Bastard Male WifeCh37 - Secret Passage

Edited by Elanor

A light snow fell gently upon the world, silent as the night, cold as the breeze. The cool air brushed past the branches outside the window, fluttering the curtains. Someone stirred.

Xie Tingyue slept soundly, his right hand curled into a fist and propped by his cheek, looking as charming as a child. Sensing a disturbance beside him, he frowned slightly and reached out with his left hand to touch the person lying next to him. WUD56I

Chu Mu extended his own hand toward Xie Tingyue, who relaxed, his brows smoothing as his breathing evened once more.

Leaning in slightly, Chu Mu pressed a tender kiss to Xie Tingyue’s knuckles. His gaze lingered there, reluctant to move, as if he could never get enough of this sight. This was his wife, belonging only to him, with a disposition as resilient as the red plum blossoms in winter, unafraid of the frost and unyielding in his resolve to stand by his side in their vows of eternal companionship.

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“I must be the luckiest man in the world…”

Chu Mu knew this much; he understood these sentiments. Yet he wanted to hear Xie Tingyue say them, and he could never tire of hearing them. The ancients said that men ought to show vulnerability in order to garner their wives’ compassion, and it seemed this wisdom had stood the test of time. pyCjq1

Chu Mu leaned over to press a kiss to Xie Tingyue’s forehead. My Xie’er, you must keep your word; you promised you’d stay by my side for a lifetime.

The distant night sky echoed with the cries of nocturnal birds, and the cold wind blew through the window cracks, chilling the air in the room. Chu Mu tucked Xie Tingyue’s hand back into the warmth of the quilt, brushed aside the loose strands of hair from his face, and carefully rearranged the curtains before quietly slipping out of the room.

His body had long been sick; he moved slowly and with an ungraceful gait. By the time he reached the outer chamber, seated himself in his wheelchair, and drew a quick breath, his breathing had sped up considerably—but he had managed to stand and walk on his own.



Chu Mu pinched himself on the leg, chuckling quietly. “I’ll have to keep working harder…”

He opened the door, revealing Qin Ping, who had been waiting outside.

“My Lord.”

Chu Mu hummed, releasing the wheels of his wheelchair to let Qin Ping push him. “Let’s go.” LGU3oc

Fine snowflakes drifted past the corridor, accompanied by a faint chill. It was an endless cold night as it always was, but for some reason, tonight felt warmer, more lingering, because of the person in his heart.

“How is everything progressing?”

Even his voice was softer and more elegant than usual, a rare occurrence when there were no outsiders present.

Noticing that his Lord was in a good mood, Qin Ping dared to speak up, “Everything has been taken care of, as you instructed, my Lord. But since you’re helping Madam, why are you not telling him?” HFPmdo

Chu Mu had secretly instructed him to help the Madam in his business dealings, away from the prying eyes of others. Whenever Madam released a message, he was to strike a hammer and draw people’s attention to it; whenever Madam needed someone, he was to find that person for him, ensuring he could access them promptly when required. He had even made arrangements with all the banks, getting their promise of full cooperation whenever Madam needed.

Even Qi Wenhai, who had no connection whatsoever with the Madam, was treated as an honored guest whenever he needed anything, thanks to Chu Mu’s secret instructions.

But the Madam was too busy, and the Lord’s efforts, though substantial, were all conducted in secret; he never saw them.

Chu Mu’s laughter mingled with the snow, clear and warm, filled with joy. “Even without my help, he would have succeeded eventually.” lzEsYK

“This one thinks the Madam is incredible and will definitely succeed, so it’s not really necessary…” Qin Ping still didn’t understand. “But since you’ve already helped, it must be made known. As you said before, if we do good deeds without telling anyone, how will others ever know to repay us?”

There was one more line he didn’t say aloud: Given how much the Lord dotes on the Madam, it’s hard to tell what he’ll do to please him. Wouldn’t it be a pity to let such a big opportunity slip through his fingers?

