Back To My YouthCh58 - No Regrets

The train chugged all the way towards the capital.

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Guo Jingyu had some money left on him. Relying on his familiarity with this area, he found a place to rent after arrival. He had already scoped out the location for quite some time. Surrounded by several universities and with a nearby subway station, it boasted convenient transportation and a very convenient lifestyle. That was the place he intended to live with Li Tongzhou after getting into university.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His original plan was to buy a house and live a simple life together, but when things suddenly changed, plans couldn’t keep up with the twists of fate. With the money he had on hand, he rented a place to settle down temporarily.


While Li Tongzhou was taking a shower, Guo Jingyu insisted on following him in and carefully checked the wounds on his body.


Li Tongzhou held his hand, saying, “Jingyu, it’s really nothing serious, just a scratch on my hand.”



Guo Jingyu didn’t believe him. He reached out to touch his forehead, but Li Tongzhou dodged and remained silent for a moment before saying, “It’s just a slight shock, nothing too serious.”


“You’re lying.”

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“…It hurts a little.”


Guo Jingyu hugged him, his hands trembling. “If something happens to you, I wouldn’t be able to live.”


Li Tongzhou gently hugged him. “The way you’re talking doesn’t sound like the Guo Jingyu I know.” He reached up to pat Guo Jingyu’s head and comforted him, “Weren’t you fearless before?”


“I was scared. I didn’t eat anything all day yesterday, and it was only at night on the train that I ate a cup of instant noodles with you. I couldn’t see you, and I was so scared that I couldn’t swallow a bite.” Guo Jingyu rubbed against his shoulder, forcefully wiping away the moisture from the corners of his eyes. “If you die, I will go with you.”


Li Tongzhou sighed and pulled him under the shower, where the hot water cascaded down, offering them a bit of warmth. The person in his arms was still fully clothed, but no matter what, he refused to let go. The tighter Li Tongzhou held him, the more he felt him trembling. Words hovered on the tip of his tongue, but in the end, he couldn’t bring himself to say them. After a long while, he whispered softly, “No matter what happens, you have to live, Jingyu. There’s no one more important than you.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Guo Jingyu held him so tightly that his strong grip threatened to leave marks on Li Tongzhou’s back.


Many people had advised Li Tongzhou with these words before.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Lf tjv tfjgv atfw mbecaifrr alwfr, jcv fnfcaejiis, tf mjwf ab yfilfnf atfw tlwrfio.


Dea tf fcvegfv jibcf obg afc ibcu sfjgr. Lf atbeuta la kjr pera j qfglbv bo ecgfdelafv ibnf ogbw tlr sbeat, rbwfatlcu tf mbeiv cfnfg obgufa, yea ijafg bc, tf gfjilhfv la kjr cba ilxf atja. Lf tjv fztjerafv jii tlr ragfcuat bnfg alwf, bcis ab gfjilhf lc atf fcv atja jii tf kjcafv lc tlr ilof kjr pera bcf qfgrbc.


In this world, there will never be another Li Tongzhou.


No one else can understand each other’s thoughts with just a glance, or feel content even without saying a word while sitting side by side all day. No matter where they are, just seeing each other brings peace to their hearts.


He had thought about it countless times what he would do if he could go back to being 18 again.


He wanted to take Li Tongzhou and “elope” regardless of everything.


To take this person away, hide him, and not let anyone interfere.


Guo Jingyu’s emotions were surging in his heart. He closed his eyes and said to him, “Li Tongzhou, I can’t do it alone. Without you, I might not be able to survive. You have to watch over me, or else I won’t study properly, won’t focus on my work, and might do many bad things.”


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“Give me a kiss.”


Li Tongzhou leaned in and kissed him, very gently, just like himself.


Guo Jingyu hooked his neck, refusing to let him go. With closed eyes, he kissed him passionately, with a strong force, causing their lips to quickly turn crimson. All the fear, anger, and frustration he had endured for a day and a night were being released in this kiss. Even as his hand slowly moved downwards to take further action, he didn’t stop kissing.


Li Tongzhou’s adam’s apple bobbed twice, his breath becoming heavier.


