Playing E-Sports with a CatCh55 - Bah, double standard dog!

The people on the youth training side were also dumbfounded.

They looked at Yang Xiao with even more admiration. Although the person in charge, Yang Xiao, just said that he would find a powerful coach to help them review the game. RaxfqD

He actually called all the players from the first team?!

What kind of treatment is this, ah.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yang Xiao didn’t expect that he just invited Zhang Gu to come over, but a group of people followed him.

He and Zhang Gu were also old friends, so, of course, he called him out enthusiastically, but God Chu and Ping Rui followed behind him, which made him confused. dziMcB

Ping Rui kept winking at him, but Yang Xiao couldn’t figure out what was going on, ah.

Seeing everyone’s curiosity, Ping Rui immediately said: “Just here to see you guys, everyone keep eating huh.”

The people from the first team were not polite and patted Yang Xiao on the shoulder: “Brother Yang, please order more, these are not enough for everyone.”

Yang Xiao: ???


Your team’s salary is so high, why do you need to come here to eat and drink?

Having said that, Yang Xiao ordered another midnight snack that was enough for everyone to share.

He will definitely have to ask the team to reimburse him for this money.

By the way, he still has something to tell Ping Rui and God Chu, this matter is very important!!! dPbvX3

It’s about their team’s results in the spring season!!!

But Chu Yuan’s eyes were obviously not on Yang Xiao. Instead, he walked straight to Bai Jin, looked at the people around him, and said calmly: “Do you want me to peel the lobster for you?”

The youth training player holding a lobster next to him: ???

They already peeled a lot of it, ah. jWqRkZ

Just as the person wanted to speak, Xia Chengwei pulled him away.

No eyesight! The young couple are talking about things! What does it have to do with us singles!

Soon Chu Yuan was the only one left beside Bai Jin.

The two of them sat in the corner. Chu Yuan slowly put on his gloves, but the image of a group of people surrounding Miao-Miao was still in his mind. idndL4

His Miao-Miao has always been very good, and it is normal that many people like him.

Chu Yuan thought silently in his heart.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After peeling the lobster, Bai Jin was about to take it when Chu Yuan fed it to him directly: “This way you don’t have to dirty your hands.”

Bai Jin: Yes, that seems to be correct. 2WBZev

Thinking of this, Bai Jin accepted the feeding with peace of mind.

“Why are you here ah, is the matter finished?”

As soon as Bai Jin finished speaking, he saw Zhang Gu coming over.

“Wow, we meet again, Xiao Jin. You are getting more and more beautiful.” Zhang Gu couldn’t help but praise. P0dkHJ

He always feels that Bai Jin has an indescribable vitality.

It makes people want to get closer.

Chu Yuan blocked his sight and glanced at Zhang Gu: “What are you doing? Don’t bully the child.”

Zhang Gu was too lazy to pay attention to him and went directly to find Ping Rui and Yang Xiao. 1VSYkn

How could Chu Yuan protect food to this extent?

Giving him a big look.

Speaking of bullying, Chu Yuan took a serious look at Bai Jin. His eyes were clear and there were no signs of crying.

But just now, the staff said that the first and second youth training class were playing a training match, and one of the mid-laners was beaten to tears. QzA1Md

Should that be Miao-Miao?

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Chu Yuan did not dare to ask directly for fear of making Miao-Miao unhappy, so he could only make insinuating remarks: “What did you do today?”

Ktf kjs tfgf kjr gbeut jcv aegyeifca, yea ktfc tf mjwf ab Djl Alc, Jte Tejc’r abcf rboafcfv.

Djl Alc abbx j rlq bo Jbxf jcv rjlv: “Aera qijs gjcxfv ujwfr jcv agjlclcu wjamtfr.” wigGPH

“Sc, ktja qbrlalbc vb sbe qijs? Cgf sbe ralii wlv-ijcfg?” Jte Tejc rffwfv ab jrx mjrejiis, yea lc ojma tf wfjca rbwfatlcu.

Bai Jin nodded directly.

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There is nothing that cannot be said, ah.

As expected, Chu Yuan felt a little bit distressed in his heart. He was too late to take care of his family Miao-Miao, he was beaten to tears while playing games with others. W2C41w

And he wasn’t around at that time.