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Chu Mu glanced sideways at him. “Is the Madam someone else?”

How would Qin Ping dare say yes? He immediately shook his head, vigorously, performing an impressive display of being a human-sized rattle drum. 3Oew8U

“Lf’r nfgs mjqjyif jcv mjc tjcvif tlr bkc ajrxr klatbea ws lcafgofgfcmf. Po P lcrlrafv bc ajxlcu qjga, la kbeiv bcis yf yfmjerf P vlragerafv tlw. P’w wfgfis… gfiemajca ab rff tlw bnfgkbgxfv.”

Every man desired conquest in his own domain, but Xie’er hadn’t yet—

Chu Mu wasn’t sure how Xie’er would take these words, but he was certain the man would express gratitude, even if he felt disappointment in his heart. And Chu Mu wanted Xie’er to never feel disappointment, ever.

“Tbe kbeivc’a ecvfgrajcv.” 9xdGqe

Chu Mu sighed softly, his melancholy air almost as if to say, My fault lies in my wife’s brilliance, his beauty too dazzling for distraction. How I wish he were small and delicate, so I could keep him tucked in my arms and protect him with my own hands.

Hlc Ulcu gfwjlcfv rlifca. Lf vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv, jcv oegatfgwbgf, tf ofia gjatfg oeii, jr lo tf’v yffc raeoofv klat rfnfgji ybkir bo vbu obbv—ilxf atf xlcv ulnfc ab atf ijguf tbecv ja atf ujaf.

But they hadn’t eaten any late-night snacks tonight…

The corridor came to an end at the study. kmJdR6

Chu Mu composed himself, speaking calmly, “Regarding Xie Tingxing, you will personally give the instructions. He likely already has some idea in mind, but the boy needs more experience.

After you’ve explained the situation, let him make the first move—but make sure you protect him well. If he loses so much as a single hair, you will share his punishment.”

“Yes, Sir,” Qin Ping responded solemnly.

The wheelchair stopped. Qin Ping turned a wall sconce, and a secret passage slid open in the bookshelf wall, revealing a narrow, candlelit corridor. Qin Ping pushed Chu Mu inside. l5bGwn

They traveled for an indeterminate length of time. The narrow passage gradually widened, and eventually, it grew louder and louder.

No one exclaimed, and there weren’t too many people, but everyone was busy with their tasks.

Some read through papers, others analyzed and copied information, organizing it into files and sorting those files into cabinets…

Everyone was busy, only pausing to salute Chu Mu as his wheelchair passed by. wf1toP

Chu Mu headed toward the cabinet containing the latest information. After glancing over a few scrolls, his brow furrowed slightly. “They still haven’t found the ‘root seedling’?”

Qin Ping looked troubled. “It’s not easy to find. Our base is still new, and our foundation is shallow; gathering intel from the beginning has been quite difficult. Moreover, the term ‘root seedling’ doesn’t provide much direction.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Sounds awfully rural… Could it be that they’re looking for a farmer?

“I was too hasty.” Chu Mu looked down, eyes closed. “Continue the search, there’s no rush; just be thorough.” BXxE5a

“Lord, this ‘root seedling’ is of great importance?”

“Of immense importance.” Chu Mu’s expression was inscrutable. “Even I only know these two words; I can provide you with no further information. You should understand how deeply buried this must be.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Chu Mu lightly tapped a slender finger on the armrest of his chair. “Leave no stone unturned, we must trace everything back to its source, especially the last place where the ‘root seedling’ was seen. Be vigilant. Pass this on to the others; utmost care must be taken to avoid exposing ourselves.” IUq856

“Yes, my Lord!”

As he responded, Qin Ping glanced at the files piled to the side and thought of something. “The Second Madam has been quiet these past few days, likely due to the shock of He Yuanqi’s death. Should we continue keeping her under surveillance?”

“Yes.” Chu Mu narrowed his eyes slightly. “I have a feeling that my dear Second Aunt will provide us with more entertainment.”

