Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh76.2 - Perhaps Last Night Was a Bit Intense

It was Ran Feng’s first time livestreaming from the perspective of a streamer, and he realized that viewers loved to tease the streamer and create interesting rhythms.

In the past, he only focused solely on Ji Xingchen before, and he rarely paid attention to the barrage and interactions with everyone else. 9cRSre

After watching for about a minute, Ran Feng finally started the game.

Since he was standing in for Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng decided to choose a hero like a marksman or support, which Ji Xingchen didn’t often play so his identity wouldn’t be easily exposed.

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Unexpectedly, there was no one on their team who wanted to play jungle in the first round, so he had to fill in and chose Li Bai to jungle.

Li Bai’s performance in the jungle this season had become weak, and he hadn’t tried it yet, so it was a good opportunity to test it out. j56rOx

When the viewers in the livestream saw him pick Li Bai, they immediately flooded the chat with question marks.

[Do you know how to play Li Bai? Do you?]

[Seriously, Star, you’re starting off like this?]

[Is the opponent just lucky? Did they pay for it?]


[Alipay has received 5 cents.]

[I still remember the last time Star confidently led the viewers to rank up, but ended up playing like a rookie. Star’s Li Bai went 1-15.]

[“Pretending to be a pro”]

Ran Feng glanced at the barrage, raised the corner of his mouth with a silent smile, and then began to clear the jungle. 08CTZ9

He deliberately restrained himself a lot, and his playstyle was different from usual, but the opponents were just too weak. He didn’t take it too seriously and effortlessly secured a quadra kill and the victory.

After getting a 14.0 rating with Li Bai, the barrage was filled with praise for Ji Xingchen’s Li Bai, and nobody noticed anything unusual.


[6666666] 9j0sqN

[I’ll never laugh at Star’s Li Bai again!]

[You’re so unfamiliar.]

[Star’s Li Bai is occasionally divine!]

Ran Feng didn’t rush to start the next round; instead, he opened the rune and equipment interface. OcTXBo

Ji Xingchen usually played jungle less frequently, and his runes and equipment were just randomly selected from the system’s recommendations, which were outdated versions and not adapted to the new ones.

Ran Feng adjusted them for him.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

While Ran Feng was doing this, the barrage was still active.

[Suddenly becoming so professional?] z8B 9l

[Serious mode activated.]

[Is Star planning to become a jungler king in the national server?]

[Give up, sometimes he’s super godlike, but most of the time he’s super ghostlike.]

After adjusting the equipment, he started another round. qlZAWO

Just as he entered the ranking interface, Ran Feng’s phone rang, it was his assistant calling.

He set his phone to silent mode, then went to another room and closed the door before answering the call.

He had previously sent a message to his assistant, asking them to bring back his pre-ordered lunch. Since he hadn’t replied to his message, he called him.

“Brother Feng, I’ll be a little late, probably in about two hours.” 0gthAl

“Okay, thanks.”

After hanging up the phone, Ran Feng returned to the room to continue the livestream. However, by the time he returned, the game had already started, and not only that, the system had automatically selected Angela for him to play in the mid lane, following behind his support teammate, controlled by the computer.

Seeing Angela, Ran Feng felt a bit of a headache.

Usually, he played mid lane mages like Liang, or Yi Xing. He had never touched the Grass Sisters that Ji Xingchen liked to play for the show’s effect. XJLwdF

Among the players of Honor of Kings, there are very few who could play each position and hero to perfection, and Ran Feng was no exception. So, faced with Angela, whom he had never played before, he felt a bit at a loss, especially when he used her ultimate ability the first two times, he couldn’t even find the right direction and ended up using it in the wrong way.

[Support teammate: Sister, let the bot continue to take over.]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Jungle King teammate: Sister, your mid lane isn’t doing too well, I’m having a hard time carrying.]

Gfrqlaf atf afjwwjafr’ wbmxfgs, Ejc Mfcu vlvc’a rjs jcsatlcu. Coafg jqbibulhlcu, tf delfais obmerfv bc ojgwlcu. MwH WD

Lbkfnfg, rlcmf tf kjrc’a nfgs ojwliljg klat atf tfgb, fnfc atbeut tlr eialwjafr kfgfc’a mbwqifafis boo-ajgufa, tlr qfgobgwjcmf kjr ralii nfgs qbbg lc atf fcv.

Ktf yjggjuf bo mbwwfcar ogbw nlfkfgr fzqibvfv, olcjiis cbalmlcu atja rbwfatlcu kjr boo.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[No way, Is this really the Star I know? He’s not usually like this, even when he’s using a borrowed phone.]

[Appetizing.] LfdTFm

[Hahaha, I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be commenting on Star’s mid lane performance.]

