Playing E-Sports with a CatCh56.2 - From now on, what the little kitty says must be taken seriously! (2)

Maybe the mid-laner he is waiting for is his own Miao-Miao?

Chu Yuan was not the only one to think so. GZBdvq

The players and coaches of the first team also have the same idea.

Even Ping Rui is already thinking about how to draft this contract.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

There is no way, who made Bai Jin’s training results so outstanding.

It would be fine if he won in a close situation. But he was playing training matches with four oil bottles!! muPe h

The most terrible thing is that there is no ambiguity about where these people are really going.

A game of this level is nothing short of a miracle.

Even if Bai Jin is not directly transferred to the first team, at least he should be brought over for a trial training!

Only in this way can they see if Bai Jin is really suitable for their team.


Of course, this idea cannot be expressed yet.

Everything had to wait for God Chu’s nod.

Different from what the first team was thinking.

The second youth training class is already cheering! Y1UgvL

And Luo Pei trotted up to Bai Jin: “Bai-Bai! Do you remember the bet in the group?”

“The bet.” Bai Jin recited, then looked at Chu Yuan, then at the people of the first youth training class, “Of course I remember. They have to run around the small garden ten times and then shout ‘I am a pig’.”

The first youth training class: Damn, we just got abused, and they still want us to do this kind of thing!

“Hurry up! If you agree to bet you must accept to lose!” 4i6zH9

“Come on, pigs!”

“Hahahaha, I can record it.”

The people who are shouting are naturally the players from the second youth training class.

They have been waiting for a good show!!! T9UFnr

Xia Chengwei took the lead: “Shout, it’s just shouting, brothers go!”

Those who were willing to admit defeat, those who watched the fun, and those who cheered went out.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Bai Jin and Chu Yuan were the only two people left in the training room.

Bai Jin adjusted his rank record and said with a smile: “Look at my rank, I will be the king in five days. Will you also be willing to admit defeat by then?” DOrwN

They made bets on the way to youth training.

Chu Yuan held his forehead, thinking that he would definitely win.

I didn’t realize that the geniusness of my family Miao-Miao was a little too much.

“Of course, will I also go out and call myself a pig?” Naturally, Chu Yuan would not cheat on this kind of thing. 9rf4NE

Bai Jin shook his head: “Don’t! The two of us can’t lose face.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard people shouting “I am a pig” outside, which made Bai Jin laugh out loud.

“Actually, I’m not really angry.” Bai Jin said seriously, “But you have to believe me in the future. I’m not joking when I say I want to play professionally with you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This is not the first time Bai Jin has said that he wants to play professionally with him. VAh4j9

Dea atlr lr atf wbra rfglber alwf.

Jte Tejc rafqqfv obgkjgv, tfiv Djl Alc’r ojmf jcv gjlrfv la rilutais: “Gb sbe kjca ab qijs qgbofrrlbcjiis klat wf?”

“Sc!” Djl Alc cbvvfv.

Jte Tejc ofia j ilaaif ecmbwobgajyif, jcv cflatfg jugfflcu cbg gfoerlcu. J4kIMa

Coafg j ktlif, tf rjlv: “Qtfc P olgra rajgafv qijslcu qgbofrrlbcjiis, la kjr yfmjerf P kjr gfyfiilber.”

Bai Jin couldn’t believe it.


Where did his keeper become rebellious? 2ioC6A

It was the first time Chu Yuan told someone such a thing: “I was just bored and had nothing to do. I happened to play the game well, so I was roped into the team. At that time, I didn’t care about winning or losing, I just had fun playing.”

“Until someone told me, if it’s not to win, there’s no need to compete. Go home and play ranked. It’s happier than competing.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Yuan said calmly: “I have forgotten which staff member said these words. He may be very inconspicuous, just a field attendant or any position at the game. But I remember this sentence to this day, and it has also changed my career.”

From that point on, he wanted to win, and he became very team-oriented. K5sJrD

Become absolutely focused on the field.

Today he also sent this sentence to Bai Jin.

“If you’re playing because of me, it’s not necessary.”

“You have to want to win and want to be a pro before you think about competing. tVEjb

Bai Jin’s beautiful eyes were a little confused.

He couldn’t tell clearly.

Anyway, at this time, he just watched his keeper play games and watched his live broadcast.

After knowing that he was a professional player, he determined what he was going to do without much hesitation. pAEgdI

He knows that he is strong enough and smart enough.

It wasn’t difficult for him to become a professional player.

But the difficult issue is his keeper.

Do you want to win yourself, or do you want to play with your keeper. JSHY5T

Seeing that the child was a little at a loss, Chu Yuan hugged him into his arms, which was more like a comforting hug.

Comforting more than intimate.

“Don’t be in a hurry, think about it slowly.” Chu Yuan said softly, “I was also wrong. If I had discovered that Miao-Miao was so talented earlier, I would have helped you step by step.”

Bai Jin buried his head in Chu Yuan’s arms and said in a low voice: “It’s your fault.” WFRuyd

Whatever the reason, it can’t be the little kitty’s fault!

Chu Yuan chuckled: “Of course it’s my fault. My Miao-Miao will never be at fault.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“This is true!”

