Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh78 - The Awkward Encounter

Ji Xingchen stood frozen in place.

Normally, no one else would come to their home. Even if the assistant needed to deliver something, Ran Feng would only let them drop it off at the door. PsZpDn

So in this situation, he never expected to meet Mo Yuze in such a manner.

The atmosphere was unbearably awkward. He opened his mouth repeatedly, but his mind was so buzzing and ringing that he couldn’t utter a single word.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Facing Mo Yuze’s extremely shocked gaze, he wished he could just die on the spot.

Not only Ji Xingchen had the same sentiment, but Mo Yuze was equally overwhelmed, feeling like he was about to lose it. KRJVIE

“Wha, wha, what…”

He was also incoherent, and his voice no longer as assertive as before.


It was the streamer Star that he knew!!!


The one he had woken up from brother Feng’s hidden affair was actually him!!!!

Mo Yuze felt both awkward, excited, shocked, and scared.

Perhaps other emotions too, but the enormous surprise had his mind exploding like fireworks, making it impossible for him to process any further information.

This was just too, too, too, too, too thrilling!!! xFwftI

Brother Feng and Xingxing were together, with a man, and with his classmate!!

Even a fvcking novel wouldn’t dare write something like this.

Among the three people in the room, Ji Xingchen was embarrassed beyond belief, while Mo Yuze was too excited to think straight, leaving only Ran Feng still clear-headed.

Ran Feng slightly shifted to block Mo Yuze’s view of Ji Xingchen, interrupting his pointless and repetitive words. IcRj7J

Turning around, Ran Feng softly said to Ji Xingchen, “Go put on some more clothes, it’s a bit cold, don’t catch a chill.”

Ran Feng’s gentle words were like a spring breeze, dissipating the unbearably awkward atmosphere in the room.

Ji Xingchen felt as if he had finally grabbed onto a lifeline, and he quickly turned around and went back inside.

While washing up and changing clothes, he couldn’t help but look at his collarbone in the mirror. The kiss marks on it were really quite erotic. cyVdSk

The pajamas he was wearing just now actually belonged to Ran Feng, so they were very loose and oversized on him. Everything around the neckline was completely exposed.

He remembered how he had opened the door completely unguarded earlier, and how Mo Yuze had seen him like that. There was no way he could have lied and said he was just staying over at Ran Feng’s place.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At this point, it seemed like the secret was out and there was no way to cover it up now. Ji Xingchen could only find a turtleneck sweater from the wardrobe, planning to put it on before going back out.

Mo Yuze stared blankly at the tightly closed bedroom door, then looked dumbfoundedly at Ran Feng, still in shock. bVWgM9

The door opening just now had been too sudden!!! He hadn’t been prepared at all!!

Damn it, he only came to apologize. But now he suddenly learned that Ran Feng was not asexual at all, and Xingxing had also turned from a friend into his sister-in-law?

These two revelations kept intersecting in his mind, and he couldn’t decide which one shocked him more.

After staring at Ran Feng’s face for several seconds, he finally managed to squeeze out five words, “Xingxing, my sister-in-law??” Ge3AM

The way Ran Feng had spoken to Xingxing just now.

It was so different! So gentle! That tone could practically melt the snow on Mount Everest!!

Just thinking about it gave Mo Yuze goosebumps.

As a rough and tough guy, he had never been treated so gently by brother Feng before!!! N5bt6I

Mo Yuze said “sister-in-law” so smoothly that pleased Ran Feng, so in the end he didn’t bother to blame him more for waking Ji Xingchen.

Ran Feng had never intended to hide their relationship from everyone, so when Mo Yuze asked, he just nodded directly, “Yes.”

Although Mo Yuze had already guessed this, guessing was one thing, and hearing it confirmed by the person involved was another!!

After all, he understood what it meant for Ran Feng, a top celebrity, to start a relationship so early, and with a boy at that. 8Xtf6W

Moreover, looking at the two of them, they didn’t seem like they were trying to hide it, which made it even more unbelievable to him.

However, he didn’t ask about these things, nor did he dare to. He could only try to remain calm and subtly probe.

“Aren’t you two classmates who haven’t seen each other in a long time?”

