Burning HeartChapter 35

The moment they heard the sound of the key, Qin Yi quickly pulled down Ji Ranxin’s T-shirt. Ji Ranxin also slid off the dining table and stood on the ground, with the hem of his T-shirt falling down to cover his lower body.

As the door opened, Shi Menglan appeared at the doorway carrying a box. Seeing Qin Yi and Ji Ranxin in the dining room, she was stunned for a moment and said, “You guys haven’t gone to bed yet?” oeT81A

The living room and dining room both had no lights on, with only the light coming from the bathroom and Qin Yi’s bedroom.

At this time, Shi Menglan reached out and groped for the switch of the living room’s ceiling light on the wall. The light suddenly filled the entire room.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qin Yi immediately stepped forward to help Shi Menglan hold the box, “Why is Auntie alone? Where’s my dad?”

Shi Menglan quickly explained: “I can manage on my own, it’s not heavy. Your dad couldn’t come back yet. I don’t trust leaving you two at home, so I came back alone first.” cJ1rKC

Ji Ranxin took advantage of this moment to go back to the room and put on his shorts before coming out.

Shi Menglan didn’t notice this. She was still talking to Qin Yi, explaining about his uncle’s illness and saying that there were many people there and she couldn’t be of much help. Qin Yi’s dad asked her to come back first so that she could cook for the children.

Ji Ranxin stepped forward, took Shi Menglan’s box from Qin Yi’s hand, and walked with her towards the room. Qin Yi then silently stepped aside and waited for them to enter the room before returning to his own room.

Both the mother and son hadn’t spoken together for a long time. While packing up the clothes she brought back, Shi Menglan asked Ji Ranxin, “Is everything okay living here at home?” She was afraid that Ji Ranxin and Qin Yi wouldn’t get along well.


Ji Ranxin stood leaning against the wall, “Everything’s fine.”

Shi Menglan nodded, “That’s good. I was afraid you’d feel wronged.” After a while, she added, “Some minor grievances are okay, just get along well with Qin Yi.”

Ji Ranxin understood what she meant, “I know, as long as Uncle Qin treats you well, I’ll leave in a few years after I graduate.”

Shi Menglan came over and stroked his head. 5 PL79

The two of them whispered to each other for a long time.

Later, when Ji Ranxin went back to the room, Qin Yi had already turned off the light and gone to sleep.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Ejczlc ufcais mibrfv atf vbbg jcv ugbqfv tlr kjs ab atf yfv lc atf vjgx. Lf yfca tlr xcffr jcv milwyfv bcab atf yfv.

Lf mbeiv bcis rff atf ecveijalcu beailcf bo Hlc Tl’r ybvs, wbalbcifrr bc atf yfv. Lf mbeivc’a fnfc tfjg atf rbecv bo tlr ygfjatlcu mifjgis. 8S4vxf

Ji Ranxin moved closer to the pillow. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could barely see Qin Yi’s face. He called out in a very small voice: “Yi-ge?”

Qin Yi didn’t move.

Ji Ranxin then lay down and pulled the quilt over himself.

At this point, Qin Yi turned over and faced away from him. L19oKF

Ji Ranxin then spoke again: “Will you go to the class reunion tomorrow?”

He originally thought that Qin Yi wouldn’t respond, but Qin Yi suddenly uttered one word: “Go.” His tone was calm and firm, as if he had never considered the option of not going from the beginning to the end.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Ranxin also turned over and had his back towards Qin Yi. He bent his body and hugged his arms in front of his chest, murmuring softly: “Oh.”

On the afternoon of the 3rd, Qin Yi was changing his clothes in the room while Ji Ranxin was sitting on the sofa playing mobile games. eZRvyI

He crossed his legs on the sofa and straightened his back, looking as if he were meditating or practicing yoga.

Qin Yi’s cell phone thrown on the tea table suddenly rang, the dark screen lighting up.

Ji Ranxin glanced up and saw the message from Yu Panwen. Yu Panwen seemed to be afraid that Qin Yi wouldn’t come, so he sent him the time and place of dinner again.