Bai Jin said directly, he would not be polite at all! kc9oAd

Bai Jin saw that no one was around, and simply bit Chu Yuan’s arm.

This time it’s no joke! Instead, he bit him with his little mao-mao’s teeth!

Chu Yuan looked at the saliva and red marks on his arm and rolled his throat slightly. The bite didn’t hurt, on the contrary, it felt like it was tickling his heart.

And he has to hug the person in front of him to relieve it. UuP0SF

“Are you happy?” Chu Yuan put his hand on Bai Jin’s waist. Seeing his small fan-like eyelashes blinking, he had the urge to kiss him.

The person in front of him is excellent and lovely, how can he be arbitrary?

“That make do!” Bai Jin turned his head and said, “From now on, what the little kitty says must be taken seriously! Do you hear me!”

The emotions in Chu Yuan’s eyes were unclear. He touched Bai Jin’s hair: “En.” zvfGIO

Bai Jin’s ears turned red, why was his keeper so obedient?

He was too embarrassed to lose his temper!

The two of them walked outside the door and saw a group of youth training players running, getting more and more energetic as they ran.

Fortunately, there are no residents near them, otherwise they would definitely complain! 4kCNeY

Don’t you sleep at night!

After this day, many mid-laners officially regarded Bai Jin as a competitor.

If nothing happens, the mid-laner of Team Y’s first team will be selected among them.

Everything will be revealed next Tuesday. 5td01

At that time, the mid-laners who have become kings will be tested, and only one can stay.

Everyone wants that to be them.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Because of Bai Jin’s stimulation, the atmosphere of the entire youth training became extremely uplifting.

Yang Xiao, who has led many youth training sessions, couldn’t help but say: “The newcomers have worked too hard. They will definitely be among the starting lineup of LPL in the future!” cat1 n

Bai Jin still trained as usual. A week to become a king, the time is indeed very tight.

After hitting diamond, every subsequent win adds very little points.

If you lose, you will get a lot more points deducted.

Bai Jin bit the straw and looked at the training room. 193yKW

He can only lament that the nickname of the second youth training class is worthy of being the Internet Addiction Counseling Center!

When they played the first training match a few days ago, there were still ten people in the second class, but today there are only three left.

The remaining people could no longer hold on.

Everyone was full of confidence when they came, thinking that if they took up gaming as a career, they would definitely enjoy it. Sjpefo

But ranking starts at 12 noon every day and continues until 12 in the evening.

Forget about that, you can only go to bed after you have played the number of games specified by the club.

But the people around you are still trying.

Especially the players in the first youth training class, they are truly talented and persevering people. xUEgR6

Even so, three people ran away from the first class.

For no other reason than it was too bitter.

Facing the computer screen every day, playing games and training day after day.

Many times people feel numb. fkOoY3

Even some players who quit now want to vomit when they see this game.

Those who stay can not only complete the fifteen games required by the youth training, they will also practice more by chance.

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Only the hardest working and most talented people can embark on a career path.

Bai Jin looked at the people walking around. HO2fde

He vaguely understood what his keeper meant.

He always says that it’s because of him that he wanted to play e-sport.

That’s why his keeper didn’t believe he could hold on.

This is not a career that can be sustained by others alone. MBoPU3

You must have love in your heart and be in awe of every game in order to go further.

Bai Jin threw the finished milk bottle into the trash can and already clicked on the ranking in his hand.

No matter what, he has to pass the youth training test first.

Fifteen minutes later. 4TuwjF

Bai Jin managed to advance to Canyon Master in four days.

Just as Bai Jin was stretching, someone took a screenshot of his Korean server account and uploaded it to the LoL youth training manager exchange group.

Head of MK youth training: Is this a side account of some big boss? If not, I will take action!

PO Youth Training: Thank you, I have already added him as a friend. hW2Nqn

LongYin youth training: Pick your nose. I added him a long time ago. He rushed to score too quickly, so I noticed him very early.

Round Youth Training: You started so quickly?!

zZ Youth Training: Damn, I checked, four days? From black iron to Master? This ID is also interesting, meow?

MK Youth Training: Yes!!! If anyone has been accepted as a friend, please push them. uJEC O

Yang Xiao, who was fishing in troubled waters, saw the chat records of this group.

First, he posted a question mark.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Then take a screenshot and give it to God Chu.

Only then did he start a verbal battle with the Confucians in the group. Cgm05r

Yang Xiao: Thank you for the invitation. He’s at the Team Y youth training base. Please Don’t miss it.

It was followed by a series of “????”, Yang Xiao couldn’t see it at all!

As long as he closes the window quickly enough, the question mark won’t be able to catch up with him!

Chu Yuan, who had just started ranking, saw the screenshot sent by Yang Xiao and raised his eyebrows slightly. pwim8S

Okay, dare to rob his person?

Just as Chu Yuan was about to send Miao-Miao a WeChat message, he saw a familiar ID among the matched teammates.


Did they happen to line up together? bJ02rk

Translator's Note

愿赌服输 – /Yuàn dǔ fúshū/
lit. if you agree to bet you must accept to lose / fig. you bet, you pay

Translator's Note

独断专行 – /dú duàn zhuān xíng/
to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action / a law unto oneself

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  1. Thank you for chapter ❤️

    Next will be God and cat abusing poor people in the canyon 😁