Chu Yuan frowned so hard that he could kill a fly, with displeasure written all over his face.

Chu Yuan glanced at Yang Xiao, the head of youth training.

Don’t you know that the second youth training class is here to have fun? The Internet Addiction Counseling Center was promised, but why did they let them play a training match with the first class? RUE8kb

Isn’t this bullying?

However, Chu Yuan thought of another thing and said seriously: “Now that the training matches have been played, you’ve seen the results. Are you still going to continue playing e-sports?”

Chu Yuan speaks in a way that’s so methodical, it’s almost like he’s the best spiritual mentor ever.

He is waiting for Miao-Miao to talk about going back to study. 3CT6Dv

Bai Jin’s eyes were confused.

Does his keeper know his training results?

How can you ask him if he wants to continue playing e-sports when you know he’s outright outscored his opponents 2-0 in training matches?

“Of course we’ll fight! I definitely want to continue! I promised to be your teammate!” Bai Jin said confidently, without any problem at all. SkHPZr

Chu Yuan felt sweet and indescribable in his heart.

He was beaten to tears, but he still wants to be teammates with himself.

How could his silly Miao-Miao be so cute.

Bai Jin poked his keeper’s face: “What’s wrong with you? You were unhappy when you came here. Is there something wrong?” dZVWuK

The onlookers who secretly looked at them were dumbfounded.

God Chu peeled the lobster himself and fed it to Bai Jin, but Bai Jin actually poked God Chu in the face with his finger?!!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Can God Chu’s face be poked by mortals?!

The most important thing is that God Chu is not angry yet. What kind of god is Bai Jin? FAqZ68

Neither Bai Jin nor Chu Yuan knew about their psychological activities, and they were still doing their own things.

Bai Jin noticed Chu Yuan when he first entered the door.

His keeper’s face looked very ugly.

He was a little worried. This worry drove away the happiness of the training match just now, and he forgot to mention it for a moment. B0C8xN

Chu Yuan thought.

I’m like this because of you, ancestor.

As soon as I heard that a mid-laner cried after being beaten, I subconsciously thought of you.

“It’s okay, I just came to see you.” Chu Yuan wiped the corners of Bai Jin’s mouth, “You ate too much food tonight.” YGgU2B

Bai Jin immediately said: “What are you doing? Can’t you afford to support me?”


Chu Yuan felt offended.

Knowing that Miao-Miao said this deliberately to make him happy, Chu Yuan still wanted to show Miao-Miao his bank card balance and fund stocks! z4w8TG

Of course, he can afford to support him.

“What nonsense are you talking about? I’ll send you money now?” Chu Yuan pointed to his pocket, “Use my mobile phone to transfer money yourself.”

The atmosphere was just right on their side.

Ping Rui, Zhang Gu, Yang Xiao, and Jia Xin gathered together to chat. NDsade

Ping Rui: “Old Yang, do you have a plan? The kid who just came from youth training was beaten to tears? How do you lead people?”

Zhang Gu: “Yes, do you know how much this will damage the child’s self-esteem?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yang Xiao: ????

“They all arranged the training matches themselves. I just went to supervise the training on a whim. I didn’t expect to meet a good prospect!!!” Yang Xiao had been holding back a lot of words, and now he could finally speak out, “Everyone knows that our team lacks a strong mid-laner, and this time we finally found him!” ljIQSY

Jia Xin glanced at Yang Xiao and said nothing, obviously not believing it.

Are there really that many talented mid-laners? Impossible.

Ping Rui was shocked

Did you actually find him from the youth training? acUzKo

He hadn’t really even pinned his hopes on it, it was just a card draw in case there was a good one.

Zhang Gu was equally surprised.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the problem with Team Y’s mid-laner.

He thought he would have to worry about this problem after he arrived. 8lAcNj

Have they solved it?

No wonder Yang Xiao asked him to come over and review the situation for everyone. It turned out that he met a good young talent, so he asked him to guide him.

“You haven’t had time to watch the video of the training match, right? That training match can be called fierce. He is obviously a newcomer, leading his jungler to set the pace. He is not afraid of opponents who are higher in rank than him. He just relied on his brains and operation to win the training match 2-0.” Yang Xiao couldn’t stop boasting.

