Burning HeartChapter 50

Ji Ranxin understood Qin Yi’s intention but didn’t fully grasp its significance. He knew what Qin Yi wanted but thought it was meaningless to do this.

The next morning, Ji Ranxin was awakened by Qin Yi lifting his arm to get out of bed. rER px

The hotel room was still quite dark, and he didn’t want to move from the warm, soft bed.

Qin Yi seemed to have gone to the bathroom, with light coming from that direction. Ji Ranxin pulled the blanket over his eyes and, enveloped in darkness and fatigue, drifted back to sleep.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He didn’t know how much time had passed when Qin Yi shook him awake.

Qin Yi sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket down to reveal Ji Ranxin’s face, and asked, “Do you have class this morning?” d5DqKv

Ji Ranxin frowned, his eyes half-open, and said, “I can skip it.”

Qin Yi tossed his dried clothes from the bathroom onto him, “Your clothes are dry. Once you’ve slept enough, go back.”

Ji Ranxin’s eyes shot open. He propped himself up, “You’re just going to leave like this?”

Qin Yi looked at him, “Get dressed and get up. I have a class soon.”


Ji Ranxin reached for his underwear that was on top of the pile and pulled it on first.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg ufaalcu vgfrrfv, jr atfs rafqqfv bea bo atf gbbw, atfs yewqfv lcab j mbeqif bo raevfcar mbwlcu bea bo atf gbbw bqqbrlaf atfw. Ktf ulgi kjixfv yftlcv atf ybs, ibbxlcu j yla rts jcv ibkfglcu tfg tfjv, yea delmxis rcfjxfv j uijcmf ja Hlc Tl.

Hlc Tl mibrfv atf vbbg jcv rjlv ab Al Ejczlc, “Ofa’r ub.”

Ji Ranxin nodded and followed him down the softly carpeted hallway. mKfPio

Next to the express hotel was a breakfast shop.

While Qin Yi went to buy buns, Ji Ranxin stood at the entrance, feeling the autumn chill in the wind. He shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at the UST gate in the distance, lost in thought.

When Qin Yi returned, Ji Ranxin was still standing there, motionless.

Qin Yi held out a bag of buns to him. 9EQbPl

Ji Ranxin didn’t reach out to take it. He felt that some of the drunkenness from last night was still in his body. He kept staring into the distance as he said, “Aren’t you my boyfriend? Feed me.”

Qin Yi stared at him without moving.

Ji Ranxin continued, “No touching, no kissing, no sleeping together, and you won’t even feed me. What kind of relationship is this?”

Qin Yi reached out and opened the bag. He held a bun up to Ji Ranxin’s mouth. R5ZGTN

Ji Ranxin finally looked down, opened his mouth, and took a bite.

As pedestrians began to pass by more frequently, some gave them curious looks, but they didn’t care at all.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Qin Yi patiently stood there and fed Ji Ranxin an entire bun. Then he handed the soy milk he bought with a straw to his mouth. Ji Ranxin raised his head and took the straw in his mouth, then raised his eyes to look at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi looked back at him. After Ji Ranxin finished the soy milk, he even pulled out a tissue to wipe Ji Ranxin’s mouth. TVJLIC

However, his wiping was rather rough, making Ji Ranxin turn his head to avoid him. He grabbed his hand and said, “Why so rough?”

Qin Yi crumpled the tissue and threw it into a nearby trash can. He suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on the back of Ji Ranxin’s neck, saying, “I’m going to class. Go back to school by yourself.”

Ji Ranxin was momentarily stunned and looked up at him.

Qin Yi rubbed his fingers on the tips of his hair as he said, “Be good, I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight.” 0OXB8y

Ji Ranxin looked into his eyes, his heart suddenly beating wildly.

Qin Yi then let go and walked toward the school.

Even after he walked away, Ji Ranxin kept staring at his back. It took him a while to realize that Qin Yi was serious; he didn’t want to sleep with him but was willing to be in a relationship with him.

For some reason, thinking about this made Ji Ranxin suddenly happy. The gloom from last night vanished. He took a deep breath of the morning air and headed towards the school. q75pz

Ji Ranxin had a class during the second period in the afternoon.

The closer it got to the end of the class, the more distracted he became. He set his phone to vibrate and placed it in the drawer, checking it every so often.

Sitting next to him was Shi Teng, one of his dormmates. Shi Teng’s situation was somewhat special; he was the classmate Ji Ranxin got along with best in both the class and the dorm because he knew about Ji Ranxin’s sexual orientation and also shared the same orientation as him.

Seeing Ji Ranxin checking his phone, Shi Teng nudged him with his elbow and whispered, “In love?” vuBk9s

Ji Ranxin ignored him. Hearing his phone vibrate, he quickly took it out again. This time, it was a message from Qin Yi asking which classroom he was in.

Ji Ranxin quickly replied.

Shi Teng tried to peek at his phone from the side.

Ji Ranxin turned his body to block the screen, replied to Qin Yi, and put his phone back in the drawer. When he looked up at the blackboard, there was still a hint of a smile on his face. vMtBuU

Shi Teng said, “Look at you smiling like that, you bitch.”

As soon as class ended, Ji Ranxin pushed his books in front of Shi Teng and said, “Take these back for me,” then hurriedly ran out of the classroom.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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1 comment

  1. In my native language, this is called the “candy-bouquet period”. This is the stage of courtship or relationship when you are intensely courting each other.

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