Li Yuechi said tenderly: “Baby, have you eaten?”

Su An almost felt goosebumps all over his body. He covered his phone and laughed twice before replying: “Eating, are you.”

“I’ve already eaten,” Li Yuechi looked at the small foreign house in the distance, and could vaguely see Shi Su’an’s silhouette on the balcony, “How’s the weather on your side?”

“It’s snowing,” Su An looked up at the sky. The misty clouds completely covered the moon, but he said, “The moon is pretty good.” DCj Za

Li Yuechi also looked up and said with a smile: “The moon here is pretty good too. When you come back, we can enjoy the moon together.”

“En,” Su An said, “It’s late on your end too, go get some rest.”

Li Yuechi responded, breathing shallowly, and suddenly said: “Baby, I miss you.”

Shi Su’an paused for a moment and said slightly uncomfortably: “Me too.” BFPKzo

Li Yuechi laughed muffledly while buried in his red scarf, and said in a low voice: “Su An.”

Su An blushed when he was called, and he heart skipped a beat, “En?”

Li Yuechi said: “I love you.”

There were neither flowers nor candles, nor elaborate preparations. This sentence was said casually, maybe it reached Su An’s ears from the phone, or maybe it reached Su An’s ears from the wind and snow in a foreign country. But Su An felt that there was nothing more heart-warming than these words of love. These three words came to life. The moment they came out of the confessor’s mouth, they were imprinted with Su An’s name. vbwqQS

Su An licked his lips. They had been old lovers for several lifetimes, but he still felt nervous and shy at this moment, “…why so sudden?”

Li Yuechi smiled and said, “I will try my best to give you a life you like.”

Su An couldn’t hold back his smile and bent his eyes, “Good.”

In the dark night, Li Yuechi hung up the phone and left along the roadside. JdByOj

Two days later, Shi Su’an brought his father back from abroad, and Li Yuechi made time to pick them up in person. When they met, he respectfully took the luggage from Father Shi, even more respectfully than they were to his own father, “Does the old sir ever get motion sickness?”

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Father Shi was flattered and waved his hands quickly, “No dizziness, no dizziness…Yuechi, uncle hasn’t seen you for a long time. When I see you like this, you’ve really grown into a man.”

He also looked at Shi Su’an who had been staring at him since a while ago, strangely stroked his chin, and took advantage of the fact that his father-in-law didn’t see it, and mooched a hand on Shi Su’an’s waist, “What are you looking at me for? Not clean-shaven?” e5iQWJ

Shi Su’an shook his head and hesitated: “You…”

“Baby, even if you want to get intimate with me now and relieve your lovesickness, you have to make arrangements with my father-in-law, first,” Li Yuechi glanced at Father Shi in the car behind him and boldly took a sip of sweetness from Su An, “Baby, I miss you so much.”

Shi Su’an’s ears turned red. He knocked down Li Yuechi’s hand, didn’t bother to ask any more questions, and bent down to get into the car.

Xiao Zhou, who was in the driver’s seat, looked at his boss who seemed to have changed into a diligent and down-to-earth person. He couldn’t help but sigh once again that the boss was so good at pretending, and concentrating on driving the family to the restaurant. mu EcF

When Li Yuechi maintained his posture, few people could resist his aura and get close to him. But when he is determined to act as a good son-in-law, he becomes even more perfect and good in everything.

Father Shi didn’t like this boy from the Li family very much, but in just half a day, he was already coaxed into laughing by Li Yuechi. The two of them also got drunk. After drinking several bottles of Kaoliang liquor at noon, Father Shi, a cultured man, suddenly fell drunk into the hands of the bantid-like Li Yuechi.

Su An and Li Yuechi held each other on one side and finally put Father Shi on the bed. Su An was about to wipe Father Shi with water and towels when Li Yuechi snatched the things from his hands and said, “I’ll do it, you go rest.” tklTq8

Su An: “You also drank a lot. It’s you who should rest.”

“Don’t make trouble,” Li Yuechi smiled and pinched Su An’s cheek flesh and kissed him hard, “Don’t interrupt your husband’s attentiveness to your father. Be good, go take a shower first and leave the door open for me.”

He pushed Su An out, and Su An had no choice but to leave.

When the door was about to close, Su An looked back. ulMLDY

Li Yuechi took care of Father Shu with unfamiliar movements. It could be seen from his actions that he had never done anything like this before, and he was busy and confused. Su An suddenly felt sour in his heart. The proud son of heaven, who is above ten thousand people, had gone to such lengths for him.