Thinking he had already calmly accepted it, Mo Yuze realized as soon as he spoke that he couldn’t stay calm at all. F0twT8

Who could stay calm in such a situation?

The pace of this relationship’s progression was just too fast!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

If he remembered correctly, they had only reconnected as old classmates during the KPL exhibition match, and now, in such a short time, they had gone from classmates to partners??

Oh, and from brothers to lovers! oPsKZp

No matter how he looked at it, he thought Ran Feng was amazing!

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, and watched Mo Yuze’s face change expressions from excitement to nervousness. After a few seconds, he finally answered, “We hadn’t seen each other in over five years.”

As soon as he finished, Mo Yuze hurriedly interjected, “Then how did you suddenly become a couple?”

Anyone is curious about relationship gossip, and Mo Yuze was no exception. 8u0pno

After asking the critical question, he took a few deep breaths, and his excitement calmed down a lot.

Ran Feng replied, “It happened naturally, not suddenly at all.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vfflcu atja Ejc Mfcu kjrc’a ulnlcu j ragjluta jcrkfg, Zb Tehf rja mgbrr-ifuufv bc atf rboj, gbmxlcu yjmx jcv obgat ilxf j mtliv, mbcalcelcu ab qgfrr obg vfajlir.

“Qtfc vlv sbe akb ufa abufatfg, ygbatfg Mfcu?” TdtVdp

Lf gfjiis kjcafv ab oluegf atlr bea.

Coafg jii, tf tjv cfnfg rffc j gfijalbcrtlq qgbugfrr atlr delmxis!

Seeing Mo Yuze bombarding him with questions, Ran Feng chuckled and told him, “At the concert last month.”

Mo Yuze pondered for a moment. It hadn’t been that long since they had reconnected as old classmates. FnKNws

“Your speed is too fast, it’s impressive!”

After saying this, Mo Yuze suddenly remembered something and began muttering to himself again, “No wonder you suddenly became the spokesperson for Honor of Kings again and claimed to be a gaming expert. I thought you were just being delusional after changing your orientation, thinking you were into games because of me. Turns out it was all fake, all fake. You were just single-mindedly trying to hook up with my sister-in-law.”

Just as Mo Yuze finished his sarcastic comment, Ran Feng kicked him away and walked past him to pick up the remote control and turn on the TV.

“Hook up?” rvJSUK

Quick on his feet, Mo Yuze quickly corrected himself, “It’s not hook up, not hook up. You’re serious about Xingxing, and you’re pursuing true love.”

After speaking, he peered at Ran Feng like a curious puppy. His eyes are still full of curiosity, unwilling to give up, “But isn’t your relationship heating up too quickly? Classmates turning into lovers just like that? Should I quickly call my high school classmates and start some ladder climbing or something to reconnect with them?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Feng didn’t respond to him, but there was a smile playing on his lips.

Once the TV was on, a wildlife documentary was playing, and it happened to show a male lion courting a female lion. Z9cK0Y

Suddenly, Mo Yuze remembered the listless and unenthusiastic look on Xingxing’s face earlier…

Clearly, this brother of his used to be sunny and lively, looking healthy and energetic…

But why did he seem so listless just now??

Mo Yuze suddenly looked up, staring at Ran Feng with a mix of horror and disbelief. ku8sgW

This could only happen because of Ran Feng’s actions, he’s actually a beast!

However, Mo Yuze only dared to silently complain in his heart.

Just as he finished silently cursing the beast Ran Feng, the subject of his complaints turned to him as if sensing something, giving him a sharp look.

“What else do you want to say?” KEPftd

Mo Yuze’s spine stiffened instantly.

Could thoughts be detected nowadays?

Being stared at by Ran Feng like that, Mo Yuze naturally didn’t dare to speak randomly. His mind quickly turned, and he randomly brought up a topic.

“I just forgot to congratulate you just now.” aGq1xN

Ran Feng chuckled, “Thank you, but your expression didn’t seem like it.”

Mo Yuze shook his head and adamantly refused to admit it, “Actually, I just wanted you to treat me to a meal. Let’s celebrate your relationship. After all, I am a witness to your love. Isn’t it reasonable to have a meal together?”

