Bastard Male WifeCh32.2 - He Wants To Kill Me

Edited by Elanor

Chu Mu didn’t need to be suspicious, and Xie Tingyue had been constantly thinking of ways to explain himself and always paying attention to his words and deeds to avoid exposing himself, so he hadn’t even considered this possibility.

All of their conversations and information exchanges were the result of Chu Mu’s intelligence. How could he possibly be a reborn prophet? fgPjNS


“Should we pretend to have a flare-up?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The two spoke at the same time.

Pretending to be sick was the easiest option. Chu Mu had been sick for a long time, and it was easy to fake an attack at any given moment. No one would notice anything strange. aD9WRd

But when this idea was mentioned, Xie Tingyue remained silent.

He knew Chu Mu was strong and resilient, with unique strength, but every time he saw Chu Mu lying in bed, he couldn’t help but worry. He felt that the man was so fragile that it made his heart ache, and that he needed to be taken care of.

“Or…never mind. Let’s think of something else.” He even reached out to touch Chu Mu’s forehead.

Chu Mu was uncomfortable, and his temperature was the most obvious sign of this. He was used to this gesture from Xie Tingyue. Fortunately, it was normal this time.


Chu Mu held his hand and gently pressed it to his own cheek. “Madam…”

Every time Xie Tingyue took the initiative to get close and act intimately, Chu Mu felt both satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

He was satisfied with the closeness, but dissatisfied with the fact that it wasn’t enough.

He wasn’t like other patients who had no desires or needs. He was very greedy. MzG86K

He wanted a lot, a lot..

“You’re making me want to hug you.”


How could they lure the snake out of its den and give the culprit an opportunity to strike? feW0dz

They couldn’t pick a place that was too crowded, as the culprit would have no chance to strike. They also couldn’t pick a place that was too remote, otherwise the other party would hesitate. If the attack failed, the culprit would be too conspicuous and would not be able to escape, and they would definitely discover him.

A place that was quiet but not too quiet would be the most ideal.

Xie Tingyue refused to let Chu Mu pretend to be sick, so Chu Mu could only pretend to be weak. The two of them walked to a quiet Warm Pavillion. The view from the window was of a lively gathering, which made it an ideal location.

Chu Mu once again reminded Qin Ping of some instructions and sent him away. oFldTv

This time, he wouldn’t let Qin Ping die in vain. Observing from the shadows was much better than serving at his side. Perhaps he might be able to discover something that Chu Mu hadn’t noticed.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wlf Klcusef abbx mjgf bo Jte Ze, ktb kjr ralii kfjx ogbw tlr liicfrr. Lf raeoofv mibatfr lcab atf tjcv kjgwfg jcv ofv tlw kjafg, qijslcu tlr qjga nfgs kfii.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Dfmjerf atfs kfgf jmalcu, tf mbeivc’a ibbx jgbecv mjrejiis jcv mbeiv bcis jrx Jte Ze, “Pr tf tfgf sfa?”

“No.” Chu Mu shook his head. “The letter said he just left our courtyard. It’ll take some time to get here.” q61k79

After waiting for a while, Xie Tingyue asked again, “Is he here yet?”

Chu Mu: “Have patience, Madam.”

Xie Tingyue showed signs that his patience wouldn’t last long. “He’s still not here?”

Chu Mu held his hand, “Are you nervous?” X7u2DQ

Xie Tingyue: “No, no, no, I’m not nervous.”

Chu Mu: “Then don’t look at that teacup anymore. Look at me instead, okay?”

Xie Tingyue jerked his head up.

Chu Mu smiled brightly. “Am I not prettier than a teacup?” iNELp9

Xie Tingyue: ……

Xie Tingyue stared at him blankly for a moment before rubbing his forehead in frustration.

What are you comparing yourself to a teacup for?

But because of Chu Mu’s teasing, he felt much more relaxed. He even shot Chu Mu a glare. “Be serious. You’ll get yourself killed if you’re not focused.” U6xPo1

“What if we fail?” Chu Mu asked.

Xie Tingyue paused. If they failed, then they would only have one option– “Die together.”

Since the enemy had come prepared, and he didn’t have the ability to avoid them, there was only one road to take. He had walked this road before and wasn’t afraid, nor did he feel that it was a waste. The most regrettable thing would be not being able to kill Madam Lin, and…he would miss his little Brother.

Chu Mu’s slender fingers stilled, Xie Tingyue’s figure reflected in his eyes. The tide was dark and thick, as if it would whip up a dangerous hurricane. vFnjtc

Having heard such words…how could he resist?

Sorry, you don’t have time to run.

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Chu Mu’s slender hand changed its direction and held Xie Tingyue’s hand.

Xie Tingyue felt very distressed at the thought of his little Brother. He cautiously turned his head and asked Chu Mu, “If— I mean if, if we really do meet with an accident, can you promise me one thing? Can you send someone to take care of my little Brother?” teZHJg

Chu Mu: …..

Chu Mu was speechless. This was clearly a moment between the two of them, yet another name had been added.

Chu Mu knew that Xie Tingyue was a very sentimental person, and that he had a good relationship with his Younger Brother, but could he not avoid stabbing him in the heart at this time?

Chu Mu prided himself on being a good husband. Even if his wife didn’t understand, he had to smile and forgive him. “Of course, Xing’er is also my Younger Brother.” 7u8Jhf

Xie Tingyue clearly sensed the perfunctory tone in his words, “You are pretending to be polite.”

He wasn’t angry, he understood.