The screen quickly dimmed. Ji Ranxin leaned back and stretched out a foot from the sofa, pressing Qin Yi’s phone with his toe and turning the screen on again. hWCmLZ

Qin Yi walked out of the room at this time. Ji Ranxin retracted his foot and continued to sit cross-legged while playing the game.

Qin Yi glanced at him before heading towards the kitchen.

Shi Menglan was preparing dinner. After tonight, she and Ji Ranxin would have dinner together, cooking Ji Ranxin’s favorite dishes.

Qin Yi greeted Shi Menglan and said he was going out. DLPWUi

Shi Menglan wiped her hands on her apron and told him to watch out for cars on the road.

After that, Qin Yi walked to the tea table in the living room and bent over to pick up his mobile phone from it.

Ji Ranxin raised his eyes to look at him.

Qin Yi was still wearing his usual clothes, but it was somewhat cooler today. He added a loose white jacket to the sweatshirt, looking very student-like. z2wtEq

Ji Ranxin smiled at him, “Are you leaving?”

Qin Yi nodded. He put his cell phone into his pants pocket and raised his hands to roll up his jacket sleeves.

Ji Ranxin said: “Take care.”

Qin Yi reached out, wanting to touch Ji Ranxin’s hair. gsmify

Unexpectedly, Ji Ranxin leaned his head away to avoid him. He was still smiling as he said to Qin Yi: “Go quickly, don’t be late.”

Qin Yi quietly looked at him for a while, “I’m leaving.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After Qin Yi left, Ji Ranxin stood up and stepped on the sofa. He walked to the window and stood by the window, looking outside. The sky was dark, and the layers of clouds were stacked up, as if it were about to rain.

“Under the dark clouds, it’s not suitable for class gatherings, or old lovers’ reunions,” Ji Ranxin muttered to himself. wqOHUf

Today’s class reunion dinner was arranged at a buffet restaurant in the county town. The average number of people in the restaurant was less than fifty. The hall was also spacious, making it suitable for this group of students to gather.

Although not all classmates were present, there were still more than thirty people, some of whom had arrived early to secure seats. Qin Yi arrived when most had already gathered.

Qin Yi was someone who stood out no matter what kind of crowd he appeared in. His ex-girlfriend Su Jing was also such a person.

As soon as Qin Yi walked into the restaurant, he immediately spotted Su Jing sitting among the group of old classmates. LwxXY3

Su Jing seemed thinner than she was in high school. Her long hair was slightly curled, falling on her shoulders. She was wearing a light-colored long dress with light makeup on her face, beautifully transitioning from a young girl to a woman.

She raised her head and caught sight of Qin Yi. She smiled and nodded at him.

The person next to Su Jing immediately stood up and gave his seat to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi did not refuse. He walked back and sat down directly. After all, he came here just to see Su Jing. phVegW

The two of them immediately became the focus of everyone’s conversation and attention, not even having time to exchange greetings.

As the noisy interest and attention gradually faded away, Su Jing finally took the time to say her first words to Qin Yi: “Qin Yi, I’m back.”

After dinner, Ji Ranxin took the initiative to help his mother wash the dishes in the kitchen. It was already past seven o’clock when he finished cleaning up.

Shi Menglan sat on the living room sofa watching TV, seemingly comfortable with their time alone as mother and son. QTga3C

But Ji Ranxin was a little absent-minded. He stared at the TV screen without really paying attention to what was being played. Not long after he sat down, he heard the patter of rain outside.

Shi Menglan looked up first, “Aiya, it’s raining.”

Ji Ranxin stood up and said, “I’m going to deliver an umbrella to Yi-ge.” After saying that, he quickly walked to the door and changed his shoes. He grabbed an umbrella against the wall and was about to go out.

Shi Menglan was a little surprised, “Why not call him first? Who knows if he’s finished eating?” QvRMP5

Ji Ranxin responded quickly: “I’ll call him right away.” After saying that, he raised his hand to close the door and jogged down the stairs.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