Mo Yuze shamelessly tried to butter up Ran Feng while Ji Xingchen came out after changing clothes.

Ran Feng’s gaze fell on Ji Xingchen, taking a lazy glance at his tightly covered turtleneck sweater before turning lazily to Mo Yuze. t2S5uL

“What do you want to eat? Choose the place yourself.”

Mo Yuze whistled and then directly took Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng to an expensive Japanese restaurant.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

As soon as he entered, he waved his hand and began ordering dishes enthusiastically.

Since Ran Feng wasn’t fond of Japanese cuisine, Ji Xingchen and Mo Yuze were left to order. mSwcvC

Both of them had been a bit awkward due to the awkward timing and situation of their encounter earlier, but now, in a different time, place, and circumstance, the awkwardness naturally dissipated.

“Xingxing, do you want to try the peony shrimp? It’s delicious.”

“Oh, okay.”

“How about the king crab?” 6SdiKg

“That seems a bit expensive…”

“This one is big, it’s not expensive at all.”

“Okay, okay…”

Ran Feng put down his water glass. “Take your time with the orders, I’ll go to the restroom.” 1TP8La

As soon as he left, Mo Yuze suddenly stopped looking at the menu. He immediately turned his head to the right, pulling himself closer to Ji Xingchen.

Since he couldn’t get anything out of Ran Feng, he decided to start with Ji Xingchen.

Now that he finally seized the opportunity, he lowered his voice and asked Ji Xingchen, “Xingxing, tell me honestly, did brother Feng pursue you? I’m not kidding, this is really impressive. I always thought brother Feng would be single for life.”

Ji Xingchen chuckled at Mo Yuze’s description. “Single for life? I don’t think so…” Ik8ZxS

With Ran Feng being so outstanding, Ji Xingchen knew it during their high school years alone. Ran Feng had received confessions from at least three digits of people.

“Seriously, I thought he was asexual and would never date anyone. But today he told me that you two started dating last month.”

Ji Xingchen chuckled at Mo Yuze’s tone and expression, then shook his head, denying his guess.

“Well… you could say I pursued brother Feng?” FZfcl4

Mo Yuze widened his eyes in shock, his face once again showing disbelief, almost spitting out his lemon water.

“No way… you pursued him?? Is brother Feng that easy to pursue?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mo Yuze still couldn’t believe it.

The reason he guessed it was Ran Feng who pursued Ji Xingchen was because everyone knew that Ran Feng was notoriously hard to catch. f2hbaR

There used to be a little flower in their circle who pursued him for three years, but Ran Feng never gave them a second glance!! And besides that, there were plenty of other flowers, idols, celebrities, and even male stars who pursued him.

Over the years, Mo Yuze hadn’t seen Ran Feng give anyone a chance.

Not only did he not give anyone a chance, he couldn’t even add them on WeChat or get involved in any rumors…

So, no matter how he looked at it, Ji Xingchen was really impressive. 1phgoR

“How did you manage to pursue him? Tell me, I couldn’t have guessed this at all.”

Ji Xingchen didn’t know what to say, so he confessed honestly, “I don’t know either, but I liked him since high school… I don’t know if what I did back then counts as pursuing, but it probably does…”

He remembered that he had often secretly sent gifts and written poems to Ran Feng in high school.

But they were all very subtle expressions. cF2bYV

So, weren’t those things actually pursuing Ran Feng…

Hearing this, Mo Yuze immediately had an enlightenment.

No wonder Xingxing moved so fast, turns out there was still a foundation of feelings from high school.

“So it’s a case of familiarity breeds affection~” xOm6Sd

Ji Xingchen didn’t answer. He wasn’t sure if that description was accurate.

But as Ran Feng returned to the table, he corrected that statement, “It has nothing to do with that, I liked him back then.”

Seeing the surprise flashed in Ji Xingchen’s eyes, Mo Yuze was completely impressed by Ran Feng that he admired him.

Sure enough, Ran Feng was still cool! WtGnp2

As soon as Ran Feng sat back down, he was served, successfully interrupting the conversation.

Ji Xingchen had originally wanted to quietly ask Ran Feng something, but Mo Yuze immediately pushed the freshly served oysters towards him, enthusiastically recommending them.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Xingxing, eat more of this. It’s good for your vitality and kidney. You need to replenish yourself.”