After Li Yuechi took care of Father Shi, sweating profusely, he became slightly drunk. He found the Shi family’s bathroom, which he was not familiar with, and quickly took a hot shower.

The Shi family is a scholarly family. Although they are not short of money, they pay attention to the word “elegance”. The decoration style was completely different from that of Li Yuechi’s home. Li Yuechi took a quick look and felt that his own home was better looking.

But because it was his wife’s house, Li Yuechi praised it after returning to Shi Su’an’s bedroom, “The flowers on the balcony are so beautiful.” X0sC7o

Su An was making the bed, “If you like, we can bring two pots of flowers back.”

“No need,” Li Yuechizhi smiled triumphantly, “Baby, I will pull out the roses in my ancestral home and plant them all.”

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Su An took a breath and said, “We are not going back to the ancestral home! The roses in the ancestral home, aren’t these the flowers that Auntie likes?”

“What kind of flowers does my mother like?” Li Yuechi said amusedly, “She is a common person like me. She can’t even tell the difference between Chinese roses and rose flowers, so how can she care about these?” pfE2G1

Su An: “But the ancestral home…”

“That’s where we will go back to live sooner or later,” Li Yuechi stepped forward and hugged him, rubbing noses with him, “I will raise the flowers first, and then I will raise you there.”

In fact, there is no ancestral house anywhere. It’s just that after Li Yuechi became prosperous, he sold all the land and demolished what should be demolished. It needs to be renovated. The ancestral home was still a shabby house five years ago.

Seeing that he had done everything and hinted that the house would belong to them sooner or later, Su An couldn’t help but smile numbly: “That’s it, thank you.” FzrGp5

When he gives birth to a son in the future, he must not give birth to a “filial” son like Li Yuechi.

Oh, no, his partner is a man, and he has no son.

Li Yuechi said modestly: “As long as you like it.”

It’s late at night, and the two of them should go to sleep. Li Yuechi rubbed Su An’s neck like a dog, making his black hair fluffy and scratching his skin, “An-An, you smell so good…” 2JsdC

Su An groaned and tried to raise his neck. His white swan neck was loved by his man. Every time he did this, he would kiss colorful plum blossoms here, “Nonsense…I’m using the same thing as you.”

Li Yuechi lied, “It’s different. Come on, let me enjoy your scent.”

After two hours of rubbing it together, mindful of Su An’s physical exhaustion, Li Yuechi called for a retreat. Su An was sweating and panting.

He was already satisfied, but when he looked up, he saw the back of Li Yuechi sitting on the edge of the bed, bending over. His sexy honey-colored back was scratched with many bright red nail marks, which were mottled and messy. Su An blushed and started to move again. dcQMl6

But how can the cold flower of gaoling seduce his man?

Su An thought as he sat up from the bed, “I want to take a shower…”

Li Yuechi turned around and hugged him, “I’ll take you there.”

Su An should be too weak, and leaned on Li Yuechi’s body like a little bird. Li Yuechi felt infinite pity, carefully carried him in, let him hold on to the wall, and gave him a bath. 4xrZuT

There is no bathtub in the Shi family, only a shower head. After washing and washing, he started to fuck without knowing why. After the first session, before Li Yuechi could express any opinions on his beastly behavior, Shi Su’an had already scolded him in a dumb voice, “Li Yuechi, you are not satisfied yet? You are going too far. ”

Li Yuechi apologized quickly, “I’m sorry, baby. I know I was wrong, I won’t dare to do it next time.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He clearly planned to be gentle to Shi Su’an after he returned to China, but he ended up going too far on the first day. Li Yuechi spoke softly and stayed down for a long time before finally coaxing Shi Su’an.

But when he got up the next morning, Su An looked at his brutally abused neck and was so angry that he hit Li Yuechi several times, “How can I meet my parents looking like this?” JibhNc

Li Yuechi wiped the sweat from his head and hugged him for a while. Then Su An picked up a turtleneck sweater and put it on, finally covering his neck so it won’t be seen.

The author has something to say: 

Mother Gong: I am a good son who died of filial piety.

61 EDN

Translator's Note

您老 – /nín lǎo/
A respectful title for an elder or noble person

ref link!

Translator's Note

二锅头 – /èrguōtóu/

Its simply “Erguotou”- is a Kaoliang liquor, Gaoliang liquor or Sorghum liquor is a strong distilled liquor of Chinese origin made from fermented sorghum.

Translator's Note

I edited ch 144 for these.
月季 – /yuè jì/ (chinese rose) and 玫瑰 – /méi guī/ (rose flower)

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