********** 4UI2nG

The next day, Xie Tingyue took his Brother into his room and dismissed everyone else. “There’s nobody here now. What’s going on with your leg? Tell me.”

Xie Tingxing looked this way, looked that way, but remained silent. Not only did he refuse to speak, he even attempted to play it up, cutely swinging around his Brother’s waist. The moment Xie Tingyue showed the slightest displeasure, the boy cried out, clutching his leg in pain.

Xie Tingyue’s expression remained blank as he flicked his Brother’s forehead, pressing hard.

“Do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking? You’re ten—you don’t need to worry about these things.” BV3QLo

The boy protested, clutching his forehead. “I’m almost eleven!”

Xie Tingyue smiled. “Looks like you’ve forgotten everything I said.”

It was a smile without any warmth, not reaching his eyes—utterly terrifying.

The boy shrank back. “I…I didn’t forget. You said I’m still young, my thoughts aren’t mature, and that I should discuss everything with you. It’s not embarrassing to get into trouble or to ask for help; it’d be shameful to try carrying everything on my own only to make things worse. Having my Gege to rely on is my fortune and my confidence, so I should use him freely. Trying to do everything alone would only alienate us and hurt Gege’s feelings, wouldn’t it be telling Gege ‘you can’t rely on me’?” YNvOkT

Xie Tingyue’s eyebrows drew together. “So you do know, then why not just say it?”

“I can’t!” Knowing he wouldn’t be able to fool his Brother, the boy’s eyes darted, and he decided to drag someone else into the mess. “It was Young Master Chu’s idea, okay? He really wanted to help, but he’s not that strong, so he insisted. If I refused, it’d embarrass him and upset him, and his health would suffer even more—how could I let that happen? I had no choice but to let him help.”

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He’s not a good person anyway, and all of this was true, so why not throw the blame on him? Xie Tingxing’s eyes brightened as he continued, his words flowing more smoothly with each sentence. By the end, he was speaking with confidence. “Ge, you mustn’t interfere; men need to save face, especially in front of their wives and Brothers-in-Law! Asking him directly would imply you doubt his abilities—you’d upset him so much he’d spit blood, and then who would take care of him? Sure, you’re here to help now, but a wounded heart takes a long time to heal!”

Xie Tingyue was so furious, he almost laughed. His own Brother, whom he had raised from childhood, was trying to play him for a fool? He knew exactly what his Brother was thinking! rj5Tg1

“You didn’t like Chu Mu, and you even wished for him to die,” Xie Tingyue said.

Xie Tingxing froze, then quickly pasted an ingratiating smile on his face. “Ah, but that was then, this is now… Either way, the marriage has already been arranged, so we must at least go through the motions for the time being. Whether or not he lives or dies is a matter for the future…”

“Only you’re clever!” Xie Tingyue jabbed his Brother’s head with vigor. “I’ll let you off the hook this time, but you must come to me with anything important in the future, understood?”

Xie Tingxing didn’t dare lie outright to his Brother; Chu Mu had always been clever and rational, and would certainly be cautious if he found out about this. Nothing major would come of it, but… v3cJEB

And yet, despite his reservations, Xie Tingyue felt guilty. Before leaving, he entrusted his troublesome Younger Brother to Chu Mu. “He needs discipline, don’t spoil him.”

Chu Mu nodded, then beckoned Xie Tingxing over with a smile. The boy’s scalp prickled slightly under that smile, and he shot a glare at his new Brother-in-Law from where Xie Tingyue couldn’t see before turning around and waving gleefully as he saw his Brother off. “Take care of yourself, Gege. Don’t work too hard—”

Big and small, both smiled brightly and waved cheerfully behind him, reassuring to behold.

Xie Tingyue waved one last time before leaving, unaware that the moment his figure disappeared over the courtyard, Xie Tingxing promptly detached himself from Chu Mu. “Quit acting so superior. Like I’m scared of you! It’s just studying, isn’t it? Come on!” 7YGli5

Chu Mu’s smile grew even more gentle and gracious as he led the way to the study. “The study is this way.”