Mo Yuze didn’t hold back when talking to someone familiar. Seeing Ji Xingchen looking a bit lethargic earlier, he earnestly recommended some nourishment. NuIoCm

Well, it never hurts for a man to replenish himself.

However, while Mo Yuze’s intentions were good, his words made Ji Xingchen’s hand pause in mid-air, hesitant to move.

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s lack of reaction, Mo Yuze, who had been indulging in sea urchin, looked up at him.

“Just eat.” on FSt

After saying that, he pushed the fresh served sea cucumber sashimi towards Ji Xingchen, “This is also nourishing. Do you want me to order some grilled fish for you?”

Ji Xingchen suddenly couldn’t say anything…

Yesterday, he was advised by his livestreaming viewers to buy kidney supplements, and today Mo Yuze was urging him to eat seafood for vitality…

He raised his hand to touch his face, unable to help but wonder if he really looked like someone who indulged excessively in desire and suffered from kidney deficiency these past few days… HxdfWI

Seeing Mo Yuze, this lively character, teasing Ji Xingchen until his face turned red, Ran Feng, on the side, quietly pinched his waist, while his shoulders shaking with laughter.

Ji Xingchen glanced at him dissatisfied, and felt a bit wronged.

Ran Feng then embraced his waist to comfort him, smiling as he warned Mo Yuze, “Just mind your own mouth.”

After saying that, he poured some fish roe onto the sea urchin near Mo Yuze’s mouth, using a double entendre to hint that he should stop talking. cUkw7q

The freshness of the fish roe burst in Mo Yuze’s mouth, finally quieting him down.

This Japanese meal cost them a five-figure amount in total.

Ji Xingchen was shocked when he saw the bill.

“Is it that expensive?” OxIyl8

Although Japanese cuisine was indeed not cheap, it shouldn’t be that expensive, right??

Ji Xingchen regretted randomly ordering earlier. He hadn’t checked the prices at that time, and didn’t expect to spend so much.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He looked at Ran Feng, feeling apologetic.

Mo Yuze waved his hand at him, “Don’t worry, brother Feng has plenty of money. If we don’t help him spend it, how will he manage to use it all?” 3lJ67n

Ji Xingchen argued back, “But brother Feng works hard for his money too…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ran Feng spoke up.

He looked at Mo Yuze with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

“One person? The only one here who’s alone is you.” uO8oLF

Mo Yuze immediately understood the meaning behind Ran Feng’s words, feeling like he had just been shown a face full of affection.

Damn, it’s really deadly when men start talking about love!!!

Hidden feelings are even scarier!!!

Mo Yuze turned to look at Ji Xingchen, intending to ally with him to mock Ran Feng’s arrogance, but instead, he saw Ji Xingchen nodding in agreement with Ran Feng. FxrN57

One of them reached out to hug Ji Xingchen’s waist, while the other involuntarily leaned towards Ran Feng.

Feeling overwhelmed by the sudden display of affection, Mo Yuze suddenly felt like the Japanese meal he had just eaten wasn’t appetizing anymore.

So, what was the point of coming here to eat?

To torture himself as a third wheel? Z59GMn

Unable to bear it anymore, Mo Yuze clasped his hands together and pleaded, “Okay, okay, I’m single, I’m sorry, I apologize. Can you please stop showing affection in front of me? I can’t take it anymore, damn it, I also want to fall in love.”

Mo Yuze, who always felt like he was here to be tormented and fed dog food, initially wanted to leave after finishing his meal, but then he got addicted to gaming again, so he shamelessly stayed with the couple.

“Now that she’s my sister-in-law, Xingxing, take me on a wave.” SECeK9

Mo Yuze suddenly felt like he was benefiting from Ran Feng finding a partner too?

Ji Xingchen felt goosebumps all over his body when Mo Yuze called him “sister-in-law”, quickly correcting him, “Brother Yu… don’t call me like that, it’s weird.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s thin-skinned cuteness, Mo Yuze couldn’t help but chuckle.

But in the end, he changed his tone, “Then Xingxing, my good buddy, take me with you.” KUw54T

Ji Xingchen wasn’t planning to refuse Mo Yuze anyway, so he took out his phone and logged in.