[Streamer, you’re acting strange today. (Dog head)]

[Is it possible he’s been possessed?]

[And he’s not even cute anymore. Normally, when this happens, he’d flirt with brother Jungle King and tease them a bit.] uABEgh

[Yeah, the tone of his apology today is really stiff.]

[Mom suddenly feels like a stranger.]

Seeing the barrage of comments criticizing his stiff tone, Ran Feng opened the chat history and glanced at the messages he had sent.

—[Soft Sweet Donut]: Sorry MPOhI2

It seemed a bit stiff…

So Ran Feng added an emoji at the end.

[Soft Sweet Donut]: t^t

After that, he firmly refused to type another word. SFiauG

[t^t Today, Star is really acting strange]

[t^t Feels like someone else is using his account]

[t^t Even this emoji usage feels aloof]

With the shadow of Angela looming over him, Ran Feng didn’t choose a mage for the next three games. w0dOnV

However, he was forced to jungle three times in a row because his teammates didn’t know how to play that position. So he played as Han Xin, Luna, and Li Bai.

Although Ran Feng wasn’t playing seriously, his skill was evident. He effortlessly carried the games as the jungler, earning MVP again for these three games.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The viewers who had been watching all along also noticed. Today, as long as the streamer is the jungler, he carried the game, but as soon as he played a mage, things went downhill. Although they had been saying something was off before, now they truly realized it.

After all, they were the ones who watched Ji Xingchen’s livestreams every day, so they knew how he played jungle. The fact that he suddenly excelled with these three different heroes in just one day was too suspicious. A2qryH

The barrage of comments unanimously began to doubt the streamer’s identity.

[Jungle king on the national server √ Mage on the national server x]

[Why is the jungle so strong today, and he’s not even talking? Is it the same friend who played for him last time living together, hahaha]

[But why does this jungle style feel so familiar…] juJ 6K

[It must be a different person, right??]

Ji Xingchen slept for over two hours before waking up.

He wandered around the room and didn’t see Ran Feng, so he walked to the streaming room, intending to start the long-awaited livestream.

As he opened the door, he saw Ran Feng sitting in his usual spot. gyobQ

And on the computer screen was the familiar livestream setup.

“Why are you…” Ji Xingchen had just uttered these four words when he saw Ran Feng immediately look up at him, and he remembered something, quickly closing his mouth.

The look in Ran Feng’s eyes… seemed to be telling him not to worry about the microphone…

Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but feel flustered. MKXmDk

In the previously quiet streaming room, suddenly, Ji Xingchen’s groggy voice was heard, and the audience in the livestream room suddenly became excited.

[Did I just hear that right??]

[It’s Star talking!!!]

[Fvck, this voice!!!] NPkodK

[Star, why does your voice sound like this???]

[Did you just wake up? It sounds so soft]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[To be honest, that voice just now was like music to my ears]

[Everyone stand up] RBAFGa

[Everyone stand up]

Ji Xingchen walked over to Ran Feng, and with a glance, he saw the barrage of comments from viewers in yellow font.

Learning that everyone really heard his voice, Ji Xingchen, who almost caused a livestream accident, quickly turned off the microphone.

Even after turning it off, he wasn’t entirely at ease. After confirming multiple times that both the microphone and camera were turned off, he finally spoke with lingering fear. RNsuOd

“Are you streaming for me, brother Feng? Have you eaten?” Ji Xingchen had just woken up, so his voice was still hoarse.

“Not yet, the assistant will bring it over soon. Are you hungry?” Ran Feng asked.

Ji Xingchen shook his head. “I’m fine.”

Ran Feng put down his phone and walked up to Ji Xingchen. “Does it still hurt?” u6g94A

Ji Xingchen knew what Ran Feng was asking and replied softly, “Much better now…”

Though it had been a while, Ran Feng had actually taken good care of him and was very gentle, so after a nap, his discomfort reduced by half

As Ji Xingchen spoke, he heard the sound of the livestream locking onto heroes, so he shifted his gaze to the game screen on the computer and realized it was soon his turn to pick a hero.

He picked up his phone and quickly pre-selected Angela, whom he had been playing more recently. CbE68

Ji Xingchen moved forward a bit to sit on the chair.

“Brother Feng, let me do it.”


Ran Feng smiled and then hugged Ji Xingchen’s waist, turning with him and sitting down directly. a Pmo6

Ji Xingchen ended up sitting on Ran Feng’s lap…

The intimate and embarrassing position made him instinctively want to stand up.

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But his legs were just too weak, so he only struggled lightly, acting as gently as if he were coaxing Ran Feng.

A pair of long and warm arms wrapped around Ji Xingchen’s waist as Ran Feng buried his chin in his shoulder, speaking to him in a low tone. bc67MG

“Let’s play like this, I’ll hold you.”