Xie Tingyue went straight to Qi Wenhai’s restaurant.

The competition continued unabated. The initial battle had gone off without a hitch, thanks to their novel approach, but every day brought new obstacles that required immediate attention and decisive actions. ZPlbNe

Days passed. He Yuanqi’s restaurants suffered heavy losses, but his backer, the Mu Clan, remained on the sidelines, unwilling to engage—at least, not fully. They sent a few lackeys to test the waters, but seeing they were no match for Qi Wenhai, they withdrew even before committing fully to the fray, content to observe from the sidelines.

In contrast, Xie Tingyue and Qi Wenhai’s establishments thrived, drawing lively crowds day after day. The Capital rejoiced in this burst of revelry, but the world of commerce remained placid beneath the surface.

Unable to bear it any longer, some parties began to stir, but Xie Tingyue couldn’t catch them in the act. He could only wait and see how events unfolded before revealing himself.

Meanwhile, Xie Tingyue paid Shen Sanniang a visit at her residence. xcdDNr

Shen Sanniang usually didn’t like going out or talking, but when she did, she was forthright and decisive. She knew why Xie Tingyue had come to see her and stated without hesitation, “As a widow, it’s difficult for me to make a living while caring for my child and Mother. Remarriage is out of the question. The Second Young Master Xie is kindhearted and looks after those under him; I am well aware of this. My only wish in this lifetime is to repay the Second Young Master with my whole heart…”

Xie Tingyue knew she was referring to the ginseng root that had saved her life. “Then I must be quite the lucky one, since a single ginseng root can’t possibly compare to your talents, Sanniang. Life must be lived properly; as long as you’re happy here, that’s all that matters. If there comes a day when you find a happier life, you should certainly pursue it. You won’t be tied down here forever, nor will you be tied down anywhere else. Don’t worry, whether you stay with me or remarry, I won’t mistreat you.”

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“Second Young Master, there’s no need for you to say so much; I understand…” Shen Sanniang dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. Knowing Xie Tingyue was busy, she didn’t wish to keep him, nor did she want him to spend too much time speaking with someone of her status lest it invited some gossip. She got straight to her question, “Master He pursued me relentlessly, intent on taking me as his concubine, but then a sudden accident occurred, and he never brought it up again—”

Of course, once a person died, they could no longer continue the engagement. iVcsJ9

But Xie Tingyue felt there was more to it than that, so he didn’t interrupt her.

Shen Sanniang continued, “I don’t believe the matchmaker stopped because the man died, she received Boss He’s money, and as long as he refused to let go, she would continue to visit. But the day she stopped coming was the day of the accident.”

The matchmaker always came early in the morning. But she didn’t visit on the morning of  He Yuanqi’s death.

“I know he wasn’t genuinely interested in marrying me, but I can’t understand his actions, it seems there is some deeper meaning at play.” e7wpVu

Shen Sanniang grew more worried. The Qi and He families were rivals in business, and she worried if perhaps He Yuanqi had been plotting something against the Second Young Master. But how could she voice these concerns? As a mere widow, what right did she have to comment on matters of the Second Young Master’s future? Thus, she kept her thoughts to herself until Xie Tingyue’s arrival.

Once she had spoken her piece, she curtsied and took her leave.

The Second Young Master was intelligent; doing what she could was enough.

Xie Tingyue muttered to himself, also feeling something was off. When a person died suddenly, plans involving them usually continued, rather than stopping abruptly. Why did this man die after calling off the engagement? It was almost as if he knew he was about to die. AXYQF


Perhaps he had other plans and no longer needed the matchmaker?

As Xie Tingyue’s thoughts shifted between the words “arrangements” and “death,” he suddenly recalled something else, something connected to Qi Wenhai, He Yuanqi, the Chu family, and Lu Li…

No, he absolutely must return home and discuss this with Chu Mu! tH7U0J


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