When he was logging in, he looked at Ran Feng, “Brother Feng, are you playing too?”

Mo Yuze also joined in, and called out to Ran Feng, “Come on, brother Feng, let’s go, we’ll be in the third row together, you two can carry me.”

Ran Feng didn’t refuse and also took out his phone to log in. Eb eL7

Mo Yuze had originally planned to be the one to invite Ran Feng.

As a result, when Mo Yuze checked his friends list, he didn’t see Ran Feng’s account online. Suddenly, he remembered that he had only added Ji Xingchen to the account he logged in with, and not Ran Feng.

“Xingxing, invite brother Feng down, my account doesn’t have him.”

After saying this, his gaze swept over to the right side of the friends list and saw a familiar name. 2cmn4J

“Hey, Xingxing, Wanfeng is online! It’s been so long since I last saw him online.”

Mo Yuze was initially thinking of sending a private message to Wanfeng Picks Star to say hello and ask about his recent situation, but then he saw that Wanfeng Picks Star’s status changed to “In a Team”.

Then he withdrew his gaze and looked back at the team room.

Then he saw Wanfeng Picks Star’s account, the “Feng”, in the room opened by Ji Xingchen. 5u26UK

“Xingxing, didn’t you invite brother Feng? Why did you invite your boss?”

Mo Yuze initially thought Ji Xingchen had invited the wrong person.

But as soon as he said this, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He suddenly looked up at Ji Xingchen, then quickly glanced at Ran Feng. CBn0ki

His intuition told him that this wasn’t a mistake, there was something fishy going on.

Suddenly, a terrifying thought popped into Mo Yuze’s head.

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He swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

“Brother Feng… please don’t tell me you’re Wanfeng?” 1nf9sb

Immediately after, he heard Ji Xingchen’s response, “They’re the same person.”

They’re the same person…

In Mo Yuze’s mind, the sharp and cold Wanfeng Picks Star and the face of Ran Feng suddenly merged into one.

Upon learning this truth, he smiled ambiguously and looked at Ran Feng with a playful expression. bvHMPw

Ran Feng, in order to pursue his wife, he went so deep undercover with a small alt account!!

Hanging around in someone else’s livestream every few days, isn’t it because he has ulterior motives to pursue someone else?!

Mo Yuze originally wanted to tease Ran Feng a bit, but noticed that his gaze also turned towards him.

With a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, Ran Feng’s eyes also carried a particularly profound meaning. “Surprised, Boss Ink?” Pohstf

The two words “Boss Ink” deeply stirred up Mo Yuze’s memories of his alt account and Wanfeng Picks Star in Ji Xingchen’s livestream…

Mo Yuze felt as if struck by lightning, and his phone almost fell to the ground.

Did he call Wanfeng Picks Star “Sister Feng” before?

Did he insist on butting in when they were being sweet and playing together? Bw80pv

Did he bind intimate relationships in the game in front of Wanfeng Picks Star?

Did he even flirt with Ji Xingchen under Ran Feng’s nose…

The more Mo Yuze thought about it, the more goosebumps he felt, and he didn’t dare to think about the other possibilities…

He put away his phone and stood up in a hurry. “Xingxing, I have something to do, I’ll leave first. Let’s play together next time.” 1yH9uL

He remembered the look and smile Ran Feng gave him just now…


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It’s better to leave on his own initiative. Otherwise, Ran Feng might settle scores later if he disturbs their world as a couple!!

Being low-key is awesome. PHekqZ

Gotta go, gotta go.

Translator's Note

“little flower” (小花 xiǎo huā) refers to someone, usually a girl, who is infatuated or pursuing someone romantically, often persistently and devotedly. It’s used to describe someone who has a crush or is actively trying to win someone’s affection.

Translator's Note

“Five-figure” refers to a number with five digits.

Translator's Note

“take me on a wave” is a colloquial expression that means “include me” or “take me along.” It’s often used metaphorically to express joining someone in an activity or venture, particularly in gaming or any collaborative effort where teamwork or companionship is involved.

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  1. U thought that the most naive character is a XingXing, but Yuze is won)

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