Just like a newly formed family where the Mother-in-Law said she would treat her Daughter-in-Law like her own Daughter. How could that be possible? The Mother-in-Law hadn’t raised her Daughter-in-Law, hadn’t taken care of her, hadn’t worried about her or gotten angry with her. There was no emotional foundation for such feelings, so how could she treat her Daughter-in-Law like her own Daughter?

In the same way, the same logic applied to the Daughter-in-Law; she couldn’t treat her Mother-in-Law like her own biological Mother. 2SLRe1

It would be great if everyone can be reasonable and willing to communicate properly on everything.

It was the same for him and Chu Mu. He didn’t expect Chu Mu to like Xie Tingxing as much as he liked his own Younger Brother. After all, he knew what kind of a brat his little Brother was. As long as Chu Mu was willing to accept him and help him, and as long as he was willing to communicate, it would be fine.

Chu Mu knew that his wife was too clever and too clear-headed to be fooled.

“Okay,” he spread his hands, looked at Xie Tingyue seriously, and gave the most sincere reason, “I just don’t want you to be sad. I’ll do my best to avoid anything that might make you unhappy.” 3wd0VX

Xie Tingyue paused.

Chu Mu’s eyes seemed to twinkle like the stars. “People need to get along. I can’t immediately like my little Brother Xie Tingxing, but he’s very special. I believe that if we spend enough time together, we’ll become good friends. But no matter how long it takes, he’ll always be your little Brother. That’s a fact that can’t change. If you’re sad because of him, I won’t be able to bear it.”

“Everything I do is for you. You…are my original intention.”

A frivolous person being sincere was deadly… KWH0rp

At this moment, even if Chu Mu was holding his hand and gently stroking it, Xie Tingyue didn’t think the man was acting like a lecher trying to take advantage of him.

He didn’t know what to say and lowered his head, his face bright red.

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The corners of Chu Mu’s eyes lifted in a smile, like a lazy and contented cat.

His wife was truly beautiful no matter how you looked at him! K26fBk

Just as he was about to take advantage of this time to get intimate, a bad omen arrived.

Lu Li strode over from afar and waved his paw hand in greeting. “Oh, my dear friend, so you’re here with your wife—”

Chu Mu’s smile was deep, and his voice was extremely gentle. “What brings you here? Just passing by?”

“No, no,” Lu Li said very shamelessly, leaning lazily against a pillar in the corridor, “I just happened to get tired from walking, so I came over to be disliked.” DdyjtI

Chu Mu: …

“Don’t all those stories have a character whose sole purpose is to annoy people, who comes to break up the harmony, cause trouble in special situations and promote the relationship between the newlywed couple?” Lu Li asked. “You’re so cold and arrogant, and your personality is terrible too. I’m afraid there is probably no one else willing to help, so Brother, I can only volunteer myself—”

“And Xie’er is very cute and interesting. I want to chat with him.”

Chu Mu even stopped smiling. “He’s not free. Get lost.” CacjdQ

Xie Tingyue: ……

He patted Chu Mu’s shoulder with the hand he had just quickly retracted, “Don’t be like that, Lu Li is a very nice person.” He pointed at the cushion next to Chu Mu and turned to invite Lu Li,

“Come sit and let’s chat for a while. ”

Chu Mu’s eyes grew even colder, the tide turning into a storm. JXvKay

Lu Li shivered from the chill in this gaze and waved his hand. “Actually, I really don’t have time. I was just passing by. Someone’s waiting for me up ahead. Xie’er, you go get busy first, I’ll come back and chat with you later—”

And then he left, so fast that…let’s just say, the rabbits were all his grandsons.

Xie Tingyue: ……

Chu Mu: “Don’t mind him, he’s just being a jerk. He gets upset when he doesn’t flirt and is scolded.” yNMc 9

There was a maidservant in the Warm Pavilion.

Although she had been pretending to be a wallflower, standing far away as if she didn’t exist, that even her Master had forgotten her, it would have been rude not to serve tea when someone came over. As soon as Lu Li leaned against the pillar, the maidservant quickly made some tea and set it down.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Lu Li didn’t sit down but turned and left, so the tea was left on the table. Worried about disturbing her Master’s intimacy, the maidservant didn’t immediately go to clean up.

Xie Tingyue had finished the tea in his cup but didn’t ask for more. He was probably nervous, and he suddenly felt very thirsty. Calling for the maidservant to make more would take time, but there was an untouched cup of tea nearby that had cooled to the perfect temperature. LaPS4d

Chu Mu understood. He picked up the cup and offered it with a smile. “Madam, please—”

That strange tone… He was being so annoying!

Xie Tingyue glared at him, then accepted the cup of tea and brought it to his lips—

Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue. One moment he had been smiling, the next moment a dark light flashed in his eyes, and his expression changed abruptly. HPDcMg

Not only did his expression change—he also suddenly reached out and snatched that cup of tea!

Xie Tingyue didn’t understand what Chu Mu was doing. He was so thirsty, and his lips hadn’t even touched this cup of tea yet!

But Chu Mu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He couldn’t smile anymore, nor could he remain calm and composed; even his hands were shaking. “The tea… Did you drink it?”


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  1. Oh no.

    So did they try to kill lu li ? He wasn’t the target and the first time lu li survived as well by chance And by the sacrifice of Qin ping ?

    Please, tell me Lu Li is not here to betray him, right ?

    So many questions…

  2. Is someone trying to kill Lu Li and Chu Mu? To stop both of them? What are they doing or going to do

  3. I was just about to comment “So where’s that annoying character that appears between intimate scenes?” Then low and behold master Lu Li answered my thoughts 😂