Back To My YouthCh53 - Tsinghua

Mother Guo’s heart was pounding with excitement as she picked up the document. Sure enough, it was just as she thought. With joy brimming, she exclaimed, “Nankai University? Son, you’ve been accepted to Nankai?”


Guo Jingyu nodded, “Yes, one small step according to the plan.” After all, there were still transcripts from over a dozen other schools to come. He was particularly confident about this.


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Mother Guo smiled widely, praising him repeatedly, “Not bad, not bad.”


Guo Jingyu whistled. Fan Tuan who was following beside him, took a couple of steps forward. Still a bit timid, he edged closer to Guo Jingyu’s leg and let out a soft whimper.


After finishing her praise, Mother Guo noticed the little dog. Her expression showed some hesitation, but it was much better than before. “Where did this dog come from?” she asked.



Guo Jingyu embellished the story of his outdoor sketching trip, making Fan Tuan’s background sound twice as pitiful. Then, he directed Fan Tuan to showcase some tricks, especially the finale, where he showed its impressive ability to recognize numbers and do simple additions like “1+1.” Mother Guo was particularly amazed, “Oh, how clever! What’s its name?”


“It’s called ‘Guoli Youfan,’ but you can just call it Fan Tuan,” Guo Jingyu said.


“What a little genius!” Mother Guo exclaimed.


“It’s not that much, just quick at picking things up,” Guo Jingyu said, bending down to play with the puppy. “Come on, Fan Tuan, bow to Grandma, and Grandma will give you a red envelope!”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fan Tuan stood up, its two little paws bowing to Mother Guo. It stuck out its tongue, looking especially obedient. Its two legs tried their best to stand firm on the ground, making a soft tapping sound against the floor.


Zbatfg Xeb’r tfjga rboafcfv lcrajcais, tfg ujhf olzjafv bc atf qeqqs, ecjyif ab ibbx jkjs. Vtf rageuuifv ab wjlcajlc tfg mbwqbregf, rjslcu, “Qf’nf cfnfg tjv j qfa ja tbwf yfobgf, rb P’w cba regf jybea tbk ab ajxf mjgf bo la. Vtbeivc’a kf ajxf la ab ufa njmmlcjafv olgra bg rbwfatlcu?”


“It’s all taken care of. Vaccinations, deworming, everything’s done. It even had a bath. Look at its snow-white fur, so clean,” Guo Jingyu assured her.


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Mother Guo glanced at Fan Tuan, then at the professional qualification certificate on the table. With a determined nod, she agreed, but then she quickly became puzzled. “Why are you calling me Grandma?”


“My dear mother, consider it as gaining an extra grandchild. It’ll bring you joy in your golden years. Isn’t that wonderful?” Guo Jingyu replied with a smile.


“Let’s go!”


Guo Jingyu cheerfully teased his mother to lighten the mood. Fan Tuan was particularly observant, mirroring Guo Jingyu’s actions flawlessly to please and charm everyone.


Although Mother Guo found her son’s words somewhat lacking in seriousness, the furry little grandchild, Fan Tuan, managed to win her heart.


When Father Guo returned home in the evening and heard about Fan Tuan, he didn’t object much. In the Guo household, the majority ruled, and Father Guo’s vote usually followed the wind, obediently following his wife’s arrangements. To celebrate the arrival of the new family member, Father Guo even specially stewed a pot of pork ribs. Guo Jingyu and the others had theirs with sauce, while Fan Tuan enjoyed its clear soup. The little pup happily buried its head in its own bowl, gnawing on the meat happily.


After settling Fan Tuan, Guo Jingyu went back to his room to study. He called Li Tongzhou to inform him. While he was on the phone, Fan Tuan was diligently dragging its little cushion towards his bedroom, stumbling along with its short legs, insisting on following him.


Guo Jingyu chuckled as he watched it, saying into the phone, “Don’t worry, Fan Tuan is adapting quite well. Tonight, I’ll let it sleep by my bed. You can come and see it tomorrow morning. Alright then, I’m off to study now. See you tomorrow.”


With one worry off his mind, Guo Jingyu felt more focused during his revision, achieving twice the results with half the effort.


Meanwhile, in the adjacent master bedroom, the Guo couple were also chatting.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mother Guo recounted the story of Fan Tuan to her husband, shaking her head in amazement. “You came back late and missed it. That little one has learned so many tricks already. It even stood up to bow to you. Not to mention, it seems quite smart. Luckily, Jingyu and them stumbled after it. If it had stayed with its previous owners, I doubt it would have survived,” she sighed. She showed her husband a video on her phone of Fan Tuan doing arithmetic. “Look, he can even do math!”


Father Guo chuckled as he watched.


Mother Guo asked him, “What’s so funny?”


“I can see that our son is very caring!”


“He’s just not grown up yet.”


“It’s good that he hasn’t grown up. We don’t have to worry about him falling in love too early. His grades have improved, and he even got certified. Let him keep the puppy,” Father Guo said happily as he watched the video again. “Our Fan Tuan is really quite smart.”


After receiving the professional certificate from Nankai University, within a week, Guo Jingyu received four or five more certificates from other top universities. The homeroom teacher came every day to deliver the letters, with a smile stretching from ear to ear. Their attitude towards Guo Jingyu was unprecedentedly kind. They even reminded him and Li Tongzhou to study hard and practice more exam papers.


In early April, Guo Jingyu received all of his professional qualification certificates, with the last one coming from Tsinghua University.


When the homeroom teacher delivered it this time, he even took the opportunity to speak at the class meeting, giving Guo Jingyu a pep talk. After all, receiving a professional qualification certificate was equivalent to stepping halfway into Tsinghua University. This was an uplifting piece of news for the entire Chengnan Yi Zong. After all, they only produced one or two students who could enter top universities like Tsinghua and Peking University each year!


From initial shock to eventual numbness, the whole class had witnessed Guo Jingyu’s academic scores rise from 400 to over 470 in just a short period. All they could do was tighten their strings and bury themselves in their studies.


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Guo Jingyu placed the stack of letters on Li Tongzhou’s desk, letters from over a dozen prestigious universities piled up thickly. He pointed at them with pride and said, “Li Tongzhou, you can choose any university, from north to south, and I’ll accompany you.”


Li Tongzhou glanced at the letters, then quickly returned his gaze to Guo Jingyu’s face. The young man beside him had a smile on his face, his eyes curved, but there was also a hint of fatigue evident in his eyes, proof of his hard work.


Li Tongzhou was just as familiar with these professional qualification certificates as Guo Jingyu. He had accompanied Guo Jingyu in receiving each of these notifications, so naturally, he knew which schools Guo Jingyu had chosen. Most of them were in the capital city, and the majority had aerospace engineering departments. He placed his finger on the letters, helping to tidy them up, and said softly, “Let’s stick to the original plan.” After a slight pause, he asked, “If we both get accepted, can we bring Fan Tuan with us?”


Guo Jingyu laughed happily, shaking his shoulders as he leaned on the table. He nodded while smiling, “Of course, we’ll take Fan Tuan with us to study together.”

K: They are so cute ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა

Translator's Note

南开大学 nánkāi dàxué: Nankai University.

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