He called out Guo Jingyu’s name, and Guo Jingyu responded with a grunt, his voice thick with emotion. Li Tongzhou felt uneasy and reached out to touch his cheek, worried that he might be crying. But standing under the shower, he couldn’t distinguish between water and tears. He could only wipe him a few times and repeatedly call his name.


Guo Jingyu grabbed his hand and placed it below, saying, “Let me show you.”


Li Tongzhou pressed his forehead against Guo Jingyu’s, his voice hoarse. “Is it okay, Jingyu? Have you made up your mind?”


Guo Jingyu bit his shoulder slightly, leaving behind tooth marks.



Chrysanthemum Garden.

Guo Jingyu showered with Li Tongzhou in the bathroom, then they returned to the bedroom. The two of them lay side by side on the bed, their hands still intertwined.


In the room, there was only a newly bought bedsheet and a pillow downstairs. They didn’t mind the simplicity and squeezed together to sleep. Guo Jingyu took a long time to calm his breathing. He hadn’t fully recovered from the state in the bathroom. After adjusting himself, he realized that Li Tongzhou beside him wasn’t faring any better. He turned to embrace him, reaching out to touch his chest. The heartbeat in Li Tongzhou’s chest was racing faster and more violently than his own. It was impossible to hide it.


Guo Jingyu lay on his chest for a while, waiting until Li Tongzhou reached out to touch his hair before whispering softly, “I thought I was the only one who felt like this.”


Li Tongzhou gently said, “I’m not a robot. I definitely get excited too.”


“Did you feel comfortable just now?”


Li Tongzhou chuckled softly, kissed his forehead, and said nothing.


Guo Jingyu continued to mutter to himself as he lay on top of him, “I think I did pretty well just now, especially cooperative. But I don’t have much experience. Let’s take it slow and get used to each other. It hurt a little bit at the beginning tonight, but when you come the second time, I’ll… Hm?”


Li Tongzhou covered his mouth, his palm slightly warm, and said with a hint of helplessness, “Stop teasing me, I haven’t eaten enough yet.”


Guo Jingyu quieted down for a moment, then continued to lie on top of him.


But after a few minutes, he started murmuring to him again, and Li Tongzhou responded gently, chatting with him about everything.


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“Li Tongzhou, if I take you away, will you blame me? Maybe it will delay your college entrance examination.”


“No, I won’t.”


“If you want to go to school, I’ll support you in the future, really. I’ve actually thought it through. I can do business like before to earn some money, and then figure out a way to transfer you to study in the capital. You can study there for a year first, and by the second year, I’ll get into university. We’ll still be together, I promise you, I can definitely do it.”


“You study, I can take care of you.”


Guo Jingyu chuckled, “How do you plan to take care of me?”


“I can do a lot of things. The training team approached me before, or I could take on more challenging jobs. It’ll be tough at the beginning, but as long as you’re willing, I’ll stay in the capital,” Li Tongzhou said slowly and seriously. “I may not be able to access the money in my account for now, but I don’t eat much, and I can live in a basement. In about half a year, I’ll be able to save up some money. By then, we can be together just like we talked about.”


Guo Jingyu held his hand and asked softly, “The future is uncertain, but we have each other, right?”


Li Tongzhou nodded. “Yes, the future is uncertain, but we have each other.”


With closed eyes, Guo Jingyu’s eyelashes trembled slightly. Only Li Tongzhou could break through his defenses with those words. It was as if he was another part of himself. Even after ten years of separation, their wounds healed instantly after meeting each other again, merging into one.


He had already walked the smooth path that everyone saw, the road where the ending was clear at a glance. But now, he doesn’t want it anymore. He wanted to be with Li Tongzhou, to fight for an uncertain future.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Maybe it would turn out well, maybe not so much.


But this time, he wouldn’t regret it.

K: FUCK IM SO SOFT FOR THEM JSDAJDHSA ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა

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  1. 😭😭😭 boyyyys…I am so glad they are safe! But the necessity of Guo Jingyu’s action underlines the seriousness of the whole situation, and especially how sick it is. I can not stand people like Li Tongzhou’s excuse for a father; harming their child up to the point of ruining, even killing them – and still feel fully entitled and righteous about it. I can’t, I honestly can’t. I am actually pretty shaken 😖