But the more he recalled the training games, the more powerful he felt. cpanN4

Bai Jin, what a genius.

No, he is a genius among geniuses.

Some players have nothing to do but play the game without thinking.

Bai Jin is different. He operates well, knows how to analyze the situation on the field, and even analyzes his opponents. PCXShl

Yang Xiao actually vaguely saw the shadow of God Chu’s former self from Bai Jin.

Wait-wait, Bai Jin wasn’t taught by God Chu, right?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yang Xiao was still looking at Bai Jin, but Ping Rui and Zhang Gu couldn’t wait.

“Which player is it anyway? Quickly introduce him.” lGZUbL

Seeing that they were anxious, Yang Xiao spread his hands and said: “First reimburse the money for today’s midnight snack, and then I’ll tell you.”

Ping Rui and Zhang Gu looked at each other and pretended that nothing happened.

What to reimburse?

Don’t know, ah. u7eMK2

Anyway, the lobster is really delicious.

As for Jia Xin, he didn’t say anything. He was not very interested in any mid-laner.

It’s not like the person would run away from the club anyway, they’re in a hurry but not that much of a hurry.

Yang Xiao rolled his eyes. VD6n4C

Watch their chins when they find out who that mid-laner is.

In the entire youth training lounge, the voices of the youth training players all became softer due to the arrival of the group of players and coaches.

Fortunately, the first team support, Bai Shiming, brought Xu Leshan and Huang Jing together, and quickly became involved with everyone.

Everyone is of the same age and easy to get in touch with. xluLMb

After finishing the midnight snack, it’s time to start the highlight of the day.


Originally, a youth training practice match did not need to involve such a huge crowd, but for some reason, the training room was full.

Chu Yuan frowned, it was a bit cruel for Miao-Miao to have so many people reviewing him. z2YIA5

“If you feel bored, the two of us can go out for a walk.” Chu Yuan whispered.

Anyway, his child is going to take the college entrance examination, so the review is not important to him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Bai Jin was excited to let his keeper see his achievements.

How could we leave! uvi1MB

This is the little kitty’s highlight moment!!!

Even if his keeper doesn’t record it and goes back to watch it slowly, he also needs to be present during the review.

Bai Jin shook his head and said firmly: “We must go!”

At this moment, Chu Yuan just felt that his Miao-Miao was too strong, well-behaved and cute. 18HF2d

He would like to see later who made his Miao-Miao cry.

Everyone is sitting in rows in the training room.

Yang Xiao took out the videos of the two training games.

First, the video of the first game was played. WbyALN

“The blue side is the second youth training class, and the red side is the first youth training class.” Yang Xiao introduced, “Look carefully.”

The people in the second youth training class held their heads high, while the people in the first class were crestfallen.

Such an atmosphere made Ping Rui, Zhang Gu and the others finally realize that something was wrong.

Is there something wrong with the training matches? WITnh2

Chu Yuan looked at the screen, his palm went down, holding Bai Jin’s hand tightly, and whispered in Bai Jin’s ear: “Don’t cry in a while, or I’ll carry you out.”


Bai Jin looked confused. Is the word cry in the little kitty’s dictionary?

“Why should I cry?” Bai Jin came close to Chu Yuan and bit his ear. rS9PUp

The hot air hit Chu Yuan’s ears, making him feel itchy.

But as soon as Bai Jin finished saying that, he had already reacted and looked at his keeper in shock: “Do you think I was beaten to tears? That’s why you came here?!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Bai Jin was too shocked and failed to control his volume. Many people in the training room looked over.

Chu Yuan: ? gtujai

Isn’t that right?

Although God Chu didn’t speak, his expression said everything.

The people in the youth training were astonished, even God Chu made mistakes in judgment sometimes! So they mistook Qing Hua for a rookie, it’s understandable!!!

While everyone was sighing in silence, Xia Chengwei, who had calmed down, raised his hand for the weak. uLcFYO

“That God Chu, the one who was beaten to tears was me.”

Chu Yuan looked at this young man.

Oh, it’s you, ah.

That’s okay. nYwFHW

As long as it’s not Miao-Miao.

Everyone: Bah, double-standard dog!



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  1. So day when Chu Yuan is going to see the Miso miao’s genius is closer

    Thanks for your hard work sunnyshies ❤️