Ran Feng’s voice was very low, and as he spoke, a warm breath blew over Ji Xingchen’s chilly earlobes and cheeks.

Suddenly, Ji Xingchen felt all his strength dissipate, and his fingertips were so weak that he almost couldn’t even hold his phone…

The game screen had already switched, with Angela spawning in the fountain. dujVIQ

In this position, Ji Xingchen took a quiet deep breath, trying hard to steady his mind.

But at this moment, all he could only focus on was Ran Feng’s breathing beside him, and the skin on his neck exposed by the pajamas, pressed tightly against Ran Feng’s skin.

In such a situation, he simply couldn’t calm down.

Trying to steady his chaotic heartbeat, he forced himself to focus on the game. ix4dAQ

Ji Xingchen’s Angela had the strength of a top-tier player in the national server. Even though his mind might be wandering, he was still wreaking havoc even in the Starlight tier.

Compared to Ran Feng’s Angela with a record of 3-8-2 in the first match, Ji Xingchen’s record looked much better.

Thirteen minutes in, he already had a score of 13-0-6 and even secured a pentakill.

“Pentakill.” h7Nacm

Ran Feng’s gentle laughter echoed in his ears, and Ji Xingchen who was enveloped in the familiar aura of the other, couldn’t ignore it at all.

The skin on his neck felt like it was being brushed by feathers continuously, causing Ji Xingchen to involuntarily tilt his head towards Ran Feng’s side, his shoulders trembling slightly.

“Don’t move, brother Feng… it, it’ll affect me.” Ji Xingchen’s face turned red as he spoke.

“I’ll try my best.” sWySiq

Although he said he wouldn’t move, his chin still brushed against Ji Xingchen’s neck.

In the game, Angela, whose second skill had never missed, directly threw a fireball to a position miles away from Blue Buff.

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Inside the livestream room—

[Someone’s replaced in, someone’s replaced in, this Angela definitely has been replaced.] Qdby7E

[Ever since Little Star’s voice appeared, the mages have been normal.]

[So that jungler king earlier was definitely a replaced for little Star, right?]


The water friends who were good at spotting clues didn’t stop their gossip. 0EnTV4

The sound that Ji Xingchen inadvertently let out in the early morning was too invigorating. It was known that someone was indeed helping him with the livestream just now, and he wasn’t alone.

So netizens were very curious. Who exactly was it, and for what reason, that made little Star, who was always punctual and early to rise, delay his livestream and take a lazy morning?

[Who is it? Who is the jungler king next to little Star!!]

[Brothers, tell me loudly, who among Little Star’s acquaintances is the strongest jungler king?] aEtFcZ

[It’s well known that the strongest jungler king must be—]

[Wanfeng Picks Star!]

[The surname Ran!]

[Roommate!] zHUuig

[Although Boss Wanfeng hasn’t appeared in a long time, I have to vote for Boss Wanfeng for this one.]

[That Li Bai just now, at first glance, you can tell it’s Boss Wanfeng’s style.]

There are a lot of popular CPs in these livestreams, but this time, for some reason, Wanfeng Picks Star, who hadn’t appeared in a long time, won the barrage vote.

Because he used to play ranked games with Ji Xingchen the most, everyone was very familiar with his jungle skills. IyBrY1

Even though he played casually today, some small details couldn’t be changed.

[I remember little Star said he moved to a friend’s house before. Could this friend be Boss Wanfeng?]

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[Exactly, the roommates are rich, and Boss Wanfeng is rich too.]

[The time Boss disappeared also coincides with the time of moving.] 7dPJMZ

[I was wondering why Boss Wanfeng hasn’t been in the livestream room for so long, turns out he’s just watching from the sidelines.]

[Living together with a real person, still watching livestreams? (facepalm)]

[I can ship StarFeng again!!!]

[Is this being together with Boss?] aMd9B

[See through without telling.]

[Stimulating… So my adorable roommates and Boss Wanfeng are both the same person?]

[Hmm, have you seen today’s livestream name? Sore throat… ]

[Who has a sore throat, little Star?] 2g9AkI

[Obviously, it’s Star, that voice just now, tsk tsk, probably got a bit intense last night.]


[Intense to the point where… can’t get out of bed kind of intense?]

The barrage was moving at lightning speed, and Ji Xingchen, who had just won the victory, happened to catch the last message from a water friend. WYCbFs

After reading the content clearly, he threw his phone directly and quickly ended the livestream.

Translator's Note

“Grass sisters or bushes sisters are characters who stayed in mid and also good at ambushing enemies

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1 comment

  1. Bunny boyfriend is running out again ~

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